Chapter 35: Resolve

Disclaimer: I do not own Alien/Predator series or any characters and may not follow all customs and cultures found in Alien/Predator movies

I just kept running . . .

Through the darkness of the tunnel, I fought within myself to not look back . . . to go and save Daugo before it's too late . . . but I couldn't. He would never forgive me if I did. I knew all too well that the Killer Yautjas would take over completely and if I were captured, then all would be lost. But every time I heard Daugo's voice in my head, it sent the worst pain I ever felt throughout my head, wrap itself around my spine and burn my fingertips and toes.

I promised . . . your mother . . . I would protect you . . . no matter what. And I can't . . . bear for you . . . to endure . . . the suffering . . . once more.

I shook my head. It's far worse than that, Daugo . . .

Please . . . let me do this . . . for you . . . when I couldn't before. You not only . . . need to survive . . . but live.

How can I live when I abandoned you?


I bit my lower lip so hard that I tasted my blood. I spit it out, feeling the wound heal on its own with no problem. I have to escape . . . I have to find everyone. As I ran through the tunnel, feeling my muscles cramp and struggling to keep pace, I thought about Sa'iye and the others. I hoped that they somehow made it despite what Hakr'ouh said. And Lar'ja . . . that was one person I couldn't lose faith. He's the type that would do anything to find me once more and I would do the same. Even if it's true that he was captured, Lar'ja wouldn't give up. I could imagine seeing his golden-amber eyes and smell his sweet scent of spring rain.

That thought gave me a burst of energy. My heart pounded faster and my breathing grew harder. I pushed forward, hoping to see the end of the tunnel and find the ship that I was told would be there.

Sure enough, I turned a corner and a few meters away was the ship I was looking for, docked near a small port. I've seen many ships in the past few seasons but this one looked far more advanced than all of them. It was petite in overall size but the shape reminded me of a military jet except with a more broad body. I estimated that it could barely hold a hunting party of twenty while others could have double than that. Still, it was enough to take the Council, Successors, and a few Arbitrators out of Yautja Prime in a pinch. It was slick with silver Yautja symbols covering the wings outlined by a black color that took over the whole ship. Its engines were far superior with two on each side, giving it a huge boost of speed. Probably to get away most likely. All in all, it was very unique in so many ways and I wasn't even inside the ship yet. It mattered little. I had to get on no matter what.

I ran faster as I got closer to it, feeling a small bit of hope that I could get out of here. But just as I had only a few feet more, an explosion from the ceiling of the tunnel took me by surprise. I reacted, backflipping so I could get away from the falling rocks. I shielded my eyes for a moment, making sure no more rubble threatened to come flying at me. The dust was all that remained but I couldn't see a thing until I saw a shadow of a figure coming through. My body tenses when it was another kainde amedha that somehow got through the rocks that supported the tunnel.

That creature couldn't have made an explosion like that. Someone else did . . .

More kainde amedha showed up, hissing aggressively at me but never dared to attack. They're waiting for something. It wasn't long before I head someone jump from the ceiling and landing hard on the ground. I could feel the vibrations to where I stood but I didn't dare to move. I tightened my back, straightened my legs and arms in preparation for a fight. I figured I wasn't going to get it easy. More heavy steps shook the ground, indicating that there were more. From between the kainde amedha, two Yautjas with only shoulder armor and braces emerge with wrist blades and spears in hand, prepared to strike. The red-X symbol etched on their armor was enough to tell they were Bad Bloods. Although their faces were masked, they thrilled with excitement as if excited that they finally caught their target. I growled in response as a third Bad Blood came in the middle of the unit. He was unmasked so I could see the yellow eyes through the darkness even before he emerged. They were full of lust for the kill. His mandibles clicked in amusement.

"Look what we have here. We found the hybrid before anyone else did."

He turns to his followers and they clicked their mandibles furiously in laughter. I hate that sound. The lead male takes a step closer but stops when one of the kainde amedha by his side reacted to his presence. It hissed and swiped at his chest. The male dodges easily and then plunges his wrist blades into its back. The kainde amedha yelps in pain before dropping dead on the floor. Its blood began to burn the ground slowly, letting out a smell that reminded me of burning sulfur. A smell that I always hated throughout my life.

"Pathetic creature."

His gaze turns back to me. He tilts his head in curiosity, pulling it back as if he noticed something. "Oh . . . how much I want to cut that pretty face of yours, hybrid. It's too bad that Hakr'ouh wants to keep you alive."

He takes another step and I take a step back, glaring into his eyes. It only egged him on. "But he didn't say we couldn't have our fun, right?"

Out of nowhere, he emits a low purr filled with lust but not like the one before. This one was familiar to a male desiring to mate with a female. My heart clenched at the thought of him trying to pull a move on me. He made his intentions clear when his hand slips underneath his loincloth. It was sickening to watch him pump himself that I felt my stomach twist in a knot. The other two behind stayed still but I could feel the tension around them. How sick are these Bad Bloods? Regardless, I wasn't going to let them have their way with me. I would rather die than to let them do as they please.

Without hesitation, I threw my last disk from my belt and it flies towards the lead male. He removes his hand from his loincloth but doesn't attempt to block. Instead, he pulled the chain on one nearby kainde amedha, forcibly putting it between the disk and himself to act as a living shield. The disk gets embedded into its chest and the creature thrashes in agony. The male threw it across the room like trash, letting it slowly fade as its blood flowed and burn everything in its path.

These Yautjas . . . are monsters.

The lead male chuffs. "You think you have a chance to fight against us? Even if you're the Leader of the Elites and a strong warrior, you can't take all of us at once."

As much as I didn't want to admit, he was right. There still were four kainde amedha and three Bad Bloods blocking my path to the ship. I had to hurry out of here before reinforcements come but I was stuck since I couldn't go forward or back. I could take down about half of them but they would have the upper hand even if I went into my Yautja form. If they were smart, they would attack at once.

But a sudden thought crossed my mind. Attack at once?

My mind snapped as an idea came to me. I glanced down at my wrist gauntlet that was modified by Arkarb and me to accommodate my new plasma cannon drones. The only problem is that I haven't tested it since I got it back. I trusted Arkarb's word that it's better but in a desperate situation like this one, I had my doubts.

But it's all I got. Can you think of anything else?

I paused. I didn' think so.

Knowing that I have no choice, I took a deep breath and reached for my gauntlet. In reaction, the Bad Bloods and the kainde amedha began to slowly inch closer to me. I kept my eyes on them, making sure they won't try and pull a sneaky move. Once my fingers made it, I started punching codes into my gauntlet without even looking down. I memorized the pattern so much during my improvements in the weapon. It hums before the small metal slits open. As soon as they did, the orbs flew out like bees emerging from the hive. A dozen or so swirled around in the air, gaining the attention of my enemies. The kainde amedha's heads move as if mesmerized by the orbs. However, the Bad Bloods seemed to be a little shocked and frightened a little. The lead male, who showed cockiness a minute ago had backed away.

"What the pauk are those things?"

I wasn't surprised by their reaction. It was the very first time I used this weapon or shown it to anyone except for T'uark, Arkarb, and myself. I took a breath, looking down at my gauntlet for a few moments. Here goes nothing.

I concentrated on my thoughts, generating commands that the sensor pad underneath my arm would pick up. My eyes glanced over to one side and the orbs followed, swaying slowly like ghosts. The kainde amedha and the Bad Bloods watched, wary of what they might do next. I glanced to the other side and the orbs went in the same direction, confirming that the sensor pad was working. Slowly, I glared at the lead male. His face looked like it went pale. I wasn't sure since Yautja skin is thicker than an ooman's but his eyes filled with concern were enough. Flickering my thoughts to all of my enemies in front, the orbs flew over their heads until they floated above like stars. The room became eerily silent until the lead Bad Blood looked back at me.

When he did, I smirked.

"Watch out!"

He tried to warn the others but it was already too late. I flexed my fingers together into a fist, giving the command. The slit on the surface of the orbs flew open, revealing a blue light inside that glowed in intensity. Before any of the Bad Bloods or kainde amedha could react, the orbs released small blasts that aimed at multiple targets. In an instant, all of my enemies were obliterated into ashes. One Bad Blood had gotten several burnt holes all over his chest as he dropped to the ground. The kainde amedha tried to escape the bombardment but even as they tried to climb back through the hole in the ceiling, the orbs blasted their heads into oblivion. They drop like flies onto the ground, even landing on a Bad Blood that was struggling to stay alive. He was a goner before the acidic blood dripped on his head but the roars he let out chilled me to the bone . . . yet it gave me such satisfaction.

Aftermath, they were all dead in an instant. I stared down at the bodies littered on the ground as the orbs flew back into the slits of my gauntlet. I had to take a breath to get my senses back. Wow . . . it worked. I brought my wrist gauntlet and smiled, feeling bittersweet since Arkarb had helped me make this. I hope he's alright.

I heard a bang and footsteps coming from the other side of the tunnel, snapping me out of it. Great. I have to get out of here. I took off towards the ship, climbing on the ramp to get inside.

The outside was impressive and it reflected on the inside as well. The walls were detailed with Yautja symbols, glowing brightly red. It made it like I was walking through a haunted house or something. Small rooms took over the sides of the hallway but I didn't bother to stop and look to see if anyone was inside. I made it to the pilot's deck, getting into the chair and almost falling off from the momentum. I turned around and started up the engine. I was glad that Xen'ork took the time to train me on how to operate ships of different calibers. The only time that idiot was useful.

Once I entered the code, the engine comes to life and the ramp begins to ascend until it closed. I worked frantically, hearing more noises from behind being amplified by the confines of the cave. I entered more codes and the ship rises from the ground. But as soon as I was about to take off, a kainde amedha leaps onto the front window of the ship. I gasped in surprise as more of them began to cover my view. My frustration in dealing with these things was turning into rage.

You wanna play? Then let's play.

I pressed hard on the panel and the ship speed off at a rapid acceleration. Some of the kainde amedha flew off the ship while others held on for dear life until the acceleration was done. I cursed, hoping they all would go. One of the creatures hissed at me through the window and started to ram its head into the glass. At first, it held strong but as more kainde amedha merged their attacks, a small crack in the window began to form. This isn't good!

Out of desperation, I turned the ship to one side and it knocked some off but a few remain. I tilted the ship to the other side and more fell off until only three were left. Losing their brethren, the kainde amedha verged into the window in a violent rage and kept slamming on the glass. One started to use the tip of its tail and it cracked the window even more.

I growled. I have to get them off!

It was then that a small rock formation hanging from the wall came into view. It was a risky plan at the last moment since it would potentially break the window altogether, which I wanted to avoid but I had no choice. Without hesitation, I turned the ship until the front was a few inches towards it. The creatures were unaware of what's coming so I smiled at them with glee.

"Take this, you motherfuckers!"

The front of the ship hits the rock, shaking it so violently that I had to hold on the arms of the chair. The rest of the kainde amedha were crushed like flies on a car. Their whole bodies were crushed upon impact. Their organs popped out of their guts in a heap of green goo on the window. I was glad that after many seasons, Yautjas have upgraded the ships so they're acid-resistant or else I would be in more trouble.

The dead bodies fell off as I straightened the ship. The window automatically cleans the mess and I'm able to see once more. Luckily, it wasn't long before I saw the doors at the end of the tunnel opening. I didn't stop as I barely made through the slit and into the open air.

But I was met with a massive cloud of smoke that impaired my vision. It only lasts a few moments but revealed a scene was horrid . . . and all too familiar.

I was several feet in the air but I could see the chaos as clearly as if I was on the ground. The first thing I noticed was the burning craters that decorated the ground and some that took over an area where a building once stood. Rubble littered the entire ground, covering the market area and other parts. The craters could be seen from far away and I gasped in realization. My heart skipped when it came to me.

It's the same pattern as the locations of the bombs I saw on the map. They must have gone off when Hakr'ouh pressed the device!

I heard cannons going off and saw some warriors being hunted down by Bad Bloods with their 'pets' on their tails. Many were fighting but were taken down in a swarm of kainde amedha, never to get back up again. Yautja bodies covered the entire ground that was either half-eaten or blasted in their chests, making Yautja Prime look like a battleground. In reality, it was a massacre.

When I saw these images, I closed my eyes tightly and pulled away. It's the same . . . as that dream. Everything . . . was real. I never forgot that night when I saw the horror and to see it now, it pained me to my very being.

Distracted, I didn't see the blue blast that swooshed passed the front of the ship. I turned to see that there was a cannon on top of one of the buildings nearby. I recognized it as part of security that was supposed to be used as a defense for Yautja Prime. Now . . . it was a weapon for the Bad Bloods, having enough power to destroy a small ship with little effort. One from another building demonstrated it as another ship that was trying to flee got blasted out of the sky, falling to the ground in a heap of ball and fire.

My eyes widened as it points to me, shooting another blast towards me. I turn the ship enough that it barely clipped the side. The system alerts me of the damage but it kept on going, heading towards the sky to get out of Yautja Prime. The cannon keeps firing more blasts until I was out of range. I sighed in relief as I made it into space, looking back at Yautja Prime. It was completely shrouded in smoke even from space along with the red glow. The once-proud planet was now a ghost of itself.

As the ship cruised in the coldness of space, I ground my teeth together and held back the tears. It was made harder when my mind betrayed me, showing images of everyone I loved . . . with Lar'ja being the highlight of them. I took deep breaths to calm down. I leaned against the panel.

Take it easy. You need to find a place and lay low until you can find Lar'ja and the others. I'm sure everything's fine. I just need to regroup and—

Out of nowhere, a blast hits the side of the ship. It was a nasty one as wires from the ceiling fell, sparking above my head. I had to duck and use the massive chair as a shield. Then I heard a terrible noise that I wished I could shut off. The ship's alarms went berserk, informing of the damage the ship had taken. I pressed on the panel and the screen comes to life, crackling a little. I assessed the damage and saw that the engine got blasted. Half of it was completely gone while the other worked double-time to keep the ship floating. Oh no!

The screen then displays a warning that someone was following me. I could see five or more small ships following me and I imagined they weren't coming to greet me. Pauking Bad Bloods . . . One of the ships shoots towards me and I tried to turn the ship but the blast makes contact with my ship. It rattles the side and I hold on for dear life. The chase lasted throughout a good amount of time.

After that, it felt like a blur.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pauk! Pauk! Pauk!

I tried my best to keep the ship stable as I pressed so many codes that I had no idea what I was doing anymore. The alarms kept ringing out all over, warning me of the systems that were failing due to the damage it was already taking and so much more. Red, flashing lights also covered the front deck of the ship so it didn't help when I was trying to find the right codes to press into the panel.

Still, I kept pressing erratically to keep the ship going. Come on! Don't give up now! I can't die here! Not yet!

More blasts kept coming and coming until they stopped and another alarm grabs my attention, alerting me of a call. If I had known who it was before answering, I would have never answered. His monstrous form still gave me the chills though.


He gave me an evil smirk. "Aw. Poor Ta'kasa . . . Or should I call you Anya? I can't tell anymore since I'm so confused. It would probably be better to call you what you are: a little lou-dte (child-maker) hybrid."

I was angry, kept on slamming on the panel every time I heard his pauking voice in my ears. "Cut the cjit (shit) out! Why are you calling me if you're just want to spit out remarks!? Your 'followers' are on my tail doing your dirty work!"

He's the one who started all of this . . . All this death just for his ambition to rule. Now . . . there's nothing left.

"Well, that is not the only reason why. I just want to offer you one final chance to join me and my clan. You are, after all, a part of me so you deserve something like that. Even if you carry ooman blood inside, you are a great valuable warrior and huntress. And clever as well. Do you still refuse?"

I gave him a swift answer. "You can offer me a thousand more times over a thousand years . . . and I will refuse it every time. You're not even worth listening to after everything you have done. You're just a pauking (fucking) Bad Blood!"

"Then you're a fool. Everyone that believed in you has either fallen or been imprisoned. Even Lord Daugouand had suffered and you just left him behind like a piece of meat ready to be slaughtered."

I lost it when he spoke ill of Daugo. It was made worse when I remembered his face . . . his smell . . . and his smile. But all that disappeared when that last memory of him appeared, seeing him bloodied and near death's door.

That's it! I grabbed the screen with both my hands and came so close that my face might be covering their screen at the moment. I screamed with all the might I had within me.

"Don't you even dare speak his name! He's a hundred times the greater warrior that you will ever be!"

He huffed, getting more comfortable in his chair while one of his followers spoke to him about something for a moment.

"Fine then. I gave you a chance and you slapped it out of my hands. But I can't let you walk away from this. You know too much and you're another loose end that needs to be tied up. It's too bad. You would have been a fine warrior and would have been freed from all the pain that has come to you. But now, only more will suffer and I hope that you understand when I send you to your grave."

He gave his final orders before he disconnects the conversation. "Destroy her."

After that, everything was all chaos. First, it was a larger mothership that shot at me, damaging the ship so much that the engine began to fail. The next thing I knew, I had to use a wormhole to reach Earth before the engine to my ship died. It was the only place I could think, reminded of all that happened only two seasons ago. It seemed like a short time but it felt longer to me. All my memories flooded inside as I relished in the good ones. I wished at that brief moment I was with him, smiling with not a care in the world.

Xen'ork . . . An'tar . . . Daugo . . . Arkarb . . . all of my Elites . . . and Lar'ja.

I hope that they are all safe . . .

It wasn't long before the ship began its descent towards the Earth. I could only brace for impact as the ship slams into the mountainside and I lose consciousness, repeating the same sentence over and over again.

How did it all come to this?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I don't know how long I was out but it must have been half a day or more. A bright light glowing in my right eye finally woke me up. I groaned, feeling my body was completely sore from head to toe. Still, my mind focused on getting up as the flashback of my landing brought me around. I managed to get my head off the ground, observing the surroundings. I was laying on the metal floor of the deck, seeing the wires dangling over me like vines. The front of the ship was completely smashed in by rocks of the mountainside and the chair was flipped over and on the other side of the deck. I was lucky the ship didn't break all the way through. Overall, it was a disaster but I was lucky to have survived

I need to find out what's going on.

Lying on my stomach, I pushed myself up to my hands and knees, ignoring the jolts of pain that felt like someone was shocking me. I had to take a break and let my lungs expand before getting on my feet. I wobbled as dizziness took over but only last a few moments. After waiting for the pain to stop, I checked my body and saw many gashes and bruises all over me. The cuts were already healing but the bruises will take longer. I ground my teeth in anger.

Those pauking assholes . . .

I tried to check my mask and see what the damage was to myself but when I reached for my face, I touched skin rather than metal. Where's my mask? I looked around and saw it was lying on the floor near where I was asleep. I picked it up, seeing that the lens are cracked. Scratches decorated every single surface but nothing else was broken. I didn't bother to place it on, seeing as I was on Earth and I could breathe without suffocating. I hooked it back on my belt and went for my wrist gauntlets.

But the damage was far worse than I thought. The metal that it was made kept it in good condition but the panel that was hooked on for communication purposes was destroyed. It crackled in an attempt to power itself but it would need repairs. I hoped I would be able to use it to send a distress signal.

I growled in frustration, throwing my hands down. Now I have no way to get in contact with someone.

With the ship destroyed, there was no point in staying there but there was one problem. The hallway leading to the ramp was blocked off by debris. Even with all my weapons, it would take hours before I make a dent and I wasn't patient for that. But then, I saw a smidge of bright light shining through a crack in the ship's haul. I felt cold air flowing through and I knew it was my exit out of here.

I went closer to it and saw I barely had enough room to slip out. I inched through the metal walls, feeling some parts were still hot from the attacks. My leg got too close to one and my skin felt like it was on fire. I pulled away as fast as I could but I imagine it will leave a burn. Finally, I managed to pop out of the small space and felt the cold air of the outside brush over me.

Somehow, I landed on a cliffside with the mountain a few meters away. The ship was destroyed, unable to fly even if I try to repair it. Besides, I lacked the equipment necessary to patch it up. I turned my back and saw the damage I inflicted on the Earth. Dozens of tall trees were mowed down like grass cut from a lawnmower. Small parts of the ship formed a trail behind, marking the broken ground that was obvious to see. Regardless of everything else, my body urged itself to follow the path and I let it would much resistance.

I expected to be a long trail but I stopped at the edge of a cliffside, overlooking the forest that stretched for miles. It must be morning since I could see the sun barely poking out over the horizon, illuminating everything it touches. The trees were a different kind to the ones I left home, looking more like pine trees than the ones covered in leaves. Still, the scene reminded me of the last time I was here. Earth hadn't changed much since I left it but I liked it that way. I closed my eyes and inhaled through my nose, smelling the scent of spring rain.


Quickly, I turned around as if he was standing right behind me but there was no one there. I inhaled again and that smell still came through. Must be springtime . . . wherever the pauk I am. I didn't know this region so I was as clueless as a lost traveler. Disappointed, I clenched my chest as I felt a pain inside my heart. I missed Lar'ja so much. I could see his golden-amber eyes lighting up every time he saw me. His skin was soft despite being covered in a tough hide with scales. But worried at the same time. Did he make it? Do the Bad Bloods have him? Does he know I'm here? Somehow? The thought that I may know the answers to those questions scared me. I shook my head, getting rid of those nasty thoughts.

I have to stay strong. I can't give up.

But then, I heard a large boom from the sky. I lifted and my eyes saw a ship coming through the atmosphere. Immediately, I knew it was a Yautja ship from the design and shape but I had no idea who it belonged to. It wasn't until they got closer that I saw the red X symbol written large on the front of it. I stepped back and growled in anger.

They're here. Still trying to follow me?

But after that ship came, I saw another come through . . . and then another . . . and then another. In just a short time, I could count a dozen Bad Blood ships floating in the sky. It didn't make sense since I was by myself and they would send that many to track me down. Plus, it didn't seem that they saw me or at least not yet. They didn't seem eager to find me. But then I realized an important fact.

They're not hunting me . . . It' an invasion.

I knew that Hakr'ouh and his followers feared the oomans becoming too strong but I didn't think he would send his followers to Earth after they just attacked Yautja Prime. At the same time, it does make a little sense they would pull this move since there might be no one left to stop them. Now that the more honorable Yautjas were being eliminated, Earth and its inhabitants are at their mercy. I lowered my head in despair, knowing that there was no one left to defend it.

But I'm here . . .

I lifted my head fast into the blue sky. You're here, Anya. This is your home and you promised to defend it. No matter if you're alone, you can't let them destroy it.

I repeated those words over and over again. Each time I finished it, the despair was being pushed away and replaced with a growing flame. It burned through my chest, feeding into my arms and legs and giving me strength and confidence. The pain and ache I felt before were long gone. I straightened my legs . . . tightened my fists . . . pulled my shoulders back . . . clenching my jaw shut as I looked back at the Bad Blood ships that were coming closer.

I had lost one home already to those monsters . . . I'm not going to stand back and let them take this one too.

Preparing for a fight, I extended both wrist blades as I watched the ships come closer and closer. My resolve grew as more came, knowing that I was the only one who could stop them. I had lost too many people I love and I wasn't going to let these motherfucking bastards get away with this. My heart had broken too many times to allow another break to come. I was going to stop them.

I took one . . . single . . . slow breath.

"Come and get us, motherfuckers."

Hi Readers!

And so ends another story of Anya but it's not the end of the journey for her. Now that the Bad Bloods are set to invade Earth, she's not going to stand by and watch it happen. Her strength to push through all the bad and focus on what's important is what makes this character worth it. She had to find out what she was in Twisted Fate, change herself in Metamorphosis, and Balance will bring it all together. I can say for sure that you'll see Anya/Ta'kasa mature into the great warrior she is meant to be.

So I hope all of you enjoyed this story even though I admit there wasn't a lot of blood and gore. But that will all come flooding in Balance as the war comes to threaten the whole universe.

Thank you all and updates for the dates to post chapters can be found on my Instagram. But all of you are more than welcomed to message me there or PM on FanFiction.

Thank you all once more and Happy Holidays! :DDDD

The last preview of Balance is here for all to read! Enjoy!

I laid on the hospital bed, feeling my bones ache from every the slightest movement. Even leaning my head forward was too much. It's hard to imagine that these tasks were quite simple in my youth. I turned my head to the side slowly, glancing at my fingers that were holding a special item.

It was a small knife that an old friend gave me. I had to sneak into the hospital without the nurses finding out with some help. It had been such a long time since I last saw her. I wasn't sure if she was dead or not but my heart told me she was out there. The knife was the only thing to remind me of the times we spent together and fought side by side. The blade was the most impressive. The written language of the Yautja covered every bit of its surface, detailed with such skill.

It was easy to know what they meant. There were words like honor, pride, strength, and loyalty but a single one stood out above all others. Carved boldly in the middle of the blade was the word balance. I treasured it very much as I pulled it tightly to my chest, keeping it close to my heart. It gave me such unbelievable strength, making me feel young again.

But then, I felt a presence other than my own in the room. I didn't bother to look and see who it was. There was no point anyway since they were hidden from sight . . . and I already knew who it was. That familiar scent was enough for me.

I heard slow footsteps from the side of the room so I forced through the ache and pain in my neck so I could turn my head and see. There was nothing in sight but I looked closer and saw a cloaked silhouette of a person. I smiled softly as my hoarse voice called out.

"I knew . . . you would come."

I heard beeping, watching as the cloak disintegrated to reveal a female warrior of high status. The overall design was about the same as I last remembered with added new features like more silver lines decorating her chest armor. I looked up towards her face, first seeing her dreadlocks falling over her shoulders like a curtain. When I finally saw her face, the familiar blue eyes drew me in. Despite the many years of being apart, they hadn't changed one bit. The color was bright as the ocean, showing much life in them.

My smile grew bigger and she responded in the same way. Her lips didn't hesitate to show a big smile but I couldn't help but sensed it was also bittersweet. Still, it was joyous to see her again. She opens her mouth and her sweet voice fills the room.

"It's good to see you again . . . Brother."

There you have it. Bit shorter than the others but that's because I didn't want to spoil too much. It's an interesting one too and I'm sure some have their theories. I can't wait to hear them.

P.S. Thank you all for the wonderful reviews on the last chapter of Metamorphosis.

Anonymous-E: I'm sorry I made you cry but the whole series is not over yet. More surprises are yet to come and I hope you can't wait until the holidays are over. Who knows? :)) As for Flying Arrow's Yautja name, I'm thinking U'shara could be a potential one. I keep going for names that start with T and I wanted this character to be unique. I hope you like it. Plus that last part for Ch. 27 of Respect, what does Flying Arrow see . . . unless it's for the next chapter?

Mariah: Good questions . . . very good questions. There are so many possibilities that could be explored but they will be answered when Balance starts posting. Hope you can wait.

Nightroad816: That could happen but I can't spoil too much. But there will be a war where humans and Yautjas will battle. Lots of blood and gore will be spilled . . . and a glorious battle awaits!

Thank you and enjoy! :)))))

Reading notes:

Normal = Anya (human form) speaking English (ooman language)

Italic = Anya (human form) speaking Yautja

Bold = Any Yautja speaking English (ooman language)

Bold and Italic = Any Yautja speaking Yautja language