Chapter 1: Havoc

Disclaimer: I do not own Alien/Predator series or any characters and may not follow all customs and cultures found in Alien/Predator movies.

Pauk! Pauk! Pauk!

I tried my best to keep the ship stable as I pressed so many codes that I had no idea what I was really doing anymore. The alarms kept ringing out all over, warning me of the systems that were failing due to the damage it was already taking and so much more. Red, flashing lights also covered the front deck of the ship so it didn't help when I was trying to find the right codes to press into the panel.

Around me, the ship was torn and pieces of it were scattered all behind me. Wires were falling everywhere and sparks popped from every part of the deck and I feared that one of them would catch on to something and cause a fire. But it was the last thing I needed to worry about right now. I looked up into the darkness of the universe and when I did, it almost was peaceful.

How can something this chaotic can't seem to break the quietness of space? I wonder . . .

Then, another blast hits the side of the ship that almost threw me out of the chair I was sitting it. I held on as hard as I could until the ship settled down but the panel displayed that the rear, passenger side of the ship took massive damage. To be honest, I was ready to bang on the panel so it would shut up about the outside portion of the ship. My concern was for the engine since it was trying its best to keep up the pace I wanted it to go. But with so much damage it had already received, it was only a matter of time before it would fail and eventually die.

Again, another blast hits the rear end of the ship once more and a repeat of events from before erupted with the exception that the ship began to alarm me of something else, which was the one thing I feared. The engine that was staying strong for me was finally faltering. The recent blast tore through its protection so there was nothing to keep it safe. Without a guard, one more hit and the ship will go down.

I kept pressing erratically in order to keep the ship going. Come on! Don't give up now! I can't die here! Not yet!

All of a sudden, a different alarm goes off that catches my attention. The screen in front of me come to life and a fuzzy, static video starts up. I had no idea if the communications would work now but whoever was contacting me was probably certain that it did. It was an unknown caller as the Yautja language was fading out each time the panel tried to boost itself back on. Out of a little bit of curiosity, I decided to answer it and the video becomes almost clear with a little static on the side. But in some way, I wished that it didn't work as the face of a familiar Yautja emerges. His form only made me growl fiercely at him as I spat out at him in the Yautja language.

"What do you want?!"

His mandibles spread out a bit and his inner mouth twisted so it looked like he was giving me an evil smirk. That made me growl louder in my chest and my fists tighten on the edges of the panel. I stood up from my chair quickly and faced directly at him, keeping my eyes focused in his yellow ones. He then let his voice ring out.

"Aw. Poor Ta'kasa . . . Or should I call you Anya? I can't tell anymore since I'm so confused. It would probably be better to call you what you are: a little lou-dte (child-maker) hybrid."

I slammed my fists down hard on the panel but made sure to avoid the codes on it as I glared at him with all the anger inside of me.

"Cut the cjit (shit) out! Why are you calling me if you're just want to spit out remarks!? Your 'followers' are on my tail doing your dirty work!"

I wanted to rip each of his mandibles out and feed it to him but he was probably far away at his little 'fortress' he had just as I left, killing anyone who dared to get in his way. I barely escaped Yautja Prime when all of this massacre started and every Yautja that I've known was slain in front of me.

He's the one who started all of this . . . All this death just for his ambition to rule. Now . . . there's nothing left.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as my blue eyes went back to him when he began to chuckle again. God, I hated that sound from him. Makes me want to barf!

"Well, that is not the only reason why. I just want to offer you one final chance to join me and my clan. You are, after all, a part of me so you deserve something like that. Even if you carry ooman blood inside, you are a greatly valuable warrior and Huntress. And clever as well. Do you still refuse?"

My mind reeled back the words he spoke of. I can't even register it, even after everything that has happened. I look back into my memories of the recent events when many gave their lives to make sure I was safe and allowed me to escape. Everyone that I cared and loved is in danger or dead because of me but their words echoed in my mind, telling me to survive and make sure to stop this once and for all. This time . . . I had formed my resolve and my promise to stay alive until I fixed this once and for all. So, I looked back into his yellow eyes and spat out at him, causing some of my saliva to cover some parts of the screen.

"You can offer me a thousand more times over a thousand years . . . and I will refuse it every time. You're not even worth listening to after everything you have done. You're just a pauking (fucking) Bad Blood!"

I smirked a bit when I saw his body flinch and his eyes widen a little bit but he quickly composed himself as he leered right back at me. I was ready for some verbal fight he was about to unleash but instead, he sat back down on his chair and held his chin between his fingers. I had no idea of what he was thinking until he removes his hand and waves for one of his subordinates to come to him. He whispers something and it was driving me crazy. I growled fiercely, which made him wave his subordinate to go away and look back at me with a sickening grin.

"Then you're a fool. Everyone that believed in you has either fallen or been imprisoned. Even Lord Daugouand had suffered and you just left him behind like a piece of meat ready to be slaughtered."

That's it! I grabbed the screen with both my hands and came so close that my face might be covering their screen at the moment. I screamed with all the might I had within me.

"Don't you even dare speak his name! He's a hundred times the greater warrior that you will ever be!"

Another flinch from him and I chuckled at him so he knew I saw that and enjoyed every single second of it. This time, he growled a little at me and I stood back from the screen, making sure he can see me. One of his subordinates comes to his side and pressed a firm hand on his shoulder. He looks back and shakes it off, shifting around in his chair until he was in a more comfortable position. He puts his hands together in front of him before he drops them and looks back at me.

"Fine then. I gave you a chance and you slapped it out of my hands. But I can't let you walk away from this. You know too much and you're another loose end that needs to be tied up."

He turns his head to the subordinate that had his hand on his shoulder earlier and motioned his head down like a quick bow before I saw him walk off away from the chair. He turns back to me and grins once more.

"It's too bad. You would have been a fine warrior and would have been freed from all the pain that has come to you. But now, only more will suffer and I hope that you understand when I send you to your grave."

I just kept my glare at him until he spoke to the subordinates that were behind him.

"Destroy her."

And with that, the screen goes black and I wondered for a second before another blast hits the ship, sending me flying across until I hit the wall hard. Luckily, my armor protected me from most of it but the soreness made my back ache from it. This blast was stronger than before and felt like it was closer to the front of the ship.

I got up quickly on my feet and went straight back to sit on the chair, pressing more codes to see what had happened. The panel read that the engine to a devastating hit and was only hanging on. I tried to enter more codes into the panel when I heard a huge engine sound that was not my own. To answer my question, I looked towards the side of the front windshield and an ominous sight befell over me.

"Cjit (Shit)."

A massive, mothership comes into view of mine, staying by the side but inching closer to me. It was completely black all the way through and if the red markings that lined some parts of the ship and the lights from it, I wouldn't be able to see in through the darkness. It was almost twice as big as my ship although it wasn't designed to hold more than twenty Yautja at a time. I watched as it stops getting closer but then one of its main cannons moves and points directly at me.


A huge, blue blast is released and comes straight at me, making contact on the side of the ship just before it meets the front deck where I was and I had to hold on to the chair for dear life. The wall almost collapses but it left cracks that started to seep out the gas that would suffocate me if I didn't act quickly. Luckily, my mask was just hooked on the belt of my armor so I pulled it off and placed it over my face. The hissing sound it made was a firm sigh that it was working but I was blinded unless I activated it. I held my arm up and pressed on my wrist gauntlet and the mask lights up, showing the ooman vision since I set it on default for myself.

Soon, I went back to the panel and assessed the situation. It wasn't pauking (fucking) good. The engine took another major hit and now was dangerously close to failing. I cursed myself inside my head.

I need to land somewhere before the engine fails . . .

I scrambled for an idea until I saw a small symbol on the very edge of the screen and realized that the wormhole device was still operational. I calculated in my mind if I can use this to escape but understood that if I did, I would be using the last of the engine's power and my ship would fall with me in it so I only have one chance to use it. Plus, the machine is very unpredictable so I have to time it correctly or I might end of somewhere in the middle of nowhere and then I would be pauked (fucked).

Even so, it's better than getting blasted to pieces by the enemy!

With that said, I made my decision right then and there. I put the code in for the release of the wormhole but the panel showed a warning that if I do so, the ship will crash. I paused and looked back at the enemy ship that was ready to fire again. When I saw that it was coming, I snapped and pressed the button hard. When it did, the ship shuttered a bit before it alerted me of the activation. I looked forward and huge thrust from underneath me shook the entire ship.

And then, the wormhole was released.

It flew far in front of me and opened a hole in the universe that was big enough to get my ship through. I pressed more codes and the ship thrusts forward, passing through just as another blast was about to hit the rear. The wormhole closes just in time since I didn't feel any impact afterward.

Lights passed by everywhere around us. It was so bright that it was actually starting to make me sick so I closed my eyes behind my mask so that I can keep myself together. It wasn't until the ship braked harshly that I opened my eyes so I could grip on the chair once more.

When I did, I let out a relieved breath as I saw a familiar sight before me. A place I knew would be somewhere I could hide for a while along with having allies there as well.

Earth . . .

The blue oceans and the green land covering all over its surface was a welcoming sight. It had been too long since I had returned to this place. I only wished that the circumstances would be different than it was now. But at least, it was my second home and my body relaxes a bit along with my heartbeat when I saw it.

However, my moment of tranquility was shattered when a louder alarm goes off and I stare back down on the panel and knew that the engine was failing. I needed to land as soon as possible so I maneuvered the ship manually since the automatic pilot was now offline. I pressed even more codes and at a faster pace as the ship comes closer to the planet.

When it made contact with the atmosphere, it started to heat up and it made me uncomfortable. Usually, the ship's shield would take care of that problem but it was completely destroyed. Without it, I was at the mercy of the heat but I endured it as much as possible.

I was glad that it didn't burn through all the way, thanks to the inner frame of the ship, but I wasn't out of the woods yet. I cleared the atmosphere but as soon as I did, the engine sputtered to a stop. Next thing I knew, the ship was going downhill quickly.

I tried my best to at least keep it straight so I wouldn't crash almost vertically but it didn't guarantee that I'm safe. Looking out through the front windshield, I noticed that I was somewhere in a far stretch of a forest that made me reminisce about the time I was back on Earth. The beautiful sunset . . . the calmness of it and . . . the fresh smell of rain.

That made me chuckle a bit at that moment.

I wonder if Lar'ja was feeling the same thing when he crashed on Earth. Probably not . . .

His name echoes in my mind and I couldn't help but close my eyes and remember him.

Lar'ja . . .

I missed him so much. I wanted to be in his arms again and enjoy his fresh scent of rain once more. I wanted to feel his skin on mine . . . To hold him tightly in my arms . . . To smell his scent all over me . . . To taste his tongue in my mouth . . . and to feel his whole body on top of me once more. Those memories are etched into my soul and I would never forget them, letting out a small moan as I relived them in my mind.

But the faces of others came to me and I worried so much when I thought of them. Xen'ork . . . An'tar . . . Daugo . . . Arkarb . . . all of my Elites . . . and Lar'ja.

I hope that they are all safe . . .

And just when I opened my eyes once more through the mask, the Earth was only a few feet below us and I braced for impact, holding on to the chair as tightly as I could. The ship falls closer and closer as the sound of trees snapping roared underneath. My heartbeat pushed harder from underneath my chest as the anticipation of the crash was getting closer.

And then, I felt the impact of the ship onto the ground that shook like an earthquake but I wasn't expecting that the ship would flip all the way around. Not aware that it was going to happen, I lost grip on the chair and thrashed around the front deck, hitting the back of the ceiling as I yelled in pain. The ship twists and turns and I was thrown around like a rag doll until I managed to get back to the chair, holding tightly as the ship skids on the ground. More trees broke apart but when I looked forward, a huge mountainside was coming fast and I knew that it was going to be a brutal halt.

I braced for impact one more time, closing my eyes once more and remembering all the good times I had with my friends and allies, new and old.

Before I knew it, the ship finally crashes into the mountainside and I lost consciousness upon impact. But there was one last thing that I thought before I was engulfed in darkness.

How did it all come to this?

Hello everyone! :D

And early April Fool's! I know it was probably cruel of me but I forgot that was April Fool's Day so I decided to keep you guys waiting for the wrong date. But of course, I have to admit that I couldn't wait anymore either so here is the first chapter of Metamorphosis. I'm still posting the other first chapters for Nexus and Endurance as promised so don't worry. I'm not that cruel . . . ;)

Anyway, so we got a crazy situation going on for Anya . . . being chased by someone she knows and leaving for Earth in a bad way . . . I can't blame her for asking why it had come to this.

Will find out when Chapter 2 comes around.

P.S. I will be posting every other week for both Metamorphosis and Endurance each Friday night unless notified (first week: Metamorphosis; Next week: Endurance and etc.) Postings for Nexus will vary depending on the progress of Metamorphosis but will let all of you know when.


Reading notes:

Normal = Anya (human form) speaking English (ooman language)

Italic = Anya (human form) speaking Yautja

Bold = Any Yautja speaking English (ooman language)

Bold and Italic = Any Yautja speaking Yautja language