
After the "incident" in the lab, Tony had stormed into Steve's floor screaming, covered in foam, with a hissing cat tucked under his arm. He had shoved Goose into Steve's arms and stormed away. It probably was a good idea, seeing that Steve was the most responsible.

Steve supposed the easiest thing to do would be to just to keep an eye on it. He was quite sure what to do with it. Maria had already brought a bag of everything Goose needed, so that was taken care of.

Steve had filled the cat bowls, he had brought out the scratching post just in case, and he put away most of the fragile stuff. But so far all the cat had done was… lay there. It was boring, really, having to sit there and watch the cat. The only good thing was it made an excellent model for a sketch.

So he just sat there for about an hour drawing the cat, who also hadn't moved in an hour. Very boring.

Steve wasn't sure what happened in that lab, but he wasn't taking any chances. So he just keeping an eye on Goose at all times and not allowing him to escape the confines on his floor.

But of course the universe wouldn't allow him to do even that.

"Mr. Rogers, there is a problem in the common room," Friday's voice rang out.

Steve shot up from his chair, sketchbook and pencils flying everywhere. Goose jerked his head up at the sudden movement. After realizing it was just Steve she put her head back down, hissing.

"What happened," Steve asked, grabbing his shield from its hiding place behind the ottoman. Goose opened her eyes to watch him.

"Mr. Barnes and Mr. Wilson appear to be fighting."

"Oh." Steve put the shield back behind the ottoman, exasperated. Goose eyed the shield. "What are they fighting about this time?"

"Uno. Peter introduced them."

Steve rubbed his face. Peter was a good kid, but sometimes the kid didn't know when to stop. The last time it was Mario Kart. And the time before that was monopoly. All games ended with fights and a vow for revenge. Then they would play again. And again and again and again and again until Nat put her foot down. And it wasn't unusual for the said game to be banned from the Tower.

Steve hesitated. He didn't want to leave Goose alone… but then again, Friday could always just monitor Goose and tell him if anything went wrong.

"Is anyone else around to get Bucky and Sam?" Steve asked.

"No sir."

Steve sighed. He quickly locked up a few things and a few doors and hurried down to the common room.

Steve ran as fast as he could back to his floor.

But there Goose was, just sitting there, innocent and asleep. She had moved to where Steve was sitting earlier, but other than a few knocked over items on the table his room was in perfect condition.

"Hey Friday? Did Goose do anything while I was gone?" Steve asked.

"At 4:05 pm, 36 seconds after you left the room she stood up and started pacing around the coffee table. At 4:07 she knocked over the mug that was gifted to you by boss with the caption 'America's ass'. 30 seconds afterwards she scratched the couch. At 4:08 she circled around the ottom-"

"Okay, okay, that's enough," Steve rolled his eyes. Of course Tony had his sarcasm programmed into his AI.

"Yes sir." How could a robot sound so amused?

Steve looked suspiciously around the room, but found nothing wrong. He eventually accepted that Goose probably just didn't like Tony.

But he didn't check behind ottoman.

He didn't notice anything until the next day.

The Avengers had decided on rotating the cat, so Goose was handed off to Natasha in the morning and Steve had a mission to go on.


"I KNOW SAM, I'M COMING!" Steve shouted, lifting up the couch for the fifth time. He couldn't find his shield.

He had a mission, and he couldn't find his fucking shield.

"WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG?!" Bucky yelled back.

"I CAN'T FIND MY SHIELD!" Steve screamed back. He stormed into his bedroom and found it lying on the bed. "Oh come on!"


Steve grabbed his shield… and immediately regretted it.

"What the-" he jerked his hand away and stared at the slime coating his hand and shield. And now his bed.

"Hey guys! Why is my shield covered in this… eurgh… gross smelling liquid?" he called, wrinkling his nose.

There was the sound of Bucky racing towards Steve's room, then he appeared with a spare shield from Wakanda.

He threw it at Steve. "Just take this one and figure it out later, we're going to be late!"

Steve caught the spare and took one last look at his shield before Bucky tugged him out of the room.