This chapter isn't 'smutty' like the previous. It's more of a closure chapter, but I will be writing more smut in the near future.

Anything Could Happen

"Are you guys ready?"

Penny looked herself over in the full-length mirror and nodded. She wore a long black dress; it was strapless and pushed her breast up and together beautifully. It was tight around her stomach and flowed around her legs, with a slit so high she couldn't wear underwear. Her hair was down and swept over one shoulder in calculated waves, her make up minimal but her lips red as a ruby.

Behind her stood the man who made her heart stop. He stood tall in a black suit; he's taken a liking to it. Not because of the way it looked, but because of the way it made Penny react. He glanced at her through the mirror and smirked, she had never seen anything sexier.

He was fixing his cuffs, the movements flexing his arms. He was no Kurt, but damn did that Wii Fit benefit him well.

Sheldon looked away from her, "We're ready, Leonard," he placed a hand on the small of her back and led her towards the door.

Leonard grumbled between the both of them. It had been two weeks since he caught them on their way to the bathroom -together, and neither have offered an explanation. They were a lot less discreet about their rendezvous but, still provided no insight to how this even happened. It pissed him off, how could Sheldon do this to him? How could Penny choose that robotic-freak over him? He had called dibs! What about Amy? If you asked him, they were being selfish. There were way too many variables in this, and it helped nobody that they got together. It would be best if they had just broken up.

He figured he'd have to have a helping hand in that.

They were on their way to Stuart's Award Ceremony; they don't know what it's called. Just that on comic book night, which Sheldon opted to stay home from -he now knows why, Stuart invited all of them to the award ceremony. Leonard figured it was because they were the only friends he had, but he didn't say so. They even could bring a plus one. So, Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, and Raj decided they would go. Howard and Raj because it was open-bar, and free food. Sheldon because Penny wanted to go, it had been some time since she dressed up elegantly. Then, Leonard because if Sheldon and Penny were going so was, he. He felt like he had to keep an eye on the new couple. Howard invited Bernadette, while Raj invited a woman he had been flirting with.

Leonard felt like it was his duty to invite Amy.

"Wow, it's really crowded in here…" Penny trailed off.

She didn't know what she expected, but this wasn't it. Wall to wall, it was filled with people in suits and gowns. "What did Stuart say this ceremony was for again?" It was Raj who spoke up, "Something to do with his comic book store, I think they're awarding the person with the most successful business or something."

Sheldon wasn't a jealous person; it wasn't in his nature. He knew he was superior to many males, females too. Though, he would be lying if he said he didn't mind the sparkle in Penny's eyes when she took in how important this ceremony was for Stuart. He wanted her to look at him like that…he chortled; she'll see when he finally wins the Nobel prize.

"Sorry I'm late!"

The couple turned their heads at the monotone voice. "Amy Farrah Fowler? What are you doing here?"

The brunette looked at the taller man, offended, "Leonard invited me. I'm his plus one." Penny rolled her eyes, of course she was. She didn't know what Leonard had planned, but it wouldn't work.

Before the group could continue speaking, they were ushered to a round table. Thankfully their group was large enough to take up the entire table, so they didn't need to share it with anyone else. However, unfortunately, Leonard and Amy were sitting directly in front of Sheldon and Penny, eyeing them with no shame. Penny could swear both of their glasses were fogging with anger.

Sighing, she leaned her head against Sheldon's shoulder. He only placed an arm around the back of her chair, encouraging her to lean into his side deeper. The rest of the group had grown used to Sheldon and Penny's affectionate ways, but it was still odd seeing Sheldon not jump away from someone's touch at the earliest chance he got.

Someone on stage had welcomed everyone and wished them a great night; encouraging them to mingle and eat. Stuart came around the table a few minutes later, thanking all of them for coming. Penny could only smile at how nervous the meek man was. Once he left and the food was placed in front of them, Leonard cleared his throat, "So, I think it's finally time Sheldon and Penny share their love story."

Sheldon sighed this time, he knew Leonard wouldn't drop the situation, it was tiresome. "All you guys need to know is Penny and I are together, and that's that."

Amy narrowed her eyes, unsatisfied, "I think you owe it to us –to me at least, to tell me how this happened. I know I've done some unsavoury things in our relationship, but I thought nothing was unsalvageable. I did everything you asked of me, Sheldon."

"Maybe that's why, Amy."

Penny was annoyed, they couldn't have one night. "You manipulated him, you wanted him to change into something he isn't. And Sheldon didn't need a yes-man; you may have stimulated his mind, but you weren't even close to stimulating anything else," she commented. Leonard scoffed, "Yeah, and I'm sure you are."

Sheldon's eyes narrowed, "Penny is more than a warm body in my bed, Leonard. If you actually took the time to get to know her beyond her physical appearance than you would know how smart she actually is. You would know how ambitious, and how loyal she is. Despite your man-whorish ways, you two may have made good friends but with your track record that would be all you two could ever be. You never deserved Penny, and I doubt I do but I sure as hell wouldn't throw the opportunity away just cause another woman walks by. How's Leslie Winkle by the way?"

Penny was shocked at the confession; she knew Sheldon liked her, but they have never talked in depth about their feelings before.


Sheldon broke his eye contact from a fuming Leonard and looked at the woman beside him. He sighed and took her hand, "Yes, well, this is less than ideal but I love you Penelope," Sheldon said genuinely, he looked so deeply into her eyes as he tried to convey his emotions the best he could. He heard her gasp, and the others as well.

He didn't care about them, he just cared about the woman beside him.

"I love you too, Sweetie."

He had never felt so much relief. However, before he could speak again Penny was pulling him towards her and their lips were on each other. Suddenly, he couldn't get close enough. He figured she felt the same, because the grip she had on his biceps.

His tongue parted her lips, and her arms snaked around his neck and into his hair. His arms went around her waist and slid her half way into his lap. It wasn't until she moaned, they realized where they were.

They pulled apart, both red in the face and panting. Their eye contact was intense, and everyone around the table could feel the sexual tension.

"Uh…maybe you guys should go," Bernadette's nasally voice cut through.

"Here, take my car…" Howard handed the keys towards Penny, and she took them without ever breaking eye contact with Sheldon. They could barely hear Leonard and Amy whining across the table.

Sheldon grabbed her hand and pulled her from around the table, eagerly leading her from out of the room.

He wondered if Penny would be opposed to moving in with him. He glanced at her as she rushed around Howard's vehicle and towards the driver seat, he smirked. With Penny, anything could happen.