I do not own these characters. They are owned by ABC and Disney.

Chapter 1

"Please baby sshh," Regina says as she tries to calm down her son Henry as he cries with all that he has in his little lungs. She hears grumbles from the other plane passengers as she tries her hardest to calm him down. His face is going redder from the crying and his face is scrunched up as he continues to cry. Regina is growing frustrated and embarrassed as more and more passengers turn their disgruntled eyes to her as her poor son continues to cry. Unable to tell her what is wrong. She tries his favourite toy. She tries to give him a bottle but the 8 month old just won't stop. She runs her hand through her hair as she tries to think of something else to try.

"God, can't you stop that crying," a passenger shouts from somewhere behind her.

"Sorry I am trying," she calls back meekly.

"Henry, are you hungry?" Regina coos as she tried to hand her son a piece of cheese to chew on. Henry slaps the cheese away and wails some more.

"Oh for god sake," the same passenger yells. Regina is on the verge of tears now. She is at her wits end. She is trying to move her life to Boston away from Maine where her husband had cheated on her their whole marriage and had abandoned her to go back to life as a high flying rich bachelor. He wouldn't even look at Henry. While she did love Daniel in the beginning she cannot believe she had wasted so much time on him. So when the chance to take a new job as a writer with a Boston newspaper she took the chance and left. Now it all felt very overwhelming as she tried everything that normally worked to get Henry to stop crying. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she internally begged her son to stop crying. She wanted to scream herself. Scream at the man who was shouting from the back, scream at the passengers across from her who keep rolling their eyes at her. She ran her hand through her hair again and closed her eyes.

"Hey there guy, what's all this racket?" Regina hears a soft voice coo beside her. Regina opens her eyes to find the most gorgeous creature she has ever seen in her life, squatted down beside her talking to Henry. And to her great surprise Henry was starting to stop crying and calm a bit. Henry eyes were fixated on the blonde woman beside them.

"Are you ok?" the blonde beauty says to Regina as she turns those sparkling green eyes to Regina.

"I... I don't know what to do?" Regina gushes. She cannot believe she has admitted that to a complete stranger but she has. Normally she is so composed and sure of herself but having this woman this close to her is making her feel things she has never felt.

"May I?" the blonde says as she gestures to Henry. Regina nods as Emma takes her son into her arms with such care.

"I'm Emma, by the way," the intriguing beauty says as she reaches a hand out to Regina. Regina takes the had offered to her and shakes it. It is the softest skin she has ever felt in her life. She looks at their conjoined hands fixated on the contrast of their skin colours. Regina's olive skin tones compared to this Emma's paler skin. Regina finally lets go of Emma's hand embarrassed by the length of time she was holding on but the blonde just gives her a reassuring smile. Regina's eyes turn to her son who is starting to calm more and more.

"About time," the passenger from the back shouts as Henry's crying has stopped and he is just whimpering now as he tries to get his breathing back under control.

"Can you take home for one second?" Emma says as she heads to the back of the plane to the guy who keeps shouting.

Both Regina and Henry watch as the blonde stomps off.

"Hey listen buddy, what don't you shut your mouth. Do you think your yelling at her is helping? Do you think she enjoys seeing her son in that state? Do you think for one second looking at her that she is doing that to her own child on purpose? NO. So why don't you so us all a favour and keep your "helpful insights" to yourself!" Emma says furiously as she stomps back up the plane to Regina. A few people clap at Emma while the man sits there with his mouth hanging open.

"Now how about I take that seat there beside you and see can I distract this guy for you while you take a moment for yourself?" Emma says as she eyes the seat beside Regina. Regina doesn't know what to say. She must look like a damn fool at this point not able to utter a word to this woman. She nods and moves her legs to allow Emma move in past her.

"Now little guy come here. Let's give Mommy a break for a minute," Emma says as she takes Henry back into her arms again and perches him facing her on her lap. She begins to make faces at Henry as the young boy cocks his head to the side trying to understand this new person who has taken him. Regina just watches astounded as Henry is normally not good with strangers. There are only a few people in Regina's inner circle, her parents and her best friend Kathryn. The only other person Henry would come in contact with was his babysitter Belle. That was it. And here he was sitting in the lap of a stranger smiling at the extraordinary blonde.

"Now tell me little guy why were you giving your poor mom such a hard time? Is it not much better to be like this and happy?" Emma asked as she tickled under Henry's chin.

"Henry," Regina blurted out not as her brain kicked back into working "and excuse my manners I am Regina." Regina smiles shyly at the blonde as Emma again turns those green pools onto her. Regina can never remember feeling like this around anyone but there is just something about the blonde.

"Well Henry and Regina it is very nice to meet both of you," Emma says with a glorious smile as she looks at them both when saying their names. Regina turns her head slightly to hide the mild blush she had when Emma smiled at her.

"You know Henry, you have a beautiful smile, just like your mom," Emma says to Henry as Regina again blushes. What is going on! She is never like this with anyone. Regina is just watching in wonder at what is happening before her eyes.

"So Regina, and Henry what takes you on this flight to Boston?" Emma asks her eyes not leaving Henry though the question is clearly directed at Regina.

"We are moving there," Regina responds easily. The frustration and stress she was feeling a few moments ago ebbing away the more she watches.

"Very cool," Emma says.

"You doing ok?" Emma says as she looks at Regina. Again Regina nods and slightly blushes.

"He is a great little guy," Emma says as she smiles at Regina. This causes Regina to take a deep relaxing breath. The nerves of having the entire plane hate her because Henry couldn't stop crying are flowing away from her, being pulled away by this miracle woman that landed beside her.

"May I be so bold to ask as to why the move?" Emma asks. Regina looks into the blondes eyes and for some unknown reason wants to respond with the truth to her.

"Fresh start," is all Regina can muster out. Emma nods in understanding. She had already spotted the tan line on her finger from a removed wedding ring she presumed.

"Why are you flying today?" Regina asks wanting to move the conversation from herself and also to find out more about the blonde.

"I am heading home," Emma says with a smile.

"So you are from Boston?" Regina continues.

"Yep, all my life really," Emma says "apart from when I went to university."

"What is it you do?" Regina asks growing more and more curious about the blonde.

"I am an architect," Emma responds. Henry has now started to relax more and is actually cuddling into the blonde. Regina realises what is happening.

"Oh Emma sorry, let me take him," Regina says as she moves to take her now sleepy son from Emma.

"He is ok. I miss this age," Emma says back.

" You have children?" Regina asks. Feeling a little drop in her stomach to think that Emma has someone. Of course she has, how can anyone that wonderful not have someone.

"I have. A little girl. Alex. She is my world. So needless to say that I have experienced what happened earlier," Emma says turning more to the brunette as Henry begins to sleep against her.

"Is she here somewhere with your husband?" Regina says blushing at her forward question. Emma smiles as she spots Regina's blush. She can't believe she just asked that. Emma smiles at the question.

"No she is in Boston. Her other mother left us before she was born so it is just the two of us," Emma says as she gently rubs Henry's back. Emma saw the little tell in Regina's breath when she told her she had a child. She hopes telling her a bit about herself will get the brunette to open up a bit more.

"She never fell asleep like this for me on a plane though," Emma laughs. Regina smiles at the sound of Emma's laugh.

"He has been through a lot lately. Lots of change," Regina says as she again tries to cool her emotions. Regina begins to rub Henry's back too. Emma loves the way Regina is looking at Henry. It is such a beautiful look on the brunette woman. As Regina relaxes against the seat she slowly begins to relax. Emma notices that she is kind of falling asleep so she leaves the chat for now, hoping to allow the tired brunette to get some rest. Regina drifts off to sleep without another word. Emma happily sits there holding a sleeping Henry allowing the pair to get some rest.

Author's note - Ok so this idea kept swimming around in my head so I started it along side the other story I am writing. Let me know what you think and if you would like me to continue this story as well.