Hey guys, Karmicwarlord here! Now you're probably wondering why I'm making another story. Well, like Path of Desolation, I've always wanted to make a Pokemon & Total Drama crossover fanfic since I read Xebla's story, Total Drama Pokemon Adventure, and was such a cool concept that I wanted to try. Now without further ado, let's begin!

{FreshTV Headquarters in Toronto, Ontario}

Chris and Chef were on an elevator heading up to the head producer's office where they have both been called to a have a private meeting with him. Chris was nervous as Chef really didn't care at all.

"Do you think I look nice?" Chris asked to Chef as he mentioned the clothes that he wears every season he did. Chef just gave him a raised eyebrow in response.

"Yeah, you're right, it's nice." Chris said as the elevator came to a stop and the doors open, showing a hallway. The two walked down the hallway until they reached the lead producer's room was labeled as "Thomas Jackson: Lead Producer".

With a shaky hand, Chris opened the door to reveal a large room with blue carpet and white walls that are filled with awards he gotten. In the back, was a large desk with a man with brown hair & blue eyes with a black suit and red tie, drinking coffee. This was Thomas Jackson who looked up from his coffee and then at the two.

"Ah Chris & Chef, so glad you two are here on time." Thomas stated in a cool and calm voice as Chris sheepishly nodded.

"Nice to see you too, Mr. Jackson." Chris greeted sheepishly as Chef nodded also only, he wasn't as anxious like his partner, "You said you had something you want to talk about."

"Yes I did." Thomas said, "but first I have to ask you something? Do you remember when we started your probation and had Don do the Ridonculous race instead of another season?"

Chris gritted his teeth in hearing of Don. He despises Don ever since he was put on Probation and had the nerve to even named the Race after himself. But the biggest gut-puncher was when he HIS contestants, Geoff, Noah, & Owen, all competed in the race and Geoff won the whole stupid race. It made him angry to no end. However, he didn't want to piss off the producer and took a deep breath.

"Y-Yes, I do." Chris answered.

"And do you know why you were on probation?" Thomas asked as Chris was oddly had no answer to that. Instead, Chef answered for him instead.

"Is it because of the many times he tried killing the kids the last two seasons?" Chef answered as Chris looked at him shocked for saying that. Thomas however was satisfied at the answer.

"That's right Chef. You see Chris, the reason I hired you in the beginning was because I saw potential in you to be a good host for Total Drama and guess what? You've brought excellent results for the first 3 seasons as became our most popular show we've ever produced." Thomas explained as he got up from his desk and looked out from the window behind him.

Chris grinned in pride at what the producer told him. However, he grins went away the moment Thomas said something else.

"Then for season 4, you bring up the pleasant idea to dump toxic waste into the Camp Wawanakwa, turning all the animals there into rabid beasts. You said you would take responsibility if anything happened, so we allowed it." Thomas explained once more as Chris started to get nervous again at where this conversation was going.

"Then, after season 4 ended, the government showed up and arrested you for dumping waste and polluting the environment. We've got many complaints from them and PETA due to your idea. And then All-Stars came around…" Thomas paused when he said that and looked over his shoulder and gave Chris an aggressive stare. "I don't know what jail did to you in there but clearly you've changed and not for the better." Thomas said angrily as Chris was sweating bullets. "Not only did you make that season our least liked season yet because of your actions, but you also decided that letting a boy with an personality disorder, who turned out one of them to be a dangerous criminal, caused havoc and nearly killed one of the other contestants was a good idea, turning Ezekiel into a feral freak and not helping him, and for the finale, you made a dangerous challenge that we didn't agree on at all, risking the other contestants lives, and sinking the whole goddamn island in the process!"

At this point, Chris was shaking in fear while Chef just slowly shook his head at the sorry sight that was Chris right now. But Thomas wasn't done yet as he turned around to face him with an angry expression.

"And to top it all off in season 6, I gave you an 300 million dollar island for you to MAYBE salvage this show, but apparently you bring in yet another psychopath who tried blowing up the island to get the million dollars, all while, guess what, endangering another set of competitors lives and you did absolutely NOTHING to help them. What if they didn't stop the countdown? We would all be in jail, regardless if the contestants signed the contract or not, and would be all your fault!"

Chris shrieked as he got on the ground and bowed in front of Thomas' desk.

"I'm so sorry sir! I didn't mean to all that, I swear! Please don't fired me!" Chris exclaimed as Chef & Thomas rolled their eyes.

"Man, you are a sorry case." Chef stated as he was just embarrassed just seeing his partner like this. Thomas sighed, calming down as he finished his little rant to Chris.

"Get up Chris. I didn't bring you here to fire you nor did I bring you here to talk about your past mistakes. I brought you here to redeem yourself." Chris looked up at Thomas as he got up as he said.

"Um, what do you mean?" Chris asked, genuinely confused on what he meant.

"Well, you two weren't the only one I asked to be here. He should be here right about now." Thomas said as he looked at his watch to see if the other person he talked about would be here. Turns out, another person walks into his office just as Thomas looked at his watch. He was an old man who looked Japanese and was in his early 60s with short brown hair and wearing a black suit like Thomas but instead wearing a grey undershirt and black tie to go with it.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, you weren't kidding when traffic would be busy." The man sheepishly said as he walked up to Chris & Chef.

"Chris, Chef, this is Tsunekazu Ishihara, the executive producer for Pokemon." Thomas said as Ishihara laughed.

"Please, called me Ishihara, it's nice to meet you both." Ishihara greeted as he shook both of Chris and Chef's hands.

"Um, nice to meet you too." Chris greeted back, still confused about what's going on.

"What's this all about sir?" Chef asked as Ishihara walked over to Thomas's desk.

"You see, Total Drama was a big hit in Japan, especially when you flew there in season 3. Mr. Ishihara was a big fan of the show so when he got finished with a certain project he was working on, he decided he wanted to use it for the next season of Total Drama." Thomas explained. Chris rubbed his neck sheepishly.

"Cool, but um, what's the project he's been working on?" Chris asked.

"I'm glad you asked. Thomas, if you will." Ishihara said as Thomas nodded and turned on the large TV on the right wall of them. The TV turned on to reveal a group of scientists in a lab working on some kind of portal.

"To give some background, the Japanese government has been secretly working on portals that can be able to send anyone into a videogame they love to play in. It'll be the new era of immersive gaming." Ishihara explained as Chris rubbed his chin in thought.

"But that thing is huge. Wouldn't that be hard to like, fit in someone's house?" Chris asked as Ishihara chuckled.

"Yes, you are right. However, this one you see right now was built for the season that Mr. Jackson has green-litted." Ishihara explained once more as Chris looked at his boss in shock.

Green-litted!? You don't mean…"

"Yes Chris, I want you to host this season as a sort of test to see if you can be able you haven't gotten off the deep end." Thomas explained as Chris jumped in the air in excitement. He is back in business!

"However…" He was interrupted by Thomas's voice once again as he gave him yet another aggressive stare.

"If you somehow manage to endanger the contestants for this season, I will make Don replace you and host the rest of seasons. Permanently. Are we clear?" Thomas asked as Chris silently yelped but nodded.

"Yes sir. I won't let you down." Chris stated as Thomas smiled.

"Good, now you have two days to prepare for this. You and Chef will be at Phakitew Island for the beginning of this season as Ishihara will prepare the portal. Got that?" Thomas asked as Chris nodded once more.

"Got it. Come on Chef, we've got a season to prepare for!" Chris exclaimed as he and Chef walk out of the office. Once they got out, Ishihara began laughing.

"Here sure is a strange one." Ishihara stated as Thomas sighed.

"Yes, but I just hope he doesn't screw this up. If he can pull this off, this maybe the comeback this company needs, and Chris is the only one who can make it happen."

"Woohoo! You hear that Chef, we're back in business!" Chris exclaimed as Chef huffed.

"Yeah, I heard. I'm just wondering what you are going to do. You don't even know what Pokemon are." Chef said as Chris stopped for a moment, as if he was thinking.

"Well, I guess I'll look them up and see what they are." Chris said.

"You. Research? I didn't you even did stuff like that." Chef said sarcastically as Chris glared at him.

"Listen, if we don't do this, he'll have *Don* replace me. Me! There's no way I'm letting that happen." Chris exclaimed in anger.

"We. More like you. I'm not the one in the hot seat with the bossman." Chef said.

"Not the point! Point is, I'm going to make sure this season is so good, ratings will be soaring into outer space!" Chris yelled as Chef sighed.

"Alright. You better know what you're doing man." Chef said as he and Chris got in the elevator.

"Trust me, I'm Chris McLean. I'm always knowing what I'm doing." Chris said as the elevator doors closed.

"3, 2, 1, Action!"

"Welcome back Total Drama fans! Your favorite host, Chris McLean, is back for another season. Now, you're all probably wondering where I was for the past year. You see, me and the producers have just collab with a certain company you might all know. Pokemon! Yes, you heard me right, Pokemon! And we're bringing every single contestant who was ever competed on Total Drama for not one, not two, but three million dollars! There will drama, heartbreak, and tons of action you will probably only see on this show. Who will be the very best like no one ever was? And who suffered the ultimate humiliation? Find out right now on Total! Drama! Pokemon Exploration!

And cut! Here is the setup for the story. With all the stories I've read on this crossover, it always just starts off with Chris introducing the season right away. I wanted to give a little backstory on how this season came to be and who Chris's producer is. Now for the next chapter will be introductions for all three generations of Total Drama. That may take some time, but don't worry. As soon as I'm finished with that, I'll finish up the next chapter for Path of Desolation.

As always, don't forget to comment or give criticism on something I can work on, and I'll see you all next time!