It had been two days since Peter had gotten injured. It was now summer break, so Peter was going to stay at the compound the entire time. Aunt May and Pepper were going on a vacationto Rome, so that left Tony and Peter time to hang out.

Peter had only one more day in the med bay before he could finally be free. His spider regeneration had worked quickly and Bruce had taken out the stitches this morning, only leaving a bandage on the tender skin.

Peter sharpened his pencil with a portable sharpener and blew off the tip. He scribbled out some last minute algebra homework answers. He looked up as Tony walked in. "Hey Dad!" Peter said cheerfully grinning at the man as he walked in. "How's your side feeling Pete?" Tony asked as he brushed Peters curls out of his face. "And don't even think about lying to me and saying it's 'fine' I know better." Peter felt around the bandage, pressing lightly on the wound. "It's just a bit tender, it really doesn't hurt much, I promise." Said Peter, hoping his Tony would let him go early instead of waiting a whole nother day in bed.

"Well that's good, but you're still staying in there for the rest of the day, I know what you're thinking kid." Tony said, tapping Peter's chest. The teen rolled his eyes at the show of affection, yet blushed at the same time. "Fine, fine, fine. I won't make a daring escape out of my bed." Said Peter sarcastically. Tony raised his eyebrows. "You promise?" Peter stayed silent. "Peter." Tony prodded. "Alright, I promise." Peter gave in. Tony stood up. "I'm going to go get you breakfast, alright kiddo? What do you want?"

Peter thought for a moment. "Ummm…how about chicken and waffles?" Tony raised his eyebrows. "Interesting choice, but ok then. Chef Tony will try his talent at making chicken…and waffles." He strutted away, off to fulfill his promise.

Peter grabbed his pencil and turned back to his last algebra problem, not even needing a calculator for the piecewise function. With a quick fling of his hand, the problem was finished and his books were stuffed into his backpack.

The teen sat there tapping his fingers on the side of his bed, very bored now. He was sooo tempted to get out of bed, but instead, he lay back on his pillow and closed his eyes. All of the action of the past few days really got to the teen and darkness swarmed his vision. Peter fell into a peaceful sleep.

About ten minutes later, Tony walked in, carrying a platter of chicken and waffles. "Here I come, Petey…oh kid." Tony cut off when he saw Peter fast asleep. He smiled, glad the kid was getting some rest. "I'll put this in the fridge, alright kiddo?" whispered Tony. He gently kissed Peter's head, careful not to wake him up. "Friday, cut the lights, would you?" He asked. "Yes sir." The AI replied.


"No, no, please!" Peter screamed as he saw the man approach him. The man's trench coat was open and his array of throwing knives was on full display, glinting in the moonlight.Peter tried to run, but he looked down and saw he was wrapped up with webbing. "Please, you don't have to do this!" tears streamed down Peter's face. The man stepped back a few feet and pulled out one of his daggers. He held the knife in throwing position. "Shall I go for the side again? Or maybe somewhere else? Hmmmm?" The man asked, leering at Peter. Confused, Peter looked down and saw another dagger sticking out of his side. Tears trickled down the teenagers face. "Sir, please….no, no, Dad save me!!!" Peter screamed. He closed his eyes as the assailant threw the knife, the point heading straight for Peter's heart…

"Peter, Peter!" cried Tony, as he tried to shake his kid awake. Peter's eyes flew open and he sat up in bed, breathing hard, drenched in sweat. "Dad?" he whimpered as he saw Tony beside him. "Yeah Pete, it's me kiddo, you're alright. I'm here." Tony wrapped his kid in a big hug. Peter trembled as he tried to adjust his tear-filled eyes to the darkness. "Wait, why is it dark?" He whispered. "You slept through the whole day buddy." Tony said. "O…oh." Peter said adorably. "Scooch over Petey pie." Said Tony, gesturing to the bed. Peter shifted over and Tony clambered into the bed beside his son. "Want to tell me what happened there underoos?" he asked. "Nightmare," Peter mumbled into Tony's shoulder. "Yeah I gathered that, but what was it about?" Peter sat up and looked at Tony with his big brown fear filled eyes. "It was about the guy who stabbed me. I…I was webbed up and already had a dagger in my side. The man was in front of me and he…he had another knife pointed at my heart. I called out for you to save me, dad. I guess you did because you woke me up."

Tony vowed then and there to track down that guy who had hurt his kid, and make him wish he was never born. "Don't worry Pete, I'm here now and he'll never hurt you again, I promise." Tony said. Peter smiled up at the man. "I know dad." He said, eyes full of so much trust, that Tony would never understand. They both eventually fell asleep, Peter safe in his dad's arms.

I'll upload the next chapter as soon as possible