It is a normal morning when Louis Reed comes into my life. I sit in my spacious office when the new electrician knocks on my door. A tall and well-built man enters my office when I gesture him to come in. I find myself fixated on his features. He looks similar to Christian Grey. Chiseled face, chocolate curls, fair skin, and glimmering blue eyes.

"Hello," He says. "I heard there is something wrong with your computer?" His voice is smooth, but it lacks Christian's authoritative tone.

"My computer isn't working." I point to it.

Louis didn't appear fazed. "No problem, Mrs. Grey." I get out of my chair to give Louis room. He and I exchange a friendly smile to each other. It is during lunchtime and even though I have finished my delicious lunch, I desired a toasty mocha. I walk out of my office and close the door behind me.

The building is buzzing with hardworking employees. Nervous interns are scattering around the place, collecting papers and obeying orders.

"Hello, Mrs. Grey." I smile like a giddy child at the sight of Christian Grey. My darling husband, my gallant knight in shining armor. I gaze amazed at his chiseled face, oh how I would love to run my tongue down his chin.

"Hello, Mr. Grey." I scroll over to him without a care in the world. I give him a sweet peck on the lips. Electricity runs through me instantly. I want him inside of me so badly, but I know I must wait. Not at work, I must have a perfect image.

Christian gazes at me, his warm fingers caress my chin. "You're biting your lip." He says impassively.

I smile at that information. I can't wait to get home now.

Reality kicks in and I remember I want a mocha. "I'm still on my lunch break." Then I realize that Christian isn't listening to me. He is looking suspiciously ahead. I feel his firm hands clutch my arms in a protective fashion.

He presses his cool lips on my forehead. "Who is that, Mrs. Grey?" His voice loses all warmth and is chilling. I snap my head at my office to see Louis diligently working on my computer. He doesn't seem to notice that we are both gawking at him.

"Mr. Reed. He is the new electrician." I explain softly.

Christian pulls away from me, giving me a stern look. "Ana, when were you going to inform about his arrival?" He demands.

I feel my cheeks heating. Curious eyes glance at us.

"My computer is broken." I say.

"I don't like him." Christian takes a stiff step toward my office. I am swift, grabbing his wrists. "Christian, he is working." I defend. I can't help but relish how handsome he is when he is fierce.

Oh, my 50. When will you ever realize I am all yours?

"I'll get my personal electrician to fix your computer for you," Then an idea pops into his mind. "Or better I will buy you another computer." I shake my head. "No! Mr. Reed is doing his job. Everything is fine." I say with all of the firmness I could muster. Christian stops his pursue to glare at me.

Then as if on cue, Louis departs from my office. He flashes me a broad smile. "It's working great now, Mrs. Grey." I smile at him. "You just had a little virus on there. Nothing serious, but it did freeze up."

Christian glares at him coldly. He extends out a stiff hand to him. "I am the husband, Christian Grey." He says firmly.

I can't help but to giggle at Christian. Oh my 50. Always have to have the upper hand.

Louis appears slightly confused but still shakes his hand politely. "I'm Louis Reed, sir." He says.

Christian ends the handshake as soon as it began. "Thank you, you can go now. Finish your lunch break." He commands. Louis nods with a smile. He seems to have no idea of Christian's jealousy. He departs from us without a care.

"Christian, I need to go back to work."

Christian scowls at me. "You will not use his services anymore." His tone is absolute. I flush, I am taken aback from his words. He doesn't give me enough time to respond. "You will use mine, her name is Sarah. She is a better fit."

I can't help the frown forming on my face. Anger fills my voice. "Christian, he's new. He hasn't done anything wrong." I whisper harshly.

"Do you want a case of Jack Hyde? Remember?" His words are cold and grave. "Sarah. Sarah Harris. You will be using her. She is very polite and hardworking." Christian departs from me before we could escalate our argument. I feel like an upset teenager when I sulk back into my office. I feel so bad for Louis. I hope Christian doesn't fire him.

My computer works perfectly thanks to Louis and I begin to work. At one point, my Blackberry buzzes and I take a brief break. I grab my Blackberry and I look at it to see that I have messages from Christian. I do not. This feud between us is not over. I have no intentions of using Sarah Harris as my new electrician when Louis is harmless.

I email him.

To: Christian Grey

From: Anastasia Grey

Title: Controlling Husband

Louis is harmless and has done nothing wrong. He is very polite and hardworking. I do not know everything about him, but he is not a bad person. If you keep up this "Christian Grey's jealousy." You and I will not indulge in our pleasant fuckery tonight.

From, your pissed wife.

I hit send and I wait. Hannah, my diligent assistant has given me a sweet mocha to sip on. I have a meeting within an hour and I wait patiently for Christian to reply.

Eventually, he does.

To: Anastasia Grey

From: Christian Grey

Title: Palm Twitchy upset Husband

Louis Reed will no longer speak to you. If he does, he will be terminated from this business. Sarah will happily assist you with your computer issues.

I swiftly email him back.

To: Christian Grey

From: Anastasia Grey

Title: No.

No, Christian. Louis will be my electrician. I am your wife and I will never leave you. But you must stop with this jealousy of me speaking to anyone with a Y chromosome. I love you, 50 and you need to realize that. Louis will work with me as he works for everyone else here.

No fuckery tonight.

I feel empowering pride brewing in my chest at this moment. I hit send and I bask in my glory.

Christian says nothing. Instantly, I want to protect Louis from being fired. He is brand new and now he is caught in the tornado of Christian Grey. Oh my 50. I call his line.

"Mr. Reed, please come down here. I need you to check my computer once more. I would like to know what virus I had."

"Sure, Mrs. Grey." Louis's voice is bright and professional. "Coming right up." Once the call is over, I email Christian.

To: Christian Grey

From: Anastasia Grey

Louis will be checking on my computer to see what virus has infected it and how to avoid them. He is a great worker and is not trying to steal me away. No more jealous Christian. Also, contact Ms. William about Teddy and Phoebe. Thank you.

From your loving wife, Ana.

Then my cell phone fiercely rings in my pocket. I pull out my cell phone to see that I have a call from Christian. I answer it swiftly.

"Do you like my twitchy palm, Mrs. Grey?" His voice is threatening.

I roll my eyes. "Christian, he is coming and you will deal with it."

"I can fire him right now. You know very little about him."

I shake my head. "No."

"Did you know his wife left him?"

I didn't understand the importance of that information. I was not shocked that Christian knew this. My 50 always have to know everything.

Christian keeps going. "He is a single Father and he has two speeding tickets and a DUI."

I shrug. "That has nothing to do with Louis's work skills." I reason.

"Why are you calling him by his first name?" His tone is accusatory.

"Goodbye, Christian." I hang up boldly.

As if on cue, Louis enters my office with a professional smile. "Hello, Mrs. Grey." He says gently.

I smile at him warmly. I get up from my chair to give him room. "Mr. Reed, I should inform you about my husband." I start.

Then Christian Grey barges into my office. His eyes are blazing with fury, his face is sealed in a scowl. "Hello, Mr. Reed." Louis turns to him nonchalantly.

"Hello, Mr. Grey." He says. Louis gives him a broad smile.

"Christian, he is checking my computer."

I take one look at Christian and I know what he is going to do. "No, Christian. Leave." I order. Now Louis appears uncomfortable. He takes a glance at me full of concern.

"Leave this office." Christian shoots Louis a chilling glare. "Or you will lose your job." He warns ominously. Louis nods without a word, as if his life depended on it, he scampers out of the room. I gaze at Christian. All of his hotness almost overshadows his controlling behavior. Almost.

"Christian!" I rebuke. "Louis is doing his job."

Christian whirls around to me. "You're calling him Louis now?" He points out sharply. "His work name is Mr. Reed." He corrects.

I can't help myself from raising my voice. "Christian, this is unreasonable!" I scold. Christian glares at me. "I don't want people drooling over you. You have a beautiful figure that people want and you are mine."

Christian runs his long fingers through his chestnut hair. The movements he makes is seductive. "We have two kids together. Both of them need their Mother. They need a role model."

I cross my arms like a child. "Christian, Mr. Reed has nothing to do with that. Teddy and Phoebe are fine." Then I remember my request. "Did you call the Nanny?"

Christian nods. "Of course. She told me everything is fine," He is hasty to get back to the subject. His eyes burn into mine with a raw passion. "You are making a big show, Mrs. Grey. I guess you really want a fun time tonight." He gives me a seductive grin that makes me gush inside.

Christian's eyes soften. "Do you know about his history?"

"No and I don't care." I say. "It is none of my business."

Christian rolls his eyes impetuously. "It is. He works here and we have his records. He has a DUI. He has children with a record of speeding tickets and a DUI. Not to mention, his ex-wife left him."

I sigh annoyed. "Christian, stop acting like he is a predator or a madman with a history of murdering women. I do not care about his past because his past has nothing to do with me or his work. Clearly, if he had felony types charges, he would not be hired. Also considering that he does have kids should be a good reason not to fire him. He is a good worker who seems very friendly."

"The way he looks at you is not friendly." Christian snaps.

I just want the argument to be over. "I have a meeting," I say firmly. With that, I march out of my office like a furious child. Christian doesn't pursue me and I go to my meeting accordingly.

When the day is over, I head home with Christian to our darling children. He refuses to speak to me, his eyes cold and averted.

But yet his warm fingers are on my thigh. I can't help but be enthralled by his gallant face. I am bold and I caress his face.

"Stop, Ana." He commands. I do.

All of my dampened spirits when I see my happy children. Phoebe is still crawling and Theodore, (Teddy.) prances over to me. "Mommy!" He chirps.

I hold him in my arms. The little boy gives me a sweet hug. My heart lifts with delight. "I love you, Teddy!" I plant a kiss on his forehead.

"Ana, I want to talk to you." Christian commands. He is beckoning me to the bedroom. Ms. Jones is cooking a meal in the kitchen. Phoebe is contently playing with blocks in the living room. The house is peacefully quiet, unlike my husband.

I put Teddy down. "Go play with Phoebe," I order. With that, I depart from him and go to Christian.

Once we enter the bedroom, Christian swiftly closes the door. His facial expression is predatory and livid. I feel so small and helpless in his menacing presence.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You are testing my patience, Mrs. Grey!" Christian snarls. I see his hand begin to twitch. Palm twitchy mad. Quickly, he sits down on the bed. He pats a hand on his lap. "You are getting a spanking." He grins wickedly.

No. No. I will not be spanked. I didn't do anything wrong. "Louis Reed is a worker!" I say loudly.

"He will no longer work there!" Christian barks angrily. "You are my wife." He adds menacingly.

"Honey," I scamper over to him like a kitten. I force out an adorable smile to divert his rage. "Why do you like to disobey me, Mrs. Grey?" He demands. His voice is husky and hot.

Instead of hopping onto his lap, I draw him into a prolonging kiss on the lips. "I love you, I love you!" I chant. I just want everything to be over. No more jealous Christian. No more drama. I just want sexy and playful Christian.

"Are you acting all bratty because you want some downtime with me?" Christian ask me, his silver eyes gleaning with both fury and eagerness.

I caress his jawline with my finger. "Yes, Mr. Grey." I lie.

Then I see the sheer fury in Christian's eyes. It is as if a monster takes over his mind and soul. "Well forget it!" He snarls, pushing me off of him.

I feel like Christian punched me in the stomach, the sheer shock of his rejection hits me like a freight train. "Christian," My heart begins to break.

"You want to leave me?" He ask, the fury is replaced with misery.

I shake my head immediately. "No! NO! Why do you think that?" I shriek.

"You're attracted to that fucker! That fucker Louis!" Christian grows red in the face, his teeth clenched.

I shake my head. "No! Stop! Do not accuse me of that! I love you!" I wail, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Christian is callous. "Don't give me the waterworks! It was all about the money, isn't it? Think about Ted and Phoebe! All of the things we built together and you're attracted to a loser with nothing!" I feel so much hurt right now, I cry my little heart out. My crying is so loud that Teddy calls out to me.

"Everything is fine, Ted. Mommy is just sad." I excuse.

Christian crosses his arms, glaring at me. "Good job teaching your kid how to lie!" He hiss.

Holy shit. Christian is furious. Never before have our fights been so….passive aggressive. All of his words are cruel and heartbreaking.

"You want to leave me, Mrs. Grey." His tone is a matter of a fact.

I shake my head defiantly. "NO! I do not! Stop!" I weep brokenly. Why? Why? Why is this happening? I remember how happy we have been in recent years. Theodore's birth, Phoebe's birth, preschool and school events. We have been living the ideal life of a married couple. Why is all of it crumbling down? Maybe I did do something wrong? I think of Louis. I don't know why I am drawn to him. It is not romantic. It is platonic. He isn't Christian Grey. I gave all of my love to him and only him.

"Christian, stop," I mutter. "Please."

"NO!" His intense words makes me jerk. "You want to slut around the office!" He accuses me. I want space. I need time to think. Everything is too toxic right now. I know this will be a long argument.

I find my voice through my emotional turmoil. "NO, Christian! I am still here! You can stop with this nonsense! Tonight, I am not sleeping with you. I need space!"

Christian stands up, his eyes honing on me like a predator. "You are my wife." He snarls.

"I am. And I need space!" I declare.

Christian scowls, baring his teeth. "You're taking the kids?" Of course. I want the children near me. They need their Mother. I don't want them to hear our yelling and screaming. "Yes, Christian. I am going to a hotel tonight and I will be right back in the morning."

"I will track your phone," Christian informs me. "Don't get any bright ideas about running off with the kids. I will find you no matter what." I see the pain in this man's eyes. Poor 50. I have hurt him. Why is all of this happening? What is happening to my once delightful marriage? "I am leaving tonight," I say firmly. I force myself to turn my back to him. "I will be back," I reassure him. Then I hurry out of the room to gather the children.


I find myself at a local Embassy Suite downtown. Phoebe is fast asleep in her baby carrier. The guards accompany me as I check into the hotel with the little ones. I get a deluxe room on the fifteenth floor. As I head to my hotel room, Teddy is tiredly holding my hand. Tears drips down my cheeks, I feel like the entire world is on my shoulders. My head feels like it is going to explode. Teddy is quiet, he is bouncing up and down, full of energy.

"Mrs. Grey!" I snap my head to see Louis with his children. It is almost surreal to see him. I examine his children. Four little girls that are contently standing next to their Father. The one thing I took from the family is the difference between all of them. A sylphlike, biracial girl with black curls and brown eyes, her skin tone is a beautiful light brown. The other girls drastically contrast. I did not think they were all biological siblings. There is a fair skinned girl with golden blonde hair and blue eyes and the two youngest ones are twins. I could tell from their identical facial structures. They were the cutest of them all. They are both pint-sized with light brown curls, an oval-shaped face, and a dimpled smile. Their eyes are shimmering brown. I could somewhat tell them apart from their different clothing and their hairstyles. One has curly, loose hair and the other one has a neat braid. The little girls are the animated one. Twirling around like an elated ballerina. Louis is proceeding to get into his hotel room, he is vibing with amusement from the children.

"Hello, Mrs. Grey," His tone changes when he sees my tears. "Um...are you okay?"

I blink my tears away. I struggle to find my voice. I was not okay. I was heartbroken from Christian's coldness.

"I just had a bad day." I say plainly.

Louis appears compassionate. "I'm sorry if I started anything, Mrs. Grey…" He apologizes. Louis opens the door, the girls all glances curiously at me. They were so well behaved. Teddy can be an unruly boy, but right now, he is slightly tired. The girls are standing by, not making a fuss at all.

"No, it's fine…" I croak weakly.

The girls all scroll into the hotel room. Louis smiles warmly at me. "Need to talk to someone?" He offers.

I did. I did want to talk someone. I needed all of my emotions to be released. Is this wrong? Should I put Phoebe and Teddy in the room first? Or should I talk now? I feel all of my pent emotions boiling inside of me.

"I should put the kids in bed first," I tell him. I enter my hotel room and put a hyper Teddy in the soft hotel bed and I put Phoebe next to my bed, leaving her in her baby carrier. I hurry out of the room, my tears rushing down my cheeks.

Louis waits patiently by his hotel room door. We are across from each other, our eyes glued to each other. "Are you okay?" Louis ask.

I shake my head. "No." I begin to regret this decision. I can't disclose everything. No. No. What am I doing? Christian will return back to normal. Everything will be normal tomorrow. Christian and I need to let out steam. We are both adults.

I change the subject, I force my voice to lighten. "I'm fine. Really." I lie.

Louis doesn't seem to believe me. He appears deep in thought. "Me and my girls are planning to go eat. You wanna join us?" His voice is refreshingly cheerful. His broad smile brings rays of warmth through my stiff skin.

"Teddy would love it." I remark. "He could have a mini playdate with your little ones."

Louis chuckles warmly. "Awesome! We're getting ready right now!" I think of Christian's information about Louis. He has a ex wife. He has four little girls. He looks quite young to have all of those children. The eldest one looks to be either ten or eleven. I wonder how young he was when he had them.

I think of his record. Two speeding tickets and a DUI. All with four small daughters. Christian's mind molds into mine. Should I be concerned about him? But his smile is infectious. He reminds me of playful, nice Christian.

"Yes." I agree.

Next chapter will come soon. Reviews and thoughts. Also I should clarify that I am writing about how I would see Ana and Christian's toxic relationship go. This is a fanfiction based in a unrealistic boik series based on Twilight. Bear in mind.