Tales of the Falls





On the 13th day of the 13th month of the 13th year...magic will return to the world...and the streets will run red with the blood of the (semi)innocent...unless the world is saved by the most unlikely of hero's...baking cupcakes?!

The title is '13/13/13' and it'll be coming to a bookstore or E-Book site near you! Xilbris is the publisher, also available at Amazon, Inkitt and BarnesandNoble.



Mable was running and crying, this day was the worse! First her dreams of a 'happy high school' were shattered, then her friends can't show up to her party, and worse of all her brother wanted to leave her!

How could he-

Happy Birthday to you

Mable stopped running toward the woods surprised and turned around-

Happy Birthday to you

Standing in front of her is a guy wearing a black hoodie and adorable baby mask and holding a green cupcake with a lit candle in it.

Happy Birthday to you

He continued to sing while handing the cupcake to her.

Happy Birthday, Dear Mable

Mable smiles, after the rotten day she'd been having this was just what she needed! she takes it, "Thank, mysterious stranger!" She exclaims as she leans over to blow out the candle-


Happy Birthday to you...

Sang the killer over Mable as blood leaked from her slashed throat. He blew out the candle himself just as Mable took her last breath...





Mable screamed as she woke up, she frantically patted her neck...it was...fine?

"Wha- But didn't I just..." She looked around...she was in a closet in the Mystery Shack?

"Why am I..." The she saw her supplies and 'plan' written in crayon: Wake up early and in a closet so Dipper dosen't hear the alarm. then transform her face into her old friend Mr. Upside-Downington to surprise Dipper!

"Wha...but wasn't it..." She looks at her smartphone...sure enough it's the morning!

"Wait...so...it was just a dream?" And in typical Mable fashion she laughs it off. "What am I saying? Of course it was a dream! Whoa! I REALLY need to stop eating smiley-Dip before I go to bed!"

Quickly she styles her face with the needed googley eyes and opens the door to head to her room...

Her face goes pale...outside her door is a very familiar green cupcake covered with a lit candle and with the following inscription in black frosting...

Happy Birthday to you...



AN: Want me to continue this? I'm willing to take Bribes! Publish a chapter of my 'Shake up the Falls' Challenge before anyone else and I'll update the next chapter this plus two other stories!

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