Hey everyone! This has taken forever, and I feel like an awful person for making y'all wait so long. I know I HATE IT when my favorite stories don't get updated at all. I told myself that I would never be THAT author, but I guess we can't all keep our promises. Anyway, this chapter was requested a long time ago to Bookworm105616, although it's dedicated to my friend PinkAtHart. Hi! How have you been? :) Anyway, enjoy some Vanya!

Disclaimer: If I owed Umbrella Academy it would have a season 4 by now

This is based on the Netflix adaptation of the series, not the comic books

Double Disclaimer: Cover art isn't mine. I take no responsibility for it or the characters, only the story.

Summary: Just some Vanya moments with each of her siblings.

All kids are 12

Remember, these are all UNRELATED one-shots. I know I already did a story about how Diego got his scar, but I figured "what the heck" and I decided to do it for this one too, although it doesn't play a huge part.

Vanya was 12 when she had her first panic attack. It had happened during one of her sibling's missions, and a particularly nasty one at that. It had been one of their first. As much has Vanya had begged a pleaded to go, Sir Reginald Hargreeves had not relented, calling her the usual degrading names and throwing a handful insults her way before he became uninterested in her again. This was nothing new; it was practically an everyday occurrence at this point. However, that didn't make hearing all of those things any easier. With a light frown, Vanya took a few steps back from her father and let him tend to his other children. His better children.

This mission took place near an abandoned ghost town on a cliffside, though that was all Vanya knew. She was never let in on the details of things, and she knew better than to go snooping around or bothering Reginald about silly little things like what her siblings were getting into or whether they would come back alive or not. You know, stupid things. Her brothers and sister had left soon after that, sending warm grins and excited little waves her way. She always tried her hardest to smile back, but it never really reached her eyes. No matter the circumstance, Vanya could never shake the feeling of impending doom whenever her siblings left on a mission. Try as she might to focus on something, anything else, her mind always, always, wandered back to the safety of her family. And she hated it. Vanya practically held her breath every time her siblings were out fighting crime or rescuing people. It was only when they came home, dawning proud smiles and sparkling eyes that she could then, and only then, she could let go of the huge knot in her chest.

However, this time was different.

This time, the knot became too much.

Hours. It had been hours since Vanya's siblings had left for the cliffside, and Vanya knew something was wrong. Reginald had started giving her strange looks from across the room, where he was standing out on the balcony over the massive buildings around him. Occasionally, Vanya would steal a glance over her shoulder to see her adoptive father staring at her with furrowed bushy eyebrows and a curious look plastered on his face. It was like he was studying her, trying to figure something out. Every time Reingald met Vanya's eyes, he would grumble something under his breath, readjust his monocle, and turn back toward the skyling. As if that wasn't enough, Reginald had started checking his pocketwatch way too frequently for Vanya's comfort.

"Something's wrong, isn't it." Vanya's voice sliced through the tension and silence of the room. There was no response from the older man, just a low grumble of acknowledgment. However, Vanya wasn't going to give up so easily. "

"You know you can tell me if something's wrong." Vanya puffed out her chest and swiveled around in her chair. "I can handle it, you know."

"No, you can't," Reginald sent an annoyed glance over at the girl and flicked his hand at her as if she was nothing more than an annoying pest. "And nothing's wrong. So can you please do me a favor and be quiet so I can think?"

"Wha- I can handle bad news!" Vanya stared incredulously at the man standing across from her. "I'm just as old as them, you know, and just as mature, if not mature...er." Vanya's eyes traveled down to the pocketwatch in Reginald's hand. It was only then that her brain registered the beads of sweat on his palms and the nervous tapping of his fingers on the engraved case of the item.

Vanya carefully crept up to where her father was standing and tapped him lightly on the back. "Dad?"

"VANYA!" Reginald's voice echoed off the rooftops, reaching the ears of Grace in the kitchen and pedestrians on the street alike. Vanya quickly scrambled back, falling on her butt as she tried to do so. "You may be the same age, but you are NOT as mature as them, and you most definitely could NOT handle it if SOMETHIGNWAS WRONG!" The older man kept his eyes on the departing sun, the light that was once flooding the room, diminishing rapidly. His head cocked slightly toward Vanya, acknowledging her presence but not caring either way. "You're siblings have seen things that you COULDN'T EVEN IMAGINE. THEY EXPERIENCED THINGS BEYOND OUR COMPREHENSION, AND THEY CAN DO EXTRAORDINARY THINGS IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE. AND WHAT C"N YOU DO?" These words were nothing new to Vanya. She could probably recite the whole speech by heart at this point. All she did was stare wide-eyed at the grey-haired bastard she called her father.

"WELL?!" Reginald yelled. "WHAT. CAN. YOU. DO?!"

"Nothing." Vanya's voice was quiet but steady, and she prided herself on that.

"LOUDER!" Reginald yelled again. His fingers were tightening on the pocket watch, and the glass protecting the little clock was getting dangerously close to breaking.

"Nothing." She muttered again. As soon as Reginald started yelling, she knew for sure that something was wrong. He tended to do this, take his frustration and anger out on other people instead of having to deal with it himself. That didn't make it fair, but at least Vanya could try and prepare herself emotionally for when her siblings walked through the large wooden doors to the Academy.

"LOUDER!" Reginald yelled again, squeezing his watch so hard that little spiderwebs had started to appear on the glass.

"NOTHING!" Vanya screamed, scooting back further away from her father.


Vanya did a double-take. That was a new line added to the script, and she wasn't quite sure she liked it. He had never called her nothing before. Not even on his worst day had he done that. Vanya's lip quivered slightly, but no tears fell. They didn't have time too, for, at that moment, the considerable BANG of the front doors being opened and the flurry of footsteps that followed sent Vanya and Reginald sprinting down the stairs. Despite the circumstances, Vanya couldn't help but smile. Her siblings would make everything ok because they were always ok. Always. They had to be.

Oh, boy, was she wrong.

Vanya stopped cold at the top of the massive stairwell, any trace of happiness disappearing from her face instantly. Reginald came sprinting behind Vanya, and nearly barreled into her before sidestepping at the last moment and rushing down the stairs to get to his battered and bruised children. Vanya wanted to look away from the awful sight, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't divert her gaze from the awful view in front of her.

Allison was the least bodily injured. She had a split lip, a massive bruise on her cheek, and tiny little cuts riddled her palms and arms.

Ben was covered from head to toe in blood, but Vanya suspected that a majority of it didn't belong to him. However, his shirt was split open, revealing his stomach covered in ugly purple and black blotches. Vanya doubted Ben could breathe without agonizing pain.

Klaus could barely stand straight. Vanya didn't know if it had to do with the excessive amount of blood seeping through his leather leggings or the noticeable bump above his eyebrow. His right arm was bent at an unnatural angle, and he was doing everything he could not to jostle it and cause any more agony for himself. Vanya almost vomited then and there, but she managed to keep it together.

Vanya's eyes traveled over to Five, and her face scrunched up in a visible display of discomfort and crippling worry. The entire top half of Five's uniform had been ripped clean off, including his mask. A humongous cut covered almost his full chest. The gash had been bandaged in a hurry. Vanya could tell because blood was seeping through the gauze and trickling down Five's stomach and onto his pants.

Luther didn't look too bad to Vanya, but it was what he was carrying that almost made Vanya's heart stop. It was a body, a body almost completely covered in blood. Diego lay limp and unmoving in Luther's arms. A massive piece of rock protruded from his side, and his chest was slippery with blood. However, that wasn't even the worst part. The front of Diego's head was almost completely split open, and it was bleeding profusely. A small pool had already developed at Luther's feet. The blond boy looked up helplessly at Reginald, and help Diego out to him.

"Help him." He gasped.

Reginald scanned Diego up and down before doing as instructed. Typically, the man would've yelled at Luther for telling him what to do, but these were extreme circumstances, and desperate situations call for strange measures.

As soon as Diego was out of sight, a tidal wave of information slammed Vanya. Her brain tried to register what was happening, but it just refused to.

"This can't be happening." She muttered quietly, stumbling backward into the wall behind her. The world was spinning, spinning very, very fast. And then there was darkness.


"Allison?" the brunette shot up, knocking heads with all 5 of her brothers, who just happened to be standing over her.

"Ohhhhhh, dudeeeeee." Diego stumbled back dramatically, plowing into Klaus and Five, sending both of them sprawling.

"Asshole." Five muttered from under his brother, doing his best to suppress a smile. Klaus let out a small giggle and rolled over so his stomach was on the floor. Propping his head up in hands, Klaud batted his eyelashes aggressively at Vanya. Diego followed in suit, while Five just lay helplessly between the two.

"What's up, sis?"

"Wha-" That was all Vanya could get out before she burst into tears, causing all of the Hargreeves children to flinch. Violent displays of emotion weren't standard in their household. Nevertheless, the young girl blubbered on. "I saw all of you guys beat up, and then I saw Diego and all the blood and bruises, and I just..." Vanya broke down into another set of tears again, and this time she was met by six pairs of open arms, all scooping her up for a hug.

"Shhhhhh, it's ok." An uncanny sense of calm set in at the sound of Allison's voice, and it wasn't just because of her ability. It was because she was her sister, and she was here, hugging her and loving her unconditionally. Vanya smiled softly. Her siblings were bruised and beat to hell, but in their heart, they somehow managed to find it in them the strength to comfort their annoying, average, number seven. And she loved them for it.

Vanya pulled away from the embrace, raising a questioning eyebrow at her brothers and sister. "Wait, how are you all ok?" She turned toward Diego."And how are you...not dead!" That was putting it bluntly, and Vanya knew it, but she needed answers. Nothing was adding up.

"You had a panic attack." Luther put in. "A pretty severe one too."

Five raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. You've been out for about a day." He bit his lip. "We were worried."

Vanya stared incredulously at her siblings. "But...you guys were torn apart! Like, literally!"

Klaus smirked. "What'd I tell ya? Daddy dearest has some pretty freaky secrets. Not even 24 hours ago, I had a broken arm and now..." Klaus flexed his fist lightly. "It's fine, aside from a little soreness."

Diego stepped forward, offering his little bit of input. "Yeah, man, same here. My head is pounding like crazy, but I got this badass scar to show for it." For the first time, Vanya noticed the thin line running across Diego's face.

Vanya hid her head in her hands. "I can't believe this...this shouldn't be possible. A normal person can't heal that fast." Vanya was close to hysteria. "Impossible! And what about my panic attack! I thought they were only supposed to last a couple of minutes. Why did I wake up a DAY later!"

"We don't know," Ben said, finally entering the conversation. "We don't know the answer to either of those questions." He scanned the room. "But, I can tell you one thing. We sure as hell are NOT normal people, nonetheless a normal family." He put his arm around Vanya and gestured for the others to do the same.

Vanya gave a small, soft smile. "Thanks, guys." She whispered. "For everything."

"Of course." Five replied. And that was where they stayed, huddled in Vanya's cramped room under the starlight flooding through the windows, savoring this moment for all it was worth. And in a place like the Umbrella Academy, a moment like these was worth the world.

Didja like it? I really hope you did! I did this at like 12:30 am so give me props XD. Anyway, leave requests for further chapters and leave reviews! They make my day. Thanks and byeeeeee!