After Nick and Tony finally managed to tear Peter away, it was into the next day and they had both called some of their people to help smooth things over.

The Funeral was just a week after, and Peter wore the same suit he wore to his Uncle's Funeral just Months Prior.

Once he revealed to the police that he was the one to kill his Aunt's Murderer, it took a long time and many months of trials and different attorneys and officials before Peter was allowed to calm down.

There were a lot of accusations of misdemeanors, and one man even accused him of being behind the deaths of all of his family members because of his bad luck of being the only survivor in each situation, but luckily, that guy soon found himself fired and out of a job.

After Five Months, Peter Parker ended up under the care of the one and only Tony Stark and his Mentor became his Billionaire Guardian. It was not made public knowledge, but Tony legally Adopted the Teen, and after that testing experience, Peter felt as if he could truly trust him as an adopted Father.

Fury kept in contact with him for updates and once in a while, Mace and 100 shared favors and stories at lunches just to make sure the other was okay and doing well.

Throughout the years with Tony and the Avengers in Stark Tower, no matter how much he traveled, no matter what weird shit happened, and no matter how much he changed, Peter never stopped being Spider-Man. And that was the only stable thing he knew for a fact would never be taken away from him.


"I can't believe my little Girl is gonna be a Junior!" Shouted a cheery voice as a tall man pranced around the kitchen.

"Come on, Dad, it isn't even that big of a deal. If anything, next year is the first you should be celebrating. After all, High School is just a Slaughter House for creativity and the morals of such a place are absolutely arbitrary and literally built to kill the minds of students." Spoke the Seventeen Year Old Michelle Jones.

"God, you are so much like your mother..." Spoke the man wistfully.

"Thanks," She said softly.

"What about me?" Asked a young voice "I am going to start Middle School!" The boy shouted proudly.

"Yeah, and I will be a freshman at Empire State Musical Academy." Spoke his youngest Daughter.

"Yes, you are, big guy!" Their father said with a smile on his face "And I am proud of you, too. But I personally like to think you two take after me rather than your mom."

"Blegh!" The boy stuck out his tongue "I wanna be like Spider-Man! He is so cool! Even MJ thinks so!"

Nick turned to his daughter with a raised brow.

The Teen just shrugged "What? Am I not allowed to like Super-Heroes?" She asked, "What has this Patriarchial Household come to?" She spoke exaggeratedly.

"You- Michelle I hate everything- Jannet Fury-Jones likes the Spandex-wearing Vigilante?" He asked incredulously.

"The dude who stands for justice, self-prompted peace, with a duty to cleanse society of its murderers, rapists, criminals, and a helper of even insignificant people?" She inquired "Yeah, I respect the hell out of him, even if he is a bit of a Dramatic little shit."

Their father broke down in laughter and his youngest children stared at him with raised eyebrows.

"Since when did dad laugh?" Asked Derrick.

"I don't know, it is weird." Spoke Brianna.

"Never, dad doesn't laugh. Ever. Something is up." Michelle replied.

"It is just... If you actually knew who was behind the mask... Gods, you would hate him." The man wiped his eyes.

"You know Spider-Man?" Asked Derrick with wide eyes.

"Of course, I know everything," He said dramatically.

"What is my stuffed Dog's name?" Asked Derrick.

"Ah-um..." The spy was listless.

"Exactly! So, have you met him! Spider-Man is him, not her? Is he cool? How does he fight crime so well? Is it his suit? Does he actually look like a spider? Why does he wear a mask?" The child spoke at mach twenty, asking more questions than Nick could comprehend.

"Derrick," Brianna said causing the boy to pause.

"Sorry, just got excited." The boy said with an embarrassed look.

"All I can tell you about him is that he is a Highly Secretive Person and if you didn't know he was a Super-Hero, then he would be completely normal other than his brain." Nick said before sighing "Now, it is time to take you two to school."


The pair were driving down the streets, stopping in the ever-present traffic every other minute in complete silence. This was rather normal for them, Michelle reading her book and Nick focussing on the road trying not to start an investigation into his daughter's life.

Naomi, Michelle's oldest sister who was now in college over shared with her father while his younger daughters rarely spoke, so the near-Silent Treatment he got from his High School daughter was rather off-putting.

So, when she looked up with a curiosity he had never seen except when she asked about his job, he was taken aback by her question.

"So, you know Spider-Man?" She asked, trying not to sound interested.

"Yeah." He nodded, face unreadable.

"For how long have you known his identity?" She asked.

"About Five Years." He told her truthfully.

"That... So you have known him since the beginning? Is he a SHIELD experiment? Did you guys give him his suit? How did you make a suit strong enough to catch a bus?"

"No, he made the suit himself." The tall man said, "And it is not the Suit which makes him so strong."

Michelle sat in bewildered silence, contemplating her father's words. A light came over her eyes and her dad stopped her before she could even ask "I cannot share his file with you."

"Dang." She cursed under her breath.

"I heard that." He spoke with a chuckle.

"I learned it from you." She accused.

"No better person to learn it from, darling." He gave her a smile.

"So, are you ever going to tell me who Spider-Man is?" She asked.

"No." The man shook his head "It is not my secret to share. He has let a very, very select few know of who he truly is. And he has been hurt more than most, so I won't betray his trust like that."

"Is this your stupid compartmentalization philosophy again? Because I thought that didn't work with the whole Hydra near-takeover of our government which you dealt with."

"How did you know about that?" He asked in shock, looking at her with a frown.

"Because I am a genius and am probably the first to ever successfully hack into your computer." She said smugly.

"Nope," Fury smirked "Not even close to the first to do that, you are a close Seventh, though. And those who have are some of my closest and most trusted peers."

"What? Who else?"

"Natasha Romanoff, Carol Danvers, Fitzsimmons, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and someone who will remain nameless in this conversation."

"Isn't Fitzsimmons two different people?" Asked the man's daughter.

"Not really." Her dad smirked "They are two Doctors who are basically one. They are adorable, one of the Greatest Ships in SHIELD history if you ask me."

"Oh my Gods, please never say that again." Michelle groaned "Wait, another person who you aren't allowed to talk about? I am starting to wonder what you aren't telling me, Dad."

"Well, you will have to be a Security Clearance level Ten just to learn about any of that, so you have a few years to go yet." He smirked.

"Just you wait." She said challengingly, "I will be the youngest Level Ten SHIELD Agent in history! And I will make sure that I learn all your dirty little secrets."

"Well, you would actually be second to be a Level Ten Agent, oh daughter of mine." He smirked.

"What! When I was Eight and asked, you said that no one had reached level ten before the age of Fifty!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, that was then, this is now." Her asshole of a father simply shrugged with that smug grin of his and said "I didn't realize you still wanted to be a SHIELD Agent. The Agent I am talking about is Classified."

"I don't know if I want to be a field Agent, maybe just a researcher." She shrugged "How long does it take to become a Level Ten Agent?"

"Well, it can take anywhere from Two Years to One Hundred Years, it all depends on how well you do, how intelligent you are, and how much work you put in." He stated.

"And how did this classified Agent became a Level Ten in such a short time?"

"He was able to help stop Twenty Million Deaths in a single Afternoon. He also managed to improve our Security Ten Fold. Also, he is the best Fighter and Inventor we have on our Pay-Roll." Nick told her.

"I am guessing you can't tell me about this Jack-Ass either?" She asked with a huff.

"Nope." He said with a smirk. He just loved rilling up his daughter. She never showed much emotion, so when he could, he pushed all of her buttons.

Nick glanced at her attire and shook his head. His daughter wore Ripped Black Skinny Jeans which accentuated her long legs. She had on a pair of dark Leather Boots, a Red Plaid Shirt wrapped around her waist, a white shirt with "Feminist AF" written across the front, and a grey jean jacket with blue buttons. There was a Save the Bees, LGBTQ, Supernatural, Dr. Who, Star Wars, SHIELD, Fallout Boy, and Spider-Man pins on her black backpack.

"You actually do like Spider-Man?" He asked.

"Yeah, he deserves more recognition and thanks for what he has done than he gets, though." She said, fingering the pin "I have never seen him in person except for that time in DC for last years National Decathlon Competition which you couldn't make it to. Why was he even there?"

"Well, believe it or not, he wasn't supposed to be there at all as Spider-Man." Nick smirked "But people needed saving, so up he went, climbed to the top of the Washington Monument. He told me that Five Hundred and Fifty-Five Feet in the air, he was not even sure what he would do if he fell, didn't have a parachute in the suit or anything, he would have just fallen and gotten squished into the pavement. Glad he was there though, or your friends would have died."

"Yeah... I was glad too." She spoke looking out the window "He seemed pretty short."

"Everyone is short compared to you, darling," Nick smirked.

"Asshole." She frowned.

"Oh, you take lessons from Captain Rogers? That Spy has got some serious language despite hating people using bad words so much."

"I am only Five Foot Eleven, it isn't my Fault if that Spider-Man is a shrimp!" She snarled.

"Hey, don't bite my head off," He threw his hands up with a chuckle "I am just asking." He smirked.

"You are such a dick."

"I love you too." He smirked before parking the car "Now get out."

"Love you, dad." She shook her head with a small smile while getting out.

"Hey, love you too, kid." He called as she slammed the door.

"Such a handful." He rolled his eye "Doesn't even realize that little One Hundred is in all of her damn classes."

With that, the Director of SHIELD drove off to work, shaking his head with a small smirk. He had never seen his daughter smile or get so emotional in so few minutes of conversation. Maybe he needed to bring up his little friend more often.


Michelle sat in her first period and went over her schedule.

First - IB Calculus

Second - IB Literature

Third - Honors Journalism

Fourth - Lunch

Fifth - IB World History

Sixth - IB Chemistry

Seventh - Academic Decathlon

Eighth - Physical Education

Gwen Stacy, the Third Smartest Girl behind Herself and Cindy Moon the Korean Transfer Student, sat down next to her in the back Right of the Classroom, farthest from the boring Mr. Shell's desk.

Of all of the Girls in Midtown Academy of Science and Technology, the most Prestigious High School in the Nation, Michelle Jones was proud to say she was the smartest.

With an IQ of One Hundred and Sixty-Five, she had held such rank in every school she had ever been to. Number One.

Cindy Moon was a Close Second with an IQ of One Hundred and Fifty-Eight and then Gwen Stacy was One Hundred Fifty-Five. Behind her was Mary Jane Watson with an IQ of One Hundred and Forty-Six and one lower was Felicia Hardy who was ranked Fifth Smartest Girl with an IQ of One Hundred and Forty-Three and then at Sixth was the Wanda Maximoff who was an Immigrant who wanted to get her High School Diploma and had an IQ of 140.

But no, she was not smartest in the school.

That title was stolen by a boy who she was rather conflicted about.

Peter Parker.

The little shit was smarter than her. Don't take it the wrong way, Michelle was a genius in every way shape or form, but Peter managed to do laps around every other person in the school, including the teachers who were all of Genius-Level intellect.

When asked why he didn't skip grades, he replied that his guardian simply didn't want him to miss out on "Peer Bonding with kids his age" as Peter said it. Whenever someone asked about who his guardian was, the boy skillfully avoided the question every time. And even with her skills, she had not been able to trace Peter Parker's history. Not one lead. She couldn't find anything on him or where he came from before appearing at Midtown. And that made her even more wary of his presence.

"What is up, MJ?" Asked the girl whose Platinum Blonde Hair had been cut on the Right side of her head. The petite teen sat right next to her and scooted her desk up much too close for the Novel-Loving teen to feel casually comfortable.

Gwen was a Junior-Pro Ballerina. She had a high GPA and looks guys and girls would kill for. She was labeled the "Prettiest girl in school" which really meant the majority of idiot males wanted to stick their dicks in her.

But hey, Michelle wouldn't lie and say she didn't find the girl attractive ass hell too, who wouldn't? She was the epitome of perfection and was kind to almost literally everyone. Michelle was Bi anyway, so who was going to tell her no to peeking at that fine little ass every time it sashayed past her in the hall.

"Nothing much, Stacy." Michelle said cooly "What is your schedule like?"

"Oh, show me yours and I will show you mine!" The girl said energetically, gently messing with her blue ballet flats while her eyes gazed into Michelle's.

"Was that an innuendo, a joke, or an offer?" Michelle raised an eyebrow and looked down at the petite blonde.

Gwen was Five Foot One, a whole Ten inches Shorter than Michelle, and damn... if she didn't find that hot, Michelle didn't know what she would.

Gwen squeaked and pink covered her cheeks as she looked away.

"N-No, MJ!" She whispered, "And don't say stuff like that so loud what if people thought..."

"Thought that we were getting it on? Let them. They should mind their business anyone and no one should care if I get laid or not." She said with a noncommittal shrug.

Gwen was even more flustered as there was a squeak in front of them.

"So, we are talking about getting laid?" Mary Jane AKA the other MJ asked with a wink "I want in on this conversation."

"Please, not a single one of us has gotten any yet," Michelle said impassively.

"How did you know?" Asked Gwen.

"And are you sure about that?" Asked the redhead with a smirk.

"The closest thing to sex that Gwen has ever had was a drunk Flash trying and failing to kiss her at the party last year. And MJ, don't even try to act like you have gotten dick or pussy, you are a virgin if I have ever seen one. I mean, that shirt says it all." Michelle shrugged "And I have yet to take a roll around the hay. I am waiting until I get a good partner for that. I don't even care what is between their legs."

"You are so bold!" Cindy said, also pulling up a chair as she entered the conversation.

"Well, I am not going to lie. How was your summer, K-Pop?" Asked the Curly Haired girl.

"Don't call me K-Pop, MJ." Frowned the Korean "Just because I like BTS and Black Pink doesn't mean-"

"Yes it does," All Four other girls spoke as one.

"Oh great, even Felicia?" Asked Cindy with a frown.

"Sorry, honey, you are just too adorable not to tease." MJ Watson smirked.

"Are we comparing Schedules?" Asked Felicia, noticing Michelle's and Gwen's out on Gwen's desk.

"Yeah." Michelle spoke, "Then we talked about sex."

Cindy groaned as she looked around "Someone is going to hear us and think we are like... Floozies or something."

"If they think that, I will just beat them up. They would be wrong anyway." Michelle said, leaning back into her chair "Don't worry ladies, I, your much taller Knight in Shining Armor am here to protect you all."

"You? Protect me?" Asked yet another new voice with a slight Sokovian accent.

"Sup, red. Nice to see you." Michelle nodded to Wanda Maximoff.

"Psh, I don't think you could even beat up Tiny!" Chuckled Felicia.

"I could take on anyone in this school." Michelle cracked her knuckles "And you can quote me on that."

"Well, anyway, what lunch do you all have?" Asked Mary Jane.

"I've got fourth," Cindy claimed after looking at her slip.

"Me too," Michelle said.

"Great! All of us have Fourth Lunch! This will be so much fun!" Gwen smiled.

"Do you all want to play a game while we wait? There is still like Half an Hour until-" Betty paused as she sat down next to Gwen.

The other girls looked at her and noticed her staring.

"What is up with blondie?" Asked Felicia the White Haired girl who had the biggest chest in their school, teachers included.

"Is she drooling?" Asked Mary Jane.

"I see what she is drooling over." Wanda smirked, "Or more accurately, who she wants to be drooling over."

"I swear, Ned! It isn't funny! I haven't seen him in Years and here he came like a nice friend with a smoothie for me and everything and I bumped into him and it spilled all over my jacket!"

"It was hilarious!" Edward "Ned" Leeds' voice came from the door and the group of girls turned to stare at who was walking in.

"I mean, it is kinda funny, mate." A voice which was new to the Students of Midtown drawled.

"Come on, Harry! It was so embarrassing! That was my favorite blue sweater! And now all I have to wear is a T-Shirt!" Came the voice of the top-ranked student in the school.

Harry Osborn, the son of a Multi-Billionaire walked in ruffling the perfectly-combed hair of the slightly younger boy. Peter Parker was standing next to Harry and Ned.

"Come on, Pete! It isn't a big deal! I will buy you a new jumper! It's not like you don't own a dozen of your dorky sweaters!"

"Hey, they aren't dorky!" He complained and he froze, his senses feeling eyes on him.

Standing up, he was Three Inches shorter than Harry Osborn who was almost Five Foot Eleven. He knew that people were looking at him.

Michelle had to agree with Betty's assessment as she looked over the God of a dork in the middle of two idiots.

There, in the doorway, standing next to a Billionaire's son was Peter Parker, the nerd. Everyone thought of him as nerdy and weak. But right then, their thoughts weren't on that. Those who had been sitting in the class, including the Teacher himself, stared at the Seventeen-Year-Old male's visible skin.

He wore a Pitch Black skin tight shirt which showed off an impressive Figure much unlike his usual baggy attire. His V like Shoulder to Waist ratio was unholy in the way his body was contorted to fit in the door with Harry's arm wrapped around his neck.

He wore simple Blue Jeans and a beat up pair of Converse. That was it, but his tousled hair which Harry had caused to be released from its normally over-gelled state into a wild and curly mess made him look all the more natural.

His face was smiling much unlike his usual mask of emotionless which was only ever broken when he was talking to Ned or in one of his favorite extra-curricular which Michelle had noticed were Robotics and Decathalon as his favorites, Debate and Mathletes after that followed by Chess, Marching Band, Rocketry, NHS, then his least favorite Student Council which he had been voted the Historian.

Michelle was class President, Gwen was Vice-President, Cindy was the Treasurer, Felicia was the Secretary, and Peter was the Historian. The only male in any position of power.

Pete was great at taking pictures.

That was one of the facts that she had picked up on over the years, and that is why she nominated him. He was astoundingly great at it and had actually built his own custom camera.

But enough about her obsessio-no, she was just observative.

Michelle stared at him and the longer she looked the more she realized how screwed she was going to be if he was in more than one of her classes this year. Peter was the reason she considered herself Bi and not a lesbian, and now here he is looking like a muscular snack. She had liked the dork before she realized his biceps had more definition than a dictionary. She had liked the midget before his jawline was sharper than a knife. And she had had feelings beginning in their Freshman year when she first met the loser when his nerdy ass had talked to her about the philosophy of the book she was reading.

She had very few friends, so why did they all have to be such hot pieces of ass?

She noticed Peter's body language freeze up and saw his eyes sweep over the room and she couldn't help but notice his self-conscious facial expression as everyone was staring at his arms.

His arms, she realized just then, were covered in more scar tissue than her dad had on his entire body and he had been a soldier, spy, and the director of SHIELD. How the fuck had such a cinnamon roll adorable little thing like Peter get scars like THAT!?

And then she realized, she had never seen him without long sleeves. Not even in P.E. He wore sweaters and when the coach asked, he said he was always just cold. And everyone accepted that.

Perhaps the damage was older than she realized and she had just never noticed.

But Michelle counted a few dozen before Peter did his best to hide his scars by crossing his arms over his chest which only served to flex his impressive muscles.

Michelle thought she heard some of her little friend group swoon as his arms bulged in just the right way. She had to admit, her heart rate increased too, but why were those bitches drooling at him like that?

Even Wanda, who was close friends with Peter since she came last year was staring at him with what seemed to be a shocked attraction.

Michelle shook her head and gained back her brain functions enough to hit the girls who were getting weird.

"One sec, Harry, I am going to make a call real quick. Could you and Ned grab me a seat, anywhere is fine."

"Sure, mate," Harry smirked and went over to Michelle's group to flirt with Felicia while throwing his own bag next to a chair and Peter's on the one behind it.

He had placed the simple Grey backpack, the seat reserved for Peter, directly next to Michelle and sank into the seat which he had placed his bag next to, half-way between leering and conversing with the group of girls. Ned gave them a half-hearted shrug and sat in front of Harry, awkwardly messing with his phone.

Michelle realized that he would be taking their attention so she simply listened to them talk rather than engage in conversation.

Just outside the door, she heard Peter's voice say something like "Sunny initial launch code Fifty Three. What? Yes, I know. No, you idiot, the grey is fine. Uh... Don't be seen. Yes, come quick. No! No! Jet fuel is not required yet. Just be fast."

"So how do you know Peter?" Asked Cindy.

"Oh, Pete? He and I are childhood friends. He knew me back before his parents..." He left off "And he and I were thick as thieves until I had to move to Europe because my dad is a dick. We kept in contact all that time though. The only time that we ever really talked on the phone was after his Uncle... And then we continued writing letters to each other every week until his Aunt..." He broke off the conversation again looking at Ned "And then we met up again after the whole ordeal with ah... uhm-" He paused again and said "And then we met again in Japan when he was working on... A project. And then I told him I was moving back to New York and he told me that we would be going to the same school. Over the summer he Ned and I hung out a lot at the Park and just connected like bros, you know?"

"You seem to have left out like... The entire story." Betty said.

"Well, it is Peter's life..."

"Sorry about that!" Peter called walking in. He put his phone in his pocket and somehow, he had a grey NASA hoodie.

He threw his hands into the air and slid it on. What he didn't realize was that his shirt rode up when he did that, revealing his stomach.

The air in the room became lighter as all of the girls and the guys in shock witnessed something none had expected.

Peter Parker was ripped.

His abdominal muscles were perfectly defined and his stomach was flat but he had washboard abs which also had some scars over them. Michelle's mind seemed to be going places which she did not permit as she got a glimpse of him.

"Dude! How did you get abs?" Asked Harry once Peter had gotten the hoodied on completely.

"Wh-What?" He stuttered.

"I mean your stomach. I didn't notice with all those layers of clothes you wear, but you honestly have like, an Eight Pack, right, man? Who is your trainer?"

"I-ah, I don't have a trainer."

"You got that on your own? Damn, you must be a complete gym rat. What is your calorie intake daily?" Asked the Rich Teen.

"Um... More than is probably healthy or advisable." He said, his entire face was flustered.

"Is that why you always have little snacks in all of our classes? Because you work out?" Came a voice which caused everyone to turn and look at her.

"M-Michelle?" Peter squeaked.

"Call me MJ, Peter, didn't I tell you that last year after I was voted Captain?" She said forcefully.

"O-Oh, um, yeah. Sure, MJ." He said before his face cleared and his mask was back "I um, don't really work out in traditional ways, so I am always a bit peckish, and I get... Ownery if I don't get enough to eat."

"Peter, I have never seen you get mad. Let alone angry at other people, you couldn't harm a fly if you tried." Scoffed Betty.

The Brunette looked offended at that. His Brown eyes flashed for a second at the challenge. Michelle could have sworn she saw those rubies before but she couldn't place it before they disappeared. He was back to normal Peter Parker. But she knew, before he had stopped, he seemed as if he was about to do something, but then, he grimaced and recoiled, his eyes changing to a lighter brown and his face slackening before his mask was back in place.

'What was that?' Michelle thought 'I definitely want to see more of THAT Peter, but why did he stop himself?'

"Ye-Yeah, Betty might be right. I don't really like violence." Peter stuck his fists into his pockets.

"Nah, you should have seen it! Just this morning, Pete decked this dude in some alley trying to mug some woman. He was trying to snatch this chick's purse when Ned, Pete, and I were walking past and before I knew it, Pete was gone! He just disappeared and next thing I knew Six Foot Three White dude crumpled to the ground!" Harry exclaimed.

Peter's face was in his chest as he looked at his feet "Harry, I told you not to tell anyone! It is embarrassing and everyone will think I am violent or able to fight or something now."

"But it is true." Ned jumped in "You did punch the guy pretty hard, Peter."

"Penis Parker?" Flash asked walking into the room with every ounce of dickwad written on his face "He couldn't land a punch if he had ten second to aim and a whole five minute to 'calculate the velocity' or whatever the fuck his ass needs to actually act like a human."

"No cussing." The teacher said, ever so helpfully.

"Don't talk about Peter like that, Shit Stain," Harry said dangerously "I bet he could wipe the floor with you!"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Peter whisper yelled in warning "No! No, I am not going to wipe the floor with anyone. Sit down, please, Harry!" He begged, "Right now is not the time to mess with-"

"Yeah, right. And who the hell are you supposed to be? I am Flash Thompson." Spoke Peter's longtime bully proudly.

"Harry Osborn, that's who, and I am well aware of you, son of actress Diane Thompson and the worker Michael Thompson... I am pretty sure he works at OsCorp, doesn't he?"

"Yeah, he is the-" Flash's face contorted and he froze "Whatever, man, you can go suck off Penis Parker or whatever back there!"

Michelle watched the ever-growing exasperation on the aforementioned boy's face as he tried to shrink into the corner of the room. He took notice of her staring and sighed "I am counting on you to not promote me in any fist fights. I think you are one of my few friends who wouldn't support me being thrown to the wolves of violence."

Michelle gave him an evil smirk and leaned over to whisper so Ned and Harry couldn't hear her response "I don't know, Peter, it sounds like you can handle yourself pretty well according to your best buddies thing one and thing two."

She reveled in how Peter shivered at her whispering tone so close to his ear. She had noticed over the Three years of knowing him that Peter had a thing with his ears being over sensitive. He had great hearing and she had gotten him to moan once at a house party by blowing on his ear after sneaking up on him.

But to her shock, the attractive and usually shy boy leaned back and tried to whisper in her ear. He was too short, however, and his breath traveled over her neck and throat instead when he spoke in a deep rumbling tone she had never heard escape his pretty mouth "Well, at least you think highly of me. What more could I ask for?"

She involuntarily smirked and felt herself heat up as he pulled away. Her Hazel eyes met his and for whatever reason, his gaze looked darker than she had ever seen and she realized at that moment she desperately hoped she didn't have the goofball in all of her classes. But at the same time, she prayed that she did.

As the teacher stood to get the students to pay attention, she turned away from her longtime crush and sighed before closing her book. She leaned into her hand and whispered, knowing he wouldn't hear what she was about to say.

"Anything you asked for, anything at all."

She didn't notice his knee jerk reaction, but Harry and Ned who had been looking at him in wonder sure did and were looking at him oddly wondering why his face was scarlet.