Well hello everyone now don't get mad I am posting a new story cause ITS NOT NEW. Exactly 10 years ago on this day I posted this story it was my first story. I had taken it down because I had completely lost touch with the characters they just left me as I grow up I just couldn't finish it.

That was until last year they seemed to of come back. I will no be finishing this story finally as they requested that I wanting to be extra desired to wait till 10 year anniversary.

This was my original idea some may remember as Freakgirl101 that was my first user name and this story I did have a huge following on it.

Im glade to finish my first story to finally get closer might help me a bit But I promise that my other stories will be my first priority.

Bella POV

I hate my life. i'm just running through the forest looking for something to eat and I hate it I hate it so much.

I caught scent of the prey I attack sink my sharp teeth in to it drink it dry.

when finish I look down and see a little deer no life in its eyes because of me.

If you haven't guessed yet I'm a vampire I live off of animals though others of my kind eat humans I don't for some reason human blood makes me sick well not really sick since I cant get sick but I just cant stand the smell I've been a vampire for 3 years and its ok I guess I just hate being alone and I miss my parents even if they really weren't their but like they say you always miss it when its gone. here lets go to the beginning and tell u who I became this it was a cold november night in New York City. I was at a book store reading cause I couldn't read at home with all the screaming.


I cant believe its so late I was just so lost in the book I lost track of time it was about 10 30 and my parents Renee and Charlie might be worried if they noticed they always fighting they probably don't even know I'm gone.

i'll just walk through the back streets so I can get home faster while walking I heard some one scream I looked around and then heard another scream I ran in the direction of the screams even though everything in my head was screaming dont turn back are you stupid? run away. the screams were coming from the woods I slowly walked in and I saw something move I kneel down in a through the bush I see bodys laying on the ground I was trying to see if they were guys or girls but it was to dark they were all pail and the looked to be dead I gasped they were dead one body was faced tards me a girl eyes look cloudy and her stomach isn't rising. then out of no where a males voice came.

"Well i've had enough" said the voice I looked around too see who said it and then I see one that spoke was a dark-haired, dark-toned man with dread locks he wear and orange jacket opened with no shirt underneath.

"I'm full too but we still have a human left" said high girlish baby voice. I looked to a women with reddish-orange hair and very pail white skin she wear a ripped dirty dark shirt with low rider jeans that were also ver dirty and riped but it was her eyes that I noticed the most they were eye very red now I was scared but then I thought maybe there just contacts so I just keep telling myself that's what they are.

finally I look to see a young boy no older than maybe 10 crying over a man that could be his dad I and then the boy was in the arms of a tall blond haired man with a pony tail he was shirtless in only a jeans that of course dirty and ripped.

"please no pleeease Mommy"cried the little boy

"aww please don't awww stop crying human." the blond mocked him and he said human wait isn't he human

the boy was kicking and crying and I just couldn't take it this is horrible I stand up and all their heads snapped towards me.

"Stop it let him go." I yell at the bond man

"I didn't hear her coming."said the baby like voice girl said

"shut up victoria and get her." said the blond man to the girl name victoria

"don't you tell me to shut up James." victoria said then faster the I could see she was right next to me. oo

"hello u just made the biggest mistake of ur life" she said

the guy James brought his head to the neck of the boy the boy was kicking screaming and crying like crazy then he slowed down and finally he stopped moving I watched as the light left his eyes I was crying by then

that poor boy. then it clicked they had red eyes and he bit his neck oh no there vampires i've read lots of books on them I always thought to be fiction.

"well kill her vik" James said

"I'm not hungry here, Laurent."

"No I'm full too" the man Laurent said

"fine i'll do it"James says before I could blink he was by my side

"Don't worry it will be fast I'm almost full."he says and takes my right hand and bites.


I stop an look around when I heard a loud crunch someones here.i clime a tree and hide in a nearby tree.

a women came out from the trees she looks around an sniffs the air shes not just any women a vampire.

"hello come on out its ok" she had a nice sweet voice like honey

I very slowly well slow for a vampire get down from the tree and walk out too her when I see she has golden eyes shes like me she eats animals.

"Hello" I say quietly she would hear me I look down at my feet I never really see vampires that drink human blood or that are on my diet except the delineis in alaska but I was only with them for a month or 2.i would of stayed with them but I didn't like their ways the sleeping with male humans and going to bars every night that just isn't me.

"i'm Amy." she holds out her hand"and you are?"

i shake her hand

"Bella" I say looking up slowly

Amy had short blond hair the pail skin of a vampire her face and features are beautiful more so then most vampires that i've met are only the deilanys. she wear jeans and a ren t shirt looking at her golden eye I noticed the were bright gold she had just hunted.

"well Bella how would u like to come home with me to my home you can wash up." I looked down at my self. my jeans and blue shirt were worn out,ripped and dirty.

i nodded and she started running and I followed.

After a while we came to a huge 3 story house. it was surrounded by woods no people for miles.

"Well this is it" Amy said and walked in the house she held the door open for me to go on in first.

on the out side it looked kinda small but the inside was huge I mean unbelievable huge.

"How is that possible" I spoke my thoughts aloud and of course being a vampire Amy heard but it wasn't her who asked what I meant.

"How is what possible" a male voice said I look ove and at the staircase is a a dark hair vampire he also had golden eyes.

"Bella this is my husband Christian" said

"Hello" I said a nd ducked my head I was always nerves around new people but it was better being with someone even if I'm uncomfortable did I mention I hate being alone.

"Hello Bella we've been waiting for you so good to finally meet you." I looked up with a look of shock. wait? what? waiting for me? they new I was coming? but how?

"Bella let me introduce u to my son and daughters" as he said that a guy maybe about 13 years old with dark hair and brown eyes witch remind me of my human eyes came down stairs followed by two other girls and one was holding a baby."This is Johnny" he said pointing to the boy."Kara" The girl had the same dark hair as the boy and Christian and she also had brown eyes she looked to be 13 too,"Vanessa and the little one is Sarah" the nex girl holding the baby had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes looked to be about 12, The baby had blong hair and blue eyes and looked not even a year old.

I have corrected some grammar and mad some little changes but over all its the same story.