Good morning, afternoon, evening, or whatever time it is to the poor unfortunate sap who decided to choose and read this. After reading a few stories like these all focusing on Jaune and alternative realities (ex: The Infinite Realities of Jaune Arc by Genital Warthunder, Arcs of the Multiverse by King-Mac-11, Into the Arc-hive by animegamer89, and Jaune Arc's Multiverse by LazerWolf1) I wanted to try my own hand at it. It's going to have a whole bunch of stuff ranging from anime to games to even musicals, cuz why not? So sit back, relax, and enjoy (hopefully).

P.S I do not own RWBY, any of the characters within the show, or anything within this story except for my O.C. Please do not sue me.

In a movie theater with a tasteful modern interior and a red curtain, a man with a literal blank face dressed in a Victorian-esque style suit was examining his pocketwatch closely, watching the second hand tick away, before he closed it. Then a loud pop accompanied with a flash of light filled the theater, revealing a dogpile of individuals. The man looked at the group and was pleased to see that the correct people were present and clapped his hands to gain their attention.

"Greetings all, my name is Ozymandias or Ozy for short and let me say that it is my pleasure to meet each and every one of you. You do not need to introduce yourselves, for I already know who each of you are. Team RWBY consisting of Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao-Long, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and team JNPR with Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, and Lie Rien."

The young huntresses and lone hunter quickly went into their battle stance, before realizing that they were missing their weapons. Yang's eyes flashed red and she yelled, "Where are we at and where are our weapons?"

The man held up his hands in a sign of surrender and replied, "To answer the first question, all of you are in a nexus realm of sorts, outside of time and space, linking to countless other universes and timelines. Second, all of your weapons are back at Beacon in your personal lockers, safe and sound. I assure you that you will not be harmed and that my intentions are nothing but altruistic."

Hearing these words, the hunters-in-training relaxed and began to observe their surroundings. Pyrrha, however, noticed the fact that Jaune was not present and asked in worry, "I'm sorry, but before I was brought here, Jaune and I were training, but he isn't here. Is he safe?"

"Do not worry Miss Nikos, Jaune is perfectly safe. In fact, he is the reason why I have brought all of you here today."

Weiss folded her arms and scoffed, "Really? Why Jaune?"

"Well, first off, does anyone here know about the multiverse theory?" He looked around and saw that no one had a clue. "Okay then, nobody does. The theory is that our actions and choices create universes, with a new universe created where we would have performed the other or opposite action. This, in turns, leads to an infinite number of universes, some which are so similar to your own that there is only a minuscule difference to others that you could not recognize. Jaune Arc, for whatever reason, is a central figure in a large majority of these universes and plays a variety of roles."

Nora bounced up and down, raising her hand while trying to grab the man's attention. "DoyoumeanthatJaunecouldbeaslothinoneoftheseuniverses!"

Ozymandias could only blink a few times. "I beg your pardon?"

Ren, being the calm caretaker that he is, grabbed Nora's hand and put his other hand on her shoulder to calm her. "She just wanted to know if Jaune could be a sloth in one reality."

"I suppose so. It's quite possible. However, this is a good time to give you all a warning. Some versions of Jaune will be downright evil, while others will be truly heroic. But no matter what, please remember that this isn't your Jaune Arc."

Everyone nodded their heads, promising not to let what they were about to see influence their own opinion of the dorky blonde knight. Although everyone could not see Jaune being pure evil or wicked, it wasn't possible. Weiss looked at Ozymandias and walked up to him.

"I know why we are here, and I know that you do not mean us any harm, but what are you then?"

Ozymandias rubbed his chin, before speaking. "It is somewhat hard to explain, but essentially I am a being from a higher dimension, which allows me to see and interact with this dimension as I see fit. I'm somewhat akin to a god, but I try to not do anything wacky or disastrous. There are other similar beings like myself and we prefer to call ourselves authors or writers. Well, the ones without a giant ego."

Weiss rubbed at her temples and sighed, still trying to come to terms with the situation. "This is a waste of my time."

Ruby shrugged her shoulders and smiled. "I don't know. It sounds like a good time to me. We get to watch alternate universes! It's pretty exciting! What about you, Blake?"

Blake, who was thinking about what their host had said, had a small smile. "It does seem interesting. Plus, if Jaune is central to these universes, then that most likely means that we are featured as well in some way. I'd like to see how I am in a different universe."

Yang pumped her fist in the air. "Hell yeah. Can't wait to see my other awesome selves! I bet that they're all Yang-tastic!" Her pun caused her team to groan at her again.

Team RWBY and NPR sat down in the leather movie recliners, getting into a comfortable position and enjoying the aesthetic of the theater. Ozymandias walked up to the red curtain and asked if anyone needed any food or drink.

Nora and Ruby raised their hands. "I want popcorn!"

"I want chocolate chip cookies!"

With a smile, he snapped his fingers and a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies appeared on Ruby's lap and an extra large bag of popcorn on Nora's. "If no one else needs anything, are we free to continue?"

With silence as his answer, he pulled back the red curtain, revealing the movie screen which slowly began to turn on.

The scene opened with a large old fashioned mansion standing proudly against the raging thunderstorm. It then shifted to a person holding a candlestick, the flames giving his face some light.

This was Jaune Jonathan Arc, son of Nicholas Arc and heir to the Arc family, and often called JoJo. He was dressed in a grey padded shirt and pants with gloves and boots. His face was stern and his eyes held a deep well of determination. And here he was far more muscular and broader, his clothes highlighting his larger than life figure.

"Dang, look at Vomit Boy. He's been hitting the gym. The guy's a hunk here" Yang flirtatiously said.

Pyrrha was swooning at seeing Jaune so muscular and strong. Her face was turning as red as her hair.

He spoke loudly, "You're a poisoner, Cardin Winchester. I have all the proof I require and then some."

Another figure was shown. It was Cardin Winchester, although different in his appearance. He is dressed in a flamboyant purple cape with large feathers sticking out, and his left arm was a sling. His hair was longer, his eyes more sinister, and on his left ear were three moles aligned. After hearing Jaune's words, a quick expression of shock was replaced with a growl that escaped his scowl. "He has found his proof, so be it. This moment has been a long time coming, JoJo."

Pyrrha bit her lip and clenched her fists. "This Cardin is nothing like the one that we know. From what Jaune has said, he attempted to kill someone."

Yang spoke up, "Yeah, no kidding. Cardin is a bully, but he hasn't tried to kill anyone though. This one is way more messed up."

Ruby, however, was more curious about other things. "Why do they sound funny? And what's with their clothes?"

Ozymandias answered quickly. "You see Miss Rose. This version of Jaune takes place in the past, about 150 years or so, so their accent and dress are different compared to your time."

Jaune placed the candlestick on a table, continuing his conversation with Cardin. "I tracked down the antidote. Father took it moments ago. Cardin, this pains me greatly. For years, you were my brother, and now, I have no recourse but to turn you in. I'm sorry, really."

"Wait! They're brothers in this universe! And Cardin tried to kill Jaune's dad!" yelled out all of Team RWBY.

"But why though? And how did Cardin become Jaune's brother?" Yang asked.

Cardin turned away from Jaune, and sat down in a chair, sighing loudly. "Even now, you show sympathy. JoJo, I've been a devil but grant me this one wish." Cardin looked up to Jaune, his eyes full of sorrow. He pleaded, "Allow me to do the right thing for once in my life and turn myself in."

"Don't fall for it Jauney!" yelled Nora.

"Is Cardin actually apologizing? He can't be" thought Yang.

Jaune was shocked at Cardin's words. He thought to himself, "What's this? I thought that once I confronted him, he'd fight me tooth and nail like a cornered beast."

However, within the mind of Cardin, were thoughts full of hatred and bitterness. "JoJo, you should be dead in a gutter right now. I must distract him long enough for the knife and mask to find their mark."

"Mask? How does a mask fit within Cardin's plans? It seems strange to include it, as well as pairing it with a knife" pondered Weiss.

Cardin looked towards Jaune. He pleaded and cried tears. "My wicked deeds wore me away. The poverty I knew as a child ate away my moral compass until gree was all that remained. I'm the lowest of the low. Your father took me in off the street, and I repaid his kindess with poison. The only reason I cam back was to surrender myself. If I'd wanted to flee, you never would've laid eyes on me again."

Ren commented, "Despite knowing that his words are false, this Cardin seems to be far more charismatic than ours. His performance is quite believable."

Blake could not help but draw comparisons between the Cardin that she was seeing and Adam. How both of them were only pretending to actually care for others. That both were monsters in disguise.

Jaune looked convinced at Cardin's performance, however a new voice interrupted the conversation. "Look alive, Master Arc" came the voice from the shadows.

The figure lit a match, revealing it to be Roman Torchwick, leaning against a column. He spoke casually towards the two. "He's trying to lure you in, like as not."

"TORCHWICK!" gasped all of Team RWBY. They were all confused at why Roman Torchwick, a notorious criminal, was helping Jaune.

"Now, I'm really lost. Evil Cardin, buff Jaune, and good Roman!" cried out Ruby. Yang patted her sister's head. "He's about to explain why soon enough, don't overthink things too much Rubes."

Roman was dressed in his usual outfit, although his hair was slightly longer in the back and there was a scar going across his nose onto the left side of his face. "Right now, you're probably wondering who I am. Allow me to elucidate ya."

He pressed his fist to his chest, and held his head up high. "The name is Roman Torchwick. I had a hunch that Jaune's run of trouble might not be done, so I followed him back home. I like you Jaune, so I'm gonna offer up this little tidbit pro bono."

"Living in the gutter, you learn to spot lowlifes pretty quick, if you want to see tomorrow. I've trained my nose to sort out the bad ones from the good just from a sniff." He turned to Cardin, who was shaking slightly in anger. "This fella reeks of brimstone and blood, worse than anyone I've ever laid eyes on!"

Ruby was enjoying the scene, although she had to hold in her laughter from hearing Roman's accent. "He sounds so funny!" she giggled to herself.

Even Weiss had to admit that despite the tension of the scene, hearing Roman Torchwick with a less refined and postured voice, was somewhat comical.

Roman kicked the candlestick past Cardin's head. He yelled out, "He is pure evil, right down to his very bones! Is he a victim of circumstance, you're wondering? Not on your life! He's been evil since he drew his first breath!" Roman pointed to Cardin, who sat in his chair, lightning flashing ominously.

Weiss reclined her chair, "I understand that Cardin is meant to be evil, but isn't that taking it a bit too far? Seems overly dramatic"

Blake who was the expert on dramatic storytelling disagreed. "It may seem so, but we haven't seen that much yet. It's meant to establish just how villainous a character is."

Yang smirked and teased, "Is that how it happens in your porn, Blake?"

"I have no comment"

After Roman tossed out the shopkeeper who sold the poison to Cardin, a fake wall fell down, revealing a weakened Nicholas Arc who was accompanied by Ironwood and some police officers. Nicholas Arc looked like a slimmer version of Jaune only with more facial hair.

The Arc family head looked sadly upon at Cardin and spoke. "You break my heart. Why, Cardin? From the day you arrived, I've loved you as though you were my own son."

For everyone in the audience, they held mixed emotions. Ruby and Yang hoped never to see the same kind of anguish that Jaune's father face held on their dad's. Especially after what happened with Summer and Raven.

Blake was afraid that if she returned to Menagerie, her own father would look upon the same way. Disappointed in her actions and the fact that she abandoned him and her mother.

Weiss was conflicted. She was saddened at the scene before her, yet she somewhat wished that her own father could feel the same way. She would be able to feel some form of love from her father at long last.

Ren was quiet. He was wondering if his own father would be proud of his actions, or if he would be disappointed. Nora placed her hands on top of his, gently squeezing them, trying to give him some support.

Pyrrha knew that her father loved her. But she also afraid of returning back to her parents, to Mistral. She had a responsibility to her parents, to her family name, and yet she chose to go to Beacon instead of Haven, as many of her ancestors had done.

Nicholas turns away as Cardin lifts his hands up to be cuffed. Cardin speaks with Jaune, luring him in with his words. "This fall from grace has taught me well. However one my scheme and dissemble, my downfall this night is part of the human condition. A condition I now quit."

Yang leaned back and smirked. "He's going to attack Vomit Boy right now. That was his cue."

Cardin pulled out a stone mask from behind him, clutching it high in the air. His cast on his other arm was cut away, revealing a hidden knife. "Help me shed this mortal skin!"

Pyrrha cried out for Jaune. "Watch out Jaune! Dodge to the right!"

Ruby asked Yang, "How did you know that he was about to attack?"

Yang just shrugged, "Eh, classic bad guy cliche. Say something foreshadowing or ominous before attacking. It would be a crime not to."

Weiss groaned at another of her puns. "But what does he mean by shedding his mortal skin? How does that mask fit into all this?"

Nora gaspsed loudly, "Ohhhhhhhh! Maybe Cardin's going to turn into some kind of Grimm!"

Cardin threw the knife at Jaune, who stood in shock. The knife pierced the body not of Jaune, but of Nicholas Arc. Cackling evilly, Cardin put on the stone mask, and with the blood of the Arc patriarch upon his hands, he activated it. The mask lit up brightly, with the mask producing multiple spikes that dug into his brain, and causing him to laugh maniacally.

"Oh no! Jaune's father is still dying despite his effort" gasped Ruby.

Nora, however, had to held back in her seat by Ren. She was yelling about breaking Cardin's legs and crushing his arms the next time she saw him.

Ironwood commanded his troops to fire at Cardin, who received multiple rounds into his body, sending him flying out of the window, dead. Nicholas Arc was held in Jaune's arms, his last moments apologizing for being so hard on him and explaining what happened between him and Cardin's father, and how it led to these tragic events.

Nicholas Arc's hand dropped from his son's face, his soul passing on. Ironwood and his officers cried out in shame for the loss of such a noble man, but Torchwick denied it. "You're wrong! All that was good in that man, he passed it along to Jaune, every bit of it! You can be sure. JoJo's gonna live an upright life, using what his father gave him!" He pointed to Jaune, who was crying tears yet held a face of fortitude for the future.

The hunter/huntresses in training were tearing up a bit at hearing Torchwick's words. They were all touched by the scene and despite the tragedy that just happened, the optimism shown overpowered their sadness.

Pyrrha, especially, was moved. She thought of all the qualities that Jaune possessed and knew that in both universes, they held the same heart. Both held the same kindness and purity within, with a strong will that moved forward to his dreams.

Torchwick turned away from Jaune, towards the broken window, but quickly noticed that the corpse of Cardin was missing! The rain poured outside, with only the stone mask present on the ground. Torchwick ran away from the window, and tried to warn Ironwood. But Ironwood's head was decapitated from his body, revealing it to be Cardin who killed him!

"What! That's impossible! He got shot multiple times and he doesn't have any aura in this universe!" yelled out Yang.

Weiss looked alarmed at what happened. "That mask! It must have done something to him! That was his plan after all!"

Team (J)NPR sat in silence, trying to understand what happened. No one on the team liked Cardin before, and certainly could not help but loathe him now.

Cardin slowly walked towards Jaune and the officers, confident in his approach. Jaune quickly grabbed a pistol and aimed it at directly at Cardin, but it was Torchwick who fired the shot. The bullet went directly into Cardin's forehead, with the hole still visible, yet he stood there unfazed.

Just like the Torchwick and Jaune, everyone in the theater were shocked as well. They all saw the bullet go directly into his head, yet Cardin stood unaffected.

"What the? First, he dies, then he comes back to life, and now he can't be killed! How is this possible!" cried out Yang.

Ren and Weiss were both thinking about how Cardin could still stand. "Maybe it's because he has some sort of regenerative ability?" asked Weiss.

"Perhaps, or it could be that Cardin no longer needs any internal organs to fucntion?" responded Weiss.

Nora bounced in her seat, "He's a zombie then Renny! It's zombie Cardin!"

"I don't think so Nora"

The battle continued on the screen, with Cardin killing the rest of the police officers by flinging them into each other, and breaking Torchwick's arm. Jaune grabbed a spear from a nearby suit of armor, and used it to kill the officer that was transformed by Cardin. Cardin then jumped down from the ceiling towards Jaune, catching the spear through his hand, mocking Jaune as he struggled in vain.

Pyrrha watched on with her fists clenched, praying that Jaune would be able to beat Cardin and put an end to this madness.

Yang wolf-whistled loudly, "I know it's a bad time, but look at Jaune here. He certainly didn't skip arm day. Mama likes what she sees!"

Ruby and Weiss could only sigh at hearing their teammates reaction, especially during a dire situation like Jaune's.

Cardin bent the spear, and snapped it into two, with the spearhead digging into Jaune's shoulder. He then dropped down to the floor and called out for Jaune. "On your feet insect. I've yet to gauge the full extent of my new powers, so let's play a little longer, shall we?" He turned to find Jaune missing, and looked around spotting a light underneath a curtain.

Cardin approached the curtain, only for it to be dropped on him light ablaze. In the midst of the flames, were Jaune and Roman, who held a lamp in his arms. "No one's immortal, not even you" declared Jaune.

"Yeah go our Fearless Leader! Break his legs!" cheered on Nora with Ren smiling along.

Pyrrha watched in admiration at seeing Jaune's spirit, unbowed even to Cardin's newfound powers.

Ruby pumped her fists in the air, "Kick his butt Jaune! We believe in you!"

Cardin arose from the flames, his body entirely on fire. However, even then, the flames were not enough to defeat him, his body healing him faster the flames could as Torchwick observed.

Jaune tossed Roman away from him, with the lamp breaking upon the floor, spreading the flames. Jaune picked up one of the swords hanging on the wall, ordering Roman, "Just get to safety Torchwick. If Cardin wants a fight, I mean to give him one."

Jaune stabbed the sword into the ground and used it as a spring to leap to the upper floor of the mansion. He turned to Cardin, and taunted for him to come get him. "I'm waiting for you Cardin."

Torchwick tried to cry out to Jaune, but was pushed outside by an explosion. Cardin put out the flames on him, and walked to the wall, and then proceeded to slowly stomp his way up. "I'll drain you dry, and your blood will help me mend from this little adventure."

Nora gasped out loud and grabbed Ren by the shoulders, shaking him. "He's a vampire Ren! A vampire! That's what he is!"

Ruby and Yang also gasped, finally realizing what Cardin had become. Weiss grumbled to herself for being stuck with the two sisters. She had figured it out some time ago.

Blake was more confused on how Cardin was able to walk up a wall and stay upright. It made no sense to her.

"In your haste to flee from me, all you have done is guaranteed your doom. You will be consumed tonight, by the inferno below or by me" yelled out Cardin as he trudged up the wall, with the flames growing ever higher below him.

Jaune walked up the stairs of the mansion, ascending to the roof. He waited for Cardin, who jumped up right behind him, only to have to quickly block a powerful kick from the vampire.

A short sequence flashed upon the screen, showing snippets of Jaune's Arc life, which had been plagued by Cardin, who had killed his dog, had hurt the virtue of Pyrrha, who had killed his father. "My lonely youth. My time with Cardin. You did me wrong time and time again, so now I'll settle the score" said Jaune, pushing himself up to face his former brother again.

Team RWBY and JNPR were silent at finding out the small bit of information. Jaune, who was fighting against a foe with little odds of success, and had a noble and kind soul, had to endure Cardin's heinous actions for years.

Ruby and Yang were aghast at hearing the fact that Cardin had killed both Jaune's dog and his father. They both knew that people like this version of Cardin existed in the world, but the fact that this Cardin hurt Jaune so badly, and yet Jaune still had enough kindness to be merciful to him, was astounding.

Weiss knew the pain of having a lonely childhood; of having to live up to extreme standards, and being forced to grow up with little kindness. Yet she was grateful that she did not have to suffer what this version of Jaune had to endure, it made her father look tame in comparison.

Blake thought of her own childhood and the discrimination and pain that she had felt when rallying with the White Fang. However, when life became difficult, she had friends and family to turn to. This version of Jaune did not, and was forced to bear his pain alone.

Pyrrha held mixed emotions at what she saw. She was beyond happy that this version of Jaune apparently loved her and actually told her how he felt. But the fact that Cardin had to ruin it, and tried to take away Jaune's happiness again, made her want to beat him with his own club.

Ren and Nora had seen both the good and bad of humanity. They had been given help and charity by others, while also being turned away and seen as unwanted. But never had they seen such a terrible person that was Cardin.

Torchwick looked upon the burning mansion, talking to himself. "The longer the fire burns, the hotter it gets, and Jojo knows it. He means to use the mansion as a funeral pyre and burn the devil faster than he replenish himself. And now that the house is hot enough, he's gonna knock him back in. JOJO!"

Jaune launches himself at Cardin, pushing them through the wall, into the burning mansion. The two fall with Jaune's arm locked tightly around Cardin's waist. "We go to the flames together, Cardin! I'll gladly die if it means an end to your evil!" yelled Jaune.

Cardin knees Jaune in his chest, breaking his hold. He then punches his hand into the wall, holding himself there. As Jaune falls into the fiery abyss, he declares, "Blacken and burn among the bones of your damnable father, JoJo!"

"Noooo!" cried out Pyrrha, Ruby, and Nora.

Yang and the others sat in silence, hoping that Jaune would find some way to escape. Cardin couldn't be allowed to escape, not after what he did!

As Jaune fell screaming, he saw the spearhead fall alongside with him. He quickly plunged it into the wall and with one hand, flipped himself so that his foot was on it.

"I have to say that was pretty impressive. Don't think I could do that as well as he did. Jaune really does have some amazing strength here, even without any aura" commented Yang.

Pyrrha and Ruby were just happy to see that some good luck was on Jaune's side for once, and that he was safe for now.

Nora was hugging Ren tightly, "He's alive! Our fearless leader is going to be okay!"

"Nora, my ribs. I think you're squeezing my ribs."

Weiss thought about Jaune's plan and to admit, it was the best he could for the circumstances. "Despite his annoying qualities, Jaune is a rather capable strategist. Seems like both versions have a quick mind."

Jaune sprung from the spearhead, trying to grab Cardin's leg, only to fall short. He quickly undid his belt, and used it like a lasso, looping it around Cardin's leg. He pulled the belt back, making Cardin fall with him. "There's no escape, Cardin. You brought this doom upon yourself."

"This is the knife you used to kill my father," Jaune pulled out the same knife that Cardin used, and stabbed him with it. "So as you did to the man who raised up both, I now do unto you!"

Cardin screamed in pain, and tried to break from Jaune's grasp again, only to find that he was trapped. "So be it, JoJo. Consign us both unto the flames. But perish knowing I will survive this moment. For everything you have done, even this inferno cannot destroy me!" Cardin yelled out triumphantly.

Once again, the huntresses and sole hunter watched in anxiety as Jaune and Cardin fell into the flames together.

Yang held Ruby into her arms, knowing that Ruby needed some support as she saw her first friend go to his apparent death once again.

Pyrrha had clenched her armrests, bending them slightly, her fear for Jaune rising for the fourth time in a row. "I believe in you Jaune. Don't fall now!"

Nora squeezed Ren's face to her bosom, watching in terror. "Go Jaune! Break Cardin's legs and his life!"

Jaune kicked the wall, putting Cardin directly in the path of the statue of the Arc family's guardian angel. Cardin was impaled upon the statue's spear, screaming in terror and in defeat. He was lit ablaze, and in the final moments, he yelled out in agony. "JoJo! I had such plans for this world! Such plans…"

Jaune fell to the ground outside of his burning home, tired but triumphant. Torchwick ran to him and held him in his arms, crying tears of happiness. "JoJo bested him!" he yelled into the nighttime sky.

The screen stopped and faded to black, ending the show. Ozymandias looked towards his audience, and asked, "So what are your final thoughts about seeing this universe?"

Pyrrha answered first. "It was amazing to see Jaune so heroic, but perhaps it could not play with my emotions so much. I'm sorry if that's too critical."

Ruby agreed with Pyrrha. "It was totally cool to see Jaune beat Cardin like that. But did it have to make me think he was going to die so often? It felt like someone ate the last cookie, only to find another one."

Nora waved her hand, trying to grab the host's attention. "I...loved it! So much action! So much sadness! There was even magic! I want another one! But with a sloth. Or pancakes!"

"It was certainly an interesting experience. I never thought that Jaune would be able to win that battle, but I'm impressed by his determination" commented Weiss.

Yang put her hands behind her head. "Absolutely! It was the perfect action movie! Muscles! Explosions! Big boss! Moving death scene! Too bad, I didn't see me in there though. I bet I would be on fire up there. Eh, eh?"

Blake groaned at her partners' pun. "It certainly was moving. A tragic tale of a kind soul forced to kill the man he calls brother."

Ren rubbing his head and his ribs nodded his head. "The story is a tragic yet ultimately heroric one. And believe that Jaune would be proud of seeing himself like that."

Ozymandias clapped his hands. "Well, I'm glad to hear that all of you enjoyed it. The next one that we will watch is from a similar universe, although about 50 years into the future. Also, I have decided to bring some more guests, just so that more people can form an opinion."

Having said that, he opens his stopwatch again, and as the second-hand reaches the top once more, a door appears and out steps Prof Ozpin, Glynda Goodwitch, Ironwood, Qrow Branwen, and Raven Branwen. All of them look confused at where they were.

(Insert another explanation and talking)

Prof Ozpin sipped his coffee, thinking about what he heard. "Hmmmm, so these parallel universes all feature Mister Arc. I knew that boy had potential."

Glynda and Ironwood looked at each other and sighed. "It looks like we're going to be staying then" Glynda said tiredly.

Qrow was busy playing with Ruby, while trying to sneak glances towards his sister and niece. "Eh, doesn't matter that much to me. Sounds like some good downtime."

Raven walked away from the main group, choosing to find a seat away from them all. She ignored the looks that her brother and daughter were giving her. Neither one had proven themselves to her, so both were unimportant in her eyes.

Yang's eyes were red as she stared angrily at the woman who gave birth to her. She felt furious and wanted to go up and prove that she was strong enough until Blake put her hand on her shoulder.

However, in the back of the theater, was another door that let out Cinder Fall and her two lackeys, Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black. A copy of Ozymandias appeared before them and explained the situation to them and ordered them to sit in the back. "Do not cause any trouble and stay away from the others, or else. I'll leave it at that."

Cinder sat down, thinking about the multiverse theory. She thought quietly, with neither of her minions daring to interrupt her. "Emerald. Mercury. We are going to stay here and try and find any useful information. There's bound to be something in these universes that can help us. So listen to what that author instructed. If you do not, you'll have to face my wrath as well."

Mercury and Emerald quickly nodded and sat to the left of her, trying to get comfortable. Mercury thought this was kinda lame, but it beat having to deal with any White Fang idiots. Emerald agreed with Cinder's logic and found no fault in her plan.

Ozymandias looked around and took any orders for any food or drinks and waited for everyone to be comfortable. "Everyone ready? Okay then, roll the next clip please." The screen flashed on and began to count down before the theater's lights slowly dimmed down.

Author's Notes: So this is the first chapter. I plan on doing some more. I have them planned out, but if there are enough requests or if one request piques my interest, I'll do that one instead. I also wish to apologize if this chapter is too lengthy and doesn't have enough reaction. Still trying to get the hang of this. But I hope that you all enjoy this, and please give me any feedback.

P.S Can any of you guess what the next chapter is going to be? I hinted to it.