Well, looks like I'm not quite done with this story yet. Here's a short little bit that I think needs to happen. I hope you like the little surprise.

Ever since James came into his life and they moved away from the compound, Tony hadn't had to deal much with Steve. Sure, the man was his brother-in-law, but they never got along. Steve was always trying to blame things on Tony, trying to get things out of Tony, or just plain annoy Tony. It was annoying and sometimes left Tony in tears. So, Tony mostly elected to ignore Steve and to let James deal with him.

Which was why when Steve showed up alone to the lake house while the kids were at school and James was out getting something at the store. Tony was just sitting outside and going through some SI contracts when Steve drove up and got out of the car. It was always strange seeing Steve drive a car. Tony was used to seeing him on his motorcycle.

"What do you need Cap?" asked Tony once Steve was in shouting range.

"I'm just here to talk to you, Tony."

"You never come here to just talk Spangles. What do you need?" asked Tony once more as Steve walked over to where Tony was sitting.

"Seriously, I'm just here to talk."

"Well I hate to say it Cap but I don't believe you. Not once in all the years I have known you did you ever just want to talk. You either want something from me or you want to yell at me. So let me ask you again, what do you want?" seethed Tony but Steve persisted.

"Look, Tony, I know I haven't always been the best brother-in-law. I know I've been a right bastard but just hear me out." Pleaded Steve and that got Tony attention. Steve never pleaded with him. NEVER.

"Fine. You've got five minutes before I need to go and pick up the kids from school."

Steve took a moment to breathe and gather his thoughts before he spoke.

"I want to apologize for every single bad thing I've said and done to you over the years. I've fucked up. I should never have said the things I have and I never should have tried to hurt you. I should have tried to understand your actions and what might have caused them instead of jumping right to blaming you. I should never have kept secrets from you and I shouldn't have fought you when you got upset. I never should have pushed you to work when you were sick and I should have let Bucky take you right to medical when you got back from space. I was in the wrong and for that, I'm sorry."

Tony just sat there for a moment. Steve had never done anything like this to him ever. Even his apology to him years ago when he'd first gotten out of medical with James wasn't even an apology. This was weird. But, Steve was genuine this time. He meant the words he said and it shocked Tony. So few people had had the decency to apologize to him in the past for their actions against him. That just wasn't something that happened. And yet here Tony was, listening to Steve actually apologize to him.

"I accept your apology Steve, but I don't think I can forgive you yet. You were right. You did cause me a whole heck of a lot of pain. Pain I shouldn't have to live with. But, we can't go back in time and change the past. You need to take accountability for your actions, but this is a start. Now, I need to go pick up my kids and get them to their lessons so I need to go." Started Tony and Steve nodded. He understood what Tony was saying and what they needed to do moving forward.

And with that, Tony and Steve went their separate ways after a friendly handshake. Both of them felt a little lighter that day. They both knew that Tony would never fully forgive Steve for everything he'd done to him over the years, but that conversation they'd just had… it was a start. A start at making things better. A start at burring the hatchet. A start at reconciliation.

A start at living.

I hope you liked this. I know it was just a short little thing but I hope it tied up the loose ends with Tony and Steve. Keep your eyes open for my new works and follow my Tumblr lupinthealchemist for updates and insanity. I'll see you soon. -Shadows.