Disclaimer: Harry Potter does not belong to me. It belongs to the wonderful people at Warner Brothers and Bloomsburg and Scholastic and of course J K Rowling.

Summary: Harry Potter's life is about to change forever hen he finds out the truth about his mother and makes a decision that can and will effect the entire wizarding world. TR/OC HP/DM and various other pairings.

Warning: This is Slash, which means two guys in a relationship in case you didn't know. This story will have other lot lines but if this bothers you than leave now. This will also be MPreg, which means that a male character will become pregnant. While I don't plan on going into intense detail this is an element of the story and if this bothers you than you should also stay away.

Authors note: This is my second attempt at fan fiction and my first attempt at slash. Criticism is welcome but if you plan on giving me a review about how wrong male/male relationships are and that is the only problem that you have with the story then please don't write the review. I have given you fair warning about the nature of this fic. SLASH and MPREG.        

Chapter one: The heart of a Slytherin

The front door opened and she heard two voices drift upstairs. She couldn't believe here ears… he couldn't be back. It had been fourteen years since she had heard that voice but it was still the same. It had a hissing quality, a unique tenor. His voice was part of what had made her fall in love with him.  She ran down the stairs and caught site of that Pettigrew bastard… the one who had sent her husband to his death. She raised her wand and… someone else caught her wrist.

"Now… now Jennifer, what did I tell you about striking my servants?" His silky voice reached her ears and she turned slowly… not shocked by what she saw. Tom Riddle, Voldemort, or whatever he was calling himself these days looked more like a snake than a human, but she didn't care. She jumped into his arms, with an uncharacteristic enthusiasm.

"You used the potion… I'm so glad to see you Tom, you have no idea what these past few years have been like." Jennifer said clutching onto him tightly.

He didn't let go of her, instead he turned to Pettigrew. "You still know where your room is?" He asked harshly.

Pettigrew nodded quickly but he remained still.

"…Go there!" Voldemort yelled.

Jennifer was used to this tone of voice as well. She wouldn't have minded if he had used it on her; she missed him so much anything would please her. Once she was sure that Pettigrew had left she turned in his embrace and kissed him softly… then she slapped him across the face. "This is entirely your fault you know… I told you not to go after Lily. I said that I could give you another heir, but you wouldn't have that. Then you bound me to this house and I couldn't even go after you!"

"Are you quite finished?" Tom asked quietly.

Jennifer nodded, ashamed that she had blown up at him.

"Good… it does not matter what happened in the past, do you understand Jenny? I am going to gain back the rest of my power and we are going to begin again where we left off. Potter's son got away tonight; our first order of business is to finish him."

Jennifer shook her head sadly and then said hesitantly, "He is half of Lily… why don't you persuade him to –."

Tom cut her off, "We have had this conversation before… he has been under Dumbledore's care for too long, and it has tarnished his judgment."

"He is too powerful to have as an enemy Tom. He is half Gryffindor half Slytherin. He is too powerful for us to just put him to sleep!" She protested venomously.

"What do you propose we do?" He asked curiously.

"Lucius Malfoy's son is Potter's age is he not? Have the young Malfoy befriend Potter… show him our ways."

"Lucius told me that his son failed in gaining Potter's friendship."

Jennifer got a malicious glint in her eye that usually meant she had a wonderful plan. "Let's have Narcissa and young Draco over for dinner tonight."

"Lucius is not invited?" Tom asked.

"I know his method Tom… the man doesn't have a tactful bone in his body." She sneered.

Tom laughed, not coldly, and said, "After all of these years you still inhabit an intense hatred for the man, I see."

"The man's carelessness lost me my daughter. All he had to do was take her to Knockturn Alley and he lost her. Then of course Dumbledore recognized Lily and he put her with that Muggle family and he put her in Gryffindor, just like he did Harry Potter. Don't you see Tom? He is feeding Harry the same lies that he fed Lily. If we can get young Malfoy to show him the right way…."

"We tried that with Lily; don't you remember… we sent Severus to tell her the truth do you remember how that turned out?"

"It turned out badly," Jennifer admitted, "But we were year too late and Snape was working for the other side."

"How did you know about that?" Tom asked sharply.

She sighed, "You may have bound me to this house but our contacts at the ministry have still visited me from time to time. I wasn't alone with the house elves for the past fourteen years." She said wryly. "Now let's have the house elves send invitations to Malfoy Manor. Oh and Tom, unbind me."

Voldemort smiled, which was nothing more than the skin stretching across his bone structure. He raised his wand and pointed it at her, "Finite Incantatum."  

Narcissa opened the curious looking envelope and smiled. Jennifer always was too formal… she was as pureblooded as they came. Once Draco sat down at the table for dinner she announced that they were invited to dinner the next evening.

"May I see the invitation Mum?" Draco asked.

She passed the envelope to a house elf that hurriedly placed it in Draco's hand.

"The presence of Mrs. Narcissa Malfoy and her son are requested at Riddle Manor on the evening of July first. Mrs. Jennifer Riddle requests that Lucius Malfoy carry on with his orders, his presence is not needed at this gathering…." Draco folded the letter in half and set it down on the table then he turned to his Father who was looking absolutely murderous. "It sounds as though Mrs. Riddle doesn't get along with you Father. Who is she?"

Narcissa shared a look with her husband before she turned to look at Draco. After several moments she came to a decision. "Jennifer Riddle is Tom Riddle's wife… however he doesn't go by that name anymore. Draco, sweetie, I think that you are old enough to go to this dinner. It is time that you learned our ways, of course you are too young to be initiated."

Draco's face fell, "Then why does Mrs. Riddle want me to come?"

"We'll find out when we get there. Go wash and I'll have the house elves pack our clothing."

"The invitation was for dinner, why do we need a change of clothing?"

"Listen to your Mother Draco." Lucius said quietly.

Draco nodded and excused himself to his room.

Once he was out of site Narcissa turned to her husband and winced at the fury on his face. "Lucius… you know we don't have a choice."

"I don't want you in the presence of the woman." He said firmly.

"Lucius you know that she is perfectly justified in her hatred of you. Her daughter was delivered to the enemy."

"That wasn't done on purpose… you know how much I adored Lily." He said regrettably.

Narcissa laughed. "You were only seventeen Luc, and she was four years old."

"I meant like a daughter." He snapped. "I only turned my back for a moment… and I looked everywhere for her. I have done plenty to make up for it. I even tried to release young Riddle from that diary so that he would be able to take the spell of Jennifer. I can't bring Lily back from the dead, you know?"

Narcissa rose from the table and kissed her husband softly. "I know. I'll put in a good word for you and I'll see you in a few days from now, alright?"

Lucius expression softened, "What do you think she wants with Draco?"

"What she has wanted for the past 33 years; her daughter back." She said softly.

"How does she plan on doing that?" Lucius sneered.

"The only way that I can think of is to have her grandson."

"She wants Potter, alive?" He said incredulously. "Our Lord will never allow that."

"Luc you and I both know that Jennifer gets what she wants and if she wants to have Harry Potter on our side… then she'll have it."

"She didn't get Lily back." He reminded her gently.

Narcissa's expression darkened slightly, "She won't make the same mistake twice."

Narcissa and Draco Malfoy were ready to leave the moment that Jennifer's car arrived. It was a dark green carriage pulled by winged horses, and like everything else in the wizarding world, its outside appearance was deceiving. The inside was as large as the Malfoy sitting room, which was half the size of the great hall at Hogwarts. The ride to Riddle Manor was silent, as Draco thought it would be. The moment that they took off he pulled out the book that he had been trying to get through, A Dark Guide to the Darkest of the Arts. By the time that they reached the Manor he was on the last chapter.

Narcissa cleared her throat. "I don't have to remind you to be polite do I Draco?"

"Of course not Mother. You know that I –." Narcissa never heard the rest of what Draco was going to say because at that moment he caught site of the most beautiful thing he had ever seen – Riddle Manor.

Narcissa followed his line of sight and smile, "It is magnificent isn't it?"

"…Amazing," Draco breathed and the Manor was amazing. Though it really was one's perception; the Manor was made of dark bricks and had what looked like a type of ivy climbing the walls of the seven level structure. The roof was gleaming silver and the yard resembled the forbidden forest at Hogwarts. It was an old brooding structure that was comfortable to those it wanted there and intimidating to those it didn't.

The carriage landed on a dirt path that led to the front doors. The winged horse pulled them along the path and stopped suddenly when they reached the doors. A house elf came scampering out of the house and opened the carriage door. Narcissa climbed out first, carefully making sure that her dress robes weren't caught on anything. Draco followed her silently still in awe of the house that he was to stay in.

As they approached the doors a young woman opened them and Draco found himself redefining the definition of beauty. Long, dark red hair fell down to the middle of her back. Her eyes were the strangest shade of green, and he found himself comparing them to Potters, which were quite similar. She looked no older than thirty but she had an aura of old age around her. He was mesmerized as she reached for him and pulled him into a hug like an aunt would.

She ushered them inside and turned to Narcissa, "Narci' would you mind waiting in the sitting room while I have a word with young Draco?"

Narcissa smiled and walked into a room on the left. Jennifer hooked her hand into Draco's and steered him off to the right. Before he knew it they wee sitting on a black leather couch in front of a blazing fire. Jennifer took a deep breath and turned to Draco.

"You are aware of my relations?" She asked.

"You are our Lords wife." Draco answered.

She smiled, "Yes I am… the story that I am about to tell you is in complete confidence; not many know it. On August 17th 1960 I gave birth to the heir to Tom's throne. She was the most beautiful girl anyone had ever seen. Your father lost her in Knockturn Alley," She sneered. "Dumbledore found her, and he placed her with a muggle family that he trusted. She attended Hogwarts on her eleventh birthday and we found her on her fourteenth. Severus Snape transferred from Durmstrang to get closer to her. Eventually he betrayed us… and she fell in love with the heir of Gryffindor. We tried to reach her but she wouldn't listen to our pleas to come home. Eventually she started working for the resistance. Then she bore a child of her own, and we had thought, had hoped… that she would come home to us then, but she refused. They went into hiding several months later, and Tom found them with the help of one of his Death eaters. He killed the heir and pleaded with her one last time before he turned his wand onto her. Then he tried to kill her child but the curse rebounded onto him. He disappeared for thirteen years."

Draco looked at her curiously and said after figuring out the identity of the heir, "I'm sorry but how could you be Lily Potter's mother? You look so young."

"Dark magic has its advantages. In fact once Tom regains his power, he too will regain his youth."

"Did you want my help?" Draco asked eagerly. "Mother said that I was too young to receive the mark."

Jennifer smiled kindly, "There is something that you could do for me…."

Draco's eyes lit up with anticipation, "Anything…."

"Tell me everything you know about Harry Potter." She commanded.

Draco's eyes almost immediately lost their spark, "I am not his friend, I don't know much. He plays quidditch. He is a seeker for the Gryffindor team… he faints when Dementors come near."

Jennifer nodded, "That is all well and good but I meant personal things. What do you know about Harry that is personal?"

Draco sneered, "He is an arrogant idiot, who spends his free time trying to get himself killed. He knows next to nothing about his heritage and he lives with muggles who hate him."

Jennifer hid a smile behind her hand and took a closer look at the young Malfoy. He reminded her so much of herself when she was younger and in love with Tom, it was uncanny. She turned to him and said seriously. "How long have you loved him for?"

Draco didn't even feign surprise or anger. He said tonelessly, "Potter is the enemy; the only thing that I feel for him is animosity."

Jennifer raised an eyebrow, "Draco, you don't have to pretend with me and you had better never lie to me again. Besides you're wrong Harry isn't the enemy, he is my grandson and he is misinformed. I need your help getting him back."

"Harry Potter hates me Mrs. Riddle; I don't understand how I can help."

"You said he lives with muggles?" She said distastefully. "Do you happen to know their surname?"

Draco brightened, "I heard Potter say that he lived with the Dursley's. Vernon Dursley is his uncle."

Jennifer gave Draco a cold look, "Harry Potter has no muggle relatives." Then she softened, "Thank you for your help Draco. If I might ask one more favor of you?"

Draco inclined his head politely.

"Will you come with me to pick up my grandson?" Jennifer said coyly.

"I'd love to Mrs. Riddle, really I would, but I don't think Potter would come with us if I were there."

She smiled brightly and helped Draco to his feet. "Nonsense and Draco please call me Jennifer. I think that we'll be spending a lot of time together in the future. You're nothing like Lucius and I think that you would make a wonderful son in law, if I can convince Harry that is."

Draco choked on air. "I'm sorry did you say…."

"Son in law, of course, Harry needs to produce an heir and there really is no one better for him."

"Jennifer you have a better chance of convincing Potter to turn on everything he knows than you have of getting him to enter a relationship with me."

"You'll find that I can be very persuasive Draco." Jennifer said slyly. She walked out of the room; Draco followed behind her quietly, and entered the room that his mother was waiting in. He caught site of his mother speaking with a… well a snake like man was the only way to describe him. He remembered his father's description of their Lords new body and he bent down, preparing to kiss the hem of his robes before Voldemort spoke.

"There is no need for that my son, you are not yet in my service."

Draco straightened out and stood awkwardly.

Jennifer broke the silence, "Do you know where the phone book is Tom? I know that you had it last night."

He pointed to a desk off to the right and she summoned the book.

"Aha!" She said after a few moments. "The Dursley residence, number four Privet drive, Surrey…."

Draco was looking over her shoulder in confusion.

She smiled at him, "I had this ordered a few years back, in case I needed to find something."

Draco nodded in understanding though he wasn't quite sure if by 'something' she meant mudbloods.

"Well, let's go," She said brightly heading for the door.

Draco blinked, and then deciding that it would be wrong to question her, he said his farewells and followed her.

Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, Dumbledore's golden child, was ashamed. He knew that if Rita Skeeter, Reporter, could see him now that he would never be able to show his face in the wizarding world again.

Dressed in rags, Harry Potter the savior of the wizarding world was washing his uncle's new convertible with a brillo pad. The cruelty of the situation was enough to make him want to just pick up and leave like he had done in previous years. He didn't understand Dumbledore's reasoning anymore. ….especially not when he was redefining horridness each summer. I should just leave, he thought angrily as he scrubbed at the windshield roughly. I could stay at the Leaky Caldron and have Ice cream at….

His daydream was interrupted when he saw two figures dressed in robes coming his way. He felt for his wand in his pocket and he got a good grip on it before straightening up. Normally he wouldn't carry his wand on him during the summer at the Dursley's but after the resurrection of Voldemort a few days earlier he wasn't taking any chances. It was with some trepidation that he walked down to the edge of the drive way to find himself face to face with Draco Malfoy (whose father was a known supporter of Voldemort) and a very familiar looking woman.

Deciding not to take any chances with his rival Malfoy he pulled his hand out of his pocket slightly showing off his wand handle. "Is there a reason why you're here?" Harry sneered.

Jennifer was looking at Harry with something akin to awe shining in her eyes. "He looks so much like Tom it's uncanny."

Harry gave her a double take and then upon realizing what she had said he began to back away slowly. "I am nothing like him."

Jennifer nearly winced at her mistake. "Harry I just want to talk…."

"Why do I find that difficult to believe? It could have something to do with the fact that you seem to be on a first name basis with the man who keeps trying to kill me."

"Listen to her Potter; she just wants to help you. You can come with us…."

Harry looked at him in astonishment before he started to laugh hoarsely, "This has got to be the lamest trick you guys have ever pulled."

"Potter look at her, who does she remind you of. She has dark red hair and green eyes; this is your mothers mum." Draco said quietly.

Harry narrowed his eyes. It was trued that she resembled his mother but, "That could be done with a glamour."

"It isn't a glamour it's your grandmother. If you come with us I promise that you won't be hurt." Draco said earnestly.

"We all know what one of your promises is worth Malfoy," Harry hissed. "I have chores to finish so I think that you'd better be going." He made a move to turn back toward the car but Jennifer grabbed his hand and pulled him against her. Harry was astonished to find that tears were sliding down her face and from the look on Malfoy's face so was he.

"Come home, Harry please. You'll be treated like a human being there. I'll teach you magic and you'll be safe. He won't harm you anymore… I don't want to lose you like I lost her."

Harry pulled away from her slightly and asked curiously and suspiciously, "Who did you lose?"

"I can't tell you here. Get your things, if you don't want to be there, I'll send you back here."

"How do I know that you're not lying? And why exactly would I go anywhere with either of you?" Harry asked stubbornly.

Jennifer searched his face, "You'll come because you're not happy here. As for my lying to you, we'll make a wizards promise." She said offering her hand.

Harry stared at it for a long time before turning to look at the dark and foreboding house. He quickly weighed his options, he could go with her and just see what it was like, he had the most horrible feeling that she was indeed his grandmother, and he always wanted a real family. Though he had found something similar at Hogwarts nothing was the same as having blood relatives that actually liked you. He looked into the woman's eyes, really looked. What he found there was such an intense love that it almost knocked him off his feet. Quickly he made a decision. It would be easy to stay at the Dursley's and wait until September 1st but he felt that it was right for him to take this woman's hand, so he took it. As he clasped her hand he felt a strange sensation run through him, a magic promise that was as intense as the love that had shown through her eyes.

She smiled at him, "Get your things quietly, we'll be waiting here."

Harry nodded and walked slowly through the entrance to number four privet drive and upstairs to his bedroom to collect his belonging that he had not unpacked yet, he grabbed the trunk first and brought it down the stairs and next to the front door. Then he went back up and carried his pet owl, Hedwig, and her cage down the stairs and he opened the door and beckoned Malfoy to help him.

As the two of them carried his belongings over to his 'grandmother' Harry knew that his life was about to change drastically, and although his mind was telling him that it was a bad change, his heart was telling him that it was a good one.

He watched as Jennifer shrunk the packages for him and placed them in her pockets, and he took one last look at number four privet drive before touching the port key and leaving his life behind forever.