Okay so this is something new i'm trying out a story based on Riverdale.
So hang tight as you're in for a ride with the Bughead couple! Enjoy and if you have time leave a review for me:) Thanks:P

Standing in the dark classroom staring at the suspects board Betty smiled to herself as Jughead spoke of all the ways Jason could of been killed and by who, she was still thinking about how he kissed her with so much passion and softness. How their hands holding was so empowering and romantic... It was perfect.
"What are you smiling about Betty?" Jughead gave a small laugh and made his way over to her and clasped her cold hands into his.
"I was just admiring you Jug, I'm allowed to do that right?" She chuckled.
"You are , but may I remind you that once we start the whole circle of romantic stares and cute glances i'm afraid I will be unable to resist you Cooper." He grinned. It was coming to the end of the school day and together they had planned to walk back to Betty's house for some alone time due to her parents taking a weekend break to try and understand their "crazy lives" as they put it.

"Do you think Archie and V should know about us ?" Betty warmed her hands up into his.
"I don't know its hard to tell yet, I know we have to tell them but I enjoy being in this moment of us before telling the world that is a small judgemental community known as home." Jughead replied and Betty nodded her head.

They had been together a few months but hadn't told anyone yet, the security they both felt was indescribable. At times Betty couldn't resit but to think of him in more ways than she cared to count. And she knew Jughead was the same, the flirtatious texts would agree and how they looked at each other when around other people was in a way that only they knew and felt. The bell rang and once they collected their things and covered the boards and files they began the walk home hand in hand but carefully looking to see if anyone could see them.

Walking through the park towards Betty's home the leaves blew across the floor and crunched under their feet.

"Sometimes I forget this town can be a pleasant and beautiful place you know?" Jug stopped and took a moment to look around and the autumn leaves falling from the trees and the sky which was clouded but still warm.
"I know what you mean, recently with everything I feel like this town has become a place of dark thoughts and crazy families just falling apart. Mine included, I feel if I start to loose my mind I'll be just like my parents. But let me know when that happens okay? Don't let me become one of them." She took a deep breath and then felt a warm hand touch her blushed cheek.
"Hey don't you dare start thinking that way, you are not them Bet. We are not our parents. If we were I would either be a drunk or a runaway both of which don't have a care for me. I wouldn't watch you start to believe that you could be them, It's impossible." His voice broke slightly at the thought the woman he desperately cared for maybe even loved was feeling that way about herself. She was beautiful, smart and so gentle how could she of come from monsters like her parents? They started to approach her front door and once inside they placed down their bags and coats and went up to her room and lay across her bed staring out the window.

"I'm sorry Juggy, I know you're probably so tired of hearing about dysfunctional families who aren't really that bad. It can't be easy for any of us but I forget there's worse people out there." She rested her head into his chest, he knew what she meant it didn't offend him anymore like it once did. He had become so much more open to the fact he had a life that most would say wasn't worth living. But he was living.
"Its okay... no one is perfect. No family is for that matter. We can all pretend but what's the use? Secrets don't stay hidden for long and when their out it breaks us or makes us... " He brushed her soft hair with his hands and she tilted her head to look at him. The sunlight shone onto his hair and she slowly sat up and placed her lips onto his.
"I was stupid to think I could ever do this alone, but meeting you has changed that. Because you Betty Cooper are the reason I wake every morning and the reason I am grateful to be alive when god knows i'd wished otherwise before you." He smiled at her and she blushed at the thought she meant that much to him. She began to kiss him once more but this time harder and this time the kissing was returned. Suddenly Jughead pulled away and Betty looked up at him.
"What's wrong Jug?" She looked confused.
"Betty if we do this i'm afraid I won't be able to resist you. Do you want this? Do you want me?" Jug looked down at her as he held her waist.

She moved her leg over and sat on top of him.
"Jug I want you, all of you..." And with that their lips connected once more only this time... to not let go...

There we go, chapter 1 is done! I will be writing more soon if you want me to carry it on:) I know exactly where its heading and have so many ideas about it!