Fuka Igasaki looked sadly at a wooden panda figure, it was a present from her older brother 15 years ago, before he was taken away, it wasn't that good but it was the only thing she had left of her brother Takaharu. Her mind wondered back to that fateful day...


Fuka and Takaharu were with their cousins Yakumo, Nagi, Kasumi, and Kingi, at their house for a Christmas dinner, they were exchanging gifts to one another and Takaharu gave them wooden figures that he had done himself.

Fuka had gotten a panda

Yakumo had gotten a dragon

Nagi had gotten an eagle

Kasumi had gotten a horse

and Kingi had gotten a bull

They all said thanks, then they went outside, they were happily playing tag when the sky suddenly turned cloudy and there was a mysterious figure walking towards them, the person resembled a fox.

"Last ninja, come out and fight," the fox said and began launching attacks, the adults scrambled outside to see the commotion, meanwhile the children ran frantically, trying to get to safety when Fuka had suddenly tripped and twisted her ankle, making her an easy target. But before the fox's attack could hit her, Takaharu suddenly jumped and grabbed her, pulling her to safety.

Then suddenly, a plain, metal shuriken came at Takaharu, he caught it easily then it transformed into a mysterious red shuriken with a ninja in the center.

Then a strange yellow sword appeared in his hands, somehow Takaharu knew what to do (I can't be bothered describing it, basically the same one in the show)

Suddenly Takahura had grown taller and was wearing a red ninja suit "the wild brilliance! Aka ninja!"

Then he started attacking the fox lady, but she managed to knock him out cold and he changed back to his normal clothes.

"you could be useful in the future," she said walking to him a picking him up

"Takaharu!" fuka yelled

Then the lady disappeared

"Kyuemon" grandfather suddenly appeared behind us

"dad, why didn't you help us?" my dad asked

"I was helping civilians by defeating the Hyakkarage" he replied

we all nodded sadly, the first lesson he taught us was, always help the weak, before you help yourself

*end of flashback*

After that day, Fuka and her cousins treasured the wooden figures Takahara gave them, they separated after they finished high school but know that when the time comes, they're getting Takaharu back.

**? pov**

It had been 15 years since she had stolen the boy from that party, she had managed to convince her master gengetsu that the boy would be helpful in the future, he agreed and had put some of his darkness in the boy, erasing his memories of his family, Then she started teaching him the dark ninja arts and that he is only loyal to kibaoni army, and most importantly to hate the last ninja. She changed his name to shadow (first name that came to me), once he is ready, together they will free the generals that have been sealed away by the last ninja, free her master from his prison and rule this world!