Beginning Notes

Here's the Shuri and Peter meme buddies fic! This is going to be a collection of little one-shots, so the chapters won't be that long. Hope y'all like it, and all characters belong to Marvel.


Finally! Holidays! He was free from school for two whole weeks! Peter thought. As he was walking home, his phone rang. It was Tony Stark. 'Hello Mr. Stark,' Peter said. 'Peter, the Avengers are having a gathering in Wakanda in two days. Will you be there?' Tony said. 'Of course Mr. Stark,' Peter answered. 'Okay, good. Make sure you're at Stark Towers at 7 o'clock.' 'Yes, thank you Mr. Stark, I'll be there.'

'May!' Peter yelled, as he ran into the living room. 'Yes?' she asked. 'Can I go to Wakanda with Mr. Stark?' 'Spider-man thingy?' 'Yeah, an Avengers gathering.' 'Sure, but don't stay there longer than three days okay?' she said. 'Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you,' Peter said, and kissed his aunt on the cheek. 'When are you leaving?' 'In two days,' Peter said. 'That means we still have time for a movie night!' May said. 'Sure, you can choose, but please, not any old and boring movie,' Peter pleaded. 'Yeah, yeah, I get it, no old and boring movies,' May said in a slightly deeper voice, mimicking Peter.

Two days later he was sitting in the passenger seat as May drove him to Stark Towers. 'Bye Peter! Have fun!' she said as he got out of the car. 'Thanks!' Peter yelled back as he ran to the head entrance of Stark Towers, where Tony Stark was waiting for him. 'Hey, kid,' he said. 'Hello Mr. Stark.' Happy pulled up, and Tony and Peter got in the car.

They got to Wakanda and had a gathering. Nothing special really, except for Wakanda. Wakanda was so cool! All these awesome Vibranium gadgets, and the place just looked magnificent. After the gathering, Peter went to T'Challa, since he had never actually introduced himself to the king of Wakanda. 'Hello, T'Challa, Black Panther, sir, I'm Peter Parker.' 'Nice to meet you Peter, you can just call me T'Challa by the way. How are you doing, Tony has told me about you.' 'Oh, I'm doing fine,' Peter said. 'I lied, I'm dying inside,' someone behind them sang.

'Shuri, could you stop it with the vines?' T'Challa said to a girl who walked up to them. 'Sorry, this is my sister, Shuri, she likes vines,' T'Challa explained. Before Peter could say that, actually, he also likes vines, Tony came and said: 'Come on, kid, I'll show you your room. Oh, hey T'Challa.' 'Hello Tony,' T'Challa answered. 'Bye,' Peter said, and walked with Tony to his room.

End Notes

So yeah, did you guys like it? That was just their introduction, so the chapters after this will have more Meme Buddies. So yeah, I'll see y'all then. Byeee :)