A/N: Hello readers! I'm back! I recently reread my first star trek story and decided I wasn't done with those characters. This is a sequel to Saving Doctor McCoy so if you haven't read that please go read that first. Thank you to anyone that reads this story! As always I appreciate feedback so read and review! Enjoy!

The med bed was oddly quiet for the Enterprise crew. Raylene spent most of the morning organizing the new supply shipment that arrived last week. She had quickly learned the ebb and flow of the medical department and added her own ideas when it was necessary to upgrade.

The nurses appreciated her skills and welcomed the extra help with open arms. Nearly a year on the ship, and Raylene had inserted herself into the Enterprise crew as one of their own. Every day was a new adventure for her, but she wouldn't trade it for anything. Escaping the red planet was the best thing that could have happened to her.

She typed into her PADD the number of cannisters delivered for the hypo sprays and moved to counting rolls of gauze, when a nurse came into her line of vision.

"Yes, nurse?" Raylene asked.

"Dr. McCoy would like to see you in his office."

"Did he say why?"

"No ma'am." The nurse grew nervous. "I didn't ask, but I could go find out."

Raylene smiled. "That's not necessary. I'll go visit him when I'm done. Thank you."

"You're welcome." The nurse scurried off to avoid any reprimand for not delivering as much information as possible.

Raylene wasn't worried. If McCoy needed to talk to her, then she would go visit him no problem. She entered the total number of rolls of gauze into her PADD before setting it down and walking to McCoy's office. She paused a moment before knocking on the door.

"Come in," came McCoy's reply from inside.

Raylene entered and stood at attention in front of his desk. "You wanted to see me, sir?"

McCoy put down his PADD and met her gaze. "Yes, Dr. Hobbs. I wanted to check that you were still happy serving on the Enterprise."

"Yes, sir. I have learned a lot while working on the Enterprise and look forward to spending more time with the crew." Raylene answered.

McCoy nodded. "So, you've made friends here?"

"Yes, I believe I have. I hope my friendships have not inhibited my abilities as a doctor." She replied.

"No, no, nothing like that." McCoy returned.

Raylene paused for an explanation, but he didn't supply one. "Anything else, sir?"

"One more question," McCoy stood from his desk, "Is anyone bothering you on the crew?"

"Not that I'm aware." Raylene said. "Anyone in particular I should be watching for?"

McCoy filled the space between her and the desk. "Just the most handsome doctor in the fleet." He smirked.

"Oh, you mean Dr. Rogers? He hasn't bothered me."

McCoy furrowed his brow and huffed. "Damn it, I meant me, Ray."

Raylene laughed as she reached out to hug McCoy. "I know you did, but I couldn't let you have all the fun."

He hugged her back as he grumbled, "Dr. Rogers isn't even handsome. He uses too much hair gel, and have you noticed his eyes are too far apart?"

Raylene pulled back to face him. "Leonard, it was a joke. If I thought Dr. Rogers was attractive would I be standing here holding on to you?"

McCoy thought over her argument. "I guess not."

"Exactly. I love you and you're the handsomest man I've ever met." Raylene leaned in and kissed him once on the lips.

He smiled slightly. "Am I really the handsomest man you've ever met?"

Raylene rolled her eyes. "Shut up, Bones."

McCoy kissed her again and deepened the kiss by pulling her into his chest until the space between them disappeared. Raylene pulled his face toward hers, needing to be closer. They stumbled toward his desk and McCoy lifted her to sit on the edge in front of him. His hand slid up her leg as he squeezed her thigh. She was pulling at the hem of his shirt when McCoy's communicator beeped.

"Damn it." McCoy cursed, breathing heavy.

Raylene dropped her head to his shoulder. "It's okay. We needed to stop."

"Doesn't mean I wanted to," said McCoy, stepping away from Raylene to straighten his clothes and check his communicator.

Raylene stood from the desk and smoothed down her dress and hair.

"I have to go see Kirk." McCoy revealed.

"Does wonder boy need medical advice or moral advice?" Raylene teased.

McCoy slicked back his hair. "I swear he has the worst timing."

"Leonard," Raylene placed her hands on his chest, "go talk to Jim and I promise we can pick up where we left off later tonight."

He pressed a kiss to her lips. "I love you, you know that."

"I love you, too." Raylene smiled before turning to exit his office. She walked back to the stack of supplies and began organizing them once again. She saw McCoy leave his office from the corner of her eye and smiled to herself as his usual grumpy expression returned to his face.

McCoy stood in the elevator, waiting to be let out onto the bridge. Kirk's message didn't provide McCoy with details on what their meeting was about, but he could only assume Kirk needed someone to be on his side against Spock.

The doors opened to reveal a very calm bridge scene. McCoy stepped out of the elevator and glanced around at the crew members attending their positions. Sulu stared ahead as the Enterprise zoomed through space at warp speed, while next to him, Chekov scrolled through information on his PADD. Uhura studied the monitor in front of her, presumably studying up on alien languages. Spock stood next to the captain's chair where Kirk sat upright, looking imposing in his golden uniform. McCoy moved around to the other side of the captain's chair and stood at attention.

"You needed me." He said.

"Hey, Bones. Just the man I wanted to see." Kirk smiled.

McCoy sighed. "I gathered that. What exactly do you need?"

Kirk stood and threw an arm around his friend's shoulders. "Nothing seems to be happening in space, so I wanted to see how you were doing. How's med bay?"

"Seriously? I came up here because I thought you needed something." McCoy grumbled.

"I do need something. Entertainment. And you're the most entertaining man I know." Kirk replied.

McCoy leaned closer to Kirk's face to speak quietly. "Listen, Jim. I was in the middle of something in med bay that I would rather not be interrupted from, so next time when you need entertainment, call Mr. Scott."

Kirk stared confused. "What was going on in med bay? Organizing medical supplies can't be that fun."

"No, it's not," said McCoy. "But kissing my girlfriend in the privacy of my own office was." McCoy glared at Kirk as his words sunk in.

Kirk stared wide-eyed at McCoy. "Bones, I'm sorry." Then Kirk began to smile. "So, if I hadn't called you up here what would you be doing?"

McCoy shook his head. "Oh, no. You do not get to ask me that. Not you of all people."

Kirk laughed. "Alright, Bones. I get it. I'm sorry I ruined your moment."

"Thank you."

"But maybe next time we should have a code word just in case I call you in the middle of—"

"I'm leaving." McCoy cut off Kirk's explanation and walked toward the elevator.

"Don't worry, Bones. I will apologize to Raylene, too." Kirk called after him. He laughed to himself as McCoy stepped into the elevator and disappeared from the bridge.

Spock raised an eyebrow at the exchange. "Is there a problem with Dr. Hobbs? I thought she was adjusting nicely to the ship."

Kirk turned to Spock. "Everything is fine, Spock. Dr. McCoy was just telling me I have bad timing." He returned to the captain's chair.

"I believed it to be well known that you have terrible time management skills." Spock said, bluntly.

Kirk glared at Spock. "I know how to manage my time."

"Yes, captain." Spock returned his gaze to the course ahead a nearly imperceptible smile on his face. Kirk stared at Spock for a moment before facing forward and watching the stars fly by at warp speed.