Woo! First HTTYD fic! I have had a bit of an obsession with this fandom as of late (I mean, it's always been one of my absolute favorite movie series, but ever since I saw The Hidden World at the end of February, I've been extra into it.) I've been wanting to write one for quite a while, but just wasn't sure what to do it on. Let me know how I did writing for this franchise :)

This idea has probably been done to death in this fandom, but it's always one of my favorites to read. Hopefully you all enjoy it too; I'm quite happy with the product.

Here's my take on Toothless' inner thoughts as he and Hiccup are falling after defeating the Red Death.

Toothless writhed in the air, desperately trying to right himself against the forces of wind and fire. He had to get into a better position.

He had to catch Hiccup.

Toothless pulled his wings as close to his body as he could, lessening the air resistance, propelling him down faster. All the while, the explosion of flames were getting closer below them.

Finally, Toothless had steadied himself enough to get a clear sightline to his human. Normally, his friend would be fighting just as hard to get back to him, but something was wrong with him. When they got hit by the Queen's tail, the boy had stopped moving, and he was still falling motionless. Toothless flapped his wings a couple times, trying to gain even more speed. Closer… closer…

Then, once he was close enough, he did the only thing he could think of. He just hoped his human could forgive him eventually. When he was within range, Toothless closed his eyes and bit down, tethering Hiccup to himself. Upon doing so, he tasted the one thing he'd sworn never to: blood.

His human's blood.

He felt horrible, but he couldn't dwell on it now. The inferno was mere seconds from them. Toothless pulled Hiccup closer to him, barely having time to wrap his legs and wings around him before the flames encompassed them.

They fell through the fire for what felt like an eternity, and even Toothless' fireproof exterior was feeling the intense heat. Finally, they broke through the blaze, but it did little to curb Toothless' fear. Now, he had the fast approaching ground to worry about.

This was going to be a bad landing.

Toothless closed his eyes, the world seeming to slow down around him. He focused on the limp form held against his body, and their impending crash.

Why was it that he was so attached to this human, he was risking everything to save him? He was a dragon, a Night Fury, feared beast of the night. He had no reason to give up everything for this child, a Viking child, who'd been the one to shoot him down, no less. Toothless had no good reason to be okay with dying for him.

But without him, he wouldn't have even been "Toothless". He'd still be nameless, fighting for his everyday survival, hunting to provide for a monster even worse than himself. Maybe he'd still be flying on his own will, maybe he'd still be the ruler of the night, but now, Toothless didn't care about that. This scrawny, accident prone human had changed him. He'd taught him what it was like to care about someone else, to be more than just himself, to feel like more than just a survivor. He'd taught him what it felt like to live.

He couldn't lose him now.

Toothless' senses piqued and he knew they were only a second from slamming into the ground. He tensed one last time, tightening his grip on Hiccup's small body, preparing for the inevitable blackout once they hit.

Hiccup and Toothless had learned to fly together, as one.

Looks like they'd have to fall the same way.