Review. Next thing up soon, sooner if there are reviews. This is a Max/Gwen one shot. Unconnected to anything. Lemon. All aged up. Review.

Max grumped through the forest in the slightly misty air. He pulled at the stupid mask but it was pretty well attached, he had no idea what those idiots from the Woodscouts had put into this thing to make it stick to him so well, but it had worked too well.

He swore up a storm that was muffled from the stupid rubber monster mask. He had stubbed his toe on an exposed tree root as he trudged through the dreary forest. He currently had no shoes, no socks, no pants, no shirt, no get the fucking idea he was naked and wandering around in the woods covered in sticks and burs and probably a dozen different ticks in the middle of the night.

He growled as he grabbed the mask and tried to pull as hard as he could. He let out even more swears that just became even more unintelligeable as he pulled at his hair and skin.

He could hardly see anything out of the stupid eye holes either, at least he could breath a bit, and luckily enough he was not going crazy off of glue fumes. He probably would have died if this was the toxic stuff.

He frowned and wiggled the dumb thing a bit more. Max was twisting and jerking and making a ruckus before he felt his grip slip and the ground give out beneath him. He gasped and shouted all the way down the incredibly shallow fall before he sat up and shook his head.

"Shit! SHIT! SHHHHHHIIIIITTTTTT!" Finally he was just howling at the heavens. He didn't even know why those jackasses were still doing this obnoxious teenage shit! This wasn't even hazing or anything! It was kidnapping assault and battery! He should sue those assholes for what they did to him!

He was a camp counselor now god damn it! An adult! He would be able to drink soon! He had to look after a bunch of stupid fucking kids who were running all over the place like they were tiny hellions! He didn't have time to worry about all of the douche baggy rivalry that these woodscouts still held for the Camp Campbell campers. And frankly he didn't give a shit!

But of course that weasely greasy snot nosed twink Pikeman just needed to kidnap him and drag him through the woods to their weird (And weirdly empty, Max had expected there to be much more Woodscouts to be there, but the place pretty much looked abandonded at this point.) camp to be stripped naked, partially shaved, have mud and sticks rubbed on him and then to have a stupid mask probably permanently glued to his face and head.

They had only let him go after they had managed to work his pants free and ignore all of his cursing and yelling.

Max managed a small smile at that thought. All of this was almost fucking worth it. Just to see the look on their faces when they saw just what he was packing between his legs. Everyone seemed to get incredibly disheartened after that and let him go. Max even thought he heard a few of them crying as he left. They didn't return his pants and he was on the other side of the lake.

But still he got to see them all amazed at the size of his dick. And probably also confirm that they were all much smaller. Max scratched at his cheek before rubbing harder through the mask. They had shoved a sock in his mouth and ducktaped his mouth closed but that hadn't stopped him. He had worked enough of it free so that he could actually work out sounds.

And what he was mostly working out was a shit ton of annoyed swearing and gasping.

"Well fuck. Shit. God damn. Mother fucking bastards. I should burn that camp to the ground. No one would stop me." He managed to mutter out. He looked up at the sky and scanned it a bit, he was completely lost and he could not see dick with all of the clouds and heavy covering from the steaming hills. Nikki probably would have been able to find her way back to the campers, or just become some sort of a wildling princess with plenty of animals to do her bidding.

That girl could not be stopped, which was actually sort of surprising that she got engaged to a guy like Niel. Then again the young brainiac did managed to find ways to focus her destructive output so that she would actually use her strange otherworldly powers of harnassing nature, having never ending staminia and being very nearly invincible to 'good' use.

Max was sort of pissed off that neither of them could make it to the camp to counsel with him, but then again he didn't hold it against them. It wasn't like he was never going to see them again. It would just take a little while before he saw them next.

In fact Camp Campbell had changed drastically over the past few years, David had become more then just the head counselor but now also ran about twenty other camps nearby that did similiar things that Camp Campbell did, it was good money and he seemed to fucking love it. The outdoors loving weirdo. Which left Max and Gwen to do the daily running of the camp.

Gwen was still at the camp, much to her overall anger and irritation, she was hoping to have left for better places by now, but she was still just acting as a glorified babysitter to a bunch of snot nosed delinquints who didn't listen to her. Which drove her right up the fucking wall, in her own words.

Max's breath caught in his throat as he heard a rustle in the bushes close by. He slowly stood up and gulped as he debated just what he should do at this moment. If he was lucky then it was just a bear. If he was unlucky then it was going to be that stupid weirdly immortal platypus that always had it in for him. If he was really really really fucking unlucky then it was going to be one of the campers, probably one of the kids, and then he would get slapped with a restraining order for being a fucking weirdo running around the woods in the buck with a mask on.

He really didn't want to start his twenties in prison. He slowly stood up and gulped waiting for his fate to hit him over the head and totally fuck him over like he was used to. It was starting to drizzle slightly and he shivered in the cold.

The bushes rattled some more as something absolutely enormous moved through it and then crashed down towards him. Gwen stood for a moment with a flashlight that she was repeatedly hitting and growling under her breath. Her raincoat was too small and compact, it looked like it belonged to some of the younger campers.

"Motherfucker! Piece of shit never works!" She growled as she hit it until it finally turned on. She frowned and covered her eyes to gaze through the dark and the light rain coming down.

"Alright now what the hell is out here at this time of...OH MY GOD!" She shouted in surprise as she almost dropped the flashlight at what she saw before her. Some...creature! Who was absolutely hung! "Oh my god." She said the thirst for a nice big firm cock clear in her voice.

"Gwen? Gwen!" Max said as he covered his cock and balls as best as he could, blushing underneath all of the rubber and other shit. She just looked him up and down and licked her lips. She turned around as a snapped twig issued through the night. She looked behind herself at him and then back the way that they had come.
"Ah fuck it. You only live once." She said casaully as she turned around and grabbed his hand before starting to run through the forest, pulling a still very confused young man after her. Max looked around where they were going. He was honestly as surprised and shocked as Gwen had been, he considered himself sort of lucky that it was her who had ran into him instead of say one of the campers.

Still he was starting to get a sinking feeling about what she might be thinking. He knew Gwen...and she was sort of a complete horn dog, it didn't help that she had trouble finding a good guy to fuck regularily. Which meant that she probably spent a bit too much time reading erotica and making erotica and masturbating on her days off. It just got her flustered instead of actually laid.

Max couldn't help it and found his eyes slowly drifting down to her ass. She really did have a super nice butt, it was big and had a bit of bounce to it. It didn't look like it belonged on a thirty year old. She had not seemed to age at all since he first met her when he was a kid. Actually...if he was being honest she was actually sort of super hot, stacked, with smooth cocoa skin and a lovely smile and bright slightly mischevious eyes.

He gulped as they got close to a cave, her hypntocially swinging hips had put him into a trance.

"Alright stuff...Jesus christ Gwen you god damn cornball." She muttered to herself as they arrived at a small cave. It might have a small entrance but it had a huge interior with plenty of space to move around.
"We can hide in here until the rain passes. And uh...Just hang out...So do you have a name?" She was blushing slightly and rocking on the balls of her feet as they squatted onto the dirty stone floor. Max rolled his eyes behind the very obvious fucking mask. Of course Gwen would be a monster fucker, why was he not surprised?

He attempted to talk but the fucking sock that was shifting in the mask covered his mouth and it just came out garbled again. Gwen looked at him questioningly before she slowly shivered and rubbed her arms. Max shivered as well, the cave was pretty dark and cold. He rubbed his arms vigirously before he finally sighed. He knew enough about wilderness survival to know that they were doing this wrong. He moved forward and wrapped his arms around Gwen. Her eyes widened and she shivered again, but from the blush across her face Max could tell it was for an entirely different reason.

She rubbed up against him and he gulped himself when he felt her large full C cup breasts rub against him. She had very pretty tits, he gulped, she wasn't wearing a bra underneath her shirt.

"Oh my christ what the fuck am I doing?" He thought, but he was pretty chilly and the two of them cuddling like this, slightly spooned together was the fastest way to get warm.
"Ah...What's the matter there? Cold?" Gwen said as she rubbed her thighs together. She had no idea what she was doing...but if she had to take a guess it was probably something that she wouldn't regret, it had been so so so so so so so so long since she got her pussy absolutely obliterated...and if she was being honest she was sort of hoping that he would go absolutely wild on her. She needed it! She needed a nice firm fucking!

And if she was being perfectly honest with herself she sort of liked the idea of getting fucked by a monster, monsters had bigger dicks then humans, after all that was just common sense. And this monster was absolutely packing! It was like the length of her arm! And the width of her wrist.

Max nodded as Gwen turned around in his arms and wrapped her own around his torso. Max was pretty proud about his body, he had slowly filled out over the years, getting some abs and biceps and some pretty good muscles. Nothing massive, he was still a scrawny little fuck, but he was a little stronger then the average guy, and he looked pretty hot too.

"I know how to get you all warmed up." Gwen said breathlessly looking into the dark eyes of this strange monster that had basically swept her off her feet. Max gulped as he thought about what she was implying. He rubbed against her. He tried to speak, attempted to say no...after all she was older then him...and they were coworkers...and it wasn't like she actually knew that it was him...

But within a second there was the sound of wet clothes being peeled off and he gulped in amazement. Her breasts were pressed against his chest, and they were like warm globes of pleasure pressed against him, her nipples pressed needfully against his chest. He gasped and arched his back, his cock began to fill up with need, the blood going straight to his boner and making his mind stupid.

"Oh christ." He mumbled out, it sounded more like a growl of pleasure.
"Oh the warming hasn't even started yet." She said breathlessly, her hair was out of it's wet ponytail and she slowly began to descend his chest, stopping for a second to admire his abs until she got to his dick. He gulped as she wrapped her fairly decent breasts around his cock. He gasped and moved his slowly firming cock up and down, she pinched her own nipples with a moan. She had gone so long without a good dick to work her magic on! And that was starting to drive her up the wall! She was pent up! Almost going crazy with desire!

She gasped and moaned, her tongue peeking out as she started to tease his dick. She had spent too much time around little kids lately, now she needed a! A monster shaft, something to spend herself on, to relax upon, to go crazy for. She licked and slurped around it as if it was a melting ice cream cone. She moaned and gasped as he shifted and pressed his need and desire against her face. She popped out her lips and finally pulled away with a smile.

"Oh no hot stuff. Weren't not going to just waste all of that hot meat on my lips. We're going to put it to good use." Max gulped as she moved forward aggressively, he had never seen this side of her before, it was honestly pretty intimidating. She was pretty thirsty, aggressively horny, he was almost absolutely horrified.

But on the other side he had also been surrounded by kids all summer too...and he needed some pussy. She rested her palms against his shoulders and gripped firmly as she began to shift and move her hips upwards, her pussy lips were practically dripping with absolutely unfiltered desire. She reached down between them and took his cock head before slowly, gradualy, painstakingly taking his shaft and slipping it into her dripping wet eager snatch.

Max groaned and let out another string of swear words to describe the hot, wet, tight, slightly pulsing pussy that was wrapped around his entire cock. She had taken his entire length in one go! She didn't want to mess around here! She wanted to get fucked! Completely and utterly wrecked! Even if she had to make the first few moves and take him into her herself!

She groaned and gasped and thrashed against him, her orgasm was coming in fast and strong, after all she had not taken a dick this big in a long time if...ever! And she wanted to get as much pleasure as possible! Gwen was soon a moaning groaning mess as she slide up and down his cock, her legs were squeezing his hips and her tongue was hanging out. He was hitting all of her pleasure points! Dancing across her pussy lips before delving into the very depths of her body! She had never gotten a pounding like this before!

She gasped and groaned and humped against him, attempting to break herself against his large and strong and utterly mind breaking cock! She groaned as he throbed and twisted and twitched inside of her.

She then gasped as he finally seemed to get the hint. Max gripped her thighs and gave her ass a firm spank before he practically leapt up and pushed her to her back, he spread her legs to get some better angle of entry and started to thrust with reckless abandonment, he groaned and grasped as much of her as posisble. Sweat was starting to fill up the stupid mask. He wondered absentmindedly just what it looked like, he had not gotten a clear view of it before. And he was vaguely curious just what those douchebags had slapped onto him.

It must have been something pretty out there yet simultaneously realistic enough to get into Gwen's pants. Or to get the hot ass spicy looking woman out of them. He groaned, her pussy was insanely nice! It was tight and seemed to stretch with every thrust as if her body was made out of rubber! And he knew that this was probably just going to be a one time thing and he was intending to go all out! No holding back! no mercy!

He was going to pound her into next week!

The two found themselves rolling over the cave floor. Gwen gripping him, scratching his back, losing herself to the pleasure as her orgasmss began to rush across her. They were in missionary, doggy style, they experimented with every possible and conceievable fucking position. Max found himself on the bottom, on top, screwing her from behind like an eager breeding bitch, he found himself slapped to his back with her fingernails digging against his nipples. He was spanking her ass as he pressed her face first against the stone wall, or holding her up and making a permanent stain from all of her back sweat as he held her up to the wall.

His cock hardly seemed to leave her pussy! He didn't want to leave her cunt! It was just too comfortable! Tight and soft and warm and inviting! With just the right amount of give and take! She was gasping and groaning and the cave was slowly getting filled to the brim with the echoes of their lovemaking. They moaned and groaned and gapsed and thrashed, their hands and arms exploring every inch of their lovers bodies. They were entwined. Their legs hooked together.

Max groaned as his probably seventh orgasm rose up to explode out of him. He was howling now as Gwen's eyes crossed and she was little more then an eagerly orgasming wreck of a woman, completely filled with his thick creamy seed. The two groaned and their foreheads touched and the light began to fade as their fainted. Literally fucking themselves to exhaustion and unconsciousness.

Max woke many hours later, the weather had cleared and he was spooning her, his cock slightly pulsing and plugging up her dripping wet cum soaked pussy. He gasped and pulled out making the older camp counselor moan in desire and wiggle, wanting that nice firm shaft back inside of her well fucked over pussy. Max gulped and looked around. He scratched his head before feeling the mask give way.

He pulled it off and looked down at Gwen. He sniffed the air. Beneath all of the ripe smell of ssex was the smell of wood burning. Crap the psychos at the camp must have started a fire.

He stood up looked down at the sleeping Gwen, gave her cheek a kiss and sprinted out of there. Leaving her with just the mask, a satisfied expression on her face, and enough cum inside of her to almost instantly knock her up. Which the two would only realize many weeks later.

Review. Next thing up soon. Sooner if reviews. Other things updated faster if there are reviews too. All aged up. Hopefully more lemons coming.