"Are you sure about this?" Mama Higurashi asks teary eyed to her eldest child. "Will it open again? Will I get to see you again?" She knew she was being selfish asking her daughter these questions, but what was a mother bird to do when she loses her first chick so quickly?

"I don't know mama," Kagome says taking a deep breath. "But I have to go."

"Please be safe, Kagome." Mama Higurashi hugs her tightly as she trembles. Pulling away, she grabs something from her apron. A small scroll with gold lining with Kagome's name written neatly. "I have been holding on to this since I was your age. An older man with long silver hair had given it to me." Kagome silently listens as she takes the scroll. "He never told me his name though, but there was no way that man was human." A small smile graces her lips. "I fell in love with the name on that scroll and gave it to you."

"Mama why didn't you tell me about this?" she says looking back up at her mother.

"Because you weren't ready like you are now." Mama Higurashi hugs her daughter one last time and kisses her forehead. "I love you, my little Kagome. And I'm so proud to be able to call you my daughter." Before Kagome can react, Mama Higurashi pushes her down the well, taking her from that time.