Johnny birthright convations azula

"Azual,I got some questions " the genius ex-jockey had asked The famously well love prisoner in the barracks.

"What is it Johnny" it has been a week since D4C had banished the Young Joestar in a last ditch attempt to be rid of him.

Johnny assumes that this is some dimension that not even the president would go to, if it wasn't valentine would've tried to kill him by now.

As soon as the Arctics waves hit him he had found himself self frantically splashing about in the Pond of what he presumed to be a different country.

After introduction to the Princess a trip to a unspeakable dimension and one hole night waiting at the ready to shoot if somebody came out of the water he begrudgingly travelled whit the princess.

She had suggested that he should join the army and put his skills to use, he had a declined at first but thought it was better than being homeless.

"you're the only person that knows I don't belong here" he said whit his usual business like tone.

"so I was wondering what's it like here in hoshido" figuring he will be here for while he thought he might as well learn more about the culture to adapt and not stand out to much.

"well" Princess Azula had taken a moment to put into words the feelings she's had for her forced country.

"The people are nice and very well spirited" she began memorising all the happier moments she had in her life.

"I am a prisoner of Nohr yet all the citizens treat me equally" everybody addressing her still as princess was prove enough.

"I dare say it's a very welcoming country" A smile crept on her face thankful that this new home had accepted her.

It wasn't very often she smiled.









"is that it" Johnny had broken the moment with his usual sarcasm.

"yes I believe that is all" a bit taken off guard Johnny's voice carried more intentions than just average curiosity.

"any think you don't like" his leading on question might as well be accompanied by a carrot on a stick.

"well in the summer there are rather many bugs, all the locals call it biting season"

Johnny's face was flush and seemed rather embarrassed for some reason.

"that is not what I'm talking about dame it!" his usual rudeness had taken hold dropping the formalities.

Azual was taking back by his forwardness raising a eyebrow "then what do you truly want to know"? The jockey was now not the only one with something on their mind now.

"It's just" his regular voice returning to his face but still felt like he was a bit embarrassed.

"everyone is so polite to everyone" it sounded like he had to force it out.

azula seemed surprised "is that not a good thing?" could his concerns over manning simply be what they call culture shock.

"It's downright creepy" he looked her dead in the eye.









"you find...polite people...creepy?"

Each word she repeated felt like she had to carefully spell out expecting that she herd it wrong, again she was lost for words at her new friends bizarre mannerisms.

"Yes" he affirmed while nodding.

There wasn't a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Johnny had predicted that something like this might happen.

Everyone does call her a princess so he thought they might hide away the darker subjects away from her.

Never once telling her things like :slavery,racism,treatment of the lower class and possibly public execution.

All these things could be happening right now and neither of them would've known about it, it was obvious that in this dimension in this place heavily resemble Japan.

Johnny remembered from the few conversations he had with his mother that in the olden times the poor were basically treated like dirt and one of the prime ways to gain prestige is to join the army.

It basically meant you are forced to be a soldier or be a lowly peasants.

Since coming here he hadn't let his guard down once.

Even with Azula shiny recommendation there was no guarantee some higher up was not going to abuse their power.

He made a desperate attempt to gain any sort of power in this world but he needed information.


"would you prefer it if I was ruder to you"? In a hilarious twist of fate there was no trace of sarcasm in her voice.