Disclaimer: I do not own the Mobile Suit Gundam Franchise, Sunrise does.





Somewhere in the Iraqi Desert 2022, 1450 hours,

Alexander Crossfare: USMC Scout Sniper Gunnery Sergeant, Age 25

Even in the year 2022, the Iraqi desert was an unforgiving place. The cold war between Saudi Arabia and Iran was ongoing (as to be expected), and the situation within the country that kept the two powder kegs seperate was just as dangerous as it was during Iraqi Freedom. Even with the collapse of ISIS years ago, America's presence within Iraq remained as they helped put the country back on its feet - notably by helping the Iraqi police and military hunt down whatever was left of Al-Quada, ISIS and whatever other pinpot terrorists cells crop out of the woodwork.

Which was exactly why a unit of 40 Marines from the US/NATO base in Baghdad were quietly marching off the road - having left their LAV's behind to make their final approach to their destination as silent as possible. These men, of the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, 2nd Infantry Battalion, Bravo Company, may not of liked the desert - but they were more than willing to struggle on through it if it meant completing their objective and going back home.

Among these men was a soldier, clad in the general U.S Marine Corps BDU. He and another soldier were staying closer to the back of the group. Arguably one of the shortest of the group, standing at 5'2", he almost looked a bit out of place as he hefted the M200 Intervention Rifle in his grasp. Adjusting his sunglasses, one could see his heteromatic eyes with a brilliant green left eye, and a deep blue right eye. For a brief moment he removed his helmet, as he brushed back his oddly colored hair, silver with crimson highlights.

Gunnery Sergeant Alexander Crossfare, or 'Reaper' as his friends had come to call him, often made fun of his… odd hair which otherwise would have gone against military regulations - if it were not for the fact that it was his natural hair color. He still found it rather funny when, even after shaving his head bald, his superiors were just flabbergasted by how his hair truly was naturally that color. How? He had no idea, but it's just been that way for as long as he could remember.

"1st Platoon, this is Henhouse - do you copy."

"1st Platoon copies," The leader of their platoon, a Lieutenant replied. "Reading you five-by-five."

"1st Platoon, we have eyes on you - you are less than a klick from the compound." The reply came from the Colonel leading the operation. "Thermal's show a number of contacts, all military-age males and open-carrying AK's. Watch yourselves out there."

"Copy that Henhouse, approaching with caution." The Lieutenant said, before motioning towards Reaper and his Spotter, Mendez. The two Marines saw the signal as they sprinted from the back of the line up to the front. "You two, move ahead - set up overwatch on the compound, get us eyes on."

"Yes sir," Alex replied, and Mendez nodded before the Sniper and Spotter moved ahead of the rest of the platoon.

"...why we always gotta be the first ones in?" Mendez groaned, once they were out of earshot from the LT. "He wanted to know so bad, he'd be up front, not us..."

"Because we have sniper rifles, Mendez." Alex chuckled, as they began their hike forward. "That's what we get for signing up for Sniper Scout school - we become the scouts."

"Would it kill him to carry some of the weight though..." he grunted, as he hefted his own marksman rifle.

The team continued onward, as they worked their way to a small hill. They crawled up from behind cover, moving up just enough to poke their scopes out from behind a small formation of rocks without exposing themselves. Mendez pulled out his scope, as he eyed the compound ahead.

The Compound was more akin to a small, walled-off village with various small buildings within - and what looked like a makeshift Mosque set up on the edge of town, with little activity coming from it. The wall that surrounded the village was 2-3 meters tall, but fairly thin and had seen better days with multiple holes either from battle or from deterioration. This helped them get better visibility - and from their vantage point, they could spot a large number of individuals within, most of whom all seemed to be open carrying weapons.

As the two soldiers observe from their sniping position, they radioed back to the CO. "Reaper to Lurker, come in." The sniper called in.

"Lurker here, go ahead Reaper."

"In position - multiple contacts spotted around the compound. All armed with Warsaw gear. There are a lot of tangos down there." He reported. "There are around twenty-five guys outside and unknown number of them inside the compound."

"Copy that scout team. We're moving now, keep our approach covered, watch out for enemy snipers."

"Roger" both men replied. "Time to go hunting, Mendez."

Mendez just smirked slightly, as they set up their gear on the position. Alex pulling out his sniper as he surveyed the area. Mendez pulling how his own set of binoculars as he peered through.

"Contact, top of the church - Dragunov." He reported, and Alex adjusted his scope, and sure enough there was man sitting atop the church, with an SVD Dragunov rifle at the ready, surveying the land to the south.

"Wind Speed… 3 mph," Mendez reported, "Range… 1,113 Meters… no eyes on him."

"Any others?"

"Not that I can see."

"Prepping the shot," Alex began to take aim on the unsuspecting Sniper, zooming his scope in, taking into account the wind speed, angle and distance to ensure a perfect shot. "Taking the shot… Fire… Fire...Fire."


The Rifle jolted as Alex pulled the trigger. The two snipers now continued scanning for more targets.

"Another contact, far side of the town in a watch tower to the north." The target is on a chair asleep.

"Wind speed… 3.5 mph, Range... 1,205 Meters… same as last target, no eyes on him."


The rifle jolted once more as the round went down range.

After three minutes, another contact spotted but this time, he was not alone.

"Two contacts, atop the main building." Mendez reported. "They're in eyeshot of one another."

"Target left contact, I'll take the right." Reaper said, as he took aim - Mendez following suit. "On Three… one… two… three."

Fap. Fap.

Two more dropped down dead, and no alarm had been raised. As Reaper continued looking down his scope, providing overwatch and looking for any more enemies at vantage points. However as he did this, his eye caught something around one of the side buildings, and seeing a well dressed man outside one of the larger buildings. He was able to determine due to his stature, and his guards that this man was either a commander or another officer of the base. But he wasn't alone, as along with his guards, there was another man with him. This one stood out like a sore thumb, being a man in a lab coat looking very much like some sort of scientist. Unlike everyone else around him, this man was cleanly shaven, and as mentioned earlier, looked very… out of place.

The two men seemed to talk for a bit, before both entered the main building. Moments later Reaper activated his radio again "Reaper here - possible I.D on enemy leader," He informed, "Man in a military uniform. Also, be advised: leader is accompanied by some kind of scientist - they are inside the main building of the compound, over."

There was a short pause on the line "Copy on that, Reaper. Objective remains unchanged, but command wants the scientist captured for identification and interrogation." The Colonel replied. "Strike team is in position and ready to engage."

"Understood - ready to provide support." Reaper nodded, glancing at Mendez. "Get ready, fireworks are kicking off."

"About time…" Mendez muttered, as the two marksmen took aim.

At the front end of the compound, the Marines made their move as they rushed the entrance - with the guards dead they took up positions on either side of the entrance. Tossing a few flash-bang grenades inside set things off, as the Marines all rushed into the compound, firing anything that moved that looked like a threat. Firing their M16's and M4's in quick bursts of fire, making quick work of the unorganized Iraqis.

From their firing point, Reaper and Mendez continued to pick off enemy targets, every five seconds their rifles would sound off, each shot signalling the death of another unfortunate insurgent. It was hardly a battle for them, the rebels were unorganized and armatures - like fish in a barrel. By the time the shooting came to an end, Alex could safely say he had a confirmed nine kills.

"Stand down ladies, regroup at the main building." The Lieutenant ordered, as Alex and Mendez packed it up as they hiked up towards the compound - regrouping with the rest of their platoon.

"Alright people, we have confirmation of civvies in the AO, possibly eggheads." The officer informed, "So check your targets - we want them alive, but don't get yourselves killed over them. I want two groups - group one, search that run down mosque. Group two, each the main building and hunt down the commander and the egghead. Report back if anything looks out of the ordinary. We clear?"

"Yes sir!" The Marines all acknowledged.

"Dekram!" The Lieutenant called out, and running to the front of the group was a Caucasian man who looked to be in his mid forties - and arguably the tallest person in the platoon. "You're in command of group one, I'll take command of group two - report in ten minute intervals. We clear on that?"

"Clear sir, Lieutenant Maston sir!" Sergeant Major Benjamin Dekram or Ben for short, acknowledged.

Lieutenant Alfred Maston nodded as he marched towards the door to the compound building. "Alex, Mendez - you two with me!" He called out, twirling his hand in the air signalling them.

"Yes sir." both men replied and made their way to the lieutenant. As group two made it to the main building, the the commander of the group radioed HQ, "Henhouse, this is 1st platoon, we are making are way to the complex and be advised there are civvies in the AO. How copy"

"1st platoon, this is Henhouse. We hear you and can you repeat the last over?"

"Roger Henhouse, there are civvies in the area. GySgt Crossfare spotted one talking to the enemy commander while taking position for sniper cover." the lieutenant said.

"Patch me to Reaper" the Colonel ordered.

"Yes sir," The Lieutenant nodded, before witching comms, "Reaper, this is 1st Platoon Actual. Henhouse is requesting details on what you saw - patching you in."

"Copy that." Reaper said, nodding. "I'm on. This is Sergeant Crossfare - what is it?"

"Sergeant, I need you do describe the man that spoke with Iraqi commander," The colonel Ordered. "Any details you can recall?"

"Yes sir," Reaper nodded, "He looked about… average Iraqi height - around 5'9 or 5'11. Brown eyes, in this forties at the least, brown hair and a beard. He didn't look like the rest of them - he looked like a scientist from the lab coat he had." He then shrugged. "Other than that, he looked pretty plane… Orders, sir?"

There was a brief pause on the comms before a reply came. "Reaper, if you encounter this individual, attempt to bring him in for questioning." Command Replied. "Don't get killed over him, but if the opportunity presents himself, he's worth more alive than dead. Keep that in mind, soldier. Other than that, orders remain the same - clear the AO of enemy combatants."

"Yes sir" Alex responded.

"All right, group two get ready. I want teams of 4." The platoon leader order, "get ready to clear the building. Venders, Nickson, your with Reaper and Mendez."

The two marines that joined Alex and Mendez are Chief Warrant Officer 3rd Class Adam Venders and Lance Corporal Andrew Nickson. CWO Venders is a 35-year old Ohio native standing at 5'12 to 6'2, white with Green eyes and dark brown hair. Armed with a M4 carbine with a under slung-Shotgun as well as a M9 Beretta. Andrew Nickson, 21-year old California Native that is 5'11, Blonde hair and blue eyes, armed with the M259B SAW, as well as a M9 Beretta.

As group 1 neared the building they get into breaching positions with Teams 1 & 2 one the left side of the doors with teams 2 & 3 on the right side. "Ok, prepare for breach. Once we're in, split and find anything strange or out of place." The lieutenant ordered. "Roger" all members of the squad said.

"On my mark." the LT readed the teams to breach. "3. 2. 1. Mark!"

On the platoon leaders mark, all teams breached in, any enemies caught in near the door was eliminated instantly while other enemies were farther away, got to cover. Alex uses M9 beretta to kill a nearby terrorist. As the enemy died, Alex pick up the AK and spare ammo. He also killed two more in quick succession before forced to take cover. Other teams engaged the enemy that took cover, Mendez toss a grenade in a nearby room where a group of enemies took cover behind turn over tables killing four while corporal Nickson let a hailstorm of bullets in to the room piercing the thin tables eliminating the rest then lay covering fire for the other marines as they move to cover.

"Contact on the left" one of the marines in team 2 called out. Two member from team 3 opened fire on enemies on at the cost of one of the two marines as he was riddled with bullets and died there. For the next thirty minutes the main floor, 2nd, and 3rd floor. A member of team 2 found a stairway that leads down.

"Sir, found something that you should see." The soldier radioed to the group commander. "What you got soldier." the Lieutenant called back.

"Sir, I found a path down to what looks like a lower level of some sort." the soldiers

"Roger, all teams form up at the entrance to the lower levels." the commander order all locate teams

As the teams gather near the entrance to the lower levels. "OK marines, looks like we a path down. Team 1 is on point, team 2 and 3, your in the center and team 4, your on rear guard." the lieutenant ordered the marines before contacting group two then command.

"SGMJ Dekram, this is 1st platoon actual. How things going on your end" the colonel called.

"We're fine, though we lost three guys while taking the mosque. It turns out that the mosque is a generator building. These guys must have been busy and what the hell do they have on that requires large generators?" Dekram radioed back. "Don't know but we found a path down to what looks like a basement of some sort while taking the building at the cost of one of the marines" LT said while getting ready to move down to the lower level.

As the group come down from the ground floor to the basement, they enter a room that is 9 ft in height, 50 ft long and 20 ft across with several doors on left and right walls as well as a large door at the other end of the room and see a lot of boxes and equipment scattered all around room, the colonel gestured the teams to split up to cover more ground. Mendez comments on the amount of stuff in the room before going to the 2nd door on the right.

"These folk must have a big ass operation going on here and they must be loaded if they can get this much equipment and supplies" as Mendez finished Alex replied "Yeah, that means someone with a lot of power is providing them the funds but who?"

As the teams go room by room, they found a kitchen, dining area, lab, sleeping quarters, and a armory that contained various firearms and high explosives from around the world. Here is where Reaper switch out the AK for a FN P90 with spare ammo. Alex kept his M200 in case he might need it. The team also stocked up on ammo for the weapons that they had on them. After they restock on ammo, they told the other teams about the armory.

After the room and adjacent rooms were cleared, they all moved to the large door on the end of the room. As they open the large doors leading to the next room quietly which was 80m by 50m by 50m, they saw something that is quite impressive to say the least. A large contraption towards the back that is around 15m in width and height, 35m in length, and saw around between 105-115 people and around 20 of them are scientist.

"Reaper, I want you and Mendez to find a high point and set up for targets of elimination while the rest of us will get in position." the lieutenant ordered Alex and Mendez while the rest of the unit gets ready for battle.

As the sniper and spotter moves to a higher position for targets of opportunity when the leader of the terrorist cell spots the unit and laughs while he speaks "'ahsant ya qarad laqad sunieat hdha beydana ean alakharin aladhin ja'uu qiblik. 'aelam 'anak qad ra'ayt albawwabat, yjb 'an tamut hataa la tablugh ean dhlk 'iilaa rusayik." and ordered his troops "aiqtalahum".

"Shit, we been spotted." one of the marines as he went for cover and return, "RETURN FIRE. Reaper, are you in position." The Lieutenant asked while firing back at the enemy. "We're in position now sir, picking off targets" Reaper responded as he took out a enemy on a heavy machine.

A load krack sounds the first shot the scout team engaging the enemy. "Mendez, target thirty meters ahead eight meters high, MG nest; three targets." the young man alerted his partner, "I see him"

Krack, Krack, Krack

The gunner on the heavy machine gun was killed, then two more shots were fired in quick succession as the other two terrorists went down. "SHIT, yo reaper. Got a guy third floor up, 35 feet to the right and he's armed with an RPG!"

"Go him" Alex replied as he took aim.


Alex fired his rifle and made a 1 in a million shot just as the target fired his RPG, the rocket was hit only 5ft from him and detonated in a large blast that engulfed the the area and the enemy killing him and anyone that was in the area.

From below, the battle paused for the moment to see the blast and the enemy began to waver a bit due to the blast. The Terrorist leader ordered some of his men to kill the sniper team. "Team, be advised. Enemy sent a couple teams are inbound to your location." The Lieutenant told the sniper team.

"Roger sir" the sniper replied

"Sir, guy coming from the left." on of the marine alerted the commander. "I want suppressing fire on them now." the commanding officer ordered his men "Group 2, we need back. Got a lot of guys down here."

"Roger that sir. Ok boys, looks like group one is have trouble and let's go get their ass out of the fire." Group 2s leader responded and ordered the rest of the troops to move out.

While this is going on, the sniper team, had to engage in close quarters with two dozen hostiles trying to kill them but they were the ones being killed. "Well, this went Pear, hasn't it Reaper." Mendez spoke as he took down three enemy within quick succession with a FAMAS that he picked up from the room with all of the firearms.

"No shit Mendez, looks like that we were interrupting their party" Alex remarked with a smirk on his face as he downed five enemies with the P90 he picked up. After 10 minutes of dealing with the threat that was on them, the two-man team now turn their attention to the enemies below as started thinning the herd.

As the battle rages on, to the marines surprise more hostiles coming in from doors towards the middle of the room and started to push the marines back but were now attacked from above by the marine snipers and group two came in laying a ferocious barrage of lead at the enemy.

"Cavalry has arrived sir." the XO spoke up as he took out five hostiles with his M4 Carbine.

"Good timing Sergeant and looks like the enemy is losing steam and manpower, take five guys and go secure the scientists" the LT ordered.

"Yes Sir" the Sergeant responded and went to pick five men to look for the scientists.

As the battle continued for two hours with a loss of 8 dead and 11 wounded (note that also includes casualties on the surface. The Sergeant and his team found and secured the scientist in the control room with a bit of difficulty due to a group of Iraqis guarding them but not impossible also request the Lieutenant to come to the command center while the group in the massive room to secure it and the rooms connecting to said room. Alex and four others were ordered to keep watch and prevent anyone while the remaining marines split into groups of four and scour the entire underground complex.

"Report Sergeant." The lieutenant order.

"Sir, we secured the group of scientists but their not budging." the sergeant replied "We tried everything but interrogation tactics, we need to get them to base so we can get some answers about what that machine is?"

"Hmm, well this is just great." The LT said. "I contact HQ with the comms from the place."

The Commander of the platoon when over to comms station to contact command for orders.

"Henhouse, this is 1st platoon. How copy." The Lieutenant spoke hoping to get an reply.

"1st platoon this is Henhouse, we hear you. What your status." Henhouse replied.

"We're alright but we sustained casualties. 8 dead and 11 wounded with three of them in critical condition." he said with sorrow in his voice as he come to know them individually. "We also secured a group of scientist but did not get a peep out of them, we need exfil them back to base but we also secured a large piece of machinery."

"May god rest their souls. Alright, get those scientist top side for evac. We're also going to send in the 3rd and 5th platoons as well a platoon of engineers to take a look at that machine." Henhouse Order

"Yes sir." The Lieutenant replied, "Sergeant, move the scien…." as the LT was about to order the Sergeant Major, the complex shook alerting the entire unit when his radio crackled.

"Sir, we got a problem here." one of the marines reported.

"Go head soldier." Lieutenant responded.

"We got a lot of hostiles and they got a lot of firepower coming that includes artillery by the way which is shelling us." the soldier reported back. "They are trying to cull our forces down so they can bum rush us. Orders Sir?"

"Damn, alright get any on top, and gather anything that is not bolted down that you can carry and fall back down to the large room." the Lieutenant cursed "Attention, all personnel. Gather anything that can be used for defense, we got company so hustle up now."

"Command, we got hostiles pushing down on us with artillery barrage and moving a large amount of troops. We going to make a stand here but we need reinforcements."

"Understood Lieutenant, I'm going send 12th Mechanized Infantry Battalion as well as spec ops teams that are in the area" Henhouse responded, "But, you and your men need hold them off for two and a half hours for reinforcements arrive."

"Yes sir." The LT said that before turning to the Sergeant Major

"Damn, combat already. So what are we going to do with the prisoners sir?" the young sergeant asked.

"Get them to a room that is the sturdiest in the entire complex and have three men guard that room, make sure that they have enough firepower to repel the attackers"

"Sir" is all what the sergeant said as he went to order three men to move the scientists to a much more secured location.

While the team is moving the scientist to a different location, the rest of the marines started getting to for a defensive position around the machine and the control room.

"Man, now we the defenders. So who do you think is come knocking?" a young marine said, prepping a heavy machine gun to the left of the large machine with another three being placed with two in the front and one to the right.

"Yeah and I have no fucking clue." Said a another

Alex, took position on a pile of boxes where he went on his belly reading his M-200 (which he got more ammo for it) with his partner. The location is directly in front of the machine and with a straight shot at the doors leading to the main floor.

In other areas of the underground complex, outside the room with the scientists were placed in was fortified with one of the MGs from the large room a few heavy steel boxes for cover and place claymores for traps.

After everyone got settled and those who are wounded but can still fight were tasked to protected their more wounded and dead brothers while those in the main room got ready.

After an hour of preparing for the upcoming fight with the room before the large room is laced with mines and traps. All equipment, munitions, and weapons are placed throughout the large room, the room with the wounded and the dead, the command center, and the room with the scientist.

The marines are now waiting for the enemy to come and they did not have to wait long. After 10 minutes of waiting, the enemy blown the door leading upstairs off and enter the room, the marines got ready for and they heard loud bangs and yelling as the enemies came across the mines and traps.

After thirty minutes after wait, the enemies now blast open the doors as the first wave of hostile came rushing in and into a wall of lead as the marines open up with everything they got. As the battle is in full swing, many terrorists tried to flank but was mowed down by the fifties that are in key positions that provided over laying fields of fire.

"Watch the sides for hostiles" the Lieutenant shouted "They'll come at our sides. Reaper, Mendez. Start taking out targets of opportunity"

The enemies numbers start to dwindle down and forcing them into cover to the point that they have to use tactics in order to eliminate the marines. After a half an hour, the unknown enemies retreated back up to the surface to regroup and rethink their strategy. Meanwhile, the marines regroup and rest while grabbing a bite to eat as well as refilling on ammo.

The first wave was nearly wiped out from the big fifties and the mines as well as the traps while their commanding officers were killed by Reaper and Mendez. When the second wave launch, the enemy attack the main room as well as the command room although the force attacking the command room was smaller which inclined it is ether spec Ops or standard forces with heavier equipment. But they had to fall back so they don't get killed all at once.

The main assault surprised the marines as the enemy came out of two other entry point that were hidden.

"What the hell, where the fuck these assholes come from!" One marine said in surprise.

"There are probably other points of entry that we did not know trooper." the Lieutenant spoke after downing a two of the unknowns.

The battle lasted for three days and during the battle, the group of marines in the control room pushed the enemy back but two of them made it into the room and went for CQB. During the struggle, the enemy accidentally damaged the console that activated the machine and turned it on. While the fight in the control room went on, the battle down stairs in the large room was in the final stage as the enemy was losing steam and manpower while the marines dug themselves in for the final stretch.

"Mendez, head over to the west side and deal with the enemies over there while I handle thing here." Alex spoke as he took another enemy down.

"You sure man?" Mendez spoke with wryness in his tone

"I'm sure, go." Alex reaffirms his request.

As the battle went on for another hour, alarms went off and the machine activated without warning. It began sucking every thing with in the area.

"Shit, everyone get away from the machine NOW!" the marine commander ordered his men away. But not everyone got away, Alex was dead in front of the device as it activated and drawing him in but he dug his heel and grabbed on the floor.

"FUCKING HELL, SOMEONE TURN OFF THAT DAMN HUNK OF JUNK PLEASE!" Alex yelled over the loud noise that the machine is making. All the sudden, the section of the grated floor came loose do to the powerful suction that the device was producing.

"Oh shit, nononononono" Alex started to panic when a crate flown into said floor section that he was holding on to, jarring it off and pulled towards the vortex that the device created with Alex and much of the equipment that was in front of it.

After 30 minutes, the machine was turned off and the battle ended with the unknown enemies surrendering. The casualties of the battle are 16 dead and 22 wounded with 6 MIA.

Three months later, Alexander Crossfare,Gunnery Sergeant of the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, 2nd Infantry Battalion, Bravo Company was Promoted to Staff Sergeant and awarded the Medal of Honor and other medals and ribbons, he and 5 others are declared MIA then later KIA.

Authors Note: This is my second attempt at righting a story so, any assistance on many things will be helpful. I do have someone helping me to refine it and will be fully refined when his schedule clears up Also chapter 1 will be up when it is finished. Also, the story is partly refined, so do keep that in mind.

-Please and Thank you-

Authors Note #2: Updated the summary a bit.