"All right class," Miss Bustier chimed, "We're going to start a project that starts tomorrow. For today, each one of you should pick out a partner."

Everyone in the class immediately started walking around, choosing their partners. Alya partnered with Nino, Mylene with Ivan, Rose with Juleka, etc. In the back of the classroom, Marinette turned to Adrien.

Adrien cheeks collected a light pink dusting as Marinette gave him a "aren't you gonna ask me" look.

"Wa-wanna be my partner?" He stuttered, rubbing at the back of his neck.

"Of course." Mari purred.

"Adri-kins!" Chloe screeched, "Let's be partners!" Chloé gave Adrien a big hug in which he wriggled out of.

"Sorry Chloe," he said sheepishly, "But I'm already partners with Marinette."

Chloe gave Marinette a fierce glare and recieved a dug smile in return.

"Oh! I understand now. I bet she asked you and you said yes out of pity! Hah!" Chloe laughed.

Marinette smiled once more and ran a hand up Adrien's thigh, "Actually Chloe, Adrien asked me."

Chloe's face turned bright red as the whole class exploded into laughter. To her, the whole room faded away, all she could see was Marinette and her smug little smile.

As the bell rang, Chloe immediately got up and ran from the classroom. She didn't bother picking up her things, as she knew Sabrina would get them. Tears streamed down her cheeks as each bit of laughter, each gift she got Adrien, each daydream she had of him slid out of her eyes and vanished. Her love of him made her heart ache, her fists clench. That stupid Marinette, that awful Marinette. She had ruined everything!!!

There was no one chasing her to ask her to come back. No one who cared for how she was feeling. Well, maybe Sabrina. But Chloe didn't even want to have to make her comfort her then. She knew that her wrath would make her sad, and she couldn't do that to the poor girl.

Chloe finally slowed down her running, slowing to a jog, a walk, a halt. She crouched down on the ground and buried her face in her arms, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Are you alright?" A male voice asked, laced with concern. Chloe looked up, startled, to see Luka standing there with his hand extended towards her.