Prompt: My flight was delayed 3 hours so I was doing what any human does when they're bored. Minding my own business swiping through tinder & the guy behind me goes "ouch hard no for that one?" And I turn around ONLY TO SEE THE MAN I JUST SWIPED NO ON BEHIND ME HAHAHA

This will be rated T for now but might turn into M when the second chapter is written and published. Just a fair warning for those of you who start and only wants T. (It might also just simply stay T but for now I have no clue).

"Fuck," she muttered under her breath as she witnessed her flight being switched from 'in time' to 'delayed'.

Kate Beckett was on her way back to New York City for a visit to her parents and after the exams she just had she had just wanted the flight to go as planned. She wanted to go home. To her mom and dad who had planned on making her favorite dinner and prepared the coziest 'back for the holidays' evening. At least that's what they'd said. With a grunt she slumped down in one of the uncomfortable couches in the airport, figuring there was no use going back to her dorm when the flight was only delayed for thirty minutes. Kate picked up her phone from her pocket and dialed the home number.

"Katie!" Her mother's voice screeched into her ear and she heard her mom covering the phone only to yell to her father. "Jim! It's Katie on the phone!"

Kate would've chuckled at the shenanigans if it weren't for the frustration she felt towards not being able to get home like she'd intended.

"Hi Katie!" Her dad called into the phone and she assumed they'd put it on speaker. "Aren't you supposed to be getting onto your flight right now?"

"Yeah, about that," she groaned. "The flight's delayed."

"Oh no, honey, by how much?" her mom asked and just when she was about to tell them she watched the screen change again.

"Shit," she exclaimed into the phone before she could think.


"Sorry mom," she sighed before adding, "The delay just turned from thirty minutes to three hours."

"Oh, then you won't get here until... ten pm," her dad said and she put her head in her hand.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, we'll have to take coming home breakfast instead."

"Oh, don't worry Katie," her mom said. "It's not your fault."

"Still sucks," she mumbled and she heard her parents hum. "Anyway, I'll text you once I get on the plane and call when I land."

"Okay, don't forget to eat something before your flight!"

"And stay away from creepy guys!"

Kate rolled her eyes, "Sure thing. Love you, bye."

"Love you too Katie!" Her parents said simultaneously and she hung up.

Putting down her phone she glanced around her, noticing more people seemed upset while talking on their phones or with each other. At least she wasn't the only one. She spent a few minutes just observing the happenings around her before she gave off another sigh and opened her phone. Her roommate had somehow talked her into creating a Tinder account and even though she knew she would regret it at least it was something to waste her time on. Is it even possible to swipe on Tinder for three hours? God, she felt pathetic. As she opened the app she carefully glanced around to make sure no one was paying her any attention. To her relief everyone was busy trying to call whoever needed to know they were going to be late. Sitting back in the couch to relax a bit she looked at the first picture of the first guy. He was blonde, a musician, studying to become a banker. Pass. Next one was a redhead, he was working in a store, his favorite hobby was taking long strides at the beach. Hard pass. Another blonde popped up, he had a leather jacket on his photos and claimed to having a bike, and even though he looked interesting Kate still couldn't find it in herself to swipe right. Pass.

Kate didn't know how many guys she'd passed when suddenly a brown-haired guy with ocean blue eyes stared back at her. He had a careful smile with a glimpse of mischief in his eyes. His profile said he loved reading and that his biggest dream was to succeed as a writer. He actually seemed quite sweet, and even through the screen Kate could tell she would drown in his blue eyes if she stared into them for too long. And for some reason the intimacy, the magnetic field she felt just looking at his pictures scared the hell out of her. Pass.

"Ouch! Hard no for that one?" A voice startled her from behind and she flinched, hadn't expected to get caught swiping on Tinder.

Turning around with wide eyes they only widened at the sudden sight of those ocean blues staring right back at her. Oh, fuck.

"I-uh, wha-how...uh," she stuttered without knowing exactly what to say. How did this even happen?

"I mean, no I completely understand, why would a guy want to be a writer? Who would want to be with someone with such an uncertain future as that. I wouldn't," he said and Kate had a hard time trying to figure out if he was serious or just messing with her. It didn't look like he was offended. "I'm Rick by the way."

The guy reached out his hand and before Kate really knew what she was doing she shook his hand. "Kate," she said as if on autopilot.

"You on your way to New York City too?" he asked and she felt her whole body stiffen. Who the hell is this guy? "Sorry," he suddenly said, shaking his head with a shameful smile. "I'm really observant, and I love coming up with stories to everyone I see. Can't help it, I call it my writer's mind." He tapped a forefinger to his temple and she narrowed her eyes. "I'm too curious for my own good too, nearly got myself arrested just a couple minutes ago trying to see how they would react if I hid a metallic ball in my boxers. Let me tell you, they were not amused," he chuckled and Kate's eyes widened. "And neither are you," he added before scratching his head.

He opened his mouth again, as if to say something more, but stopped himself and turned around to sit down on the couch behind her. Kate didn't know if she should feel relieved or saddened that he gave up. She couldn't help but feel intrigued. Even though she shouldn't it didn't take long before she turned around almost completely in the couch to tap his shoulder with her fingers.

"What made you think I'm going to New York City?"

Rick looked at her with surprised eyes but his lips pulled up in a hopeful smile.

"You swiping on tinder," he said and she furrowed her eyebrows in question. He smiled even more before he turned to sit on his side, most likely to be able to face her with stretching his neck, and she mirrored his position for the same reason. "The way you look, your clothes, posture and all, doesn't fit in with the stereotypical girl who sits on tinder every minute of the day. And so I figured there must be something up with your flight to make tinder worth your time," he pointed up to the chards, "and the flight to New York City is the only flight being delayed for long enough."

"Oh," she hummed. Then all of a sudden another thought hit her. "How long have you been staring at me to make that assumption?"

In her surprise she wasn't all that creeped out. The guy was – what? – two-three years older than her? Also there were a lot of people who would witness if he tried something at the airport. Plus her parents were waiting to hear from her so, really, what had she to worry about?

He shrugged his shoulders. "I looked for an empty couch and found this one, it wasn't until I sat down that I got curious as to what the girl on the other side was doing and so I glanced over my shoulder to ask you what your name was and saw you swipe left on that guy before my own face stared right back at me. I just had to wait to figure out what you would do with my card so I just waited. Took you a while to decide," he observed and she felt her cheeks blush. "Anyway, I'm on my way to New York City too. Wanna pass time together? It'll be much funnier than swiping on tinder, I promise," he smiled big with eyes glimpsing of hopefulness.

Narrowing her eyes again she had a feeling Rick was right. Swiping on tinder wasn't exactly something she was fond on, hell, it wasn't even her idea to create an account! But she still wasn't quite sure on trusting him either. There was something about him that pulled her in. Something about his blue eyes which reminded her of the ocean and the way he seemed so rebel-ish. When it took too long for her to answer he opened his mouth again, a small smirk spreading across his lips.

"I can even try to prove it was the wrong decision to swipe left on me," he wiggled his eyebrows and she narrowed her eyes.

"Challenge accepted," she said with a pull in her own lips.

Rick's face immediately shone with the brightest of smiles and she had to bite her lip to not mirror his expression. Kate watched as he turned in his seat in order to sit facing her, so they sat pretty much in front of each other but on opposite sides of the two couches.

"You want to play twenty question as a start? That way we can learn something about each other that we can continue talking about," he suggested and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Sure, why not."

"Okay, so we already know each other's names. First question, how old are you?" he asked and she felt her heart calm down, hadn't noticed it peaking at the thought of his questions taking on a different kind of theme.

"I'm eighteen, you?"

"Twenty-four," he said and she felt her eyes widen. "Your turn."

"Uh, what are your plans in New York City?" she questioned, thinking it was her chance to see if he was really on his way to the same city as she was.

He smiled and she wondered what he was thinking about. "I'm on my way home to see my mother and my daughter." His blues got a glimpse in them and she wondered if she saw correctly when it looked like pride. "What about you?" his eyes focused on her and she felt her cheeks blush. For what reason, she wasn't sure.

"Also on my way home, me, my mom and dad have a small tradition that I'll go home after every exam to celebrate it's over."

"Exams, huh? What major?" he questioned and she put a small stray of hair behind her ear to create some time for herself to think.

"Law," she eventually said and he hummed with a curious tone. "And you?"

"Oh, I'm not in school, I'm actually working on pursuing my dream. I've just been to a meeting about my first book perhaps getting published."

"Oh?" Kate felt herself getting intrigued, her interest peaking at the guy actually seeming to genuinely like books. She'd found many guys saying they liked books but when she asked them about a favorite book they very rarely had one, either that or they said some long lost childhood book they had to read in class or something.

"Yeah, In a hail of bullets," he revealed in a hushed voice and she wondered if he was allowed to. "At least that's what I named it for now." He shrugged his shoulders with a smile plastered onto his lips.

Kate bit her lip as she could only think of a question she knew she wouldn't be able to answer herself, but she had to know. "You said daughter, you have a daughter?"

She could immediately see his cheeks turn a pink-ish color as he looked down at his knees. She noticed his breathing turn into a sigh-like deep breathing before he ran his hand through his thick brown hair and looked up at her again. His eyes looked as if they were both hurt and proud. Why?

"Yeah, I do. She's two, and I would never call her a mistake, she was unplanned though. The mother was my girlfriend at the time but it was never meant to work between her and me. I still love Alexis with all my heart and after almost no fight at all I got custody over her since Meredith was more interesting in her career than in being a mother." He said it as if it was practiced, as if he'd said it hundreds of times before.

Kate hummed in understanding, gave him a small smile since he looked afraid. Afraid of what? She couldn't fathom why he would be afraid. Since she didn't want him to be more insecure than he already seemed about continuing to talk she decided to give him her answer, light up the mood again.

"Well, I don't have a daughter, nor a son at the moment, and I don't really plan on getting pregnant for the next couple years either. Your turn," she offered and his small smile turned bigger along with a sigh of... relief?

"What's your favorite movie?" he questioned and she put her head in her hand.

"I don't know, don't really have one."

His eyes widened. "You don't have a favorite movie?!"

"No, I enjoy a good John Woo film but I don't really have a favorite."

"You like John Woo?!" his eyes only widened and Kate couldn't stop the chuckle from slipping past her lips at his ridiculous shock.

"Yeah, the bloodier the better," she said with a shrug and she could swear his eyes would've popped out if it was possible.

"Damn that's hot," he muttered and she raised an eyebrow at him. "Nothing." He shook his head before he answered his own question. "My favorite movie is... either a James Bond movie or Karate Kid."

"Hmm," she tried to come up with the next question. With lack of something better to ask she just went with, "How come you created a tinder?"

"Well, I don't really get out that much with my daughter being so little but I can't help but want to get back out there again. However I haven't actually met anyone yet, every time I get a match I back out because I'm not sure anyone is good enough for my daughter." He glanced to her and something changed in his eyes. "Sorry, I just..."

"Don't worry about it, I completely understand," Kate immediately assured him. It wasn't like he wanted any girl around his baby, if it were her she probably wouldn't be able to get past that fact either.

He let out a long sigh before he met her eyes again and she stared into those blues. "What about you? Like I said, you don't look like the stereotypical tinder user."

"Oh, my roommate forced me, she thinks I'm too uninterested in dating for my own good," Kate rolled her eyes thinking of her friend's constant reminders of her lack of romance.

Rick chuckled and Kate couldn't help but smile at the warmth spreading through her body.

"Okay, so my turn," he said and she could tell he needed some time to think of a new question so she just stayed quiet.

Couldn't help but let her eyes roam though. His blue eyes weren't the only thing that was kind of hypnotic about him. His thick hair had her fingers twitching in the want to touch. His facial features were definitely making him look handsome and there was no doubt he was taking care of his body. The dark blue shirt he was wearing hugged his body tight enough for her to be able to make out his big biceps, and also spot his belly was fit. The blue also made his eyes pop more and she couldn't help but secretly enjoy the view.

"Do you do any sport?" he asked, bringing her back to the now and she stopped ogling.

"Eh, no, not really. I go to the gym though," she said and his lips pulled up in a curious smile.

"Really? Me too, what kind of workout do you usually do?" he continued and she decided to ignore it was actually her turn, thought it didn't matter that much anymore who's turn it was.

"I run, pushups, sit-ups, yoga and boxes," Kate shrugged her shoulders.

"Ooh, you ever spar?"

Kate let go of a chuckle. "That's three questions." She gave him a narrowed look but the smile didn't want to leave and so it had her pursing her lips.

"Right," he facepalmed himself and Kate couldn't stop the light laugh from escaping her mouth. "Go ahead." He waved his hand in front of him as if to say 'after you' and she found it quite adorable in a funny way.

"Hmm, where's your favorite place in the world?" she finally asked.

To her surprise he shrugged his shoulders. "Wherever my daughter is." After a beat of silence he gets a small grin on his face. "That sounded so cheesy, but it's the truth."

She felt her heart squeeze at the warm look in his blues. She figured it must be pure love, that kind of love you can only feel for your kid. And she couldn't help but feel the little bit jealous that he already got to experience that feeling, even though she's never even considered having a kid in her teens. It was way too young. But someday she wanted kids, someday in the far future that is.

"What about you?" he dragged her out of her thoughts and she ran her hand through her hair.

"My family's cabin. It's out in the woods and it's so peaceful there that I can completely lose all sense of stress and responsibilities." Kate hadn't exactly thought of telling him more than a simple 'our cabin' but somehow she ended up telling why too. She couldn't quite figure out what had done it but she had a feeling it was due to the honesty his blues kept tinkering with.

"I can imagine, that's the kinds of places I love to visit when I search inspiration for the scenes I write," he said with a dreamy tone.

"What's your book about? The one that's about to get published?" she questioned and he pursed his lips.

"It's not completely finished yet if it will get published, they seem hopeful but I haven't exactly been offered a contract just yet so if you don't mind I can't really answer that one," he said along with an apology but she just waved it off with her hand literally doing a small wave in the air.

"Don't worry about it, I understand." Because she did. It was most likely a 'need to know'-basis right now and who was she and how could he trust a girl he'd just met? It was completely understandable.

"So, as a counter question I'll go back to my previous added question, do you ever spar?" he asked and she felt her cheeks warm up for some reason.

"Uhm, I've thought of it yeah, but I've never found anyone I wanted to spar with."

It was as though his whole being lit up, his back straightening as his lips pulled apart, a grin big enough to show his perfect teeth. "I'll do it."

She felt her eyes widen as her heart skipped a beat. Images of him in shorts and a sport-shirt flew into her mind, the two of them sparring and taking turns being the one with the upper hand. She had a feeling he would be able to tackle her though, and the thought of him straddling her hips... was it getting hot in the airport?

"Your turn," his statement interrupted her thoughts and she tried to shake her head as discretely as possible as she tried to collect her thoughts.

As soon as she could come up with a new question she let it flow out of her mouth, the question having to do with his parents, and they kept on chatting until it was suddenly announced it was time to board the plane. Kate had never thought she would've been able to kick it off so well with a complete stranger at an airport but it actually felt kind of sad they wouldn't have more time. Rick suggested they'd ask the passengers sitting beside them on the airplane if they would switch seats in order to sit next to each other but to their small disappointment both of their seat buddies weren't interested. Kate didn't blame them though, it wasn't like she could. It still had her heart sinking a bit and she wasn't sure how it was possible for a guy to nestle his way into her life so simply. She'd never been the one to open up to strangers but during the last three hours she'd had an extraordinary great time chatting with Rick Castle.

They'd exchanged numbers before they boarded the plane, decided they would try meet up for coffee at least once before Kate had to fly back to college. She wasn't able to catch a sight of him before she called her parents once they landed in New York and since her parents were all about keeping in contact to make sure nothing happened to her they stayed with her on the phone throughout the whole taxi drive home. After she got home and they had hugged each other she got offered some leftovers before she retreated to her bedroom, feeling the exhaustion from the day taking over her body.

As her mom and dad told her goodnight she walked up the stairs to her room saying she was happy to be home again, said she loved them before shutting her door to her bedroom. Changing out of her clothes and slumping into the mattress of her bed was the most satisfying feeling she'd had in a couple weeks, the stress from the exams finally wearing off. Before she happened to fall asleep though she heard her phone vibrate with an incoming text. She considered letting it be but wiggled herself closer to her nightstand in order to snatch her phone, her eyes almost closed as she glanced at the notification.

*Hi, I know it's late but I just wanted to say I meant what I said. I would love to meet up before you fly out again. Either for a coffee or for a sparring session, I don't care what we do. Anyway, sleep tight Kate. /Rick Castle*

Kate couldn't stop the heating of her cheeks or the way her lips pulled up in a smile, she would love to meet up with him too. Soon.

Kate Beckett felt all giddy inside as she waited patiently outside the building they'd set up as their place to meet. She hadn't told her parents the real story and the rebel inside her was grinning way too wildly for her own liking. All her mom and dad knew was that she was going out for a run, they had no idea she was going to meet up a friend too. A friend she'd only met once. Still, she considered him a friend already, because they had texted nonstop since the airport. Even her mom had pointed out she was unusually attached to her phone, had even asked if she had a secret boyfriend in a teasing tone Kate disliked more than anything. The worst part was the way her cheeks flamed hot every time a subject like that arose, probably had something to do with the disturbingly steamy dreams her mind kept conjuring up about him touching her in places she hadn't been caressed in a long time.

"Hey!" The sudden sound of his voice by her ear had her whipping around to meet his ocean blue eyes.

She'd almost thought to ocean blues had been a part of her fantasy but looking straight into them now had her heart skipping a beat. Fuck.

"Hi," she answered and was both surprised and happy when he pulled her into a greeting hug.

"So, you ready for me to kick your butt?" he asked and she rolled her eyes, her smile bright.

"In your dreams."

She beat him to the door of the gym and glanced behind to see him watching her with eyes roaming her back as he followed her. Her insides tingled with excitement and she wondered how the hell she'd agreed to do a sparring session with him. She would so not survive this.

It didn't take long before she had him down on the mat, she simply tripped him though. Still standing she looked down at him with a smirk on her pursing lips as she tried to keep in the laughter bubbling inside her.

"I let you do that," he teased and she couldn't stop the laughter anymore.

"Yeah, right." She held out a hand and he took it, accepting the help up on his feet, before he let go again and said he was ready to go again.

They twirled around for a couple minutes, none of them really getting the other down, before he managed to trip her and she landed on her back. She still smiled and laughed though, it felt great meeting someone who seemed to be at the same level as her. He helped her up and they went for another go. That's how it continued, her tripping him, him tripping her, for about forty minutes. Kate had the time of her life, laughing at him, laughing with him, as they kept on sparring for the win. When she had once again tripped him she laughed as he took deep breaths to steady his breathing. She panted too as she held out her hand to him and let go of a small scream when he, instead of accepting her help up, pulled her down to overpower her. He put his body onto hers to push her down as he grinned at her with self-satisfaction.

To her own surprise she just laughed, her mind running around with all the places his body was touching hers. He was halfway on top of her, which meant one of his thighs were in between hers as his upper body was lined up with hers, his face dangerously close. When she looked into his blue eyes she could see how amazingly happy he was and her insides flipped at the sudden arousal heating her up. Their laughter slowly died down to chuckles as she watched his blues darken with the lust she was certain she mirrored in her own eyes. She bit her lower lip and saw him glance down to it, his eyes immediately snapping back up to hers as if he was asking permission. Without thinking she rose her hand to tangle her fingers into his soft brown hair, pulling him down to nudge his lips with hers. It got the exact reaction she'd wanted it to and he pushed his lips into hers as he started kissing her with a fever she hadn't experienced before. His tongue carefully nudged her lips apart and when his taste filled her mouth she couldn't stop the moan from escaping her lips. She felt his thigh rise higher and before she knew what she was doing she was moving her hips in a grind to feel some friction. His hand suddenly landed on her hip, his fingers touching the exposed skin from where her shirt had scrunched up when landing on her back, and she shivered. It felt so much more intense than she'd ever experienced before. Maybe it's the thrill of getting caught. Her brain teased her and she immediately remembered where they were and that people could most likely watch them.

"Wait," she said against his lips, slowly pulling away as she stopped moving her hips.

"Sorry, sorry," he apologized instantly. His tone indicating he thought he was imposing, thought she didn't want to... "I should've-"

"No, not no," she panted as she shivered at the small caress his thumb did at her hip. "I want to, but not here."

Kate watched as Rick's eyes went wide before he started pulling away, looking around. "Right," he said as he ran a hand through his hair and she couldn't stop the sting of jealousy when she thought of her hand running through his hair.

He reached out his hand and she immediately accepted it, sitting up in front of him once he pulled her up. As they caught up with their breathing both of them looked around, trying to decide whether someone had seen their intense make out session. Kate let go of a sigh of relief when she came to the conclusion no one had.

"Do you-uh, do you wanna keep sparring?" Rick asked and she met his eyes.

"No," she said certain. "But I don't want to part either," she added and his eyes lit up with a smile on his lips.

He got up on his feet and reached out his hand again. When she'd gotten up on her own feet she couldn't help but stand on her toes to peck his lips again. Fuck, it felt good. The tingles spreading on her skin... she was a total lost cause.

"So, what do you want to do then?" he asked and she pursed her lips, biting her lower one.

"I think you can figure out what I want to do," she teased with a low sultry voice, seeing the immediate reaction it had on him made her heart beat faster. "But my parents are home, and I'm guessing so are your daughter and mother?" she said with a sadder tone.

His smile faded as he nodded. "It's times like this I wish my mother had her own place where she could watch Alexis," he grunted and she couldn't help but chuckle at the roll his eyes made.

"Come on, let's get out of here," she grabbed his hand and pulled him with her as she started walking towards the exit of the gym.

"Where are we going?" he asked but didn't hesitate to follow her, even tangled their fingers together.

"Surprise," she teased and bumped her shoulder into his.

To Be Continued...

A/N: So, since this got so long, and I don't feel finished with it, plus I made a poll on twitter asking your opinions, I'm going to turn this into a two-shot. HOWEVER I have no clue as to when I'll be able to write the second chapter, so I have no clue as to how long it'll take until you get the second chapter, sorry. But at least you got a loooong first chapter earlier than if I would wait to publish until I was done with the second. SO, hope you enjoyed and can wait for the second (might publish Less is more chapters in between, idk). Anyway, until next time, xxxx