
One of the four kingdoms that dotted the planet Remnant, it was a testament of humanity's ferocity and ability to adapt in order to live in a world where they were never supposed to live. Every year creatures of darkness knock on each kingdom's walls to no avail so they found a new strategy… waiting. The darkness that is known as the creatures of Grimm waited for the right moment, when the walls would finally go down.

Speaking of waiting we find ourselves looking at a group of four young women in the dorms of Beacon Academy, each with a unique set of hair colour that if my mother saw it, she would have a migraine. The room was suspiciously quiet as the four young women continued to mind their own business.

Weiss Schnee flipped another page from her book, finished writing a long essay for Peter Port. Frankly, she didn't know why she's doing it; the man never taught in any of their lessons. Ever. He's always telling tales, regaling on past memories of victories and battles that were put under a more pleasant light for the students to… ahem… enjoy. Seriously, killing a Goliath with nothing but a toothpick? Clearly someone wants to torture themselves in trying to find that one thing that makes Port's stories worth it.

Weiss' face twitched into a frown as she looked around the room in both confusion and slight annoyance, "Who's there?" she asked to no one in particular.

"I can hear you," she said while narrowing her eyes.

"Um… Weiss, is everything okay?" her team leader asked only for her eyes to widen as she gave a small yelp and jumped back as if she saw something or rather heard something.

"What's the matter with you two?" Blake asked as she flipped another page from her book only to stop midway as she looked around the room with narrowed eyes, her bow twitched every now and then as if she's trying to listen to some sort of secret conversation that was being kept from her.

She held the page up and flipped it to the previous page, then flipped it to the next, front, back, front, back, front, ba- She was so amused by this simple action that she probably thought of doing this for the next hour or so. It reminded me of my cat once, simple minded.

"Hey!" Blake said while closing the book with a loud clap, she sat up and scanned the room similar to how the heiress is doing.

A bundle of blonde hair rose up from her bed, her hair frayed from a horrible case of bed hair as she looked at the varying emotions that her team's experiencing, "What's got you guys so tense?" she asked.

"Yang, don't you hear it?" Ruby asked clutching her pillow tightly.

Yang tilted her head to the side in confusion only to widen them as she now looked around the room, searching for something. "Hey, buddy I can hear you!"


"Yeah, I can hear you. So, do you want to explain why your stalking us or do you want us to come there and make you?" Yang said, her sleepiness gone as she looked around the room. She gave a loud grunt of frustration. "Stop describing what I'm doing!?" she said.

You can hear me?

"Hard not to, you won't shut up," Blake said.

"And what's that about Professor Port's lessons?" Weiss said, frowning.

What? It's true, his lessons ar- ugh why am I talking to you? You're not even supposed to hear this!

"Who are you?" Ruby asked her face was slightly calmer now than earlier.

I'm the Narrator

"The Narrator?" Blake said with a deadpan tone.

"Of what?" Weiss asked.

This story

This time is was the blonde's turn to ask, "What story"

THIS story

This is not even supposed to happen! *flips script*… blah, blah, blah, attack on Vale… yep, not supposed to happen.

Blake's ears perked up and looked at the ceiling of her bunk bed, "you said 'attack on Vale',"

I didn't

"You did," she said, the slits in her eyes narrowed, clearly agitated by something, "And that something is you,"

Again, I'm telling you I didn't say anything about an attack on Vale.

"Alright, enough is enough," Yang said. As she deployed Ember Celica. "You're going to start talking, or we'll make you,"

Ha! I'd like to see you all try; you don't even know where I am!

"No, but if you're this loud then that means you're nearby!" Yang declared while putting her arms on her waist as if she was a superhero.

Well… looks like the dumb blonde trope is here as well.

Her face frowned as she looked up in the ceiling, as if there was something there, "There is someone there! And that's you!"

"What are you doing here?" Ruby asked nicely. A far cry to the barbarian that was a few meters away from her.


*sigh* I already said, I'm the Narrator, it's practically in the name what I'm doing here. Look just- just ignore me. Continue on your day as if I'm not here, okay?

"Hard not to," the heiress said while crossing her arms underneath her undeveloped chest, "Excuse me!"

Blake's mouth slightly turned up as if she found something funny, Weiss turned around and glared at her, "You think this is funny?!"

"A little," Blake admitted.

Weiss gave out an exasperated sigh as she raised both of her hands in a motion similar to praising the sun. She rolled her eyes and walked back to the only desk and continue writing. "Yes… because we have much more important things to do than listen to a voice in the air," she said.

While she was doing this a knock made itself known to the girls in the room, already standing Yang approached the door and open it to reveal her fellow blonde, Jaune Arc. He greeted her a good morning and looked at the tense faces of Team RWBY. He was about to ask what's the matter when out of nowhere, Yang grabbed his shoulders and shook him with her gorilla level strength.

"Jaune, thank Oum you're here. You can hear him, right?" she asked.

Jaune had a look of confusion, "Hear what?"

"That voice!" she said. "There! He just said 'she said'!"

Jaune's face contorted from confusion to uncomfortable as he shifted under Yang's arms, "I-I don't know what you're talking about,"

"Wait, you mean you can't hear him?" Weiss said standing up from her seat, "He calls himself the Narrator and he keeps describing what we're doing,"

Now feeling more uncomfortable, he looked between his school crush and the blonde buxom. Judging from his looks the way his eyes looked at the pair, it was obvious that he thinks that they're crazy.

"We're not crazy! We can hear you!" Yang and Weiss yelled.

They quickly turned around and looked at Jaune, pupils slightly dilated. A clear sign of hallucination, Jaune decided to humour the girls by nodding robotically, "Sure… I-I can hear him," he lied.

"You're lying!" Weiss said.

"No, no, I'm not! I really can hear him!" he lied again.

"Jaune… we're friends, right?" Yang said, while smiling at him.

"Um… y-yeah," he said as he shifted from his position.

Jaune continued to scour his brain, finding a good reason to escape the pair of crazies who was slowly creeping him out. Finally his brain found a decent reason… at least decent enough for his standards.

"Jaune!" he said in a very high pitch while the side of his mouth was the only thing that was moving. He faked an apologetic smile at the pair, "Oh… would you look at that! Nora's calling me! Gottagobye!"

With a quick bow he slammed the door close and quickly made his way towards his team's dorm, trying to forget everything that just had happened. Just before he opened the door he looked down and to his surprise there was a hundred Lien lying just in front of their door.

"Sweet!" he picked it up, already feeling good about today.

Meanwhile back in the dorm, Yang and Weiss gawked at the door. Their thoughts were suddenly put on halt as they both looked at the ceiling, "You gave him a hundred Lien!?"

I did no such thing. He just conveniently found a hundred Lien on the ground. *sigh* look, I don't know why this is happening. I need to take a break. Chapter's done anyways.

Weiss looked up in the ceiling, her face in confusion. "wait what do you mean cha-, "

*clap* *clap* *clap* Well done Imaginations

*chewing noises* what?

Oh, don't give me that! You know what you did! And why is my voice similar to the Stanley Parable Narrator?

*swallow* Because it's funny

At my expense and the girls! *sigh* look can you just… just do your author's note or something… by the way my payment.

Yeah, yeah, here you go.

Thank you *footsteps* *opens door* *Slams door*

Well… that happened. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Don't worry about Mr. Narrator, he'll be back, I promise that… Well that's all I'm going to say!


*opens door* by the way that whole 'Peace~' thing is stupid

Get out