A Family with Dragon's Eyes

In a very traditional and ancestral house...

...there lived three siblings...

...and two kids.

This family was once rich, but some relative blew away the family fortune in gambling so all the family descendants has left, was their land and estate, and just enough money to get by. In fact, the siblings were under Guardianship of a powerful family.

But when a little girl and a boy joined their family...

The girl provided a boon to the family.

Curbing the insanity of the eldest, and scoring big-time lottery tickets the siblings cashed out with help from their legal guardian.

Such is their life now.

This girl was a relative from a bastard line since she has the family power yet they don't know her relatives.

They tracked down anyone from the family who had 'outside relationships'. Found one, end result was the girl's mother from some great-aunt who didn't have the family eyes. Her children and grandchildren, even her mother didn't have it...until their younger relative happened.

Just that, she and a boy fled to them to hide in because she foresaw a threat to her future and it would be discovered way too late if not for her 'weird eyes' to help her out and would hide until at least, she and her companion are strong enough to fend for themselves.

And now, Natsume Shin, Maya and Aya have to deal with their distant cousin who changed her name to 'Tachibana Tsuna' and would act as a 'fostered kid/family housekeepers' with her companion Rokudo Mukuro until old enough to move out.

Family dynamics was...crazy, to say the least.

This was what Mukuro thought in his life with this family. And he thought the Mafia's Flames were enough trouble and now there's this Dragon's Gate powers in many martial arts clans! And they have potential to have one when they had enough training!

Tsuna, his savior has foreseen his suffering under the Estraneo Family when she fled from her home, while on fire that warranted Vindice Attention.

'Papa and that old man will make my life miserable!' she cried. 'When the fire came out I saw it! They'll take me to my room and papa's boss will poke me in the head with a finger on fire and my life will be hell for it! I don't want that life! I didn't know I have fire!'

So the Vindice, let her go but after teaching her control and responsibility...and about Omerta or they won't be so lenient next time now that she was in the know and no longer an ignorant civilian. She only has that one ticket and no more.

Then she said, 'Uhm, do you guys know the Estraneo Family are experimenting on their own children and the kidnapped children the CIA are looking for to develop human bioweapons after everyone gave them the stink eye for Possession Bullets? My eyes showed me horrible cruel things...and one of the kids is my Guardian Compatible.'

'...that's illegal.'

So after she gave the Vindice the location...Mukuro and the remaining ten survivors are saved, but they were made to forget their suffering and had to undergo 'restorative surgery' to undo what was done to them before they can be delivered to their original families. Due to the 'too much work' the Vindice had to do, they were 'not too happy' with the Estraneo and Mukuro was happy to know they got the lousiest deal in Vendicare and their famiglia exterminated. All adults in the know are in Vendicare, and their vast resources given to the victims of families, part of it going to Mukuro, enough to live off it for the rest of his life in comfort as compensation for what was done on Tsuna's request to benefit damaged parties.

But Mukuro who was a mafia child to begin with, chose to keep his memories and had to live with his alterations because his was impossible to remove. He was genetically altered by his own father to test out a theory that if it worked, he'd be genetically-enhanced and his offspring would come out with the enhancements thus no longer needing tweaking, and produce superhuman children. Then there's his ocular implant...he chose to keep it too, for the future's sake that his Sky foresaw.

She has the ability to see anywhere in the past and the consequences of past choices leading to possible futures, and psychometry as well as seeing and hearing the dead. She was by far the most valuable Sky the Vindice knew and the Vongola who doesn't know of the treasure they have intend to wreck her at a young age?

End result, the Vindice intends to make Timoteo and Iemitsu's life difficult if they plan on anything involving Tsuna. They learned where she got her incredible eyes, and she'd be shacking with distant relatives whom she saw, would take her and Mukuro in.

But as the enhancements haven't set in yet thus making him at risk for Genetic Degradation according to files if it did not, Tsuna used her flames on him to save his life, but also the side-effect of harmonizing with her. Mukuro thus learned what he needed to know as her Guardian and the Vindice took them back to Japan, where Tsuna led them to her distant relatives to hide from the Ninth Vongola Boss and her own father to avoid being sealed...which was illegal by the way. Because its only reserved for banished family traitors and little Tsuna hasn't betrayed anyone, last she checked as she never left home all her life!

She was five years old...and he, seven at the time.

And now at ten and she, eight...they made a living as family retainers to the Natsume Family and working as housekeepers than as fighters, despite being trained to fight.

This was to keep them out of notice from a dangerous man dangerous to even give the mafia a run for their money.

While still attending elementary school of course.

Because Tsuna fixed her cousin's problem, they were welcome onboard.

But when she came into their lives, it was already too late. The family power rendered him insane and at some point before they came, killed his own parents!

Shin who was fourteen, was extremely dependent on Maya who was thirteen for some reason nobody could understand that he developed excessive sister-complex on her. Aya, the youngest at ten, same age as Mukuro was clueless as to what's going on.

Shin also doted on Tsuna, since she saved his sanity with her flames and was a mentor to them both, when he was being trained by Takayanagi Dogen, the head 'Phoenix' of all 12 families of martial arts clans. He was also Mukuro's only big brother figure in his life, though he stuck to Tsuna and ensured he never sits anywhere near Maya...or else. If he ever needed to talk to Maya for concerns, Tsuna would always accompany him with him behind her so Shin's feelings won't attack him out of jealousy just for being close!

He didn't want to die young, thank you.

Shin may have regained his sanity and his mental instability cured, but he was still dependent on Maya for reason only Mukuro was privileged to know, and the siblings don't know about as the truth...is quite complicated. For Maya's sake, its to be kept a secret. If the wrong people were to know...the price is too steep.

At least he can talk to Aya safely.

He and Tsuna are playing it safe so they can break free cleanly to avoid the incoming clusterfuck that will affect all twelve clans in the future, few years from now.

Tsuna meets Dogen with him in secret, warning him of events to come for the sake of maintaining their role as mere 'foster fledglngs and housekeepers' so the enemy won't notice them. She also helped Nagi Makiko restore her severed arm with old lady Hotaru and severed the 'charm' on the woman that kept her 'helplessly hopelessly loyal and in love' with her bastard ex-husband and destroyed the curse on her face.

That was as far as they went with interference and Dogen promised them safety and 'nonentity' from 'their enemy' the two mafia children had nothing and wanted nothing to do with.

Thus their ordinary life, while gaining training.

Mukuro gained access to the Tsumuji Clan Training as he has talent in spears more than swords of the Natsume Clan while Tsuna received training in the family arts. Mukuro applied as a student in spear technique and body training(though he did not want bulky muscles - just enough, and skill). Indeed as his Sky foresaw, he is talented with the spears while training his flames and Ki Development at home. But he ensured no intel about him leaks outside the dojo and when he ended training at thirteen, he erased memories of the whole dojo bar his teacher, Tsumuji Mataza Yorihira who in turn, burned and deleted legal documents he was ever his student.

Tsuna is still training under Shin with her other cousins when he quit spear training at the right timing and stayed home, wearing long-sleeved baggy clothing and kimonos to hide his physique.

'Tsuna.' he said as he approached her. 'My existence in the dojo is officially erased.'

'Goodie...because he will start poking his nose there soon.' said Tsuna. 'Just in time.' she said in relief. 'We'll have to do and keep acting civilian and insignificant...but if we were attacked...we will have to kill them. No witnesses.'


His Sky who trained in family techniques as well as barehanded martial arts as its illegal to carry swords in public, was also trained in traditional Japanese skills of the female while he who quit spear training, will learn the ways of the male.

That, and she was subtly stealing Mawari body and accuracy training techniques by making use of her eyes when she was young. Only Shin and Mukuro knew that part, as they adapted training in a way the Mawari would never realize they were stolen from.

'Well, they still haven't found me yet from what I'm seeing!' Tsuna giggled as her Dragon's Eyes were activated. But unlike Shin whose eyes turn blood red with a glowing-red pupil slit, Tsuna's was golden-orange in color with a glowing-orange pupil slit due to her Sky Flames. Otherwise it would be just-as-red. 'They're searching based on wrong clues! It helps that they're searching by computers and not by paperwork!' she said gleefully, turning her eyes off.

'Stupids.' Mukuro scoffed, shaking his head in bemusement. 'But for how long can we hide here?'

'Well, we can grow stronger here so when the time comes for us to leave...we can fend for ourselves.' said Tsuna in determination. 'Until then, we stay here until the time we leave for real. But we do have one field trip to my hometown...and future brothers to meet there...and two meetings in Tokyo...teehee.' she then got up. 'Yosh, let's score us a 500 million yen lottery ticket tonight! I'm gonna phone Dogen-sama!'

'You're already insanely rich by yourself...' Mukuro sweatdropped. For each cash-out, Dogen has a kickback of 10-100 million yen for being their Withdrawer depending on the tickets Tsuna feels they'd win in. But on New Year's Lottery...she goes for big.

'I know that I'm 5 billion yen richer but I'm still helping my cousins you know.' said Tsuna. 'Keeping a clan going strong is no joke and needs lots of money. Swords are expensive aside from maintaining the family estate. And who're YOU to talk, you multi-billionaire?' she scoffed. 'You can spoil your descendants for up to ten generations before becoming 'well-off' levels! And we need access to strong swords so yes I'll keep pilfering money!'


Illegal Underground Markets in Tokyo...

Tsuna was in her adult form.

'Kufufufu...it still amazes me when I see you grow up.' Mukuro chuckled as he took to wearing illusion forms to appear just as old.

'Isn't it? But its too soon for us to grow up, we're only in this for shopping you know.' Tsuna snorted as she was 5'7 in height and as shapely as what one would expect of her upbringing, her hair in a bun with a covered brocade and ribbons. She wore a black business suit with the dress shirt unbuttoned, showing ample cleavage. 'Nooow then, a sale on neat swords and blades is on today...'

She made full use of her Sky to obtain what she wanted at 'bargain prices'. She purchased a lot of weapons, purchasing Tachi and Wakizashi.

So far, the Family Collection was as follows:

Ten Nodachi

Twenty Uchigatana

Thirty Tanto

Thirty Kaiken

Thirty Kodachi(mostly for Tsuna's use)

And now they recently purchased thirty Tachi and Wakizashi.

And Tsuna knows which ones were worth the pain in her purse. She was that good.

'Another haul! But still, swords worth the money are stupidly rare these days.' Tsuna scowled. 'I'm glad I was able to obtain smithing techniques of the past but I'll have to leave it to my cousins hands.'

Tsuna never leaves home without weapons. At least, she always carries a pair of Kaiken on her person as does her cousins and Guardian.

To hide her identity as a Natsume whose family tradition was to grow their hair stupidly long until marriage, she wears it up in a large bun.

But events Tsuna foresaw came to pass, but the difference was, Shin did not die. Rather, he graduated High School and currently staying at home to manage the estate, now that he is the full legal guardian of his sisters and cousin and his cousin's 'knight'.

But BECAUSE he was sane but still dependent on Maya...Maya unwittingly grew up accepting Shin's emotional dependence and advances a brother should not have on his sister...Aya thought its normal and 'he wants their sister as his wife' and just childishly-innocently shrugs.


Tsuna, age 13 and Mukuro, months away to 15...started Junior High and High School respectively.

'Tsuna, I'm going to Todou with Maya-san and Aya-san.' said Mukuro but he looked like he was nursing a headache.

'You look troubled, Mukuro.' Tsuna mused as they were making breakfast in the kitchens in their uniforms.

'Well, Shin-niisan told me to keep bugs away from Maya-san.' Mukuro sighed. 'What a pain in the ass...' he said gloomily. 'We had to let it happen...'

'We had to. The truth is too dangerous to let out.' Tsuna shuddered. 'This price to keep it quiet is cheap compared to the price everyone on Earth will pay if truth gets out, you know? And for the 11 clans to win against him, we must keep quiet and let them work it out on their own.'

'How goes that boy?'

'Him? Well, he and 'that lady' are under strict protection, even going as far as changing his name on my request back when he was still nine years old and a dumb kid back then.' said Tsuna. 'They and our family are the key to victory. Only you, I and Dogen-sama knows.' she said. 'But he doesn't know the details so he's keeping that lady around while to the public, she 'went abroad to work'. We took steps to further hide her until the time is right.'

'We're playing a dangerous game...' Mukuro shuddered while chuckling weakly.

'We are playing a dangerous game...two of us...and Dogen-sama and his eldest son...against two monsters.'