Started off as a regular morning for all the Loud kids. Luna packing her guitar for band practice, Luan jotting down new material in her joke book, Lynn getting pumped for well everything, Lucy waking up feeling nothing, Leni still figuring out what dress to wear, etc. When suddenly, they heard a gentle sob longing from the bathroom. Stingful tears were falling down Lori's face as she looked at the picture sent to her. Her faithful and beloved bo bo bear in the arms of another woman smiling. "Bobby..sniff.. how could you!" she softly weeps. Resting her head in her lap, she scrunches back into fetal position and continues to cry the pain away. With a tender heart from listening, Luan, Luna, and Leni opened the door to pamper her with sisterly love and understanding. "Who needs him anyway? Dudes a jerk. Luna stated rubbing Lori's back.

"Yeah that plus, he's not a very nice person." Leni added kissing her fourhead. receiving all their support made Lori feel a little better. Yet, the feeling of betrayal still wouldn't fade away no matter what she tried. noticing her hope wearing thin, luna hatched an idea. "Maybe seeing me at the ROYAL WOOD'S TALENT SHOW will cheer you up Luna hoped throwing a poster in her face. "And before you say no, hear me out. I'm not the only one performing either." she informed pointing at Luan. "I might have..sort of... signed up too." she blushed. Though gretting over Bobby made her feel exhausted. Lori couldn't help but feel prideful of her sisters taking their chances. So much so that a little smile crept upon her face. Seeing that made the sisters gleam with relief and excitement. finally whipping the ruined mascara off, she stood to her feet. "You know what.. sniff.. you're right. Thanks guys." Lori sniffled reaching for a group hug. Getting the vibe, they hobbled together lovingly. "No sweat sis we're here for you." Luna implied. "Yeah we got your back." Lynn added. "How about we go for some ice cream?" Leni happily asked. "I like totes have a craving for Chunky monkey."

In the spirit of love and sweets, they all headed down stairs. "I call Shot Gun!" Lynn yelled bailing out the door. "Whow whow what's the hurry girls?" a certain white haired gentleman asked upon the couch. "Sister Protocol N66#, Tender Ice cream Circle!" Luan stated in detail. However, Lincoln still sat confused. "Girl stuff dork, girl stuff Luna better explained. "Ooh! got it." he lied with a thumbs up but not really caring. "Need anything while we're out Lincky?" Leni asked. "Eehh, naw I'm good. but thanks." he answered. Then they all gathered in Vanzilla and left their girl time. Suddenly Lincoln felt a vibration in his left hand. Holding his phone up and reading the contact line it read Cl-Mcbride. swiping to the right, he answered. "Hey Clyde, what's up?"

"Nothing just hoping my man with the plan is ready for action!" Clyde bousted with enthusiasm.

"Well sure buddy except there's just one question." Lincoln hemed curiously.

"Witch is?" Clyde asked.


"Okay, A: chill stop yelling.

B: we've been over this, I can't sing or play the piano.

"Yet, you can write and compose music" Lincoln sarcastically interrupted.

"and C: this is the perfect opportunity to show your fantastic voice to the whole school!" Clyde encouraged him.

"More like It's a way to get you and Lori together through me." Lincoln mumbled to himself. Lincoln Loud the middle child of ten sisters, has now been singing for two years and with the help his vocal and piano teacher/sister Luna, he feels his singing ability and keyboard skills are second to none. However, living in a house hold with a Ten headed Meddling, Eez dropping Beast, his paranoia led him to keep this new found passion a secret. That is, until a short, black, and corky best friend (Accidentally) eezdropped on him singing Lily to sleep in her and Lisa's shared room. With this new found information, Clyde has tried immensely to persuade him to showcase his incredible talent.

"I'm still not sure about this Clyde." Lincoln widdled nervously.

"Don't be a chicken." Clyde snootted.

"Tried talking to Lori yet Cercit Boy!" Lincoln countered bitterly.

"touche good ser..touche indeed." Clyde responded. "Look Linc I get it, I won't force you. But all I ask is that you give yourself a chance. Who knows, maybe you'll enjoy it and the crowd will love you."

Lincoln wanted to argue back but seeing things through Clyde's point of view he stopped. He hated to admit it but he did have a very good point. Plus he and Luna have already told him his voice is fantastic. So, maybe doing this talent show thing wasn't such a bad idea.

"Okay okay you win." he slumped still on the line. "I'll do the stupid talent show. Clyde?... Clyde are you there.. hello, hello?"

In a certain little house on the prairie, you can spot a certain someone victory dancing in his living room. "Oh yeah..oh yeah..Go Clyde..Who's the man!"


"Its your Birthday!"

"Its your Birthday!"


"I can hear you."




"I'm hate everything."