Disclaimer: I own NOTHING but my OCs and the plot. If this offends any religious opinion or something. This isn't the fanfic for you, since it's afterlife mythology based. Now enjoy my personal favorite Duncney fanfic I've ever written...

*Magical Transition so everything aligns perfectly hopefully*

All was well in the Heavenly Kingdom; the Princess of all the Angels and Saints, Courtney, was soon to be crowned Queen in a matter of 3 years. The preparations and excitement clearly shone throughout the Heavens. She and her subjects were successfully guiding man towards goodness; with the help of God, of course. But this wonderful peace was only present for so long… Not every angel and saint took pride passion into their jobs. Especially one; he had enough of being whipped into order and promoting it.

What did this mysterious, once-heaven dwelling being do?

Simple. He trashed where he worked, ran away from Heavenly Kingdom and left behind a trail of ash towards the Bridge of Good Evil. The trail faded away on the good side of the bridge that led to the Heavenly Kingdom and ended at his current home; Hell. A massive palace he made out of sin, anger, greed, lust, negativity, darkness, the strongest obsidian, his magic and pure evil. This palace became where he, The Devil, his family-army, the Demons, and his friends dwell. Duncan, the Devil, created the 7 deadly sins and encouraged man to resist God. No one dared to visit ever since...

Which leads us to our story's beginning…