A girl dreams about a bad boy, who is gentle only for her.
A boy wants a good girl, who is naughty only for him.

Author's note:

The story is set when Harry is 6 years old and it's very AU. After Voldemort got banished, there were long years of trials over Death Eaters and Snape did end up in Azkaban. Now Dumbledore gets him out and forces a teaching position onto him, which Severus absolutely doesn't want, but has little choice in the matter. Meanwhile, the teacher in muggle school Harry attends notices the boy is malnourished, doesn't see well and has occasional bruises on the upper arms and neck. Dumbledore tasks Snape with checking on the kid.

Snape will be OOC. Or rather Snape will be BHBTC - Before He Became The Character. He is slightly younger than in canon - only 25 years old, hot, handsome and naturally dominant (click on the picture and drool with me^^). But also, inexperienced and kinda clueless;) with no experience with children or teaching and very little experience with women and love life. Toughened up by prison, but not the grumpy greasy git we know just yet.

The story will be a mix of Severitus (Snape adopts Harry story, imho there is never enough of those, hehe) and Teacher/Student romance with adult themes, eventually with elements of D/s and some discipline themes, perhaps light BDSM. (Nothing heavy or too smutty, but the M rating is there for a reason^^) NO SLASH - at least not on the main pairing, sorry I'm keeping Snape hetero again;)

Also warning for parental CP. It will probably be rather mild given Harry's age, but still, if you are not OK with that, It's probably not a story for you.

I have no idea whether mixing these two "genres" will work out, but I guess we will soon find out.


Severus was sitting on the bench examining his fingernails with a bored expression on his face. He couldn't think of a more pointless way to spend his morning, and yet he forced himself to remain sitting and wait patiently for Dursleys to return home. One of the reasons Dumbledore got him out of Azkaban was to check on Potter because Snape was acquainted with Petunia. Which made no sense to Severus. Dumbledore was the one to place Potter with that family, so Dumbledore should be the one checking on the brat.

Snape had no pleasant memories of Petunia, and he had no doubt, that she was not fond of him either. He hardly wanted to confront the woman for supposedly mistreating her nephew, just because some muggle teacher was overly softhearted. If the boy couldn't see properly, he should have told so and not wait for somebody to magically figure his problems for him. It's likely that the only reason he was not provided with glasses till now, was because he needed an excuse to slack off in school. Muggle teachers were apparently blind to such acts of deceitful manipulative behavior from children.

Snape groaned at the thought of teaching. That was the main reason Albus got him out of Azkaban. The man was probably getting senile if he thought that Severus was a teacher material. Snape hated children. Ok, perhaps hate is a strong word - Snape disliked children. But like really! The company of little running screaming disrespectful banshies was not high on Snape's list of ideal working conditions. He liked peace and quiet, working with adults. Preferably smart adults. Not that Voldemort only had intelligent people around him, but most were very capable wizards. And those that weren't smart nor powerful were easily manipulated. But children? He was already hating first-years when he was still a student at Hogwarts. And his annoyance with the little buggers only grew with years.

Slughorn was not even that old. Dumbledore probably got rid of him, so that he had another excuse to pressure ministry to let Snape out on parole. Well, Hogwarts did beat Azkaban... but... duh. Severus Snape - Hogwarts Professor. Laughable. I will go nuts within the first month probably. Or end up back in Azkaban, cause I will kill some braindead urchin, who can't tell the difference between bezoar and borage. And to be thrown into the school year several weeks after the start and with no time for proper preparation? Albus was simply sadistic. At least he talked him out of making Severus the Head of the House. Snape had to promise him, however, that he will help with those duties.

He stretched his arms sleepily. It was a surprise that he got insomnia AFTER leaving Azkaban. He didn't even spend a full year in that place, but it was enough to throw him off his game. The despair, the hopelessness was so strong in that place, it marked a person for life. Days blurred into weeks and weeks into months. Sometimes he wasn't even sure what time of the day it was - he just tried to sleep and never wake up.

The initial piercing pain in his chest after seeing Lily's dead body lying on the floor was replaced with the ever-present dull ache. He learned to live with it. The trials took forever and when he was finally, despite Dumbledore's efforts, sentenced to 3 years in Azkaban, he welcomed it as a deserved punishment. It helped with the guilt, but it didn't make the pain of Lily's death any lesser. After 10 months of vague day schedule, Severus had a hard time getting back into a normal sleeping pattern.

Snape stood up and started pacing around the bench. He was wearing Muggle clothes - black jeans and a black t-shirt. His hair got longer during his prison-stay, so he usually pinned it in a messy knot in the back of the head. He glanced around and dropped to the grass to do a couple of push-ups. That's pretty much, what his days were filled with, in Azkaban. Wandless magic and physical exercises. The former was a tricky thing to do, due to the antimagic wards, but there were weaker spots where Severus could entertain himself, as long as he didn't draw the attention of the guards or other inmates.

Inmates were the reason why getting in shape was not only a way to pass the time but also a necessity. Death Eaters were not particularly disciplined fellows, at least many of them weren't, and without their Master, they easily turned on each other. Since magic was not an option, all the arguments were solved in a very muggle way - with fists. Severus got beat up already his 3rd day by some random brute murderer - not even a servant of the Dark Lord. Since then he started working himself tirelessly every day. It became a routine and it put his mind at ease, much like Occlumency.

Snape did around 30 push-ups when the car parked in front of Privet Drive 4. Finally. He sat on the bench again and watched the family get out of the car.

Petunia didn't change all that much since Severus has seen her last time, 10 years ago or so. Tall and skinny, with the ever displeased expression on her face and brown shoulder-length curly hair. Her husband was a big, overweight man in his early-40s with a balding head and mean small eyes. Then the boy got out of the car and with a loud whine stomped his foot on the pavement in what appeared to be an imminent temper tantrum. Petunia was around him in seconds cuddling the boy and taking a treat out of her purse.

Severus was disgusted. This is the malnourished neglected boy? Dumbledore was definitely losing his shit. Snape was about to apparate on the spot when the other door of the car opened and another boy got out of the car. He was half the size of the first boy, small and skinny, wearing a big baggy t-shirt and equally large pair of jeans, round glasses on his face covered big green eyes and black messy hair stuck in all directions.

Alright. Severus had no doubt, that this was, in fact, a spawn of James Potter. The boy was a spitting image of his father, except a much smaller cuter version. Snape snorted inwardly. Word cute was never in his vocabulary before, but if he ever was to use it, he guessed that this little creature was quite fitting for it.

The boy went to the back of the car and opened the trunk. He took two big grocery bags and stumbled to the house, several times almost tripping over his legs as he obviously couldn't see where he was going behind the bags. Snape shook his head disapprovingly. Stupid boy, why take the biggest bags all at once? Too lazy to go twice? But the boy soon emerged from the house, got another two bags from the trunk and carried them carefully inside. Well, that was a bit odd, but perhaps those were his chores?

Snape stood up and made his way to the front porch of the house. He knocked politely and waited. The door opened and a pair of emerald eyes stared at him with uncertainty. The boy fidgeted unsure what to do and Snape raised an eyebrow at the lack of decorum. The gesture was apparently not lost on the boy, because he bit his lip nervously.

"Hello, Sir. Are you here to see my aunt or uncle?" the boy asked him politely. Severus studied the boy a bit. No visible bruises, perhaps a bit too small and underweight for his age, but then again, what did Severus really know about what children should look like at the age of six? The boy was wearing glasses, so that problem was solved already, he had some basic manners, so obviously he was not neglected. Severus considered just leaving without confronting Petunia, but that would not sit well with Albus.

"Yes, I'm here to see Mrs. Dursley," he replied impassively.

The boy nodded, "Aunt Petunia?" he called, turning his head. Petunia emerged from the living room and a look of surprise flashed across her face. She blushed slightly, instinctively fixing her hair with a hand.

"How may I help you?" she asked sweetly, smiling at Severus. Snape was taken aback by the friendly demeanor. He didn't expect Petunia to be this sweet blushing housewife. Definitely not towards Severus anyway, but then perhaps she didn't recognize him?

"Hello Petunia," he said without a trace of a smile. He watched confusion cross the woman's features as she narrowed her eyes and then raised her eyebrows apparently finally figuring out his identity.


Severus didn't answer, he just smirked enjoying the change that underwent on Petunia's face.

"What do you want?" she spat glaring. Gone was the sweet housewife act, replaced with the hatefulness Snape knew so well.

"I'm here on Dumbledore's orders, to check on Potter."

"How nice of you people to show up after dropping the boy on my doorstep 5 years ago with nothing but a sleazy note! I see Dumbledore doesn't have the guts to face me," she snapped, her voice dripping with venom.

"The muggle teacher got concerned about Potter's wellbeing, I'm here merely to assess, whether her concerns are substantiated," Severus replied with a bored expression. He was not going to entertain the shrew by engaging in the conversation about Dumbledore. He had plenty to say about the man himself, but Petunia was the last person he would ever ally himself with.

Petunia demonstratively snorted, "Boy, come here!"

Potter seeing the atmosphere change retreated to the safety of the living room, peeking curiously from the safe distance. At his aunt's stern call, his shoulders slumped and he approached them guiltily, his head hanging in shame as if he was responsible for his aunt's obvious displeasure.

Petunia took the child by the shoulders and roughly spun him around to show Severus that boy had both hands and both legs intact. Her rough manhandling was not lost on Severus, but then again, who was he to judge how one was supposed to treat a surely disobedient 6-year-old. What caught his attention however were two visible bruises on the back of the boy's neck, clearly from oh-not-so-gentle touch, that Petunia was demonstrating right now.

Severus stopped Petunia and lowered the hem of Harry's t-shirt revealing the full bruise, clearly imprinted by the handprints too large to be Petunia's.

"What's this?" he asked calmly. He had no intention to scold the woman for the bruise. He was sure the boy probably brought it on himself and his uncle simply lost his temper and gripped him a bit too hard. He was not going to make a fuss about it, no real harm was done, after all. But nevertheless, he wanted to show Petunia, that he was not going to be manipulated by her clumsy attempts in hiding the evidence.

"He fell," she snapped.

An obvious lie. Severus raised an eyebrow as if to say "Really woman? That's the best you came up with?"

"Ask him! How did you get the bruise, boy? And don't you dare lie!" she turned her attention to Harry and the boy flinched hunching his shoulders like he was expecting to be hit. He then raised his eyes to meet Snape's gaze and repeated his aunt's lie.

The persuasiveness of the boy's tone threw Severus off balance. He was sure the boy was lying, but the fact that he did it so well was disturbing.

"How?" Snape asked, disgusted with the ease at which a sodding 6-year-old lied to his face, without even blinking. No wonder his uncle lost temper with him if that's the level of wickedness the boy was demonstrating already at such a young age.

"I slipped on the steps and hit the back of my neck against the handrail," the child muttered, finally losing his composure. He cast his eyes on the floor and the telltale blush appeared on his cheeks. Good, at least the boy has enough decency to feel ashamed for lying blatantly to my face! Though the fact, that he had an excuse prepared was still rather alarming.

"I see. What a clumsy little boy," Severus sneered at the boy, eliciting a guilty gulp from his target.

"If that's all you came for, Snape, then I suggest you get out of my house at once. Your kind is not welcomed here!" Petunia huffed.

Severus chuckled at the "your kind" comment. Didn't the woman realize, that his kind actually lived with her? Or did she think that Potter will turn out differently just because she didn't want him to be a wizard and all his magical powers will simply disappear because they were not welcomed? The boy must have shown the sparks of accidental magic by now.

"It's always a pleasure to see you too, Petunia," Snape replied without a hint of a smile. He gave a final glance to Potter and lingered when the boy returned his gaze, his eyes full of sadness, misery, and longing. Severus felt uneasy, he couldn't explain the feeling, but he was suddenly reluctant to leave.

Nevertheless, he did what he came for and there was no reason for him to stay any longer. Potter was OK, in one peace and with glasses. Snape turned around and walked away. When he heard the door shut behind him, he apparated.


Snape felt very nostalgic as he was walking through the castle corridors. The last time he was here was 8 years ago. Everything felt familiar, homey even, he touched the walls a small smile playing on his lips. He always liked Hogwarts. The place was full of both happy and painful memories.

His moment was ruined by a couple of running boys, that were chasing each other and yelling loudly. Snape resisted the urge to snap at the brats and groaned instead. The castle would be so much better if it was empty...

And then he saw her. She was standing by the door of the DADA classroom talking to some girls and laughing.


But no, it couldn't be Lily, of course. Lily was gone. The girl was a bloody doppelganger though. Her face, her smile even her laughter, so similar. Severus studied the girl, probably 6th or 7th year, Gryffindor of course, a bit shorter than Lily was, her hair fiery red - not natural, must be dyed, her eyes fierce blue, her features slightly sharper, but still the resemblance was striking.

The girl glanced at him and caught his studying gaze. She brushed her hand through her hair nonchalantly and her smile turned playful, even seductive.

"Hey, Handsome! See something you like?" she called out to him.

Oh, God. The doppelganger was flirting with him! The ballsy straightforward approach was so not like Lily. Severus was still wearing his muggle clothes and apparently, he was mistaken for a student. He should put the daring girl in her place, tell her he is a Hogwarts Professor and will be treated with respect!

But before he did any of that, the blood rushed to his cheeks and quickly turned away shamefaced. Yep. Nailed it!

He heard the girls giggling as he hurried away in embarrassment. Albus, what the hell did you get me into!

He made his way to the tower, not stopping for any more sightseeing. God forbid more girls will decide to flirt with him, he was so not prepared for that. And he was here for business, after all. He knocked on the door to Headmaster's office and waited to be invited.

The door opened on its own and he was greeted with a warm familiar smile on Dumbledore's face. "Severus, do come in!"

Snape entered the Headmaster's office feeling nostalgic again. The last time he was here, it was actually for punishment. Slughorn refused to deal with him in his 7th year and kept sending him to Dumbledore for discipline. But of course, the only thing the Headmaster ever did was talk to Severus in an attempt to have the boy open up to him. Obviously Severus never did. Not until it was too late...

But even after everything he did, how many times he proved to be a lost cause, Dumbledore never gave up on him. The man's persistence was almost annoying. Except it was the only thing that kept Severus going. He fidgeted slightly, feeling like he was here to be lectured again, before reminding himself, that he was not a student anymore. He was an employee.

"Lemon drop?" Albus offered the candy, smiling knowingly at the obvious discomfort of the younger man.

Oh, there are likely to be some lemons dropped in this fic. But not now, and definitely not involving you, Headmaster. Severus shook his head, just like he did a hundred times before.

"You've seen Harry?"

"I did," he nodded, "The boy is perfectly fine." It was not a lie. Though for some reason, Severus couldn't get the sad look the boy gave him, out of his mind.

"Excellent! I trust you had no trouble with his guardians?"

"I was not exactly welcomed. Petunia is not happy about the way you forced a kid onto her," Snape gave him a pointed look. He was not happy about that either. "But the important part is, that the boy has glasses now and he is not mistreated by them."

"Perfect," Albus said cheerfully, ignoring Snape's admonishing look, "Your private quarters are ready for you. I shall introduce you to the students during dinner tonight."

"I won't be here for dinner, Headmaster. I still have a lot of students' works to go through. I will introduce myself just fine," Severus waved his hand dismissively. He would never dare to give such a disrespectful gesture to Voldemort, but Dumbledore, on the other hand, always relished whenever Snape treated him as equal.

"Of course, of course, Severus. Do you need any help?" Headmaster asked, knowing full well that the younger man will refuse.

As expected, he shook his head and then stood up to leave.


Snape stopped at the door and turned to face Albus, a solemn expression on his face.

"Welcome back," the man said warmly, "Treat it as a new beginning."

Severus gave him a small smile, that turned into a sad one as he exited the office. You can't start a new chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.


Happy Easter, guys=)