A crossover, yay! My main issue with crossovers is that they usually stay on the surface of the characters and don't really delve too deep into them. I hope I do at least a little bit better here, but feel free to let me know in the form of reviews. Any and all thoughts about my story are welcome and appreciated, and encourages me to keep writing!

Tony sat on the couch, tablet on in front of him. He tapped the screen as it dimmed; he'd gotten lost in thought again. Images of his friends dying continued to plague his waking moments. Every time he closed his eyes another moon was hurtling towards him.

They'd done it - him and the remaining Avengers had given their all in a last hurrah and undid the actions of the evil purple titan and his magic rock collection. The universe could finally begin to heal. He was supposed to be retired.

He was no longer Iron Man. Pepper had permitted him to keep one suit - Mark 47, advanced but classic -, though it was more of a trophy than a suit now. Of course, he could never retire completely. He was co-director of the New Avengers Initiative with Steve Rogers and mentor of his favorite Spiderling. His founding avenging buddies with the exception of Thor, who was rebuilding Asgard somewhere in the Netherlands, lived in the compound with him. Bruce worked as the resident scientist, Tony himself the engineer. Steve, Clint, and Nat trained the active members.

The world was calm as it healed itself from the devastating events, but they all knew that one day there would be a new threat.

He shut the tablet off finally, tossing it beside him on the couch. He was far too out of it to be reading up on molecular disequilibrium. Sighing loudly, he looked out the window. The weather had taken a turn for the worst, sky dark and rain falling heavily. Thunder cracked in the distance.

"Tony," Steve said, approaching.

"Rogers," he said, staring out the window still. He didn't have to look to know that Steve was rolling his eyes at the name choice.

"How are you managing?" Steve asked, turning to look out the window as well.

"I'm… managing." He groaned, putting his head in his hands.

Steve nodded. The fifty percent that didn't disappear were struggling, to say the least. It was hard watching everyone you love die. Even though they brought them back in the end, the image of his teammates turning to dust before him was forever ingrained in his mind. "Weeks later, and I still get the nightmares."

Tony shook his head. "They won't go away any time soon."

Steve stuffed his hands in his pockets. Tony would know - Steve had watched him silently battle with his PTSD since the Chitauri invasion. While he'd had his own from the war, it was really only the occasional bad dream here or there, a flashback when a noise was too loud, Tony's was much worse. He supposed that it would be - he didn't have any super serum or powers. He was just a man. A genius, but a man.

Something flashed blue outside the window. He'd thought that he imagined it, but it flashed again. "Hey, Tony?"

He gestured outside, and Tony looked. Sure enough, it flashed again. "What the hell…"

It flashed once more, but this time it didn't disappear. It swirled, growing bigger. At the same time, thunder crashed dangerously close to the compound. They both jumped, running for the elevator.

"Friday," Tony called to his AI. "Alert the others. Tell them to stay inside unless I say otherwise. Where's Pepper?" He pressed the button for the bottom floor.

The feminine voice came through the speakers, "Yes, sir. Ms. Potts is preparing dinner in the kitchen."

Tony breathed an audible sigh of relief that his wife was safely inside. "I'm getting too old for this."

The two men ran through the doors of the compound, the blue energy even bigger than before. Wind whipped furiously at them, almost causing Tony to stumble back. The blue was probably fifteen or twenty feet off the ground, and as it expanded more he could see figures - people? - inside. As it did so more thunder crashed, nearly on top of them and the wind increased more than he thought possible.

Steve stepped slightly ahead of him, always the captain.

The blue expanded once more, and then suddenly bodies fell from it. The blue disappeared before they even hit the ground.

"Ouch," one of the people groaned.

They started moving, one of them asking, "Where are we?"

Tony and Steve snapped into action, walking towards them. They were so focused on the newcomers that they didn't even notice that the weather had cleared up as soon as the portal closed. Which, clearly, it was a portal.

As they drew closer, Tony stopped short. They were… kids? Why were kids falling from the sky on his lawn?

Steve's brow furrowed as he took in their appearances. "Hello?" he asked. None of them answered, and he wondered if they even knew he was there.

The group was all talking at once now, questions ringing out. "Why are you small? Why am I small?"

"Ben!" One of them, a girl, cried. She threw her arms around him in a suffocating hug.

"Yay, Ben's here." One of them said above all the voices, his own dripping with apathy. "But seriously, where the fuck are we?"

Steve cleared his throat, trying again. "Hello?"

The blonde boy laid a girl on the ground. Oh god, Steve thought. Is she dead?

"I don't know, Klaus. Now shut up so I can figure it out."

Tony stepped forward. "As much as I love unexpected visitors, things emerging from portals hasn't really gone so well for us in the past, so…"

All the kids' heads snapped towards them, suddenly made aware of their presence. Steve counted seven of them, including the unconscious girl.

Blue swirled around them, and Klaus mentally willed Five to hurry up with his thing before a moon chunk hit just a little bit too close to home. He felt a strange sensation as the energy moved around him. Was this what it felt like to move through time? He would gladly take this ability over his own.

And then they were falling from the sky, which had been entirely unexpected because they had been perfectly on the ground just a moment before. He hit the ground with a smack, groaning. Thankfully, Diego had cushioned some of his fall.

His brother emitted an "Ouch." He rolled off of him, noting that they were on grass.

He looked up at the blue sky, grinning when he noticed the lack of an exploding moon. But they definitely weren't inside, so they weren't in the theater anymore. "Where are we?" he asked. The question was mostly directed at his dear brother Five, as none of the other emotionally stunted adult-children would likely know.

Diego glared at Klaus as he sat up. What? It's not like he chose to fall on him. It was just a happy coincidence.

But Diego's face changed suddenly. "Why are you small?" He looked down at his body. "Why am I small?"

His questions were cut off by Allison shouting, "Ben!"

Ben was suddenly tackled into a hug, and the look on his face was priceless. The expression was probably mainly due to not having any physical contact for the last decade and a half (well, except for the Patrick Swayze-ing he gave Klaus), but he couldn't help but laugh at his brother nonetheless.

Not that he wasn't happy to see Ben among the living once more, but his return was too much of a big deal for Klaus. In fact, it was arguable that he'd seen more of his brother after his death than when he'd been alive. "Yay, Ben's here!" He echoed his siblings' excitement. A quick glance at Vanya, still out cold in Luther's less hairy arms, reminded him that there were still a lot of unknowns. "But seriously, where the fuck are we?"

Five sent him an annoyed look, but he was already getting re-accustomed to receiving a lot of them from him. "I don't know, Klaus. Now shut up so I can figure it out."

Suddenly there was another voice from a few feet away from them, much deeper than theirs in their current prepubescent state. "As much as I love unexpected visitors, things emerging from portals hasn't really gone so well for us in the past, so…"

Six heads quickly turned towards the intruder - or were they the intruders?

Five stood, brushing off his shorts with his hands and asking, "Who are you?"

One man had facial hair very similar to Klaus' when he was older. Younger. Whatever. He was the one who'd called out to them, and now he stood with his arms crossed, stance wide and defensive. The other man was taller, blonde, and muscled. Obviously he wasn't Luther's level of beef but he was definitely brawny.

The first man raised a brow at Five's bluntness. He was probably unused to being spoken to in such a manner, judging by his nice clothes, fancy watch, and enormous building. And by a thirteen year old, no less. "I should be asking you that," he pulled his sunglasses down to get a better look at them, "considering you guys just dropped down on my property."

"We're the Umbrella Academy," Five stated back simply. "Now who are you?"

Klaus could see Luther tense beside him, probably miffed that Five was the one speaking for them. Daddy's Perfect Pet usually did the talking. Diego noticed too, as he sent him a sharp elbow in the ribs. Klaus smirked.

It felt weird to stand together under that moniker again after so many years. All of them, too. Five returned, Ben alive, and even Vanya was included. Although, she wasn't exactly conscious right now.

Facial hair guy sighed. "We're the Avengers."

The kids looked at each other, the name not ringing any bells. "And what's that?" Diego asked.

Facial hair guy frowned. "Earth's mightiest heroes? Saved the world on multiple occasions, recently saved half the universe?"

"Nope, sorry." Klaus shrugged. He did take some pleasure in the frustrated look he was getting from the man. The blonde guy however just looked thoughtful.

"You guys have really never heard of us?"

"Where we come from, we're the only superheroes," Luther boasted proudly.

Five sent him a glare, and this time Allison elbowed him.

"How have you never heard of-"

Facial hair guy was cut off by Mr. Tall, Blonde, and Buff. "That's enough, Tony." He switched from side-glaring at his companion to concernedly gazing at the kids. He gestured to Vanya. "Is she okay?"

Allison was currently sitting next to her, holding her hand. They looked to her to confirm. "She's alright," she said with a slight tired smile. "Still breathing."

Blondie nodded. "We should probably get her to Bruce, just to be safe."

Five practically growled at him. "You're not taking her anywhere."

Facial hair guy held his hands up in a placating gesture. "Woah, woah. Calm down, kid. We have a doctor who can look over her."

Ben stood, tapping Five on the shoulder. "She should probably get checked out."

Allison nodded in agreement.

Five ground his teeth. "Fine, but we're coming, too."

"Deal," he said. "Steve, will you carry h-" Luther picked her up before he could finish his sentence.

Facial hair guy just rolled his eyes, turning around and walking back towards the building. "Nevermind," he muttered.

Peter Parker was waiting for them when they got inside. "Mr. Stark, is everything-" he trailed off as he saw a group of kids a few years younger than him enter behind him. "Um, who are they? Sir?"

Tony shook his head. "They said that they're the Umbrella Academy, whatever that means. Friday, alert Bruce that we're coming up with a patient."

"Right away, sir."

Peter curiously watched the kids jump at the voice of Tony's AI. He chuckled to himself - he'd done that same thing when he first visited the tower, and when he'd first heard Karen in his suit. Now he was used to voices following him around.

One of the boys was looking around, and asked the others, "You all heard that too, right?" At their nods, he visibly relaxed.

"Hi, I'm Peter Parker," he held his hand out to one of the boys.

Tony rolled his eyes. "Kid, you're horrible at this secret identity thing."

"But they don't know that I'm Spider-Man!"

This was met with a long pause as he realized what he'd said. Tony facepalmed. "Well, you guys just met my mentee, Peter Parker. How he's kept his identity a secret this long is unknown. So… just don't tell anyone. Pretty please with a cherry on top?" he finished with a cheesy grin.

They shrugged.

Peter noticed awkwardly that his hand was still outstretched to one of the boys. He was staring at the gesture with one brow raised.

A girl with curly hair rolled her eyes dramatically. "Oh my god, Five. Could you quit being such an old grump for five minutes?" She pushed him aside, shaking his hand herself. "Allison."

The blonde kid sputtered, "Should we be telling them our names?"

"This kid just told us his full name and secret identity, apparently. I think we can give him our names." Another one of the boys laughed. "You're just pissed Allison said hello instead of being duct-taped to you. I'm Klaus, by the way."

Peter offered him a smile.

"Great, but we should probably get this girl some medical attention pronto, yeah?" Tony reminded, ushering them to the elevator.

Peter watched them and Steve all file in after him. He watched the doors close, laughing to himself. His life really couldn't get any weirder, could it?

Five was silent for the elevator ride, taking note of everything. The number of floors in the building (though he wasn't naive enough to believe that there weren't secret floors without buttons), where they were heading, how many people they'd met so far and what threat level they appeared to pose… Sure, they seemed nice, but years of being an assassin for the Temp Commission had taught him to always be on guard.

The entered what appeared to be a lab. As they did, a voice said not unkindly, "You guys know that I'm not that kind of doctor, right?" As he took in the sight of the seven children, his look changed to one of bewilderment. "Tony, I know you adopt children to deal with your emotions but this is-"

"No, no!" Tony was quick to shut that idea down. "I didn't- these aren't mine! They just dropped from a portal out front."

Bruce's brow furrowed, but he didn't question further, his eyes finding Vanya. "Put her on the table," he said.

Luther followed instructions.

They all remained close to her as the doctor, Bruce Banner as they learned his name was, performed a series of tests. When he finished, he said, "Everything appears normal. Her vitals are fine, no injuries. She should be waking up eventually. Of course, it would help to know how she ended up this way?" he looked expectantly at the kids.

Five remained tight-lipped, hoping his siblings would do the same. He'd figured out that they were likely in a parallel universe. The Umbrella Academy, the only superheroes in the world. The Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes or whatever they called themselves. Neither group had ever heard of each other, but the Avengers talked like they were highly public. Which meant that in their respective timelines, the other group didn't exist.

And these guys were the heroes in their timeline. Meaning that their job was to eradicate threats to their world. Threats like a bomb that could trigger the apocalypse - like their sister.

They didn't know Vanya. They would likely come to the conclusion that even if they didn't need to kill her, they would lock her away for the safety of their world. And he wouldn't blame them for coming to that conclusion, but 1) as Luther had idiotically decided to prove, locking Vanya up wasn't a good idea, and 2), Five would be damned if he let his sister be treated that way again. He was too young the first time, and off being sidetracked by the Handler the second, but this time he was here to help her.

These thoughts ran through his head quickly, and he answered, "She fainted. From the travel."

It was unclear whether Bruce believed him, or Tony and Steve, but Bruce didn't push further. "Well, it's just up to her when she wakes up. Until then we could move her to one of the guest bedrooms - much comfier."

"Excellent idea," Tony clapped his hands together. "Thank you, Brucie."

Bruce laughed. "You're always welcome. But seriously - you do know that I'm not that kind of doctor, right?"

"Can't hear you!" Tony was already heading back to the elevator. The kids followed behind him.

"Well, kiddies. There's a guest room right in there. I'll have Happy put some of Peter's spare clothes in there for you in case you want to change - your clothes are a tad baggy, if you haven't noticed. I can arrange more guest rooms for tonight, or if you prefer you can stay together. Dinner is in thirty minutes; Friday will be directing you to the dining room." Tony waved at a room down the hall when the doors opened on a floor. "Until then, enjoy your stay at Casa de Stark.

The kids nodded, some offering a "Thanks," as they moved towards their room. He watched them until they disappeared behind the door.

He breathed out heavily, exhausted. Life just refused to leave him alone, didn't it?

He hit a button and went to the kitchen. As he walked in, he smelled stew cooking as Natasha and Pepper chatted at the counter.

"Hey, honey," he hugged Pepper from behind, kissing her hair.

She spun around, beaming up at him. Her hand found his and placed it on her stomach, showing him the forming bump. He grinned back down at her, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"How's our mini Stark doing?" he caressed the bump.

"He's starving," Pepper moaned. "Eat, throw up. Eat, throw up. It's a vicious cycle."

Tony laughed, happy. He couldn't believe that he had a baby on the way. It excited and terrified him at the same time.

"Is everything okay?" she asked. "What was all that about earlier?"

Oh, right. That. He'd nearly forgotten. "So, interesting story…"

Natasha's ears perked up; she'd tuned out for the lovey-dovey part. "Yes, Tony. Do tell why Friday issued a level one lockdown?"

Tony scratched the back of his head. "Some kids fell out of a portal and landed on our front lawn."

Pepper stepped back, smacking him. "And you didn't think to lead with that?!"

Natasha smirked behind her drink.

"Sorry! But anyways, they're in the guest bedroom now. There's seven of them, although one was unconscious."

Nat raised her brow. "Any more than that? Why they're here? Why there was a portal? Why the one's unconscious?"

Clint walked over, pulling out a chair. "Who's unconscious?"

Pepper shook her head in exasperation. "Tony adopted more children."

"I did not!" Tony objected. "We just kind of ended up with these!" He grabbed the open bottle of whiskey and poured two, sliding one over to Clint. "Even better: they say they're superheroes."

Clint choked. "You're kidding, right?"

"That's what one of them said," Tony confirmed.

Natasha put her glass down with a thunk. "So, delusional, right?"

"No clue." Tony shrugged. "I wouldn't normally be inclined to believe them, but they arrived via portal."

"So why haven't we heard of these superpowered kids before?" Clint asked. "It kinda seems like something we would be in the loop about."

"I think they might be from a different timeline."

Silence met his answer.

"I'm sorry, what?" Pepper crossed her arms.

"Well, one of them said they were called the Umbrella Academy, like I should know what that means. And the one kid said that they were the only superheroes where they're from. I mentioned the Avengers and they acted like they'd never even heard of us before. In simpler terms for the less intellectually inclined: they're not from 'round here."

Clint whistled. "I would like a vacation. Can I take a vacation? I'm too old for this."

"You and me both, Clint." Tony took another swig. "As for why the girl's unconscious, they said that she fainted from the trip here. I don't know if he's telling the truth on that one."

"So you know nothing about them, they're possibly enhanced, and they're running around the tower unsupervised?" Natasha seemed unimpressed.

Tony grimaced. He'd been hoping to give the kids the benefit of the doubt, because suspicion was so much work… But of course Natasha would want to be vigilant about their stay. "Friday, what are the kids doing?"

Friday replied, "They have not left their room, sir."

"Perfect," he rubbed his hands together.

Natasha nodded. "Don't get too cozy with them around, Tony. We know nothing about them. Should we be telling Nick about this?"

Tony and Clint both shook their heads fervently. "Absolutely not," Clint decided. "He'd suck all the fun out of this. Besides, he's a little busy catching up with his favorite captain. Don't tell Steve."

"There's seven of them?" Pepper asked Tony to clarify.


She threw the recipe book at him. "You double it," she said, taking off her apron and throwing that at him, too.

Natasha laughed at his misfortune, getting up with her drink and heading to the living room.

He looked at Clint, who only gave him a fake sympathetic look before getting up to follow Nat. He grumbled to himself, opening cabinets in hopes of finding another pot.

"Have you figured out where we are, yet?" Luther asked. They were all sitting in the spacious guest room, Vanya in the bed and the other sprawled out in various places.

Five stood, beginning to pace. "Well, we're definitely not in our own world. I'd say a parallel universe, likely."

"Woah, woah," Diego held his hands up. "Slow down. We're in a different universe?"

Five shook his head, exasperated with how slow his siblings always were on the upkeep. "The multiverse theory, duh. We're in a timeline running parallel to ours. Now I have to look at my equation again to see exactly how we ended up here, and how we get back, but I don't believe that anything was this far off. What probably happened was the journey was too much for all of us at once to land precisely where I wanted, so we just kinda got thunked down right here."

They all nodded, some making sense of the time-space jarble flowing from their brother's mouth and some not, but everyone basically got the gist.

"So what do we do?" Diego asked.

"We lay low," Luther started. "We don't let anyone-"

"Calm down, Numero Uno. Daddy dearest is no longer here to put you in charge, so what gives you the right to call the shots?" Klaus said from where he was sitting upside down in the chair.

"He's right, Luther. Number One doesn't mean shit anymore," Diego was smirking.

Luther scowled, looking to Allison.

She scoffed. "Don't look at me like that. I still haven't forgiven you for what you did to Vanya. My vote is that we let Five lead. He is oldest, after all."

"I'm second oldest!" Klaus interjected. "Does that make me new number two?"

Five sighed. "You guys are getting way too confusing with this. I'll be the new leader, but other than that nothing changes. Got it?"

"Yessir," Klaus saluted.

"I think we should have a vote," Luther suggested, clearly not happy with the turn of events.

"Grow up, Luther. Does it really matter who's number one anymore?" Diego rolled his eyes.

"Do you really think it would be in your favor, anyways?" Klaus asked him.

"You did lock our sister up last time you were in charge," Ben pointed out, the first he'd spoken since they arrived. He was probably still reeling from the sensations of being alive again.

"Indirectly causing the apocalypse," Allison chimed in.

"Not to mention being a really shitty brother," Five nodded.

Luther grumbled, "Fine."

"So, what do we do?" Allison inquired.

Five thought to himself. "I think that it's safe for us to stay here. And being that these people are all alleged superheroes as well, I think it's safe to be honest about our abilities, though a bit vague. We still want the upper hand if need be. However," he stressed, "It's best to leave out any and all things pertaining to…" He lowered his voice, looking around. "The apocalypse."

They all nodded seriously.

"Vanya is ordinary. Obviously when we're in private we'll help her with her abilities but around anyone else she's just ordinary Vanya. Got it?"

They nodded again, understanding. If the heroes knew that an apocalyptic-level bomb was currently residing with them, they might not be so hospitable.

A knock came from the door. Five, newly elected leader but also grandpa, got up to open it.

A larger man stood in the doorway, holding bags. The man looked surprised. "Okay, so he wasn't kidding. Here's some clothes," he handed the bags to Five. "My name is Happy; I'm the head of security around here. If you need anything you can just ask Friday."

Five nodded. "Erm, thanks."

Happy nodded back awkwardly before shutting the door and leaving. Five threw the bags on the floor, where everyone started digging through them.

Klaus held up shirt after shirt, wincing at the cheesy science puns on them. "Jesus, this Peter kid's really a nerd."

"You could say that again," Ben said, pulling out a Midtown High decathlon hoodie.

Five stood up from the pile, not wanting to wear anything in there. As he was already thirteen, his clothes fit perfectly fine. He tried not to snicker as Luther but on a shirt that said, 'No matter how popular they get, antibiotics will never go viral!'

Allison donned one that said, 'Are you a charged atom? 'Cause I got my ion you.'

Everyone aside from Five changed, all wearing science puns with the exception of Ben, who'd put on the decathlon hoodie. Klaus was obviously displeased at the lack of clothes catering to his more eccentric style.

"What's a Friday?" Allison asked once they got changed.

Five was about to ask the same question when the disembodied voice from before spoke again. "I am Friday, Tony's personal AI assistant. My predecessor was Jarvis, though his intelligence went into the android Vision. I assist Mr. Stark with all manner of things, such as surveillance, technology, controls for the compound, etc."

"Awesome," Klaus nodded with a grin.

"I'm glad you think so. Might I ask your name? I doesn't seem to be in my database."


"So, um," Five scratched his head. He was still reeling from smartphones, and now he was supposed to talk to an artificial intelligence? "I believe the boss man said something about dinner?"

If a disembodied voice could smile, Friday was certainly doing it. "Dining room is one floor down and to the right."

"Thank you," Allison said, shooting him daggers. Metaphorically, of course. To literally do so was more Diego's thing.

Five shrugged. It wasn't his fault that he didn't know proper robot etiquette.

"I guess we should head to dinner?" Diego said, looking for confirmation.

Five nodded. "Yes, we should."

"I'm staying, though," Allison stated firmly.

Luther's head snapped towards her. "Aren't you hungry?"

"Yes," she admitted. "But I want to be here with Vanya in case she wakes up. And you'll bring me food when you all come back."

Luther finally seemed to have his common sense returning, as he didn't argue with Allison's decision. "Okay," he nodded. "I'll bring something back for you."

As the brothers began filing out the door, Five moved over to where Vanya was laying. Allison gave him a sad smile. Truthfully, he also wanted to be there when she woke up. But his skin was crawling already from sitting still and he knew he had to be with his idiot brothers as they had dinner with these 'Avengers.'

"She'll be okay," he reassured Allison, knowing that it was just as much for him as for her. He'd left - there was no beating around the bush. He'd left and she'd been alone. This whole thing was just as much his fault as anyone else's.

Allison sighed, her eyes teary. "I just wish I had been a better sister."

Five nodded, knowing how she felt. "Well now we have a second chance." He could hear Klaus' laughter down the hall, knowing he had to go. "I'll be back after dinner. If she wakes up before then just let her know we're here for her."

She assured him that she would and ushered him out.