Disclaimer in Chapter 1

Chapter 32

6 months later

Over the next few months, Regina and Emma really slowed down the relationship. They took dates on their own and with the kids, but cooled down a bit on the amount of time they spent together. In reality their relationship took off faster than they had intended and they wanted to slow things down. They both felt the same that this was a long lasting and possible marriage in the future, but after all that they went through they wanted to build it on a solid foundation.

Emma took the job at Mr. Golds and had grown a fantastic team around her over the past 6 months. She had a great group of young architects around her and was really enjoying the mentoring roll. In the past 6 months she had only travelled away once, for one day. She was really enjoying her role and had stuck up a great relationship with Mr. Gold. They had set up a scholarship fund for kids in foster care to help them through college. It had generated nationwide publicity for Mr. Gold's company which made him a very happy man. He did after all want to do some good in the world. Alex was thrilled having her mother around more often, it had such a positive impact on both of them that it still caused guilt in Emma that she worked so hard for so long not realising the other impacts it was having on her daughter.

Regina's career had blossomed too. She had written many great stories and was making a bit of a name for herself as a very reputable journalist. She was delighted that she had taken the chance on herself all those months back and moved to Boston and taken this job. Her confidence is building as she gets to take on the career she had always dreamed of. She had recently just applied to be a senior journalist where she was as an older journalist Ursula Octavia was going to be retiring and her jobs would be open. With encouragement for Emma she had applied. She was enjoying her life and watching her son grow and develop.

"So," Emma says as she curls her legs beneath her and sits on the couch after refilling their wine.

"So," Regina repeats with her eyebrow quirked.

"Are we going to talk about next week or no?" Emma asked. Killian was due on trial next week for the assault on Emma and the trespassing on Regina's property and stalking of Regina. Officer Mulan had done a lot of investigating and had found quiet a lot of evidence of Killian following Regina for a number of weeks. She had video evidence from security cameras and photos from traffic cameras. The case she built was quiet impressive.

"Awh, I don't know Emma. I had been enjoying pretending he didn't exist for a while you know," Regina responds.

"I know, and that's cool. We know what we have to do for next week we don't have to talk to about it," Emma says as she intertwines her fingers with Regina's hand that was resting on the back of the couch. Cora and Henry had taken the kids for the night to allow Emma and Regina some time together.

"It will be great when it is all over and we can put that all behind us," Regina says looking at the green eyes that take her breath away so often. To be honest she was nervous as she was afraid that going through trial may bring stuff up for them again. They had really worked through all that came up at the time. Spent time growing this relationship from where it was, they had had some pretty deep and challenging conversations but now it was worth it. Emma finally having stability in her life that she wasn't afraid that she was going to lose and run from at any minute, and Regina having someone she could trust and not leave her in her life again.

"What is it?" Emma says squeezing her girlfriend's hand.

"It's nothing really," Regina responds.

"Well then if it's nothing it should be easy to say," Emma says.

"It's just I am worried that this will bring up stuff for us again," Regina says not making eye contact.

"Gina baby, we are good. We are solid now. Yes it took us a while to get here but some of those hard honest conversations we had changed us both for the better," Emma says honestly.

"We are in this together for the long haul," Emma says moving towards her girlfriend and pressing a tender kiss to her lips, a promise that she was there and wasn't going anywhere. She had learned so much over that past few months. She had taken a few counselling sessions for herself to work on her thoughts that she was the one that had to save everyone.

"I'm here," she whispers into the little intimate bubble that they had created. Regina looks into those green eyes. Those eyes she is so in love with.

"I love you Emma Swan," Regina says. Thought this wasn't the first time this had been said every time Regina said it, it made Emma's heart flutter. She had been an asshole all those months ago and could've lost Regina but somehow she hadn't so anytime those words were said it really spoke to Emma's heart.

"I love you to Regina Mills," Emma responds as she kisses her again. The kisses are slow and deep. Over the past few months it is something they have spent a lot of time doing and these little make out sessions meant a lot to both of them. After their reconciliation they really went back to square one with their relationship. They went back to just dating no sex or staying over for the first two months they were back together. They had worked on the intimacy part of their relationship and the trusting of one another but both of them did now think they were solid. As the kiss ended Emma rested her forehead against Regina's.

"I just want to say that I know next week will be trying for us, but that I believe in us too. I know that if something comes up for me I will talk to you and likewise I trust you to come to me," Emma says as she rubs Regina's cheek.

"Yes baby, we are stronger than this," Regina responds.

"Now if it's ok with you I would really like to get you naked in my bed and make you scream my name seen as we have no children this evening," Regina says with a ravenous look in her eyes. This is the first time they are alone in over ten days and Regina really wanted her girlfriend. She had quiet the sexual appetite for Emma.

Emma stood immediately and pulled Regina from the couch and they found pleasure in one another's bodies for hours later.

One year later

"Regina baby, are you ready?" Emma calls up the stairs to her girlfriend. They had moved in together two weeks previously and were happily finding living together with their children was amazing. Henry was now toddling around the place and Alex was turning out to be a great big sister.

They were heading to a birthday party for Ruby and Dorothy's little boy Silas. He was a gorgeous little boy who had stolen both of his mother's hearts from the moment he came into the world. They had had a small wedding just before Silas was born, with Regina and Emma being the only witnesses to their vows.

"Yes dear," Regina says as she comes to the top of the stairs with Alex in toe. Alex had taken to matching Regina's outfits lately something that Emma found entirely adorable. So they were coming down the stairs in blue jeans and red shirts with black converse runners. Emma had noticed a bit more casual attire landing into Regina's wardrobe. Emma was delighted to find Regina relaxing more and she wasn't going to complain about Regina's ass in jeans that's for sure.

They headed to the party and to any onlooker looked quiet the pretty family. As they arrived they found Dorothy holding little Silas and smiling from ear to ear. Their little family was bringing out a different side in both Ruby and Dorothy. They had even moved to this lovely little house outside the city. If Emma didn't know any better she would swear that they were planning their next child too. She was so happy for them.

Ruby pulls Emma away as soon as she sees her.

"Well did you get it?" Ruby asks.

"Yep, picked it up yesterday it's perfect, I just hope she likes it," Emma responds. Ruby and she had used the excuse that there were getting party supplies to go out and buy an engagement ring for Regina. Emma had decided before they moved in it was something that she wanted to do, but then Regina asked her to move in with her and that took all their attention. Regina and Emma were having a date tonight. Regina's parents had moved to Boston shortly after Killian's trial as they heated being so far away from their family so the kids were staying with them for the night.

After the kids had thoroughly tired themselves out they drove them to Regina's parents' house. After a quick coffee with her parents they went home to get ready for their date.

"Emma babe, listen I know you were looking forward to the date but I really could just do with a night in, maybe a bath with you and just some time together," Regina says as they enter the house.

Damn, Emma thinks, she really wanted to propose and the restaurant had everything ready. She also knows Regina has been working very hard lately and Henry was going through a phase of not sleeping too well.

"Sure thing babe," Emma says as she places a kiss on Regina's lips. Thinking fast Emma decides she is doing this tonight.

"How about you go get ready and I will fill the tub for you," Emma says wrapping her arms around Regina's tiny body.

"MM, now that sounds good," Regina says, "but you will join me in there won't you?"

"Of course, get naked," Emma says as she smacks Regina's ass. Emma moves quickly and starts filling the tub, putting in Regina's favourite oils. She then lights loads of candles and dims the lights. She runs and grabs the flowers she had bought for their date and pulls the petals spreading them on to the ground towards the tub. She then stands there and waits for Regina. A few moments later the brunette comes in the door and gasps.

"Emma I wasn't expecting this," Regina says looking around the room lit with candles and spread with rose petals.

"Well this wasn't the way I wanted to do this but I am running with it," Emma responds going down on one knee as Regina gasps again.

"Regina Mills, you make me the happiest woman everyday just by sharing your day with me. I was drawn to you from the very moment we met on that flight and will always be grateful Henry was cranky allowing me the opportunity to approach you. I want to share the rest of our lives together because I can't imagine a day without you. Will you marry me?" Emma says as a tiny tear escapes her eye and she opens the box with the most beautiful ring Regina had ever seen.

"Yes," Regina whispers causing the blonde to cry further as stood to place the ring on Regina's finger and kiss her deeply.

The End

Just want to Thank you all for reading as this ends this story. Hope you all enjoyed it