Alrighty Beans! I have finally found time! I'm so sorry about the irregular posts, that should even out this summer... Hopefully?

Ok so, some things happen in this chapter, but I want you to realize that this is definitely not the end for Adrien's struggles. Not to mention I did promise some Adrienette romance somewhere in here. We're not quite close to that yet but we'll get to that after we get through a couple bumps in the road yeah?

I really do hope you've been enjoying all of this so far.


Johnshawn965: I'm very thankful for the compliment as well as my only review since last chapter. Also, I really do like reading and responding to everyone's reviews. I feel like as a reader myself it's really fun to see the responses I get from the authors, so I try to do that very same thing for my readers.

Without further ado, I bring to you our next reasons to live, 'Smile's, Hugs, and Promises'

We continue our walk through Paris, Marinette leading the way with her hand in mine.

She has this kind of warmth and energy that draws me closer to her. I don't really pay attention to where she's leading me. I'm much to focused on the strange fact that I feel comfortable and at ease with her. I don't feel like I need to change myself just for her approval. I don't feel like I have to hide who I really am with her.

When Marinette finally stops I nearly bump right into her. Looking around I notice we're standing right infront of a large man and his ice cream cart.

Marinette's face lights up in the most dazzling smile I've ever seen.

"Adrien, this is Andre, the best Ice cream maker and love guru Paris has ever been lucky enough to have."

I smile wearily at Andre who looks so overjoyed he might burst.

"Andre was the one who helped both Alya and Nino admit their feelings for each other. He knew before anyone else that they were the perfect match," Marinette explains.

"It's nice to finally meet you M. Agreste," he says before turning to Marinette. "I know just what you need darling." He opens up his cooler and scoops a golden coconut and bright green key lime cone and decorated it with purple green and yellow sprinkles.

Marinette quickly moves to a table nearby to eat her ice cream while Andre scoops my cone.

"Adrien?" Andre asks.

I quickly turn my focus back to him. "Yes?"

"Marinette is special. Everyone who knows her knows this. She's the kind of girl that knows just what to say and when to say it. She has brought so much joy to everyone she meets. I can see you care for her very much, and she cares for you too. Hopefully someday you'll realize just how special she really is."

Andre hands my my strawberry and blueberry cone.

"Thank you Andre, I'll keep that in mind." I assure him as I walk over to Marinette.

"What was that all about?" she asks.

"Oh nothing, he just wanted to make sure I wasn't allergic to any of the icecreams, that's all." I lie.

Marinette eyes me wearily before going back to eating her ice cream.

We trade jokes, laugh, and eat our ice cream before Marinette takes me deeper into the park where all you can hear is the swaying of trees and the chirping of birds.

We enjoy the quiet for a while as we go deeper into the woods before Marinette speaks up.

"I come to these woods a lot when something heaving starts to weigh on my mind. The quiet sounds of the woods relaxes me so I can think clearly before I make a big decision. I thought maybe this place could help you too, you know? Just to think about everything and really decide for yourself if you really want to give up on life or if you just don't know how else to handle everything that's been going on."

"I guess I never really thought about it like that. I'm not really sure where I stand anymore... Before a few days ago I never really had anyone in my life. My dad is never around and he just leaves my with his assistant Natalie, and then there's my chauffeur, I call him gorilla but he doesn't talk much. Other than them I really only had books to keep me company. I haven't really felt love since my mom passed away." I stare down at my nervous hands as tears prick my eyes. "Every day just got harder and more painful having no one around I just lost hope that things could ever get better."

I try to wipe away my tears but they just keep coming.

Marinette wraps her arms around me. For once I feel safe. A massive weight lifts from my shoulders and it's almost as if I'm weightless and free because I finally feel a sliver of hope that everything will be ok. Our breaths sync and time seems to have stopped for us. It's like we're the only two people left in the world.

"I can't promise you that everything will be ok, but I can promise to be there for you and help you through this ok?"

I pull her tight to my chest and hold her for as long as possible as the sun begins to set.

Eventually we head back to her house and she brings me up to her rooftop balcony where we stare out at the beauty of the parisian night time lights.

"How do you feel Adrien?" Marinette asks.

I hum for a moment before answering. "I'm doing a lot better than I was, Thank you. I'm still not quite there yet but for once I have hope. I can't thank you enough. No one else in my life even bothered to care, but you, the girl whom I've hardly ever spoken to in my life, stepped up and cared for me when no one else would."

Marinette's cheeks turn pink. "It's really not that big of a deal. I was just trying to help someone in need," she mumbles.

I shake my head. "It's a huge deal to me. I don't know how I can possibly repay you."

Marinette smiles and pulls me into a hug. "You can repay me by choosing to live and being my friend. I might not know you very well yet but I care about you and I want to be able to get to know you and be there for you, and I can't do that if you give up on life, ok?"

I smile, really truly smile, and I hold her tight. "I promise I will do everything I can to stay by your side."