Hello every other Watchers, Readers, Observers, Writers, Creators, etc... etc...

My User name is EXRB and welcome to my humble little world, where my very own selfish desire became true, where everything is under my will/desire/rule, I am your host and all of you are my noble guests, but please read & try to following my rules here.

First thing first, It is my responsibility to inform you all the Rules and conditions that's going on here.

1. This is my first fiction story, so I expect I am going to make a lot mistake, so please, do criticism me if you find error.

2. Unlike all the "reaction fiction" where writer focusing on Multiverse reality, I am going to make this story a focusing on reacting "Other Universe" aka "Not alternate Remnant".

3. The Story's reacting list is highly random by myself as I really made up my mind, so please no request in reviews, no PM to request, you can still suggest in reviews, but it's not likely I'll consider, but if you have any thought, please at least say it, you never know if I might change my mind.

4. English is NOT my native language, I am an Asian, a Taiwanese, I speak Chines, and I am still learning English, mostly the grammar. so I admit I'm basically writing this story as a practice & a challenge to my self.

5. Because my own personality problem(yes I admit that I have problem), I DON'T find anime or TV show appealing, nor I have any interesting, so I barely watching any of those, so if you are expecting reaction of anime like: Naruto, Dragon Ball, One Piece, JoJo's Bizarre adventure. Or TV show like: Kamen Rider, Doctor who, ect. then I am afraid these are out of my knowledge and comfort zone.(but I'll have you all know I am at least still trying forcing myself to watching this IRL)

6. Most of the Universe that's going to appear in the story are heavily Video Games, case I'm a college student who studied video games design. I don't just like video games, I LOVE video games.

7. And because I am still a student, update of the story is going to be completely random period, as I am one & half years before my graduation, I am sure as hell I am going to be busy as crazy.

8. I'll try my best to catch the Remnant Caste's personality, but mostly I am going to digging around everyone's personal view & thought toward life, so it is highly possible some character are going to become OOC as the story progressing.

9. As for the Important MATTER as Shiping... Just let you know I am an open mind, and I respect everyone's option, BUT I REFUSE to be influenced by your opinions.

10. I know I am asking a lot from you readers, and I know this is really selfish, but this is my story, and all I am asking is the respect of my story.

I DO NOT own any of the character in this story except my OC, RWBY belongs to their rightful owner & creator: RoosterTeeth, and so as all the other video games franchises that's going to appearing in this story.

So… a lot of people are writing their own "react fiction", I mean… it IS a popular option, not to mention there's a lot of rooms that can make use of creativity of people's own.

But you know… I think there's simply too many of them out there, don't get me wrong, they are all unique in their own ways, but it's just simply way too many, to a point where you could probably guess how the formula is going to lead to.

And then it strike me, an idea, an unique idea, somebody out there probably have the same idea like me, but just haven't start their own, well… it's not like I am going to let chance like this pass away... am I?

But… can I actually pull this through? I have no one to help but my own.

Or is it?

You know… it is always too early to come to conclusion before you even try.

This is not going to be easy. But I think I got it, and I am not a man to back down from my decision, I never regret my action (well…most of it), but I certainly won't be should this plan go wrong.

Well… than it is decide. So first thing first, I need to prepare a lot of things, and possibly going through a lot of hardship and mostly time consuming hell.

And possibly breaking a lot of laws & physical.

You know, why do I even bother, after all, it's free real estate .

OH boi, this is going to be B-E-A-Utiful, all shall be damn if I didn't.