


Hordak was stunned as Adam changed into He-man, then threatened him. Hordak responded with "You want him, Come and get him, if you think you can." */

He-man's response was a straight on charge tearing through Hoard tanks and transports, slicing robots in two and blowing fire at many troopers. Grymlador and Battlecat forced the Horde forces to scatter as they too charged, Grym taking to the sky, while Battlecat slammed through groups sending them flying. The Andreenids stayed back and watched as the three tore through the villains. Battlecat captured Catra when she tried to run in her cat form, while Grym transformed landing on Scorpia and capturing her. He-man almost got to Hordak, when the villain transformed into a rocket and flew away. Skeletor and Shadow weaver saw this and used magic to get out of there with as many troops as possible. */

After the battle the Force commanders were taken before Randor and Marlena, Catra's mask was taken to be studied and copied. All Horde soldiers were imprisoned, Catra lucked out as Cringer started visiting her everyday. When her mask was copied they gave it to Cringer and it's magic gave him a humanoid form like the cat-people, Kittrina went in heat the second she saw him as did Catra. Cringer was eight feet tall and had his green and yellow striped fur, with long green and yellow striped hair that resembled a lions main. He was quite muscular and very handsome for a catman.*/

Catra wanting to be free made a deal to help fight the Horde for probation, Marlena agreed only because Cringer and Adora felt she could be trusted a little. Turned out Catra could be trusted as she gave intell on several cashes of weapons and informants for the Horde, this earned her her mask back as many copies went out to King Carnivus and his cat folk. The ability to transform would aid them well, Carnivus even made Catra an honorary member of his clan. Carnivus and Catra started meeting up daily for walks and such, by the end of the month they had started dating.*/

Cringer in the meantime was getting Closer to Kittrina, so close in fact she moved in to the palace with him. Randor had given them a room of their own. Now that he and Queen Marlena had worked things out, or basically he admitted she was always right, the two were going on dates as well. That was due to Adam telling him if he wanted to fix things with her he needed to do what he did when he first got her to fall in love with him, so that is what Randor did starting with a moonlight walk in the garden. They even went on double and triple dates with Adam and Damani or Adora and Seahawk, sometimes even both couples. The triple dates were Marlena's favorites because they were always fun and sweet. One night the royal couple were shocked when the twins had them hold their swords aloft and say there enchantments, to their surprise they too were transformed but not as their kids are. They regained a measure of youth and vitality, this lead to Marlena becoming pregnant. */

It had been a month and Catra had lead many a raid on Horde compounds and informants, she earned her pardon. What few knew was a dark force was plotting against them, a cloaked figure opened a portal into the queens private bath and took her hostage. When it was discovered all hell broke loose, Damani found a patch she recognized in the queen's bath it was her family's crest. Marlena must have put up a fight and tore it off, there was also a tuft of red fur. Cringer identified it as Beastman's. That meant the Horde had her, and it also meant the Horde was dead meat. Both twins drew their swords and transformed, She-Ra transformed Spirit into Swiftwind while Adam enhanced Grymlador.*/

Hordak thought he had a great plan, by using the Queen as a hostage he could force the Eternians to surrender to him, Skeletor on the other hand knew that would piss her kids off and they would be coming for every Horde member's head. He had to come up with a plan fast if he wanted to see another day. Skeletor sent Marlena's guards away taking watch over her himself, this was mainly so they wouldn't hurt her. He assured her he wasn't going to harm her and he would keep her safe best he could. Marlena asked why and he said "I didn't know the woman was pregnant when I took the job, I killed an unborn child who had yet to decide what path they would walk. I will not let that happen again if I can stop it, besides maybe Adam won't kill me if I keep you safe and I can just go to a prison cell." */

Marlena was shocked by what he said and how sorry he sounded for killing the unborn child that was given the name Madani, then it hit her JOB as in someone put a hit on Damani. She was angry and demanded to be told who put a hit on her Daughter in law, Skeletor was more afraid of Marlena's rage than he had ever been of anyone else. Even Adam didn't scare him as much as the queen did now, so he answered Deamon Herpestidae her father. Marlena says "I will make my son spare you, if you go peacefully and help get that son of a bitch." */

Skeletor agrees to her condition and as soon as nobody is looking he opens a portal for them to escape. The two rush through it, coming out in the throne room. He-man and She-Ra were just about to leave when they noticed the portal, they were relieved to see their mother come through but as soon as Skeletor came through He-man had him by the throat ready to end him. Marlena jumped in between them, forcing her son to let go. She explained their deal, and He-man gave a grunt and nod before the twins changed back to normal. */

With the queen safe the heroes had time to plan, Skeletor aided in the planning so they had the most up to date intell. He still got slapped by Damani when she seen him, but he didn't object as he felt he deserved far worse. It took five hours to plan the attack ,and half the night to prepare all troops. In the morning a mighty clamor arose as almost all Eternian forces moved out.*/

The New Fright Zone an Hour Later*/

Adam lead a charge with Damani on Grimlador's back as countless aircraft including the Rainbow Flyer being flown by Teela followed, firing on anything Horde. Below them King Carnivus lead the cat folk with Catra at his side, while Cringer and Kittrina in cat form lead a team in cat form . Behind these groups were the Bird people and Andreenids, along with the rest of the royal guards. Even the Spileans and Caligars were getting in on this fight. Just the sheer size of the army was overkill, they outnumbered the Horde a good five to one. */

When Hordak saw the army he nearly died, he yelled, ranted, and raved. He just couldn't understand how they could attack knowing he had there queen, that is until Grizlor came in to tell him she had escaped. In a fit of rage Hordak shot his arm cannon, unfortunately he shot the communication system and couldn't call for back up. As soon as the heroes got there the attack began in earnest, as Adam smashed open the heavy barrier around the stronghold. Troops flooded in quickly overwhelming the Horde personnel and blowing up many of their weapon cashes and weaponized transports. */

The battle ended quickly as all the allies captured the villains and all other Horde troopers, Randor was first to find Hordak. The beating he dished out was something even Adam was surprised at. Randor unloaded a world of hurt on Hordak cursing him for daring to abduct his wife, Hordak was so beat up he couldn't even breath without it hurting. The villain said even his eyelashes hurt when the king got done with him. */

They all returned to the palace where Marlena arranged a feast to celebrate, all the nobles were invited. Count Daemon Herpestidae was talking to King Carnivus when a hand dropped on his shoulder an hour after he showed up. Deamon was shocked to see Skeletor to say the least, however Skeletor said "You didn't tell me she was with child Deamon, I killed an innocent now I'll kill you!" */

Deamon jumped back calling for help, but nobody interfered. As Skeletor's eye sockets glowed red Deamon asked "What do you want from me?" */

Skeletor chuckled saying "The truth, admit your crimes and I'll make it quick so you don't suffer old friend." */

Deamon looks around knowing he has no choice and confesses to every crime he has ever done, from cheating on his third grade math test to putting a hit on his own daughter. then he yelled "Are you satisfied?" */

Skeletor says yes and points his havok staff at Deamon then in a flash and pop A flag comes out and it read "BANG!" Skeletor laughs as Deamon pees himself and the guards take him away. Adam surprisingly thanks the villain for his help, and offers to let him stay and enjoy the rest of the party. Skeletor accepts and ends up conducting Orko's wedding to Dree-Elle as well as Cringer and Kittrina's . Everyone had a blast and when it was over Skeletor went peacefully to his cell like he promised. */

That night Damani had a surprise for her husband a certain red headed best friend of his was waiting in his bed for him, Damani thought she would make such a cute baby with Adam and Teela really wanted alittle girl.*/


NOTE well that wraps this one up. Did you like it? Was it missing something ? You tell me should I write more MOTU stories or should I just forget about them? Please leave a comment or review and let me know what you thought. This is Kakerot Bardockson saying UNTIL NEXT TIME ...HAVE A NICE DAY */
