I don't own Vikings.


She doesn't remember how long she has been in this tower. Being isolated forever without the warmth of another human being or feeling it's warmth of the sun. This peaceful church that had locked her away and she will never see the outside world again. All they did was taken her from the arms of her mother.

They dare call her mother a witch. Her mother's love was the greatest gift of them all. Not to the cruel men who had done this in the name of God. Well, she believes that they have done his name in vain. She did this to save her life from the moment, she was born. They had kills her mother because she made a married someone who was not from God's creation. No, he was a beast in human form.

That was not the only crime she committed.

Her mother was never human. No, she higher being than ordinary human and that is why men fear her. She was an enchantress. She came from the long line of powerful magic. She is the last descendant of Morgause and Morgan Le fey. Her father was a werewolf or the original term, Lycan. Yes, he was directing descendent of Lycaon of Arcadia.

Merope that was her name that her father and mother gave her. Her father was Greek and her mother Saxon.

She came from good and powerful bloodline.

Her father is dead. They cut off of his head and put him a pike as a mockery and warning to all werewolves.

Her mother burn at the stakes, she refused to scream, but foretold her prophecy, "Be glad that there is peace, but that will not last. The raging warriors will come from the other side of the sea and they will raided your lands, rape your women, and take all you may hold dear. That you're God cannot protect you from them."

Merope cries silently for her mother and father, but envy that her mother is with her father forever in paradise.

Merope has been having strange dreams, of thunders, ships are sailing the seas and men are carrying shields with swords in their hands. They are coming.

In her tower they form many traps and her arms are like straight jacket. They warped her in chains of silver that still burns her skin every now and then.

Her half of face muzzled and gagged inside of a cloth tide around her mouth. She sat on a stool and around her is a bar square cage.

The outer of cage is a big gaped of hole around her with crossbows ready to aim at her or intruders. The circle hole is filled with mercury mixed in silver that is still boiling and hot. The steam is making her sweating, but she will endure it.

She will always endure it.

Merope has a great destiny. It will lay with the Vikings themselves.

She will be forever known as Merope the Great.

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The name Merope is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Merope is: Foster mother of Oedipus.