I do not own anything related to Hannibal, either thru television, or written books. Everything belongs to Thomas Harris and Bryan Fuller. I do own all the created characters. I do not own any songs, or literature mentioned. They are included to enhance the written words. Please read, review, and enjoy!

Chapter 12

Song(s): Carmen (Georges Bizet)


Federal Bureau of Investigation, 9109 NE Cascades Pkwy, Portland, OR…

Sitting alone in the pale brown and beige office, Will Graham reached out and brought his coffee cup up against his lips just as the door behind him opened. Knowing the man that entered quietly, he didn't bother to stand as Jack Crawford's light cologne reached his nostrils.

"I'm curious Will as to why you asked me to come here instead of you flying to Baltimore?"

"Why Baltimore?"

Taking a seat in a black leather chair opposite the former FBI instructor, Jack crossed his legs at the ankles before letting out a deep breath.

"My first guess as to where she would have run off to would be to the scene of the crime."

Shifting in the chair as he listened to Jack's words, Will shook his head as he reached for his cup once more.

Baltimore Maryland

The home of Hannibal Lecter

"Oliveah didn't run off Jack," he spoke boldly as he took another deep sip of the scalding hot black liquid.

"Of course not. She only left you with a few words scratched on a piece of scrap paper saying she had to find him on her own. Not to mention that she had failed to give you any hints that she was leaving in the middle of the night," Jack added, reaching for his own cup as he noticed Will's shoulders sinking slightly.

"I knew Jack. She had bought maps, talked about finding him."

"Finding him?" Jack coughed in surprise as he folded his arms across his chest. "Unless she lied about knowing which country he is hiding in, she is going on a wild goose chase" he added, catching Will's eye as the young man looked towards the window.

"Were you two sleeping together? Were you a couple?"

"Not relevant Jack."

"I see."

Moving his tired eyes onto Crawford's face, Will glanced at the side of the Agent's neck and remembered back to the night when he was one hundred percent sure they were all to meet their deaths.



And Oliveah

"So you asked me to come here because you woke to find Oliveah gone and a farewell note to say that she was going out alone to track down one of the FBI's most wanted who also happens to be the Father of her daughter."

"That is not public knowledge Jack and we would appreciate if it stayed that way," Will spat as he rose to his feet. Walking towards the large window, he glanced down at the street below and felt his old friend's presence next to his right arm.

"You're a smart man Will, where do you think she would start?"

2701 Strada Spatarului, Bucharest, Romania…

Staring at her dull reflection in the gold framed mirror that sat upon the mantle of the stone fireplace, Bedelia quietly cleared her throat as she slowly turned around, fixing her eyes on the four year child who sat content in her Father's brown leather chair with an art book from the Galateca Gallery.

"Daddy promised to take me to the gallery soon," Madeline smiled as she flipped through the book once more.

Offering no response to the child's words, Bedelia straightened her arms at her sides as she took a step forward…


"You are not her Mother. You are not to act in any capacity or responsibility as her Mother. A nanny will be hired, and you will continue in your role as my "wife" until I have no further use for you…"

"Madame B, is Nanny sick?"


"Are you taking care of me today?"

Hannibal would never allow it

But there is no one else

"Madeline, would you like to come to the shops with me?"


Amzei Market, Strada Piata Amzei, Bucharest, Romania…

"They smell pretty!"

"Un buchet de crini roz calla." Tucking the bundled pink calla lillies in the basket, Bedelia quickly looked down to her gloved left hand and stared as Madeline curled her small fingers around her own.

I've never been comfortable around children, but you child…

"How about some macaroons for dessert tonight?"

Catching Madeline's wide toothy smile as the little girl walked with a spring in her step, Bedelia held her hand tightly as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Before we visit the brutărie, would you like to see some trains?"

Twenty minutes later...

"Take a seat Madeline."

Following Bedelia's direction, Maddie moved in close and scanned her eyes over all of the transit riders as loud words spoken in Romanian echoed off the stone and tin walls from invisible speakers.

"Where are these trains going Madame B?"

"All over the city and Europe. Hundreds of people everyday climb onto these trains and leave. I come and sit here every day," she added, glancing to her right as she brought her eyes up onto the lens of the closed captioned security camera.

"Daddy showed me on the globe where Romania is and where Momma is. Does one of these trains go to Momma?"

Looking down into the child's innocent face, Bedelia held her breath as she heard an announcement calling for the last train of the evening that would travel to the outskirts of the city.

You could get on a train

You could take her on a train and leave Bucharest

All you have to do, is buy the tickets

"Why do you come here every day if you never get on a train Madame B?"

Patting the child's hand as she removed her glove and tucked it into her coat pocket, Bedelia offered a weak smile as she heard the whistle of the departing train.

"I come here Madeline, in the hopes that someone will see me," she spoke, catching the child's confusion as she turned and glanced up once more towards the security camera.

But no one ever sees me

Later that evening

"Daddy, can I have some of your wine?"

Moistening his lips as he sat his fork down, Hannibal reached for the stem of his wine glass and held it steady as Madeline slid off her chair, rounding the corner of the dining room table to his side. Sneering as she smelled the white wine, she took a small sip and coughed as some of it ran down the side of her mouth.


"An acquired taste my dear," Hannibal smirked as he brushed the edge of his thumb to catch the wine that had dribbled down her chin. Watching his four year old daughter climbing back onto her chair, he offered a gaze towards Bedelia who had uttered not a single word since they had taken their seats.

"And how were your lessons this morning?" Hannibal questioned as Madeline stabbed her fork into a whole green pea pod.

"Madame B took me to the…Gara d…Gara de Nord" she stuttered, chewing on the pod from her salad as Hannibal paused, holding his own fork inches from his lips. "And we got chocolate macaroons for dessert!" the child smiled widely as Hannibal slowly moved his cold glare onto Bedelia's pale face.

"The Gara de Nord Bedelia?"

Gripping the handle of her butter knife, she stared down at the white skin tightening over her knuckles as the tip clinked against the side of the bone china plate.

"The Nanny was sick so I took her to the market," she began as Hannibal elegantly scrapped along the middle of his plate, gathering a few pomegranate seeds and shaved parsnip onto his fork.

"You're suddenly looking rather pale Doctor Du Maurier."

Blinking quickly as she caught Hannibal's icy eyes from across the table, Bedelia winced as she felt her fork falling from her hand with a clang to the wooden floorboards.

"Leave it Madeline."

Freezing as her Father's thunderous voice broke out, Maddie sat still on her chair as she glanced over at Bedelia.

"Madame B dropped her fork, I just wanted to help," she whispered, looking over at the seated woman.

"I don't need your help child," Bedelia spoke with a firm tone as she laid both her hands down flat on the edge of the table in a bid to stop them from violently shaking.

I need the FBI's help


Sitting alone in the living room near a large floor to ceiling window that faced out into the dark yard, Bedelia sat and slowly moved her hand to feel just under her thigh. Running the edge of her thumb along the sharpness of the steak knife, she returned her hands into her lap as she suddenly sat up straight.

L'amour est un oiseau rebelle
Que nul ne peut apprivoiser
Et c'est bien en vain qu'on l'appelle
S'il lui convient de refuser

Rien n'y fait, menace ou prière
L'un parle bien, l'autre se tait
Et c'est l'autre que je préfère
Il n'a rien dit mais il me plait

Hearing the muffled voice of the soprano echoing off the walls from the vinyl record, she slowly rose to her feet as she held the steak knife, carefully sliding it up the white sleeve of her blouse.

L'oiseau que tu croyais surprendere
Battit d'aile et s'envola.
L'amour est loin, tu peux l'attendre.
Tu ne l'attends pas, il est là.

Tout atour de toi, vite vite,
Il vient, s'en va, puis il revient.
Tu crois le tenir, il t'evite.
Tu crois l'eviter, il te tient


Run Bedelia

Run out the door and don't stop

Spinning around on the heel of her shoe, she broke out into a run across the floor just as she was slammed hard chest first into the front door. Letting out a sharp yelp as she was spun around, her eyes went wide as Hannibal squeezed his hand tightly against her wind pipe.

"All around you, swift, so swift, it comes, it goes and then returns ...you think you hold it fast, it flees you think you're free, it holds you fast" he whispered in tune with the French words as Carmen sang her heart out into the bowels of the house. Feeling the woman struggling with no success, Hannibal glanced down to see a smear of red wetness growing alongside her sleeve as it transferred onto the torso of his white dress shirt.

"Were you planning on stabbing me Doctor Du Maurier?" he growled, staring down into her face devoid of all emotion and expression. Feeling her trying to shake her head, Hannibal leaned in close to her left ear and brushed his lips against her lower lobe.

"Left or right Bedelia?"

Struggling against his strong grip, she offered only a compressed breath and wide eyes as Hannibal registered her terror.

"You should be terrified Bedelia. But something tells me, that you enjoy the feeling of being utterly and fucking terrified of me," he swore, half dragging her into the dark kitchen before roughly pulling a Japanese steel meat cleaver roughly out from the drawer in the island. Releasing his hold on her neck, he heard her sucking in a deep lungful of air as he pinned both her wrists down with the weight of his free hand onto the island top.

"Left…or right?"

Watching the sharp blade of the cleaver tickling along the inside of her right wrist, she knew it was useless to try and pull away as she felt Hannibal's body against her hip, holding her firmly in place.


"I will count to ten, then I will choose," he breathed with a harsh tone as Bedelia felt the heavy beads of sweet pooling along her forehead.



Raising his eyes as he felt Bedelia trying to straighten up her posture, Hannibal held her firm as he continued to count.

"Two, Madeline, come here please."


"Three, Madeline would you like to see what your Father does to people who betray him?" he asked calmly as the small sleepy child rounded the corner of the kitchen island and froze at the sight of the cleaver.

"HANNIBAL! NOT IN FRONT OF HER… I…. PLEASE, NOT IN FRONT OF HER!," Bedelia screamed with wet eyes as Madeline clutched at the small teddy bear in her arms, holding it against her chest with wide eyes.

"Let her watch."

Slamming the sharp steel down against Bedelia's left wrist just above the bone, he smiled widely as the woman let out a bloody curdling scream before slumping down his thigh into a heap on the floor. Stepping over her body, Hannibal gave only a passing glance at her separated bloody left hand that rested dripping on the island as he approached his daughter. Hearing the child scream as he picked her up in his arms, he restrained her hands against his chest as she tried to push herself away.

"DADDY! YOU HURT MADAME B!" Madeline screamed, hiccupping in between her cries as Hannibal carried her down the dark hallway towards her bedroom.

"What you saw Madeline, will not be the first. You are my daughter, and I intend to show you everything that I am capable of" he spoke firmly as the child went limp in his arms from exhaustion.

"We are leaving Romania tonight dear daughter. Let us hope, that Madame B will be on her best behavior."

Thank you to Lestatsgirl15, Guest, Americanlatinajapanesegirl, Vantablackvalentina, Vanessaserrato, Farrahjohnson21, and D'elfe for leaving reviews!

It's a bit short for a chapter, but I hope everyone is staying safe!

Lestatsgirl15 – Next chapter is between Oliveah and Mason!

Guest – I did see that! Hannibal is back on Netflix, but I can't understand why no station or company will sign the show on for another season or two!?

Americanlatinajapanesegirl – I was reading back on some of the old chapters from part 1. So many written words! I do miss writing the first part.

VantablackValentina – Thank you so much for your kind comment!

Vanessaserrato – Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Farrahjohnson21 – I loved Joe's version of Mason Verger. His laugh always chills me to the bone

D'elfe – I'm still working out the details of how she will find him. I have bits and pieces written down everywhere. But there will be a part 3 to this story as well.