No One's POV

"Where are you going?" Dean questions Chuck, managing to startle him, and making the God of Creation jump as if a he was a cat startling from water.

"Wha- what makes you think I'm going anywhere?" Chuck stutters out, looking at Dean but knowing he was caught in the act of attempting to sneak out of the Men of Letters Bunker.

"Umm… Dressed like that?" Dean questions rhetorically as he nods towards Chuck's sweatshirt and hat pulled over his head. "Yeah… You're sneaking out like a teenager ditching their curfew. What are you- are you spying on Ellie? Bad idea, man. Like- really bad idea…" Dean tells Chuck with a look.

"I- I… No!" Chuck huffs, shaking his head in plain denial, the look in his eyes clearly the opposite. "I am not!"

"Look, man… Do you want her to forgive you?" Dean asks Chuck, his brow raised in a high arch as if he questioned Chuck's sanity and rational thinking.

"I, of course I do!" Chuck answers.

"Then trust her." Dean says.

"I do!" Chuck retorts. "It's Chronos I don't trust…" Chuck mutters a bit to the aside.

"Well sneaking out and spying on her… Doesn't say 'I trust you'…" Dean offers back. "Look, I may not know a whole lot about this soul mate stuff… Or whatever." Dean replies, holding up his hands innocently. "But, I'd like to think I know a little about women… And trust me, buddy… That does not say 'I trust you'… Trust her to not do anything."

"Fine." Chuck sighs finally turning around to sulk back to the Dean cave, Dean finally giving a small shake of his head as if to ask how he was putting up with this.

"Hey!" Sam smiles at Ellowyn as she, Chronos, Lucifer, and Michael return to the Bunker some few hours later. "How'd it go?" He questions, looking up from his laptop and books.

"I had a wonderful time. Thank you for asking, Sam." Ellowyn smiles kindly at the younger Winchester.

"Of course it was wonderful. She was with me." Chronos adds smugly, just behind Ellowyn. "I showed her a nice, quaint, little place in Paris. And we had those delightful crepes I was talking about." Chronos continues on.

"Quaint little place my ass… It was disgusting." Lucifer mutters under his breathe, sulking behind Chronos, his wings even flicking in his discomfort at the memory of his mother and Chronos atop the Eiffel Tower in Paris eating together, laughing over memories of lost millenniums, he wanted to barf or maybe smite something out of spite, but his mother wouldn't let him, instead he and Michael had to sit together like some fledglings off to the side.

"For once I actually agree with you… Which only makes me hate you even more…" Michael mutters in response as he pushes past his brother.

"Can you two ever grow up?" Gabriel complains as he strolls into the room munching on a cookie as if his brother's normal squabbling was some sort of entertainment for him.

"You're the one to talk." Lucifer rolls his eyes.

"That's… Good…" Sam answers slowly, listening to Chronos and nodding to his story, his eyebrow raised as if to question how it was relevant to anything currently going on with the fight against Amara. "So… Everything all set then? For the upcoming battle?" Sam continues on to ask, managing to ignore the continuing bickering Archangels as they argued off to the side like the fledging Archangels they were no longer.

"Yes. Everything is set." Ellowyn answers as she gracefully sits at the War Room table that Sam was sitting at.

"So… What's next?" Dean asks now entering the room with a coffee cup and a snack of his own, seeing as an impromptu meeting had occurred between the inhabitants of the Men of Letter Bunker.

"We gather the troops." Death answers seriously, appearing almost out of thin air in the War Room, startling the Winchesters. "And we prepare to fight."

Oh my gosh... An UPDATE!? What is this!? I know, I know... It's been forever!

Thank you all for sticking with me!

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