Kate hadn't really taken him some place that could be considered a big surprise but when they got to the trees and bushes she'd steered him to, his eyes widened as she'd looked around to make sure no one saw them before she sneaked in through the bushes. He didn't hesitate to follow her and she loved the full on shock entering his face as he realized the high bushes and trees had hidden a big enough opening to have as a small picnic rendezvous spot. It hadn't taken long before he'd started questioning her as to how she'd found the spot and who else knew about it. She'd kept it down as she gave her answers, knowing that if they talked too loud anyone who walked past the bushes would be able to hear them.

"So, you never showed this place to anyone else?" he asked and she shook her head. "Not even an old... boyfriend?" His tone got shy and she bit her lower lip, remembering the tingling it'd gotten when they'd kissed earlier.

"No," she pursed her lips.

He hummed with an intrigued tone as he leaned just the slightest bit closer. It took her no more than two seconds to lean the rest of the way with her hands gently cupping his cheeks right before kissing his lips. The kiss was softer than she thought was possible and she could feel the surprise was mutual in the way he was moving his lips against hers. Carefully they parted but Kate found herself wiggling her body closer to his, their knees now touching. Rick's hands slid across his legs to find hers, his fingers tickling her as they traced circles in her palms.

"When are you going back to college?" he asked with a low voice and she bit her still tingling lower lip.

"I gotta go back in five days." She looked down at their hands. Couldn't quite understand the sadness that suddenly overcame her, the feeling of not wanting to let this go. Not wanting to leave him.

"Oh." He sounded just as disappointed as she felt and she once again couldn't quite figure out why. It wasn't like they had known each other for long. "Have you planned when you're coming home again?"

"Won't be until the summer," she told him and he nodded.

His fingers kept on stroking her open palms and she felt the tingles move through her veins, her mind filling up with the things he could make her feel. She quickly considered making a move but having no clue as to how high he was able to take her there would be a risk of people hearing them and she truly wasn't interested in explaining to her parents why the cops arrested her for having sex in a public place. Especially since she told them she was going to the gym and hadn't even mentioned a workout friend. Speaking of which, she'd been gone for a bit longer than she usually was when she went to a workout.

"I-ah, need to go home." She carefully pulled her hands away but only to gently cup his face again and lean in to kiss his lips one last time before she got onto her knees and started to crawl out of there.

She made sure to look around before she slipped out of the bushes in order to see if other people around would see them sneaking out. Rick was right behind her and when she started to brush off the dirt on her knees his hands landed on her hips. He twirled her around and she started chuckling at the surprise she felt as he crashed his lips onto hers. His hands stayed on her hips, pulling her closer to him and she didn't hesitate to lay her arms around his neck as she parted her lips to meet his tongue with hers. Fuck, it felt so good kissing him, Kate didn't know what to do. She wanted to stay there, keep on kissing him for minutes, hours, but she knew she couldn't. They didn't stop kissing until they felt the need of air being too big to ignore though.

"I don't want this day to end," he breathed out and she couldn't other but agree in a hum. "Will you have dinner with me before you go?"

The question felt completely out of the blue but at the same time not surprising. With her nose still bumping his and their breaths being a mix between them she nodded slightly.

"Then it's a date?" he more asked than stated and she felt her cheeks blush as she opened her eyes to look straight into his blues, drowning.

"Yes, it's a date," she agreed and their lips pulled up in mirroring grins.

Kate felt sad about leaving. The five days had gone quicker than she'd expected and she'd managed to meet up with Rick for three of those days, one being a dinner while the other two had been during the days when her parents didn't really care if she was out meeting friends or at the gym. They'd shared a couple intimate touches, kisses, but never gone further due to no privacy. Kate tried to imagine it was also due to the both of them being patient enough to wait until they knew each other deeper, but truth was they wouldn't have been able to keep their hands to themselves if they'd gotten a chance at more.

"What's wrong Katie?" her mom asked, bringing her back to the airport where she was currently standing in the wait of saying goodbye and going through the checkpoint.

"Oh," she shook her head, put on a smile and met the eyes she knew looked the same as hers. "Nothing, just sad I have to go back to college and leave you guys." It wasn't a total lie.

"You sure it's us you're gonna miss?" The look her mom had on her face made Kate's heart quicken and she shook her head no a little too fast for it to be convincing.


How the hell did she find out? Kate tried to remember every time she'd said she was going out. She hadn't even mentioned a guy friend. Not even once. What if she saw the texts? What if she saw the texts. Oh, god.

"Okay then, safe flight honey," her mom said, pulling her in to a tight hug.

As soon as she let go her dad hugged her as well, wishing a safe flight and to call as soon as she landed. Kate didn't even argue, promised she would call because she knew her parents would worry otherwise. Once she was waiting at her gate she felt her phone vibrate and noticed the text he's sent.

*Have a safe flight Kate! Let me know if you want to talk tonight, I'd love to hear your voice before bed. RC*

Kate blushed a bit at the sweet text, quickly sending one back saying she'd definitely let him know when he could call and that she looked forward to hearing his voice too. Inside her mind was a small voice that kept yelling no matter how much she tried to ignore it and push it down. Because she was kind of afraid the voice was right. You're falling in love with him.

Kate talked to Rick almost every day when she was back at college. The days she didn't were ones that either she fell asleep before they could call due to stress or too much school work, or him having struggles with Alexis or writing. Kate's roommate wouldn't stop bragging about what a genius she'd been to force Kate onto the app that started it all, didn't stop teasing her about how smitten she was either. Kate could tell her roommate was slightly jealous though, and irritated. When Kate and Rick talked for too late at night her roommate would very determinedly say goodnight and ask Kate to keep it down so she wouldn't fall behind on her sleep. It was times like that Kate was relieved she and her roommate didn't actually share rooms, only apartment, which meant they had one bedroom each.

Weeks went by and Kate could tell by the tone in Rick's voice that he missed her as much as she missed him. In secret Kate had downloaded one of those apps telling how many days it would be until a certain date came and she'd entered the date she would go back to New York City, eager to see him again. It was currently 43 days left.

"What are you sighing for?" her roommate, Maddie, asked and Kate's eyes snapped to the blonde.

She'd been sighing? Oh. "Nothing, I'm just tired." Kate shrugged, faking a yawn.

Maddie shrugged her shoulders and turned back her head to her school books. They had chosen to sit down at the same table to help each other study, it was always a bit easier to have a study partner. They didn't exactly study the same subject but simply knowing they weren't alone with a bunch of work helped quite a lot more than any of them had figured in the beginning of their semester.

"Nope, I give up," Maddie said after another hour had gone by, pushing her books away from her in a rebellious way. "You wanna watch a movie?"

Kate was just about to answer that, sure, she could watch a movie, but she didn't do more than open her mouth before her phone was ringing.

"Lover boy?" Maddie said with the biggest, sneakiest grin Kate had seen traces of for the past few weeks.

Kate's cheeks blushed and she glared at her friend. "I really wish you would stop calling him that."

"Why? Because you blush?" the blonde laughed lightly as Kate stuck out her tongue. "You better answer before it goes to voicemail."

Kate rolled her eyes before she quickly raised from the table in order to walk into her room, she didn't need Maddie to spy on her conversation with the guy that kept giving her chills and butterflies.

"Hey Rick," she answered the phone the second she was behind closed doors, a giddy smile pulling her lips.

"So, I was thinking," he started and she chuckled at the casual tone his voice held. "What would you do if I couldn't wait to see you anymore?"

"Rick, you know I can't take time off," she said in a sad tone. It was ridiculous how badly you could miss someone you've only met a couple times.

It was quiet for a couple seconds before his voice, lower than usual, carefully sounding through the phone. "What if I came to you?"

Kate felt her eyes widen at the suggestion she hadn't even considered. He had a daughter. He couldn't just leave, could he? "What?"

She could hear the insecurity in his inhale as he opened his mouth again. "What would you do if I stood outside your door?"

"Are you..." Kate stepped away from her door, where her back had been leant against, and turned around to quickly open it.

Rick was quiet in the other end of the call and she distantly heard her roommate asking her what she was doing when she walked through their living room towards the door. Kate didn't pay any attention, simply kept her pace direct and fast until she reached the door, unlocked it and pulled it open. Her full body fell into shock as she found herself standing face to face with the guy who had taken over her dreams for the last couple months. He was holding his phone against his ear but seeing her made him end the call and drop it into his pocket.

"Hi," he waved carefully and it took a second before she realized he was actually there. Without really thinking she launched herself forward, putting her arms around his neck as she crashed her lips onto his.

She had no idea what got into her but seeing him just simply had her wanting to feel his lips to ensure he was real. He was. God, yes, he was really there. And there was no stopping the moan rumbling her throat as his taste filled her mouth when they parted their lips simultaneously. Their kiss slowed down then and they pulled apart with their foreheads still touching in order to get some air into their lungs.

"Thank god you didn't slap me," Rick muttered and Kate laughed at that, could totally see herself doing something like that due to him showing up with no warning or whatsoever. Honestly, she was just feeling the happiest at that moment.

"Oooh is this him?" A voice interrupted them from behind and Kate silently cursed her roommate in her mind.

She pecked his lips one more time before pulling away from him to grab his hand and lead him inside their apartment.

"Maddie, this is Rick. Rick, this is my roommate Maddie," Kate did the introductions in hopes of getting it over with fast.

"So, you're the person to go if I wanna hear juicy details of Kate's college life," Rick said with a teasing glance to her, which made her narrow her eyes at him.

"Sorry, afraid not. Her secrets are safe with me," Maddie said with a shrug as she shook his hand.

Rick just chuckled with a smile gleaming back at Kate. "Oh well, too bad."

They only chatted for a couple more minutes before Maddie excused herself, saying it was late and that she needed to study more. Kate knew her roommate was lying but didn't care correcting her, she wanted to be alone with her... boyfriend? and had no problem with Maddie lying to take herself out of the picture. How did she know her roommate was lying? Because it was Saturday, and Maddie never, ever, went to bed earlier than 11pm on weekends, especially not for studying the day after.

"So, uh, do you want to... see my room?" Kate asked in a hushed voice, thinking it was better if they continued their conversation in there. If they were in her bedroom her roommate wouldn't be able to eavesdrop no matter how hard she'd try.

"I'd love to!" he said with wide, excited eyes and she couldn't help but narrow her own. Didn't take long before he was giving her a look. "Not like that, seeing your room will let me learn more things about you."

She smirked, biting her lower lip making it purse in the process. She raised from the armchair she'd been seated in and turned away from him in order to set her steps towards her bedroom.

"By the way, I'm sorry for not giving you any heads-up, I wanted it to be a surprise," Rick said as they entered and closed the door after him. "I know I should've told you, or at least given you a hint, but I just couldn't wait to see you again."

Kate looked at him and didn't hide the smile plastered on her lips. Carefully she reached for his hand and pulled him closer in order to sit down on the bed, bringing her feet up with her in order to sit with her legs crossed. "A heads-up would've been nice yeah," she agreed as he pulled up his feet to mirror her position. "But I-uh," she looked down at her hands in her lap. "I can't deny I've thought the same."

She felt her cheeks heat up with the blush blossoming on her skin. She can't really believe herself, she'd gotten so soft and so... not her since she met him. Normally she didn't get flutters in her stomach every time she talked to another person, she'd never been this girly before. She'd found herself blushing from his words in her ear at night, and she wondered what made him so special. Why was he able to make her feel so special?

"So, does that mean I can sleep here?" he asked with a goofy grin smiling at her.

"Depends, will you keep track of your hands?" she teased back and his smile turned bigger.

"Well, I could try," he winked and she started laughing, punching his arm lightly which only made him chuckle as well.

After they had both calmed down a bit Kate asked if he had stuff with him, things like a toothbrush and perhaps pajamas. He did have a toothbrush, but to her small surprise he hadn't packed any pjs, asked if it was okay he just slept in his t-shirt and his boxers. She tried so hard to ignore the thoughts and the igniting she felt in the pit of her belly. She shouldn't be having those thoughts, not like this. Then again they were alone for once.

"I'm done in the bathroom, you can go ahead."

It didn't take long for Rick to switch places with her and while he was in there she thought about sleeping arrangements. Did she mind sleeping in the same bed as him? She thought about it for no more than two seconds before her mind stated that, no, she did not mind at all. Which was why she started making the bed, making sure there was a pillow for them each and that her cover would be able to cover them both without problems. Unless he's a cover-stealer. She shook her head, she would find out soon anyway.

"So, where do you want me? I'm completely fine with sleeping on the floor if that's where you want me," he stated as he came out of the bathroom and she scoffed.

"Of course not, you'll just sleep next to me in be..." Her sentence dropped when she turned around and was staring at a less-clothed Rick than she'd been prepared to. Sure, he was indeed wearing both boxers and a t-shirt, but she'd not expected him to get rid of his pants until they were going to lay down in bed.

"Cat caught your tongue? Or were you just too distracted by my hotness?" he teased with a smirk playing at his lips and she immediately narrowed her eyes at him.

"No!" she said, a little too fast and too stern to be believable. "I just... remembered something."

"You're cute when you blush," he said and she felt her cheeks get even warmer. "So, the bed you said. I assume that means we'll share it?" His voice turned serious and she could see he was both grateful and a bit nervous.

"Yes, we'll share it. It's big enough for the both of us, don't you think?" she tried to ignore the flips in her belly and tried to sound as casual as possible.

He nodded and asked what side she usually slept at. Without another word they laid down under the covers, both of them on their backs, staring up at the ceiling. Kate could feel her heart freaking out a bit, beating hard against her chest as she tried to ignore the fact that she was in the same bed as the guy who she'd dreamed many steamy things about the last couple of weeks. It was the kind of dreams that had her waking in want, need, to find release. It might also have been one of those dreams that had encouraged her to write one of those messages to him, those messages that got a little bolder for each message sent and received. Then again, they'd already sent a couple risky texts before she left New York City, not that risky though.

"It feels so unreal," he suddenly interrupted her thoughts and she turned her head to look at him.

"What does?"

"Finally being next to you." He turned onto his side in order to face her, his blue eyes looking straight into hers. "I can finally see your gorgeous eyes again, see that smile on your lips, witness the sweet blush on your cheeks. It makes my heart beat faster. Here, feel," before she knew what was happening he'd grabbed one of her hands and put it right over his heartbeat under the covers.

His heart did indeed beat fast. Actually, she started to wonder if it wasn't even beating in the same rhythm as hers. Felt like it. Gently he let go of her hand but she didn't move it, didn't want to move it now that she could feel him under her fingertips. His hand found its way to her cheek though, and she couldn't stop the way she leaned into it. There was no way she could deny the tingles shooting down her veins either. As she looked into his eyes she could tell he felt something too. His eyes followed his thumb as it slowly travelled towards her lower lip, tracing it in a soothe, and arousing, matter. He looked into her eyes again and she felt the small need to bite her lip, in order to keep herself in control, but she couldn't due to his thumb carefully bending her lip down.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked and she felt her lips twitch with the smile threatening to break out.

All it took was a simple, small, nod from her and he leaned closer to kiss her lips with his. It started out as soft, simple, caresses but as soon as he asked permission with his tongue and his taste started filling her mouth she didn't stop herself from deepening the kiss. It quickly turned frantic and she felt her insides shout in joy when his body moved on top of hers, pushing hers into the mattress. One of his legs moved in between her thighs and it all reminded her of that day in the sparring session when it all had truly began. This time they were alone though, which meant no need to stop. And so they didn't stop.

They spent the next few nights like that. Alone, tongues in a constant dance, touching and being one with each other's bodies. Then he had to go home again. After all he did have a little girl at home. He said he wanted her to meet his daughter the next time they were in New York City, and she promised that she would. It frightened her how easily she could promise something like that, since she'd always held her heart safe from anyone other than her parents, but at the same time it felt different with him somehow. She didn't feel as though there were any risks about them not getting along, didn't feel like it could end that easily between them. And so she felt confident about them still being together the next time she flew to her parents. Which now was in 39 days. God, she couldn't wait.

A/N: Hey, sorry for the long delay but I've been having a hard time trying to finish this one. I'm not even sure if I can continue it from here. I have another fanfic I'm working on right now though, which might be why this one is less attractive for me right now. I'll probably finish that one before I can decide whether to write more on this one or not. At the same time I felt like I couldn't leave you hanging longer on this one which is why I've wrapped it up a bit at the end and posting it today. Hope you all are good. Until next time, xxxx