Hey guys I am trying to pick up writing again! Ive been away for awhile and find writing so much fun. So this story is Sullivandy because why not! They have such great chemistry and I believe that they will be together soon but couldnt wait any longer.

*Set after Ripley gets admitted and is in a room waiting for surgery*

Andy was pacing in the hallway trying to get a hold of Hughes.

"Where the hell is she! Does she not realize that her boyfriend is in the hospital. I can not believe she's been seeing the chief. Did anyone know?" Andy said franticly.

She stops pacing when Sullivan says nothing and gives her a knowing look.

"Oh my god. You knew. I mean yea I guess you knew he's your friend and your captain." Andy said while starting to pace again and trying to call Vic again. "This is really bad Robert."

Sullivan was taken back that she called him Robert. She normally just calls him Captain or Sullivan.

"Andy can you just stop and sit down for five minutes?" Sullivan said while placing his hands on Andys shoulders to steady her. "You are going to tire yourself out and then you won't be much help when she does get here. Now she is probably still cleaning up with the others. Did you manage to get a hold of any of the crew?"

"No I don't even know who would be with her. Warren is here, I could send him out to look." Andy said running down the hall to find warren.

"Andy wait…" Sullivan said trying to stop her before she left. "God damn it."

'Why can't I just tell her already. I can't tell her because I'm her boss, and she's one of closest friends. Actually she's one of my only friends. If I told her everything would be ruined. If she didn't want me back… I would loose her as a friend and maybe even more.'

Later that night the crew found Vic and are waiting for Ripley to get out of surgery. After a long and intensive surgery Maggie finally comes out to update everyone on how he's doing.

"He's ok but he had a tough surgery. He is going to be in the ICU for the next 48 hours until we know he is ok and can move him to recovery."

Vic is almost in tears clinging onto Travis. "Can I go see him?"

"They will only let family in the ICU" Maggie informed her

"Please Dr. Pierce, I'm his… I'm his fiancé. I need to see him. I was so mad at him because he didn't show up this morning and its because he was fighting for his life. Please I need to see him." Vic manages to get out.

"Ok, but everyone else has to stay outside the glass. Come with me."

Maggie brings the crew up to see Ripley and allows Hughes in the room to be with him. Everyone else just watches from the glass. Being in a situation like this again for Sullivan is hard. He sees what can happen to the people you care about so easily and doesn't think he wants to not be with the one he cares about. First his wife and now one of his oldest friends. Time is limited so why not spend it together. Screw the consequences because for the first time since his wife dying he's found someone he could be happy with, who makes him smile, laugh, and feel alive again.

He leans down and whispers in Andys ear, "Andy, can you come with me?"

She mearly looks up and sees he's upset so she gently responds with a, "Yea of course."

*Insert excited GIF* I know its short, like toooo short. Leave feedback and tell me if I should continue! In the process of writing the second chapter but i wanted to release a little bit to get it out their! Hope you all enjoyed!