My Hero Broly

Welcome to my new story I made as I thought it would be cool to have everyone's new favorite Saiyan in the My hero universe. As always I do not own both animes. Enjoy.

Chapter 1

During their epic fight, Broly and Gogeta were trading off blows as the mighty fused Saiyan decided that it was time to finish this off. "!" He fire the super kamehameha wave at the full power Saiyan as he just witness something, fear. Fear that he was about to die at this man, fear that he will no longer be able to see his friend Ba and to rekindle his friendship with the beast back on Vampa. Fear that he will never see his new friends Cheelai and Lemo, especially Cheelai since she showed him a lot more kindness even destroying the remote to his collar, gave him chocolate and made him feel happy. Then something happened, He hear Cheelai, she was pleading to something. "Save Broly, send him somewhere safe, somewhere he can get along with others, Please Dragon!"

In a flash of light, Broly didn't feel any pain, it was different, it felt as if he was traveling in a ship a million miles per hour. 'What is this? Am I dead?' Was the first thing that came up in the Saiyan's thoughts. "No, I can still feel movement in my body. Did Cheelai do this? Did she somehow save me? But she doesn't have that kind of energy." He thought as was was still being sent million miles. Then it hit him, those orange orbs, the dragon balls that Frieza guy was trying to collect, if memory serves him right, collect all seven and you get to grant a wish, so Cheelai must of used them to save his life. "I'm going home..." Broly whispered to himself as he gave a small smile as he was gonna return to Vampa. He was gonna go to the planet he grew up on, he was gonna go see Ba and see if he could rebuild his friendship with the beast, everything was gonna go back to normal. Well almost, his dad was not gonna return with him as he was dead. His dad was a curl jerk to him as he was treated him harshly, but deep down, he did love him. Now he wondered what his life will be like now that he will be mostly alone on that planet. Broly sighed and hoped for the best as he was teleported.

In another Dimension

Class 1A had been facing off with people that called themselves the League of Villains attacked the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, U.S.J for short, as they had to defend themselves until the Pros arrived. Thirteen, and Aizawa were the only pro hero's to make sure the students were unharmed, however both heros were badly hurt by the villains. Lucky All Might came in the nick of time as helped his fellow heros and traded blows with the most dangerous villain there, the Nomu. Apparently, All Might was nearing his limit when he traded blows with the creature.

'I have to do something fast, otherwise things won't be looking good.' All Might thought to himself as his left side was bleeding.

"Nomu, kill him." Tomura told the bird face villain as it charges at the Symbol of Peace. All Might was ready to stand his ground and beat the monster to a pulp, until a beam of light descended from in between the two as it blinded them. "What?! What is this?!" Tomura shouted at he put his arms in front so the light did not blind him.

As the light subsided, everyone around saw that Broly appeared right between All Might and Nomu. 'Who is this man? He is no hero I know about, is he a villain? No that can't be, but still, I have to be cautious." All Might thought to himself as he readied for a fight.

"Where am I? This is not Vampa." Broly said aloud as he looked around to see that he was in a building. He looked to his left as there was a huge muscular man with blond hair as it had two distinct tufts that stick up above his head and shadows that covered his eyes. To his right was a Blackish looking beast that was also muscular with beaked teeth and brain matter showing. It after looking around for a minute, he noticed that two men, one with hands over his body and one with black mist surrounding his, were feet behind the black like beast man and behind the blond man, a few feet were four teenage boys, a red haired boy who was shirtless with black pants, a white and red haired what looks to be ice covering his red haired side, a blond with spiked up hair with weird gotlets in his hands and a green haired boy what looks to be a blue jumpsuit. It didn't take a minute to figure out that the blond guy is protecting the boys from this beast.

"Who the hell are you?" Tomura asked as he looked at Broly. "It doesn't matter. Nomu, kill him as well!"

Nomu did as he was told and threw a punch right into Broly's face. However, Broly grabbed Nomu's arm, squeezing it tight and revealed his face unhurt with a serious look. Nomu panicked and tried to punch him with his other arm, but Broly caught it and headbutted the beast. Nomu stumbled back a bit as it tried to regain its footing, but it was too late, Broly gave one powerful punch at it's chest and sent Nomu flying to the ceiling and broke thought the steel, glass, and concert as Nomu was sent flying.

Tomura and Kurogiri were in total shock at what they just witnessed. 'How can this be!? Nomu is supposed to be the ultimate weapon to beat All might! Now here comes this guy who bested him in one punch! I swear I will kill him!' He was about to charge in blindly but Kurogiri stopped him.

"We need to retreat for the time being until regroup and learn about our new foe." The shadow man told him. Tomura didn't like it but charging in blind is not the best way. Kurogiri created a warp gate as they both entered and closed it behind.

Just like the villains, All might and the four boys were in complete and utter shock. 'Incredible, he beat that thing in with just one blow. Who ever he is, helped out greatly.' All Might thought to himself as he smiled and approached the man. "Hey there, that was some impressive strength you got there." Broly looked at him seriously as he positioned his fist. "Whoa hold on, I'm not gonna hurt you, I just want to say thank you."

Broly loosen his fist as he stood straight and went from looking serious to look natural. Broly noticed that the man's arm was stretched and hand open for a handshake. He reached out his and shook All Mights hand. "Your ...very welcome...sir."

"Wow that is some grip you have there." All Might said as he was shaking his hands. "So, what is your name kid?"

"I'm Broly." He answered as he let go of All mights hand.

"Broly? Wow, that is a really odd name." All Might jokes, but he noticed that his time is running out soon. "Thought we can save our talk for a later, we have to take care of the other villians that are still roaming around." As if on cue, the pros showed up and rounded all the villians up and All Might was starting to power down. "Young Midoriya, Young Bakugo, Young Todoroki, Young Kirishima go help you fellow students and teachers." He told the four boys behind him.

"Like Hell we are! I want to know who this guy-"

"C'mon Kachann, we have to check up on the others!" Izuku told Bakugo as he ran to check up on the others along with Shoto and Kirishima.

"Shut up Deku, I'm coming!" Bakugo yelled as he ran with the other.

Once the four boys left, All might was starting to steam up.

"Hey, are you okay?" Broly looked at him as he saw right before his eyes that the Muscular man was starting to turn into a bony skeleton. 'Wait what just happened? Did he just power down all of a sudden.'

"Sorry, I didn't want the students to see me in this form, it's kinda like a secret identity." All Might told him, as he coughed up some blood.

"Secret identity?" Broly looking confused.

"Wait you don't know what a secret identity is?" All Might asked hoping to see the large man was kidding, but he didn't find any hint of sarcasm on his face. "Have you been living under a rock or something?"

"No, I grew up on Vampa." Broly told him as he reminded himself. "That reminds me, where am I?"

All Might tilted his head as he looked at him and were is Vampa? It's not a place he ever heard of, then again, the way he arrived was not anything normal on a quirk level. "Your at the U.S.J outside of U.A High."

"That's not what I'm asking. I mean, what planet am I on?" Broly specified.

'Wait Planet!?' All Might shouted in his mind. 'Is this guy some kind of Alien!? But he looks human, well as much human originally look.' "Earth." He said

"Earth?" Broly said as he tried to sense Cheeli or Lemo energy, but couldn't find them anywhere. 'That's weird I can't sense them, maybe this is another planet called Earth. I'm sure they will find me later.' "Thank you." He said as he gave the okay sign.

"Wait, so you're actually from outer space?" All Might asked as Broly nodded to him. "I have a lot of questions later, but for now, can you help me get out of here? I can't let the other students see me like this."

"Um... sure..." Broly said very plainly as he grabbed All might and flew out through the hole in the building

'He can fly!?' All Might mentally dropped his jaw. 'This guy is incredible.' "Just over their is a good spot." He pointed to the school.

Broly did and landed at the entrance of the building. "If that is all then I will leave you." He told the hero and started to fly off.

"Wait." All Might stopping him. "I still need a lot of stuff I need to ask of you, remember. And after seeing you fight, I think you can do a lot of good here."

"Thank you but I can't, I don't really like to fight and I might do some harm." Broly told the man. "I... I can't control my powers." He said looking saddened at the mere mention of him going berserk.

'So it's like with young Midoriya with One For All. He doesn't like to fight, I guess he will unless he really has to.' All Might smiled as he walked to Broly. "Young Broly, let me help you control your powers, I actually have a student that has similar problem you do, and you don't have to fight, unless you really need to. I only suggest that you fight to defend others." He reached out his hand. "What do you say?"

Broly looked at him and then thought of the kindness Cheelai and Lemo gave him a little while back. "Yes, I will like that." He smiled and shook the skeletal mans hand.

"Glad to hear, now come on, I have to check on my wounds." They both went inside as Symbol of Peace added a new student to his teaching life.