Huey was a bit of a nerd, dork, geek, whatever phrase you want to use.

Dewey was an adventurous, daring, theatrical kid.

Louie was a mischievous, sly, and cunning child.

Well, that's the standard description of them. Nobody bothered to learn much more unless they just wanted to get close to THE Scrooge McDuck. Nobody wanted to learn more about the triplets.

Webby wasn't that way at all. Maybe it was because she already knew more about Scrooge than they did, but she genuinely cared for each of them.

She liked to teach Louie that doing the right thing isn't bad. He taught her to let loose and enjoy life, but be skeptical when needed. At first, he didn't like her. Then, he had a crush on her. But soon, he let go of that. Why? Because she liked Dewey. It was as clear as day. Louie's feelings for her eventually faded, and he only seeked friendship with her.

Webby's relationship with Huey was a bit different. He immediately had a crush on her but like Louie's, it went away. She was someone he could trust, someone who was good at making things fun. However, Huey values his friendship with her. She just wasn't his type of person.

Dewey had spent a lot of time with her. They explored together, had fun together, and understood each other on a level he and his brothers never had. He was friendly towards her, but what started out platonic became much more to him. She was the one duck who made him feel special without him having to try tricks or anything like that.

They were all thankful for Webby, but what they didn't account for was the fact that they needed each other just as much as they needed her. Because of their attention towards her, they didn't find time to be with each other.

Soon, we'll see how things turn out as an adventure turns sour.