I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. This takes place during season three, but without any survival dueling, at least during this story's plot.

Chapter One- Alchemy Accident

"All right, students, settle down," called Chancellor Shepard as he entered the third year Alchemy class. He had had teachers rotate teaching this class last year, but the rotation had been a nightmare, particularly since he had been M.I.A. most of the year. But, now that he wasn't organizing any tournaments, he thought he would take a personal hand with the Alchemy class by teaching it himself. He smiled as his students grew quiet and looked at him with interest.

"As you know, your studies in this class was a bit confusing and somewhat fragmented due to having different teachers. Well, this year will be different as I will be your instructor."

There was scattered applause and Shepard heard, "Sweet!" which he knew came from Jaden Yuki, Duel Academy's top duelist. The boy's grades were poor but no one could deny his dueling prowess, not to mention his enthusiasm for dueling, especially challenging ones.

"Well, what do you say we get started? Open your books to page four and start the recipe listed there."

There was a flurry of activity as people opened their books and set up their cauldrons and ingredients. Jaden grinned at his partner Jesse Anderson, a foreign exchange student who could see Duel Spirits like he could. On Jesse's other side was Syrus who was partnering Alexis.

"Okay," Jesse said as Jaden poured water into the cauldron. "We have to let this boil and while we wait, we can prepare the rest." Jesse lit the fire while Jaden set out the ingredients and tools.

Jaden nodded, listening to Jesse's accent. Ever since, he first met Jesse and later dueled him, he felt a kinship with the boy that seemed deeper than the friendship he had with Syrus and Hassleberry. The more he hung out with Jesse, the stronger this feeling became. Could I be…in love with Jesse? We have so much in common and his accent's so cool.

"Uh, Jaden? We need the next ingredient," Jesse said.

"Huh? Oh, right." He tipped the next one in and gave it a few stirs.

Jesse made sure Jaden was cutting up the next ingredient before turning back to the book. The next second, however, his eyes flicked over to Jaden. Gosh, he's really cute, he thought. I'm sure most of the girls at this here school have a crush on him. We seem to have a lot in common and I think we'd make a cute couple- if Jaden's into guys. I think I'll ask him after class.

Suddenly, the contents of the cauldron exploded and splashed onto Jaden. Jesse jumped back out of the way. "Jaden!" he exclaimed. He saw the liquid on Jaden being absorbed into his skin and then the brunette put a hand to his head.

The events were hardly quiet or discreet. Shepard was at their level in an instant, concerned over Jaden's well-being. "Jesse, you, Syrus, and Alexis help Jaden to the infirmary," he said.

"Yes, sir. Come on, Jaden. Up we get.'

"Dizzy," Jaden murmured. "Can't move."

"Get his upper body," Alexis told Jesse. "I'll get his legs."

Jesse hauled Jaden up so that Alexis could get the legs and together they carried him out of the room and down the hall. Jaden wasn't unconscious, but was saying random things. At one point, he looked blearily at Jesse and gave a lopsided grin. "From this angle, you're cute, Jesse," he said, the words a bit slurred.

"What's wrong with him?" Syrus asked anxiously.

"I think it was our alchemy assignment. Jaden got splashed with it when it exploded. Hey, wait. How did it explode? It's not designed to explode at any point while brewing it."

"I think Ja added too much of the next ingredient," Alexis said.

Jesse nodded as they entered the infirmary and hauled their friend onto a bed. Miss Fontaine fussed over him and asked what happened. Alexis answered her question and said, "Will he be all right?"

"Well, I can't say Miss Rhodes. You said the liquid was absorbed by his skin and who knows what effect it'll have. All you can do is let me take care of him. You can see him tomorrow morning."

All three nodded and once out in the hall, Jesse moaned. "This is all my fault. If I had been paying attention, Jaden wouldn't have added too much."

"It's not, Jesse," Syrus said. "Jaden usually gets carried away."

"Syrus is right. I just hope it's not serious this time," Alexis added.

Miss Fontaine was at a loss of what to do. Jaden tossed his head back and forth and moaned about a headache in between completely random phrases. In the end, she gave him some aspirin and got him to go to sleep. I'll take some blood samples and run some tests once he's rested up.

Jaden awoke to sunlight on his face. He blinked against it and his eyes focused on his surroundings. I'm in the infirmary? Oh, right. Alchemy class, the potion splashed on me. My head feels fine, but something still feels…wrong.

Miss Fontaine walked in and smiled. "Good, you're awake. I want to take some blood samples and see if that potion affected you in some…way." Fontaine blinked several times at her patient. "Oh, my gosh," she said in astonishment.

"Miss Fontaine?" Jaden asked and a hand went to his throat. Why was his voice higher? He pushed himself up and the sheet fell down and Jaden started down for a few seconds before screaming. He was a girl! No wonder something felt wrong: My body's changed.

"Jaden! Calm down!" Fontaine demanded as Jaden was still screaming.

Jaden deep a few deep breaths to calm down. "Calm down?" Jaden repeated. "I'm-I'm a girl."

"I know and I think that potion is what did this."

"Great." Jaden flopped back onto the pillow. "Are you telling me I'm stuck as a girl?"

"No, I'm not saying that. I should be able to fix this, it'll just take time. So, while I'm looking, you have no choice but to be a girl. Jaden, look at it this way: You're still you, just a girl version of yourself."

Jaden perked up at this. "Yeah," she said slowly. "I'm still me."

Fontaine smiled and gave a nod. "That's right. So, I see no reason why you can't do the things you love: Eating, sleeping, going to class, hang out with friends…"

"Dueling?" Jaden added.

Fontaine smiled again. "And especially dueling."

At that point, the infirmary doors opened, revealing Shepard, Syrus, Alexis, and Jesse. "Well, Miss Fontaine," Shepard said as the group stepped inside. "How's Jaden…doing?" Shepard stopped in his tracks, staring at the girl in the bed. There was dead silence for a few seconds.

"Ja?" Syrus gasped.

"Yeah, it's me Sy," Jaden answered and then blushed at the looks of shock on her friends' faces at hearing her voice.

"The potion did this," Shepard stated.

"Yes," Fontaine said. "I'll be looking into an antidote and while I do, Jaden's free to go back to doing what…she usually does."

"Well, that's…good to hear," Shepard said, sounding a bit awkward.

"I just need some blood samples before she can go."

"Of course. I'll be in my office. I suggest you three wait outside. Come along." Shepard left the room with Alexis, Syrus, and Jesse right behind him.