Author's Notes:

Procrastination seems to be hard-wired into my system, even when I'm working on something that I absolutely love. So while you're waiting for another chapter of Dark Masquerade, enjoy this bit of fluff I cooked up after reading one of Rae's challenges. I'll post what the terms were when the fic is completed.

When will it be completed? Good question. It's definitely not going to be an epic like DM, so it'll be short and sweet. The second small bit should be out in the next day or so, but after that, I'm not sure. Should be finished by the middle of June. As for those yearning for an update on Dark Masquerade... I haven't forgotten it. I haven't abandoned it. I am still plugging away at it. Expect another large update by the end of May, or in the absolute worst-case-scenario, the end of June... although I'm fervently hoping it's not going to take that long. ^_^;;;


Rated PG-13 for language and *ahem* adult situational humor. Also be warned that this will contain fluff (or perhaps it might be all fluff), my twisted sense of humor, and a certain sense of irony/spoof-ishness when read in conjunction with Dark Masquerade. If you're looking for a deep, thought-provoking plot like DM, this fic does not have it. Oh yes, how could I have forgotten. It also contains a large dosage of guy/guy luvin'. Specifically, Taito, and an eventually resolved triangle of Koushiro - Taichi - Jyou. Other parings may appear at my discretion. (Update 05/10/03: Parings changed to Yamachi and Kousuke. Subject to further change. ^^;;; And although the requested Taito to Yamachi switch was honored, Taichi will not be super-girly.)

Captive Complications

by Ice'is Blue

1. A Present to Myself

King Yamato's eyes glimmered with feverish delight as the squirming bundle was placed upon the floor below him.

"I trust that you encountered little trouble in capturing my prize." His soldiers looked at each other for a moment, then nodded.

"Leave us," he commanded. The soldiers bowed and left... perhaps a little too quickly. But as eager as he was to unwrap the present he had decided to give himself, he paid their mood little attention.

The cloth-covered lump lay still. He skipped down off his throne and placed his hand on the middle of the oblong bundle, probably the girl's hip. Although, there were no real distinguishing features apparent through the wrapping.

"There, there, Princess Hikari," he soothed, patting the fabric. "I promise to take very good care of you. Your family can either pay to have you returned, only half your lands would be required, or they can refuse payment and I'll keep you instead."

"Get your hand off of my dick, you bastard," a most-decidedly non-feminine voice growled.

Eyes going wide, Yamato backed away. After a few moments of struggling, the person freed the upper portion of their body from what might have once been burgundy curtains. Rather, the upper portion of his body.

Angry brown eyes glared up at Yamato. "So you wanted to capture yourself a princess? Well, I'm lucky your soldiers don't have an ounce of wit between them. It's saved me the trip of hunting you down and ripping you apart for even thinking of trying to hurt my baby sister."

It was Prince Taichi. For once in his life, Yamato was speechless. How had his soldiers managed to capture the Prince instead of the Princess?

What the hell was he supposed to do with a Prince? He took in the murderous expression on the man's face... More importantly, how the hell was he going to survive the next minute?

Taichi exploded into motion, leaping up from the fabric that was wound about his legs. The enraged man was a mere three steps away from being able to strangle Yamato when he tripped on the low hem of his garment and face-planted into the floor.

Taichi cursed, holding his head in pain, "Damn dress... forgot I was wearing it."
