A/N: Hey guys! This is my first Downton Abbey fic, so you all will have to let me know what you think. Throughout the series, I always found myself thinking "well what happened after that?" or "what if this happened?" So these thoughts resulted in a multi-chaptered fic of oneshots about our favorite Downton couple: Cobert. These chapters will almost always include many other of our favorite characters, both upstairs and downstairs, but will mainly focus on Cora and Robert. I hope you guys enjoy this fic and that you will let me know what you think!

Following the sinking of the Titanic, what did the loss of the heirs James and Patrick mean? How would it affect Cora and what would it remind her of? How would Robert react and respond? What is it that Carson witnesses?

Chapter 1: Don't Ever Forget It

Sunlight filtered into the library, warming the red couches. A soft breeze kept the temperature of the room comfortable enough. The wonderful weather did not match the atmosphere, however.

As Robert walked into the large room, he let out a sigh. He headed straight for his desk, nearly missing the beautiful figure perched on one of the red couches.

Cora sat quietly in the cushions, a book in her dainty hands. Slowing his pace towards the dark wooden desk, Robert silently observed her for a moment. He took in her beauty like he did the sunshine from outside, like he did the air.

Her dark curly hair was done up beautifully, some curls hanging loose against her milky neck. He took in her fair skin, devoid of flaws. Her slender figure was very appreciative, sparking a feeling in Robert.

He sighed once again, though this one was so much more relaxed.

At the sound of Robert's sigh, Cora jumped, her wide eyes landing on him. He smiled, stopping in his path towards his desk. His heart fluttered at the small smile Cora offered him.

"Hello, darling," she said gently, her shoulders relaxing slightly and her sapphire blue eyes focusing on him. He could tell she had been very distracted when he had come in.

"Cora, my dear," he greeted her with pure happiness. It was good to have a break from the sadness that seemed to blanket the house.

It seemed it would be a short lived break, however. His smile faltered when he saw the sadness in the depths of Cora's striking blue eyes. She couldn't keep his gaze, her blue eyes becoming watery as she averted them. A small sobbing gasp escaped her as she tried to keep in her tears, and one of her hands went to cover her lips.

"Cora, my dearest one," Robert said as he rushed to her side, sitting close to her and putting his arm around her shaking shoulders. "What is the matter?"

Cora's shoulders shook with each gasp she took, trying to hold in her sobs. Robert's arm around her seemed to make it worse.

"Please, Cora. Tell me," Robert pleaded with her, worry and concern evident in his eyes and voice. Cora couldn't force herself to look at him. Her heart was heavy and her mind full of cruel thoughts.

"I'm sorry," she gasped, her hand still covering her mouth to try and keep the sobs in.

"Cora, you've nothing to be sorry for, my darling," Robert insisted, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. "Please, what is the mat—"

"Your Lordship—"

Robert looked up to glare at the intruder, finding Carson standing at the door with a surprised look on his face.

"Not now, Carson!" Robert snapped. The butler quickly composed himself.

"I'm sorry, My Lord," Carson apologized before turning and leaving.

As Carson passed through the door, shutting it slightly, he found himself pausing as Her Ladyship's muffled sobs continued. Was the house in trouble? Had there been more news about the Titanic and the Crawley's family?

Carson knew it was wrong, but he remained at the door, peeking and eavesdropping in silence.

He watched as His Lordship's attention returned entirely to Lady Grantham.

"Now please, Cora, you're making me so terribly worried. Let me help you feel better, my dear," he pled with her. Her Ladyship continued to sob, though holding in the sounds quite well.

"I shouldn't have let my-my feelings overwhelm me in this w-way, darling. I'm sorry, Robert," she apologized again, desperately trying to get her emotions under control.

Carson found himself nodding slightly. The intense show of emotion did seem very unladylike and very American, but he found that his heart went out to her. She seemed very distressed and Carson couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

Carson watched as His Lordship shook his head in exasperation.

"Cora!" he said more firmly but just as caring and loving as before. He was very worried. "You are my wife..." he said, reaching up to caress Her Ladyship's cheek, "and I love you, my dearest darling. Nothing will ever change that."

Cora stared blankly at her husband, his words echoing in her mind. Suddenly she felt like bursting into tears again. Here was her loving husband, supporting and loving her. And for a moment she had been so scared to share her feelings.

"I'm sorry, Rob—"

"No," Robert cut her off gently, a soft smile forming on his lips. "No more apologizing."

Cora took in a breath to apologize again, for apologizing. Robert seemed to sense this because he gave her a warning look, the corner of his lips upturned just slightly. With a short nervous laugh that sounded more like a sigh of air, Cora lowered her gaze in embarrassment and closed her lips.

"Now," Robert began softly, his arm wrapping lovingly around her small waist and his hand resting on her hip, "are you going to tell me what the matter is?"

Cora felt her heartbeat quicken again and her eyes prickled with tears. But she forced her eyes to meet his dark blue ones. She saw the love as plain as day in those beautiful eyes she loved so much. Her chest constricted painfully. Robert didn't deserve her—the failed Countess. He was far too good for her.

Tears brimmed in Cora's eyes, and Robert began to worry again. He thought he had calmed her down, but it seemed she was only working herself up again. He wished she would just tell him what was causing her so much pain.

"I know you don't want me to apologize anymore," Cora finally spoke, forcing her voice to work. "But I'm sorry, Robert. I don't deserve you. You are far too good for me, darling. You don't deserve me. Or this," she gestured slightly to her stomach, causing Robert to glance down in confusion. "I've failed you. This mess we're in and the stress put on you, it's because..."

Cora's tears were falling again and her voice choked, her breathing becoming uneven and making it difficult to speak. But she had to finish.

"Because I couldn't give you a son!"

Robert watched Cora with wide eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes were full of sorrow and tears streaked down her soft fair cheeks. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. His breathtakingly beautiful, intelligent, clever, kind wife thought she wasn't worthy of him? He felt the complete opposite. If anyone was unworthy it was him. She thought that she had failed him? He was flabbergasted at the ridiculousness of it all, so much so that he let out a laugh. This only seemed to hurt and confuse Cora, as her expression fell further and her eyes glistened. Robert quickly dove into his response, his face still showing amusement.

"My darling Cora," he said softly, reaching up to cup her cheek. "You amazing, clever, intelligent, beautiful but terribly silly woman..."

Cora watched his eyes carefully, her brows knitted together and her rosy lips turned in a worried frown.

"How can you think you've failed me in any way? Do you know how much I love you? How happy you've made me?" Robert said, caressing her cheek with his thumb. "If you do not, then I'm afraid it is I who have failed you."

Cora's lips parted, as if she wanted to say something, but Robert could see she was hesitant. He hoped his eyes were encouraging enough.

"But I haven't given you an heir. All of your life's work will go to a complete stranger now. You not only had to deal with James, an unpleasant task in itself, but you were going to have to give him everything," she began rambling, looking down at her hands in her lap with unfocused attention. "I couldn't give you a son...what you've always wanted. Losing James and Patrick only reminded me more of the fact. And now, here I am—a failed Countess, unworthy of your love and attention, an aging, old, and dried up—"

"Cora!" Robert finally interrupted, his eyes wide at her growing intensity of self deprecating. How could she think that of herself? He didn't understand. He didn't see any of those things in her.

"I don't know where you get these silly ideas," he said as if scolding her. "How do you see yourself in this way? I'm flabbergasted!"

Cora glanced up at Robert's look of horror and shock, but quickly returned her gaze to her lap.

"Do you know what I see, my darling?" he asked, pausing and watching her carefully. She refused to meet his eyes. With a sigh, he took one of her small hands in his larger one. This made her look up at him from beneath her dark lashes.

He took a moment to just admire her beauty, allowing his feelings to pour into his usually stoic expression.

"I see my breathtakingly beautiful wife and the mother of my beautiful daughters, whom I love very dearly. I wouldn't trade any of them for anything or anyone. Cora when I look at you, I see a clever and kindhearted woman. I see a strong and very able Countess, someone that everyone admires. Even my mother, though she will never admit it," Robert chuckled, his heart fluttering when the smallest amused smile appeared on Cora's full lips. He could see that her shoulders were relaxing and her sorrow was easing. The sadness in her eyes was being replaced by love as she looked up at him. This made him smile and feel that he could handle her less carefully now. Robert slid ever closer to his wife, as closely as he could, until their legs and hips were flush against each other. He took a chance and leaned his head in slightly, a smirk forming on his lips. He heard her intake of air as he drew near.

"When I look at you, my darling," he said lowly, bringing his hand up to cup her cheek once again, "I see the most desirable, heart-stopping woman I have ever laid eyes on. I see the most dangerously attractive woman, whom only grows even more so through time. I see striking sapphire eyes that could both freeze and melt me in my spot," Robert said softly, leaning forward even more and planting a soft kiss between her eyes. He felt Cora's long lashes flutter closed and heard the soft sigh that escaped her lips. He brought his other hand up to hold the other side of her face, holding her soft cheeks gently in both of his hands. Taking advantage of her closed eyes, he pressed slow kisses on each eye lid and on her cheeks beneath her long lashes.

Slowly, he pulled away, but only by inches. He met her blue gaze with his once again, seeing tears brimming in her eyes again. But he knew these were tears of happiness and overwhelming love.

"I see the same beautiful face that I meet in all of my dreams, that I met all those years ago," he said quietly, his British accent enriching his deep voice. Slowly, he leaned forward again, this time tilting his head to press kisses against her jaw. He trailed several slow, wet kisses from her cheekbone, down her jaw, and to her soft milky neck.

From the doorway, Carson's eyes bugged out of his head and he quickly turned away. His face flushed and warmed beneath his collar. He shouldn't have been eavesdropping anyway, and he supposed this was his punishment. With a quick shake of his head and smoothing of his butler attire, he turned on his head and walked away from the room, the image of His Lordship kissing Her Ladyship burned into his mind. He really should be more careful when he felt like eavesdropping or trying to find out information. Sometimes, particularly with Lord and Lady Grantham, he found out far more than he wanted to. With another shake of his head and a sniff, Carson began to erase all thoughts of his employers and return his mind to his duties as butler. Perhaps downstairs would provide a distraction from the uncomfortable feelings he still held. As he walked down the stairs, Carson had a fleeting thought that he hoped none of the other servants ever witnessed any indecent show like the one he had. He shivered at the horrible thought, and then that was the last of it. As he entered the servant's hall, he forced all other thoughts other than his duty from his mind.

Still in the library, Robert continued kissing his wife's soft neck, sucking slightly. He only pulled back, barely centimeters away, when he heard the soft moan that rumbled in Cora's throat. He smiled down at her softly, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs.

"I see the most alluring, pleasurable, delicious lips," he continued huskily. Having picked up on his pattern, Cora parted her lips and lifted her chin expectantly. Robert didn't disappoint. He leaned down and took her lips with his in the slowest, most passionate kiss Cora could remember them sharing. She wanted more, and her arms rose to wrap slowly around his neck and pull him closer, her hands running over his chest and shoulders. Robert knew he had to stop. He didn't want to, not with her body so close, her hands rubbing over his body, and her lips parting to deepen the the kiss. But he knew he had to finish his speech.

And so he pulled away slowly, but Cora moved with him. This only made him want her more, and he began to deepen the kiss again, only to remember what he had to do. He quickly leaned further away, effectively pulling away from Cora's lips, much to her disappointment.

"You are intoxicating," Robert said breathlessly, a smile on his lips as he observed Cora's slightly swollen and red lips. "But I wasn't yet finished."

Cora raised a brow, watching him carefully. Robert could practically see the gears in her head working, trying to figure him out.

"Cora," he said softly, stroking her cheek and staring into her eyes. "My sweet, darling Cora..."

Cora looked up at him expectantly, reaching out to hold and stroke Robert's strong arms that reached towards her.

"Most importantly, when I look at you, I see my heart. My joy. My reason. When I see you," he drew closer once again, their noses nearly touching, "I see the love of my life."

Cora felt her eyes stinging again with tears, but her lips turned upward in a smile. She reached to touch his cheek, stroking Robert's face lovingly.

"I love you, Cora. And nothing will ever change that."

Cora let out a happy laugh that was accompanied by falling tears. She quickly leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

"And I love you, Robert," she whispered, still smiling, her tear-filled blue eyes sparkling up at him.

Robert smiled and leaned forward to press another kiss to her lips, lingering only a moment before pulling away again.

"I don't ever want you to feel badly about yourself or feel that you don't please me. Cora, nothing could be further from the truth. Just remember what I've told you, darling," he said softly, stroking her arm lovingly. Cora nodded.

"Thank you, love," she whispered. "I really don't deserve you," she added with a laugh, her eyes twinkling up at him. Robert smiled and shook his head.

"Were you not listening to a word I said, woman?" he laughed.

"I was and, along with helping me feel much better, your heartwarming speech reminded me of how lucky I am to have you as my darling husband," she answered, tilting her head to the side in the most adorable way, causing Robert to grin.

"Oh how I love you," he whispered, pulling her close to his chest. Cora breathed in deeply as she laid her head against his muscled chest, taking in his scent. Her senses were flooding with him. She sighed contentedly, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist and lifting her knees to tuck her feet behind her. She didn't care if this was very unladylike, she was comfortable and finally at peace since she heard the news about James and Patrick.

Robert leaned back and pulled his wife into his lap, burying his nose in her dark curls. He breathed in, smelling her sweet fragrance of jasmine and lilacs. She truly was intoxicating.

"And don't ever forget it, darling," he whispered softly before closing his eyes and allowing himself to enjoy the moment with his love.