(Matthews pov)

It was a warm spring day and I was sitting outside on my porch playing my guitar as I quietly sung. I was waiting for my twin brother to come over, along with some of the other countries as well. Alfred wanted to celebrate the fact that Arthur had removed a cures that he accidently placed on me when I was younger, Francis had laughed at the fact that Arthur had failed at something….. Before I pointed out that it was Arthur who lifted the cures.

Anyway we were all going to America for the summer with our bosses permission saying that 'It will build bounds and that so we all can get along, my boss just hopes that nobody decides to try to kill each other.

I heard the sound of laughter and I looked up, my eyes scanned the area but I found no sign of anyone or anything around. Letting out a airy chuckle as I slowly stood up and held my guitar to my chest as I started to walk around my property.

Everything suddenly went black, grey and white with the whole world frozen and silent. I felt my body tense and I was on guard for any threat that might come.

"Yellow!" A chipper voice greeted behind me.

I turned around to see a…. Floating yellow triangle with an eye, a black top hat and a cane?

'I'm seeing things… or Arthur finally poisoned my food and now I am slowly going crazy!' I thought to myself.

"Uh… Hi?" I greeted, still very confused. "Who are you?" I asked, I never thought that I would have to say that line to someone.

"The name is Bill Cipher, and you are Matthew Williams, am I right?" He said, but before I could say anything the triangle continued. "Of course I am! I know all things!" Bill boasted.

I just stood there, rethinking my life over and decided to never make fun of Arthur and his friends… and to stay away from Arthur's cooking and decline it no matter how impolite I am being.

"Uh…. is there something that you need Mr. Cipher?" I asked, blinking a few times.

Bill looked at me before laughing, I guess it was him who was laughing earlier.

"Oh You Flesh bag's are funny!" Bill said, I felt slightly offended at the 'Flesh bag' comment. "But I am here to make a deal with you!" he added.

"... No thanks." I said, sitting down on the grey grass and started to play my guitar once more.

"Really? Don't you want world power? Money and fame?" Bill asked shocked. "Is there anything that you want that I can give?!"

Matthew looked up and smiled at the triangle.

"No, I'm okay with my life. I have everything that I need so thank you for the offer but I would have to decline." I said, leaving Bill shocked and curious about me.

I looked up and grinned.

"Would you like to sit down? I don't mind the company, I will be surrounded by loud people soon so I don't mind if you sit and join me. I kind need to build some confidence before the others come." I said, keeping an eye on the triangle as I was playing a jazz tune.

"Why thank you… I have never met anyone who isn't a demon and who isn't scared of me…. Maybe Pinetree and Shooting star…." Bill said mumbling the last part to himself.

"Well I have seen and met worse." I said, looking at the grass as memories of the past flashed through my mind.

"Well I got to go, your friends are going to be here soon." Bill said before floating up into the sky shouting a phrase faster then Alfred could. "Remember! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram! Buy gold! Bye!" and he vanished, leaving me alone and confused.

The world return to normal and a few seconds later Alfred, and Ludwig's two cars rolled up. I got up and dusted off my jeans and grabbed my things as my twin got out to help me load my things into the back of his car.

"Hey Mattie are you going to be playing?" Alfred greeted as he looked at my guitar case that I had in my hand.

"Maybe.. Depends on who is in your car with you." I said.

"Well there's me, Iggy, Frenchie… Gilbert, Lovino." Alfred said.

I nodded thanking the heavens above that Alfred brought his van instead of his usual car. So I got into the back where Lovino sat and smiled at him, before my face went red because of two of the Bad touch trio Members were being their usual pervy selves. I sat down and glared.

"Hello to you both as well. Having fun with the Canadian view?" As greeted with a hint of annoyance in my tone.

This was something that I was going to have to get use to, I know that I have became a target for Francis and Gilbert… Antonio not so much he just talks to me about stuffed churro's that he heard about.

Gilbert and Francis started laughing but Lovino and I kicked their seats in return. I saw Arthur look over his shoulder and I smiled while having, the Brit smiled at me before looking ahead.

"So where are we going again Hamburger brat?" Lovino asked as Alfred started down my driveway.

"We're going to Gravity falls! There are these really cool landmarks and it has a tourist trap kinda feel to it." Alfred explained.

We all were silent, I could feel that half of the nations in hear were going to say something harsh so I started to play some country songs and I knew that everyone was listening to me play. I was starting to play 'What a beautiful World' when Lovino and I started to sing. Our voices were in perfect harmony as we sang.

Francis and Gilbert would hum an undertone to the song while Alfred and Arthur hummed along with Lovino and I. It was fun singing and playing for them, there was no fighting over the radio or the music, just us singing to whatever song that I started playing.

After a good three hours of driving and in between brakes from playing and singing, we pulled into a gas station and we all got out to stretch our legs. Lovino grabbed his guitar as well and put it in his seat for later. I saw Ludwig walking over to us with Feliciano hugging his arm chatting about Pasta, Antonio rushed over and started talking to Lovino, Lukas and Vlad walked over to Arthur and started to chat. I noticed that everyone had someone to talk too, while Ludwig was talking to Alfred. I saw Gilbert and Francis flirting with the lady inside the gas station, which leaves me alone.

I sighed before getting back into the van and strumming a tune that actually sounded depressing and sad as I waited for the others. I glanced out the window to see that they didn't notice and I felt a dagger in my heart, envy and jealousy made me look at my guitar with a blank look. I let out a sigh, letting my head fall against the window watching everyone having fun while I sat alone.

When the cars were filled with gas, everyone piled into the cars once more and I just sat there silently lost in my depressing thoughts. I heard everyone still talking and I felt more stabs to my heart.

'Why did Arthur lift the curse if everyone still ignores and forgets me?' I thought darkly.

Lovino started to play his guitar and everyone started to sing but I didn't, it's not like they notice anyways. Closing my eyes and blocking out the world while biting my lip as their joyful singing continued to stab my heart over and over again.

(Lovino's pov)

We all were having a blast with singing, not that I'll admit it, I glanced over at Matthew to see his eyes were closed. I guess he fell asleep, not that I blame him though we are all going to be stuck together for another few hours.

"Hey Mattie, there's a deer!" Alfred said, I looked at Matthew and leaned over to poke him but he doesn't flinch.

"He's dead asleep Hamburger jerk." I said.

Francis and Gilbert looked over to the Canadian and started to take photos and comment how cute he was, Arthur turned around and started scolding them and threatened to feed them scones if they don't shut up and leave Matthew alone.

"If I see you two wankers taking anymore pictures of Matthew I will get Ivan and Ludwig to teach you both a lesson on bloody manners!" Alfred was laughing at the looks of horror, while I was secretly filming this for blackmail, since the two held each other like they were up for slaughter.

(Matthews pov)

When we finally reach Gravity falls, we all were dead tired. Sadly since I was the one who 'slept' here I was the one who had to drive, of course when they need me they suddenly remember me! I swear they all were lying about me being cursed by Arthur and having the spell of 'Invisibility' removed was just some way for them to laugh at me or forget me.

I pulled up to a motel and parked the car and everyone got out and grabbed their things. I just sighed before grabbing my things and silently followed them. When I walked in I saw Alfred giving keys to the nations. First was Antonio and Lovino, second was Gilbert and Ludwig, third was Francis and Arthur, Lukas and Vlad, lastly Feliciano and himself.

"Okay guys see you all in the morning!" Alfred called and they left.

The lady at the desk looked at me with sad eyes, before she could speak I just smiled and left. I hung my head low and knew that it was all a joke, just to make me feel wanted. I shifted my backpack a bit, so it didn't completely hurt my shoulder and I carried my guitar back to my twins van and glared at it. Alfred had the keys. Tears fell from my eyes and I just walked away to look for a bus stop or something, I just needed to leave.

"Their lairs… all of them! How… how could they!" I whispered to myself as I walked down the empty streets. "They just… used me…. Like always!" I growled before turning into the woods and found a spot to sit.

"I just want to go home… I just want to be forgotten again, at least then I wouldn't be suffering right now." I whispered into the night sky as I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Hello I hope that you all like this story. Please let me know it you like it! Heads up it might be depressing... it might not. Not a 100% sure. Well anyways hoped you all liked it xD