Christian POV

"The Council?" Ana asked.

"Yes, The council. All decision here are made with in the input of everyone." The boy stated proudly.

"Is there no one that is in charge?" I asked surprised.

"There is someone in charge but all major decisions are made as a group." The girl explained.

"When will that happen?" I asked

"First thing tomorrow morning," The boy stated.

"I'll take you to a place where you can get some sleep and something to eat," The girl offered.

Helen softened her scowl as she scanned the faces of her cohorts. The boy nodded his head strongly to the right motioning where he wanted us to be led. Her warm expressions flattened as she gave a nod of understanding. Without another word she led Christian and I to a small home that looked like something out of an episode of Little House on the Prairie. The small log-like cabin could not have been more than 600 square feet. The entire cabin had only one room. The room was illuminated through candlelight. A fireplace still smoldered in the center of the large rectangular room. A large area rug embroidered with flowers of purple and blue made the hardwood floor more comfortable and warm. The room had only a bed, night table and a dresser in the far corner. My guess was that it was too difficult to have items brought in from the outside and everything that Ana and I were seeing was either handmade or brought here when they original settled. The girl waited patiently while we scanned our new environment in detail. I was both impressed and surprised at the level of civilization present in this small secluded camp. It wasn't until both Ana and I diverted our gaze back in her direction did she let us know that there was an Outhouse approximately 5 feet from the house.

"Thank you so much," Ana gushed gratefully "Your hospitality is not going unnoticed."

"Don't get too comfortable," She warned "If the council decides that having you is too much of a risk then you will have to go."

"We're taking each day at a time," I responded "Allowing us to stay here for even one night makes such a huge difference."

"Enjoy it while you have it," She warned again "Just don't be surprised if you have to leave tomorrow."

"I take it you don't get many visitors?" Ana said

"Not really. We started out just like you did. We were travelling for a university trip when our plane hit a storm. We created this community from things we found in the area and what we could salvage from the wreckage." She explained

"How long have you been here?" Ana asked

"Just over a year," She replied.

"This is incredible for such a short period of time." I commented

"You would be surprised at what you can accomplished when you are in a life and death situation." She said

"Weren't there search parties sent out to find you? A plane full of university student's must have caused a huge uproar." I cried

"That could have happened but I'm not aware of it and as you can see no one ever found us." She answered allowing her head to fall slightly and her eyes to lower "I'm sure by now we have all been declared dead. I miss my family but this is my new family. We have grown very close and I would do anything to protect them. I'm sure you too feel the same way."

She looked over at Christian and I as though trying to connect emotionally through our shared experience. "Oh," I squeaked taken off guard "We are in this together."

I looked over at Christian for reassurance. His face said he agreed with my statement. We were both tired and grateful for the chance to sleep in a warm bed after close to a week in a cramped Cessna, even if only for one day. They could have just as easily left us in the wilderness to fend for ourselves but chose not to. "I don't know about you but I will be on my best behaviour and pray they don't decide to throw us to the wolves tomorrow," I said breaking the silence after the two girls had left.

"I'm with you on that one," Christian replied sitting at the edge of the bed "What choice do we have really? You won't see me misbehaving. Who knows when we will be rescued."

"My thoughts exactly." I agreed.

"But.." Christian started "Now that we are alone, you are free to misbehave as much as you like." He winked as his mouth parted into a mischievous grin. His needs and intentions could not have been more clear.

"I can't smoke or drink out here, and there is a limited amount of food choices. How could I possibly behave?" I smirked flirtatiously.

"Well," Christian started "you could strip down to just your bra and panties, teasing is on the list of no no's. Not to mention being naked and kinky in a foreign place."

"You must have dug deep into your bin of creativity to come up with those rules." I countered

"Just some things I prefer my lady not to do but I'll make an exception for you," He smirked

"I'm your lady now then?" I asked

"You are as far as I am concerned." He smiled.

"I never told you this before," I grinned "But I love to treat my men well." I pulled my shirt over my head allowing it to fall on the ground in front of Christian's feet. I skin felt cool and clean as the dirty garment was pulled off of it. Christian's smirked grin turned into a wide smile expressing the visual pleasure that was unfolding before him. I slowly pulled my pants down to my ankles kicking them to the side. I stood still in front of Christian allowing him to take in every inch of my body. I knelt down on my knees between his legs admiring the bulge that was steadily forming underneath his loose fitting dress pants. As if on cue he lifted his ass off the bed pulling down his pants and undergarments to his ankles. His cock was poised to attention. The head dark and engorged with blood. I took a deep breath to prepare myself then I placed my warm wet mouth over his swollen member. I sigh of release escaped Christian's lips as he rolled his shoulders back allowing his forearms to sink into the soft mattress. I ignored the subtle soreness in my jaw as I took him further in to my mouth. Allowing his precum to soak my lips with salty goodness. I felt his cock stiffen till it became a thick hard rod.

"Stop!" He begged placing his hand on my head "I'm going to cum."

I stopped immediately as he command then raised my head to look up into his eyes. My lips shiny with his wet juices. Suddenly he grabbed both my shoulders. lifting my up and dropping me in front of his hard cock as he fell back on the duvet. His body sinking into the soft bouncy coils of the mattress. As though I could read his mind I took his hard cock by the base of the shaft and guided it into my wet entrance. Instinctually I started to thrust into him harder and harder as I approached orgasm. His moans deepened as he road the waves of pleasure. He grabbed my hips guiding my movements. His warm touch electrifying my body. I felt an explosion of release as My body spasmed with bliss. Muscles went limp as I collapsed beside him. A loving smile crept across my face. I was in heaven and for a moment it was as though the world had stood still and as I looked into his eyes I knew he felt the same way.