Chise couldn't have pinpointed the moment she became aware of the faery Queen's presence; it began, as it always did, with the subtle sense of Spring in the air. Her subconsciousness registered it before her waking mind did; when she looked down the path to see her waiting in the leaf-dimmed light, she was not surprised.

"Good afternoon, your Majesty," she said, with a polite bow, and Thistle, beside her, did her best to follow suit.

"Good afternoon, Daughter, Granddaughter," Titania responded, her eyes dancing merrily. "I am glad to see you are on time."

"On time? For what?" Chise asked warily.

Beside her, Thistle cocked her head. "Nani?"

"For Thistle's afternoon lessons, of course!" Titania smiled.

Chise exchanged a glance with her daughter, before uncertainly asking, "Lessons?"

"Indeed! Do you not agree that it is time for her to unlock the energies of her body? Elias has grown into a competent teacher over the years; but this lesson may be beyond him."

"Oh! That is… very kind of you." Chise gave another small bow. She herself had suggested asking for help, or at least guidance; but now that the offer was before her, she was torn. She wished suddenly that Elias had joined them for their walk.

"It'll be okay, " Ruth said, startling her as he nosed his doggy head into her hand. "I don't think she means any harm."

"Of course I don't," Titania replied, slightly coolly. "I have nothing but concern and affection for my granddaughter." She held a hand out to Thistle, who gripped her mother's hand a little more tightly, sensing her reluctance.

"May I ask what this lesson will entail?" Chise asked warily, "And where it will take place? Silky is expecting us home soon for tea."

"The guidance I offer is not for human ears—not even those of a Sleigh Beggy. However…" she smiled reassuringly. "We need not leave your sight; and the Silver Lady will not be left waiting. Come," she prompted, turning, and with light and graceful steps that left no trace over the summer grasses, led the way to a nearby clearing. "Wait there in peace," she said, indicating a mossy log on the far side; "I will speak with Thistle here."

Still reluctant, but not feeling any actual threat, Chise let Thistle's hand go with a last squeeze. "Mama's going to be right there, love, okay?"

"'kay," Thistle replied, looking a bit uncertain herself, but obediently waiting beside Titania as Chise backed across the clearing.

Titania knelt amidst the slow settling of her skirts, patting the soft, cool grass before her. As Thistle joined her, cocking her head expectantly, Chise heard her say, "Now, Thistle, attend my words…" before her voice grew too quiet to hear.

Chise and Ruth both kept careful eyes on the pair, saying little; but so far as either could tell, they only talked, Titania expressively; Thistle occasionally nodding as she listened attentively.

It was only a half hour or so later, Chise estimated, before Titania rose, leading Thistle back to her mother. "Thank you for your patience," she smiled. "I look forward to tomorrow's lesson." And with that, as Chise took Thistle's hand, she simply turned and left, vanishing in a moment between the ancient trees.

"What did she say to you?" Chise asked, curious, as they headed back to the path for home.

Thistle looked thoughtful, and slightly distracted. "Words," she piped.

Hi Angelica
I have a favour to ask
If it's not too much trouble

Whats up?

Would you please ask Hugo if Azami is a Sleigh Beggy?
Like me?


Never mind then
Are you still coming for tea on Friday

lol Chise
I mean he says she's not
And yes
I will be there
Hugo too of course if you want to ask him yourself
See you then!

See you then
Take care


Chise stared at her phone screen, and burst into tears.

In a moment Elias was on the sofa beside her, arms around her, his book lying spread-eagled on his chair, forgotten. "It's okay, shh, it's okay," he softly crooned to her as he stroked her hair, head tucked under his chin as she sobbed, clutching his shirt.

As she settled somewhat, gently rocked in his arms, he cautiously asked, "Are you okay? What brought that on? What's wrong?"

"Thistle—Hugo—Hugo says…" She choked again, sobbed, took a very deep breath, sat back, and scrubbed at her eyes with her sleeve.

Ruth raised his head from his paws. "It's okay," he reassured the worried mage; "She's just relieved."

"Angelica says Hugo says she isn't a Sleigh Beggy!" Chise managed to blurt out.

Elias's shoulders slumped and he leaned back against the sofa, one hand pressed to his forehead. "Thank god," he muttered.

Chise curled into his chest again, snuggling close and sighing deeply. "I was so afraid," she said, tearing up again. "I—if she had the Sleigh Beggy curse too—I mean, we couldn't just try and share my dragon curse and Joseph's curse with her; what would that even do to her? How could I do that to my own child?! But without it, how long—how long would she even…"

Ruth came and sat on her other side, rubbing her back comfortingly, as she broke down sobbing again. "I know," he said quietly.

"I don't even think I realized how worried I was about it until just now," Chise said, her voice muffled in Elias's dampening shirt. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you…"

"No, no, it's all right," Elias soothed, sounding distracted himself. He sighed, and squeezed her tightly, nuzzling his cheek against her head. "I'm glad too. Thank god…"

Ruth looked up as Silky popped her head around the doorway, looking deeply concerned. "Everything's fine," he smiled. "Hugo says Thistle isn't a Sleigh Beggy."

Silky swayed back, closing her eyes in relief; then gave a happy little hop, clapping her hands in joy as she twirled and rushed back to the kitchen. A clatter of pans soon filled the air, as Ruth sniffed appreciatively.

"I suspect Thistle will wake up to a rather more elaborate teatime than usual," Elias smiled happily.

As soon as he heard about it, Elias had insisted on coming along to Thistle's lessons with Titania, of course. Chise didn't argue; she understood perfectly. Even with the pair staying within sight, Chise couldn't help but feel a bit anxious about the whole thing herself, despite her having been the one to suggest seeking the Queen of the Night's help. She suspected that at least part of it was just Thistle being in the forest, and out of her reach. She knew full well how dangerous some of the fae could be; and while not to quite the same extent that Elias seemed to, she had to admit that she also didn't quite trust even Titania to not try to lure or otherwise spirit her daughter away into the Anthill.

However, Titania was always careful to stay within the anxious parents' view, if not their hearing, and had not given them any reason for concern.

Still… It made the whole thing a bit tense, even with Silky's packed lunches.

At the moment, Chise, sitting on their checkered picnic blanket, was unobtrusively peeking at the pair over the rim of her mug, as Elias poured himself more tea from the thermos. Titania hadn't ever seemed bothered by her regard; but Thistle seemed to find it distracting and would spend more time waving at her than listening to her tutor, so Chise tried to be subtle as she watched.

Thistle seemed thoroughly engrossed, though, listening intently as Titania leaned in to wiggle the child's toes, making some point or another. Thistle raised her foot, spreading her toes herself as she struggled to hold it aloft while keeping her balance, trying to inspect it closely.

She had grown, and lost a lot of her initial roly-polyness; but the position was still an awkward one for her.

Behind her, Elias clattered the lid, distracting her. "Do you think she's making any progress?" she asked quietly, turning back to him. "Can you tell?"

Elias's eyes, glowing slightly brighter in the cool green air, drifted to their daughter, still intently absorbed with her feet. "I don't know. Until she does something, how can we tell?"

"She won't tell me what Ti—what her teacher is telling her," Chise griped, careful to not attract the fae's attention by naming her. "Or showing her."

"She won't—or can't—tell me, either. But I'm not sure she has the vocabulary."

Chise sighed. "True. But it's been over a month—"

"Mummy! Daddy! Look!" Thistle's excited squeal shattered the still air.

Chise turned, and froze, mouth dropping open in shock. Tottering towards them across the clearing, under her tutor's benevolent, proud gaze, an ecstatic smile splitting her face, bipedal, pink, and human, was a naked little girl.

A/N: Woo! Look at me go, cranking out all these chapters! :D Seriously, I'm pretty happy with how much more quickly I managed to get this one written, compared to what, a traditional average of like a month on this one? XD

All I can say is that I've been managing to get a bit more uninterrupted time to myself for writing in over the past few days, which makes all the difference for me. So please, keep encouraging me with your thoughts and reviews; and look for the next chapter to come along fairly quickly as well, I think! :D

Take care! Stay safe! ~Kryss