I wet myself one night in August. "Oh," I realise. I feel something painful coming. I scream in agony. Mum runs through, flicking the light on, staring at me. She runs to my side. "Emma, come on, breathe with me, okay?" Mum starts breathing in and out, deeply. I copy her. "SARAH! The baby's coming!" Luke and Mummy run into my room. "Luke, call the hospital. Sarah, you'll need to drive us over there." Mummy runs off to get dressed and grab the car keys.

It's two thirty in the morning. Why does the end of my summer holidays result in becoming a mother? I guess that's what happens when you're going through puberty at the age of six and agree to sex with someone who can get you pregnant. There's no going back now- not that I'll want to.

The Doctor meets us at the hospital as Mummy signs me in. My room is 666 in the childrens' ward. The Doctor accompanies me into the room. Mum and Mummy are by my side. "You'll be okay," Mum smiles. "Childbirth has changed a lot since I was little, you're in good hands." I smile up at her, glad that my parents and my girlfriend are there with me. I would have liked my brother to be there as well, but I can't have everything. Besides, he's too young. Instead, he's staying at home, texting and calling everyone we know to let them know I'm having the baby.

One of the doctors checks on me a few minutes later as the contractions start to grow more intense and closer together. "All right, Emma, we need you to push on your next contraction."
"Okay," I whisper, trying to hold in pain. My body is tense, tight. I feel like I can't breathe. When I feel more pain, I guess that this must be another contraction, my most painful one yet. I push as hard as I can, bringing into the world not one but TWO babies.

"A boy and a girl," the nurse says, handing them over to me. I look up at the Doctor, who has tears in her eyes and a huge smile on her face. When the nurse leaves, Mum and Mummy smile, adoring their newborn grandchildren.
"Have you got any names?" Mummy asks.
"I was thinking Alistair for the boy," I explain. "I was hoping that the Doctor could come up with a girl's name."
"I was thinking Jessica."
"Jessica's a lovely name. We can call her Jessie for short."
"That's a great idea," Mummy smiles.

As Jessica and Alistair are checked over by the doctors, I slowly change back into my regular clothes. I'll have a few weeks off my feet before I go to school.

When we get home, I realise how tired I am. However, motherhood will get in the way of me now as Jessica and Alistair start crying. I immediately take them inside into the nursery that the Doctor and Luke decorated. "We don't have two cribs," I realise.
"Hey, I'll sort that," the Doctor smiles. "At least Jessica and Alistair are home."

I set them on the floor, surrounded by toys. I'm surprised that the twins can sit up already even though they were only born a few hours ago. "You were like that," Mum agrees when she watches us. "You could do things as a baby most new-born babies can't do for a few months, maybe even a year or so."
"Mama," Jessica requests, her first word. Carefully, I pick her up.
"Mama!" Alistair wails.
"It's going to be a long day when I return to school," I realise. The twins already hold a special part of my heart. "Hey, Jessica, Alistair. There's no need to argue over me." I carefully put Jessica down, who crawls over to her brother.

"I thought you could use a hand," Luke offers, hovering by the door.
"Thanks, Luke," I smile.
"UNCLE LUKE!" The twins chorus.
"How do they already recognise me?"
"I don't know." Luke pulls out some baby clothes.
"When I heard you had a boy and a girl, I thought you might want gender-neutral clothes." I nod in agreement, thanking him. We dress the twins, who patiently sit them, also doing their nappies as they smelt a bit.

"I couldn't wait to see the twins!" Rani squeals. The twins hide behind me. "Sorry, I'll try to be a bit calmer."
"Jessica, Alistair, this is Rani, Clyde and Maria." Cautiously, the twins come out from hiding. I look around their room, smiling. The Doctor and Luke have outdone themselves- we all have. The place is painted a pale yellow so that it feels brighter than before- it was several cupboards before Mum and Mummy renovated it into a nursery. The furniture is white. The toys and books make a big difference.
"I brought you a scrapbook," Rani holds it out to me. "It means you can look back on the twins."
"Let's get a photo of the proud parents," Maria smiles, getting her camera out. The Doctor and I sit beside the children and smile at the camera.
"Ah, it's so cute," Clyde smiles. "That has to go on the first page."
"I'll get it on your computer now," Maria offers. I tell her that would be wonderful. I check the date- Friday 10th August 2007. I write it on the first page of the scrapbook. Maria runs up with the printed photograph, and we glue it down.
"It looks perfect," the Doctor says. "The start of a brand new life, eh?" She pulls me and the twins into a hug.

I receive calls from Torchwood, Diane and Emma, congratulating me. I feel happy- my life already feels brighter.
"Yeah, our boss' missing," Owen adds. Great. "He disappeared soon after you guys left."
"And you didn't think to tell us becauseā€¦?"
"We didn't want you to worry. Gwen's in charge at the moment."
"Good on her!" I laugh.